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Why isn't Alec Baldwin charged with manslaughter

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posted on Dec, 24 2021 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Baldwin has been kicking around since before betty got her boop and should know enough about handling prop guns from The Shadow. Wave a gun around and someone is going to get john eric hexumed. Baldwin was his sloppy irresponsible self on a b movie set and unfortunately someone died. It's unfortunate and the actor's response has been cold blooded and business like but he's probably not criminally liable.

Hope he gets sued civilly for sure.
edit on 24-12-2021 by ConcernedCanadian because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2021 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Same reason Trump isn't responsible for all the COVID deaths in this Country.

Ask yourself, was he negligent and was it his responsibility.

I'm sure charges are coming for some in the shooting and then A JURY WILL DECIDE. Not social media.

I'm sure Joey is hoping Don isn't charged with those 200K deaths. Joey has about 600K on his watch. DERP!

posted on Dec, 24 2021 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

I read where he stated that he did not pull the trigger.

If they used authentic handguns on set, that means single action. Someone correct me if I am wrong here but if,

the trigger is already squeezed while pulling back the hammer and released, wouldn't the gun instantaneously fire?

I don't own any single action.
edit on 24-12-2021 by Antisocialist because: (no reason given)

If that's the case, the knucklehead needed training before he ever picked up the weapon.

Negligent homicide.
edit on 24-12-2021 by Antisocialist because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2021 @ 08:34 AM
I'm in a hurry today with it being Christmas eve and John Schneiders video explaining it with a real firearm. There's not gonna be any questions in your mind after watching his video...easy Youtube search. And yes, if trigger is held back and gun is trying to be cocked as soon as you let your thumb off the hammer it's not going to hold hammer back, easing it down it want fire...not knowing and just letting it go will.a reply to: Antisocialist

edit on Decemberam31b202121527 by Fatboy527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2021 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: Fryguy

originally posted by: Mandroid7
Did the cop typically fake shoot people with a prop gun?

No, they typically use a taser. Trying to justify manslaughter in the name of political bias much? Nice try, sicko.

A lot of assumptions made there, princess
...Mixed with and absolutely retarded case comparison.
I guess should've been more specific for the slow people.
You're emotionally comparing apples and hand grenades.

The cop didn't have a prop gun handed to him.

Christ, if you haven't noticed an avalanch of stupid distraction cases going on right now, you are lost.

There probably wasn't even an actual shooting.
Have you watched his stupid, bad acting response?
"I didn't pull the trigger!"

Looks like intentional bad acting.

posted on Dec, 24 2021 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: Brotherman

originally posted by: Archivalist

originally posted by: Mandroid7
Did the cop typically fake shoot people with a prop gun?

What cop?

Did Baldwin "fake shoot" someone? Weird, I guess they "fake died" too, huh? Since they were fake shot and all...

According to the official narrative Baldwin wasn’t even supposed to fire the pistol in the scene being filmed 😮 but actors fake kill people all the time.

It's true, they do. However this wasn't a fake gun. It was real and Alec just grabbed it and pointed it and pulled tje trigger.

What an idiot. Has he never had any gun safety training?
In every job where accidents could happen you get trained.
When I worked in the lab, the person who used any machine before me was supposed to leave it in a ready state, was protocol for me to check anyway. If I didn't and something went wrong it would have been MY fault. Even though it was supposed to be clean and ready.

Who grabs a gun, points it and pulls the trigger without checking it for themselves?

Only a moron or a murderer.

Duhh duuh 🤪

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