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The Foo Fighter Mystery

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posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: Bigburgh

Indeed, old Paul Bennewitz had some in his living room!

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 12:04 AM
Nice Xmas present, MM

Fascinating thread on an infamous phenomenon that I have never really looked at in detail before.

I'm always reminded of the Kaikoura Lights case from December 1978, which could be a more modern sighting of the same WWII lights/objects - seen and filmed by a TV crew during two consecutive flights.

(PS: Now that the Travis Walton case has bit the dust, Kaikoura & dear 'ole Bob Taylor (1979) are probably my Top Two UFO cases after all the dust is settled.)

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
a reply to: karl 12

Some discs as well mate.

Your right. There have been brook and mortar types reported as well.

I would be interested to know whether foo fighters were seen on Radar and whether those orange and red balls showing up at the nuclear sites were also seen on radar. What I've read says foo fighters weren’t seen on radar. As of now, I’m in the middle of UFO and Nukes by Robert Hastings and there I’ll look to see whether those lights were seen on radar or not.

i don't know about the foo fighters showing up on radar. but i do recall reading long ago about strange radar anomalies seen during the war. where radar was showing objects higher and faster than the aircraft at the time. they also had a name for them (not foo fighters), but i can't rightly remember the name they gave them atm.

when looking at one, such as foo fighters you should also include the other, the radar anomalies. since it would seem likely that both could be connected.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:19 AM
edit on 12/22/2021 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: ConfusedBrit

There are also other strange luminescent anomalies such as the Marfa Lights in Texas,the Brown Mountain Lights in North Carolina, the Min Min Light in Australia, and Hessdalen Lights in Norway.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

There have never been any documented reports released on foo fighters except by the Allies ( excluding the USSR).
If you don't believe me then go find me a detailed officially released report from Germany, Japan or Russia on the Foo Fighters.

That doesn't mean that these fireballs of light weren't/aren't a genuine phenomenon. Or that Axis forces didn't witness them during the war. But the fact that there are no records poses questions about their origin.

You've obviously done your research Mirageman and I'll take your word for it

As someone who has been 12" from having a white type come at us like a bullet and then in an instant right between my and my friends faces I can pretty much assure you these fireballs of light are a genuine phenomenon.

This thread is totally fantastic, thanks so much for opening it. Should have more to add to it in the next fortnight and it's an inspiration to go and see if I can make contact with some of them. If I can make contact I'll post the footage here

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 08:29 AM
Possible Foo Fighters in WW1 "“.my engine was missing irregularly and it was only by keeping the speed of the machine down to 50 mph that I was able to stay at 10,000 feet. It was at this time when I distinctly saw an artificial light to the north of me, and at about the same height. I followed this light northeast for nearly 20 minutes, but it seemed to go slightly higher and just as quickly as myself, and eventually I lost it completely in the clouds.”

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: billxam
I've had an encounter with the foo fighters in the late 70s and pretty much saw them launched. I managed to get a good scope on two of them - they're the damnedest thing I've ever seen. Spooky quiet and very shiny. Additional details upon request.

Requested please
Very interested in the experience when you "pretty much saw them launched."

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 02:15 PM
Here’s a History channel short 2+ min overview of Foo Fighters featuring Dolan & Vallee…

It has motion footage….not sure if it’s dramatization produced footage or actual footage…nevertheless an interesting look at how they may have acted when near military aircraft.


posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 02:45 PM
I might have said orange fireballs over nuc sites, I think that is correct but also there were green fireballs

In late 1948, “green fireballs” were reported in the skies near-atomic laboratories in Los Alamos and Sandia, New Mexico, where the atomic bomb was first developed and tested. A declassified FBI document from 1950 mentions “flying saucers” measuring almost 50 feet in diameter near the Los Alamos labs. And Knapp has interviewed more than a dozen workers from the Nevada desert atomic test site, where scores of A-bombs were detonated in the post-WWII years. He says they told him UFO activity was so commonplace there, employees were assigned to monitor the activity

This is a great thread. Though we also need one on nuc site ufos.
Somebody might want to start that.

Anyway, it seems there is no limit on the coloring of fireballs or just lights in the annals of ufo lore.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 02:57 PM
The point may be that perhaps a lot of the foo fighter experience has overlapped into traditional exotic Lights in the sky experiences after the foo fighter era. Would that be a valid proposition?

Are the foo fighter lights similar to some of the incidents that have occurred in later times?

And since as mm says the experience was largely or totally confined to German and Japanese ariel fighters, what are the implications of that if any? Some may speculate therefore it's proof this was a german experiment of some kind. I think Germany denied that.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

Fascinating. Thank you for this.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
a reply to: karl 12

Some discs as well mate.

Your right. There have been brook and mortar types reported as well.

I would be interested to know whether foo fighters were seen on Radar and whether those orange and red balls showing up at the nuclear sites were also seen on radar. What I've read says foo fighters weren’t seen on radar. As of now, I’m in the middle of UFO and Nukes by Robert Hastings and there I’ll look to see whether those lights were seen on radar or not.

I'm speculating that fiery-balled Foo Fighters do not show up on radar, because the fiery plasma simply absorbs radar waves --- which btw ---would make them radar stealthy.

Fire ball translation into German: Feuer Kugel

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Nice overview

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 07:38 AM
Consider both ww1 and ww2 we’re planned in advance by the ruling class... why would the advent of the foo fighters not also be a phenomenon they put forward. It’s part of a long running plan of which they have many which keeps them on top and us in ignorance. Those who respond are always a step behind.

a reply to: mirageman

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: Skepticape

High powered microwaves can cause a bragg condition to occur in various mediums. Also does fun things to the brain.

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: Skepticape
Consider both ww1 and ww2 we’re planned in advance by the ruling class... why would the advent of the foo fighters not also be a phenomenon they put forward.

Looking at it logically at least WW1 was not planned in advance by the ruling classes. Note I didn't mention WW2 but that was just a consequence of the initial violence. WW1 just developed because so called human beings are part of the Ape s who can't help but gang up on each other and have a go and then another, just ape nature

From there the idea that the foo fighters were also planned by the ruling classes......... Ok being honest and realistic about it and this is coming from the horses mouth, the foo fighters are something from out of this world, they are something quite beautiful to witness especially when a CE in pairs, they seem to be visible for a moment then disappear into the background scenery almost like the entities are squeezing through the visible scene, almost being pushed onto our visual plane, then zipping back into their own zone. They can give you a feeling of complete awe and a sense of oneness and it's a religious experience in own rights, then you get the radiant white mothership combined by the Angel light angle grinder white type ufo orb plus the red lighthouse type with the reds searchlight zipping around the floor scanning for something quite frenzied in its activity, the the amber orange types capable of morphing into a body builders dumbell, golfball white types that come at you like a bullet from a gun yet come to a stop in an instant 12" (yes twelve inches) from your eyes, something that make you and your friend yell out WTF and I mean yell out big style WTF as you bend your neck out backwards as it's so close to your face, then a rhombus yellow type comes strutting trowards you and as it moves each top piece of the rhombus shape moves like it has real shopulders band it has weird markings inside its inner centres like heiroglyphics then the radiant white mothership the size of two double decer buse on their sides buzzes you four times and as it depart it crop spray you with a rain of something like candyfloss / fine hair substance that descends very slowly and melts as it lands. If the ruling class who at least in the UK can't keep their affairs secret can orchestrate the above then fair enough, they did it lol. Yet being honest and realistic about it the foo fighters / UFO Orbs are something so bizarre and something so out of this world those same ruling classes, just like us mere mortals, will have no idea whatsoever about what is going in the skies above us

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 02:25 PM
I am not certain there is a simple answer for these foo fighters and/or BOLS [Balls of Light].

Trying to package them with one simple explanation is probably the wrong way to go about it. There are probably a number of different phenomena causing these sightings.

Some odd reports sneaked into the press towards the end of the war of silver balls with some in daylight.

Eugene Register Guard - Dec 13th 1944

Twin Falls Telegram - December 14th 1944 T

And then you have the strange crystal like orb found near El Vado Lake, NM that was pictured in Gabe Valdez's book 'Dulce Base'

It was only a theory, but he believed them to be secret military technology.

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: mirageman

Some odd reports sneaked into the press towards the end of the war of silver balls with some in daylight.

Eugene Register Guard - Dec 13th 1944

Twin Falls Telegram - December 14th 1944 T

Since both articles were written in mid December getting closer to Christmas…….perhaps they were writing about these….


edit on 23-12-2021 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2021 @ 01:39 PM

"Flying saucer books of the 1950's usually mentioned foo fighters and recounted the sightings of Allied servicemen. Later, due to the extraterrestrial hysteria, publications tended to omit descriptions of foo fighters, preferring to begin the tale of flying saucers with Kenneth Arnold in 1947."

"The U.S. military, too, has always denied knowledge of foo fighters. Numerous Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests have been filed, for instance, by this writer as well as other researchers asking for information on foo fighters. A 'no record' response always followed.

All U.S. governmental agencies queried claimed that they had never heard of foo fighters. This happened in spite of the fact that all known alternate names for foo fighters were submitted as well as a detailed description of the device itself. This was the situation untill the late 1990's."

source: Hitler's Flying Saucers --- except from book by Henry Stevens
edit on 24-12-2021 by Erno86 because: typo

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