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Pulled off an airplane because he might get C-19 in the future

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posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

The thing is we are terrorist health threats now, jabbed or not. I ask you does anything in the paragraph below make any sense? Other than that they can claim anything as an excuse to throw you in quarantine.

The spokesperson said it was possible many of the positive cases were among vaccinated people, or that an unusual number of people developed infections after having tested negative.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 01:28 PM
When did we live in Nazi land? I mean you can't make this crap up fast enough it is so creepy. So you are fine, test negative but that isn't good enough. This isn't about health issues when you pass the tests. The tracking program is going to be harder and harder when people get beater phones. Without draconian Nazi laws they won't be able to force you to carry one they can pinpoint to you like in China.

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: 727Sky

Its not unusual for then to stop people if they think that they are trying to avoid quarentine by flying to another country first. For example flying to Canada and then on to the US.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 01:35 PM
US Politics the Bushes are founding family of the RINO/Demon-crat uni-party that stood by while they lied about JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations. Then CIA agents set up Nixon and gave us Jimmy Carter, that Biden is stealing the moniker from both Carter and Obama as worst POTUS in history. Biden wins hands down. He is worse if that was possible.

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: The2Billies

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain

This is complete unreasonable and put's everyone that likes to travel under suspicion that they "might get and might spread COVID one day".

Welcome to the "new normal" life on this planet.

It is the sort of thing that Biden supporters have been asking for, to happen to people.

Bet Biden voters think this is something we should be doing in the US.

Welcome to worldwide 24/7 surveillance, courtesy of big Tech, Google created much of it and sold it to China, looks like they sold it to others as well. Google's new slogan should be "Do maximum evil"

The last time something like this happened was after 9/11. That happened under a republican administration.

Suspect your neighbor was the refrain at the time.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
The tracking program is going to be harder and harder when people get beater phones.

No one is switching to beater phones, they wouldn't be able to s***post on social media and get their daily dose of outrage.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

As a retired PSY prof. I disagree it is voyeurism when people cheer people getting sick or hauled off flights etc when they either don't have a vaccine, or are vaxxed and were exposed to the virus but don't feel sick at all.

It is self-righteousness combined with people who think they are so intelligent, so wise, so special that they know what is best for everyone else. That everyone who doesn't think exactly as they do are ignorant and should be punished.

It is sadism.

They enjoy seeing other people miserable and seek for ways to make others miserable.

This is fairly typical of Biden supporters who are so certain they and their ideas are perfection and everyone who disagrees with even the smallest idea should be punished - and they enjoy watching them be "punished". Witness the cheering and glee when an influential person who is not vaxxed gets sick or dies, there is normally cheering and glee on the part of most liberals and Democrats.

This behavior mimics those of the dictators who enjoy punishing, even killing everyone they "rule" who disagrees with their ideology, ideas, and decrees as to how things must be.

edit on 12/16/21 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

The thing is we are terrorist health threats now, jabbed or not. I ask you does anything in the paragraph below make any sense? Other than that they can claim anything as an excuse to throw you in quarantine.

The spokesperson said it was possible many of the positive cases were among vaccinated people, or that an unusual number of people developed infections after having tested negative.

You have part of it right.

The current administration of the US and many nations think
that their masses/ peons/ citizens
are nearly all domestic terrorists
because they don't agree with every single little thing
those in control want them to.

The US is certainly among the nations who thinks
that if you aren't a liberal progressive
and didn't vote for Biden
you are most certainly a domestic terrorist.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: The2Billies
I won't disagree with a psychologic professor but from the viewpoint I look at it, is the same influence behind.
Sadism and voyeurism have in common the power difference. The voyeur feels empowered by the secret act of watching, it denies the victim the knowledge about himself, while the voyeur takes it all.

It is self-righteousness combined with people who think they are so intelligent, so wise, so special that they know what is best for everyone else. That everyone who doesn't think exactly as they do are ignorant and should be punished.

You sure you are a retired psy prof? Because you do not sound like one with the above, very shallow approach. I am serious on this, I spoke to psychologist before, biz and private none of them would ever churn out such a flat diagnosis that rationalizes a human being down to these two sentences, let alone voice judgement about it.

I don't believe you.

Have you read the quote from wikipedia in my post? There it says statistically people that enjoy voyeurism are often very law abiding and moral. A "moral apostle" is the same and has to have these voyeuristic treats too. It's a power thing just like partly with sadism. They exercise power via proxy (the law).

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

Can Someone please post the actual source of this news?

Everything I searched showed a couple, or at least 2 humans running away from NL via plane, to go to sunnier pastures due to covid crap, ie a , if memory serves 28 year old Portuguese woman and a 30 year old Spanish man escaping from a quarantine 'hotel'

I saw nothing on this particular story.

Thank you in advance.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

It's ok you don't believe me. I still believe TPTB who created this virus and are creating a world wide oppressive totalitarian regime to control every aspect of every individuals life are sadists.

Yes, I taught in both community colleges and in some major Universities. My spouse was military so I moved around a lot.

I learned to speak to students on their level in community college. I also know that in general on social media sites, the conversation is on a 10th grade level, on this site, some lower, most higher. However, know your audience. I always was the top rated Prof. wherever I went. Why? I spoke on the level of the students and related to them where they were at so they could learn without struggling to understand what I was teaching them.

When I volunteer teach parenting at the local homeless shelter for families, I teach on a 3rd grade level, very very simple. When I taught a parenting class to a bunch of engineers, I taught on a graduate school level. I am always very practical, and want to begin teaching at a level that everyone in the room can understand and appreciate.

By the way that wasn't a diagnosis. I wasn't diagnosing anyone at all. I was generalizing about a group and what I saw, my opinion, of their collective tendency. Sorry if it hurt your feelings that I disagreed, no put down intended, I just saw it differently than you did.

Disagreement is a good thing. Challenging people's thinking is a good thing. I wish more people could do what we used to in the "old days", disagree with vigor and have fun doing it, and remain good friends. Sadly, those days are long gone and society is much worse off for it - because an exchange of ideas is what produces the best results, nearly always.

Another thing I disagree with is that Wiki is a decent source, it is crowd sourced and often biased and sometimes downright wrong. I made every college class write a paper using real journal articles as their source and did not allow Wiki or the internet as a source, unless it was an article printed in a scientific journal.

BTW, a personal insult in an answer is always the sign of a weak intellect when giving an answer or reply. It says, I can't think of any real rebuttal, so I'll insult you to make you think I have an intelligent rebuttal. Too many people mistake insults as clever when they are a sign that one has nothing of value to say. Just some info to help you in the future create a better and more challenging response when you disagree with someone.

edit on 12/17/21 by The2Billies because: format

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: The2Billies
Another thing I disagree with is that Wiki is a decent source, it is crowd sourced and often biased and sometimes downright wrong. I made every college class write a paper using real journal articles as their source and did not allow Wiki or the internet as a source, unless it was an article printed in a scientific journal.

For someone who allegedly taught at the collegiate level you'd know that a Wiki page typically has several peer reviewed sources. But good on you for making the kiddos use the Encyclopedia Britannica like it was 1899.

edit on 17-12-2021 by AugustusMasonicus because: dey terk er election

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: The2Billies
Another thing I disagree with is that Wiki is a decent source, it is crowd sourced and often biased and sometimes downright wrong. I made every college class write a paper using real journal articles as their source and did not allow Wiki or the internet as a source, unless it was an article printed in a scientific journal.

For someone who allegedly taught at the collegiate level you'd know that a Wiki page typically has several peer reviewed sources. But good on you for making the kiddos use the Encyclopedia Britannica like it was 1899.

Ah yet another response that reflects the intellect of it's writer! Gotta love ya, you are very consistent.

Wiki is still unreliable as it IS crowd sourced regardless of if some people reference journal articles. Any student of mine would get an F for using Wiki as a source. Journal articles can be found on the internet, but are not published or written by internet "contributors".

You and I will never get along, and that is perfectly ok with me. I generally ignore you, as insults, and what you think are cutting quips, are your trademark, in place of well constructed and thoughtful intellectual answers. I get that is your way, not mine, but that is ok.

I think that the OP is a clear indication of the sadism of TPTB and their desire to rule with an iron fist and to suppress all disagreement with anything they think is correct and the way things should be. Today's politicians are positive they are the most intelligent, wise and always correct people on the face of the earth, and the rest of us are just stupid ignorant peon masses. Especially liberal politicians who really want to squash and destroy anyone who disagrees with the slightest idea, ideology or newly minted morality, they hold as THE one and only way to think and speak. They are sadists who love to destroy people who don't agree with them 100%, which makes them inherently and systemically evil and more dangerous than Hitler, Stalin, Mao, or Pol Pot combined as far as I am concerned.

edit on 12/17/21 by The2Billies because: addition

edit on 12/17/21 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: The2Billies
Wiki is still unreliable as it IS crowd sources regardless of if some people reference journal articles.

LOL, I didn't say to use Wiki, I said Wiki had peer reviewed footnotes. It was a really short sentence, not sure how you screwed that up.

edit on 17-12-2021 by AugustusMasonicus because: Help me....I'm clotting up at altitude!

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 05:17 PM
Think this case was about the guy and his girlfriend.

they where tested negative multiple times , they even got the go ahead to leave from security at the quarantaine hotel.

then they got pulled off the plane and held in a hospital , after another negative test they finally let them leave.

The Dutch government is all over the place with the corona rules , months ago they pushed the youth to "go dance with Johnson"
in dutch " dansen met jansen"

Meaning , you get the jab ( 1 shot for fully vaxxed) during the day you can go party that same evening in the club.

Now they saying it needs 2 weeks to start working ( Duh ) and everyone who has taken only 1 johnson shot is not protected anymore and they get their vaxx passport pulled.

Also some situations where government officials and royalty did not care about the rules , the minister of justice had a wedding while everyone else was in lockdown.

And recently the crownprincess turned 18 and had a party with up to 100 people allegedly.
Now they did held it outside , everyone was vaccinated and they tested before hand.

But still thats not the point , everyone else is in lockdown again , and can't have gatherings with more then 4 people.

They are trying too hard , they wanted to solve covid yesterday , thats not how it works though.

There is a chance they shut everything down tommorow again , meaning no income for small businesses in the holiday period , they get government support but thats just a loan basicly.

I don't go out much anymore , so i am not that bothered by the lockdowns and curfews , but it is sad for those people that want to but cannot because the government keeps jumping from one train to the other.

edit on 17-12-2021 by TheGreazel because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-12-2021 by TheGreazel because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Because there is an equivalence between organized groups of attackers sponsored by terrorist organizations that flew airplanes into buildings, and the common cold/flu.

Tit for tat, right?

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

BTW, a personal insult in an answer is always the sign of a weak intellect when giving an answer or reply. It says, I can't think of any real rebuttal, so I'll insult you to make you think I have an intelligent rebuttal. Too many people mistake insults as clever when they are a sign that one has nothing of value to say. Just some info to help you in the future create a better and more challenging response when you disagree with someone.

Challenging you on what you wrote is not insult. If you classified this challenge as a "rebuttal", you sure can explain exactly what that "retribution" was for. Evidently you treat this conversation as a fight, a measurement of knowledge because I dared to challenge you on your flat sentences that are hinting on you not being completely honest here.

"psy prof"... psychologist or psychiatrist? You omited that, someone being one of the two would have an interest clarify that just for the reason of relating to the POV you come from.

Another thing I disagree with is that Wiki is a decent source

See Augustus post. You fall to the old deception that everything on a wiki is untrue and not be taken serious. These are starting points where you learn about names, techniques and sources and go from there. Simply refuting something without even having arguments against it because it's not the source you would have liked to be quoted. Is that what you learned when you became Professor?

I learned to speak to students on their level in community college. I also know that in general on social media sites, the conversation is on a 10th grade level, on this site, some lower, most higher. However, know your audience. I always was the top rated Prof. wherever I went. Why? I spoke on the level of the students and related to them where they were at so they could learn without struggling to understand what I was teaching them.

Also your veiled attempts at painting me a dumbass do not escape my attention. Sure you have to justify your flat and overgeneralizing sentence, because you had to write it that way, so I would understand.

That's thick.

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