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He's Here...

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posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 03:29 AM
Times are bad at the moment and it's going to get worse, then a man will appear who will seem like a saviour and he will be loved the world over. After a short time he will show himself to be the antichrist, when the murder of Gods children reaches a certain number it's over.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

I didnt even know about the statue, just googled it and spit out my coffee! it blew my mind I would understand a tiger in a protective stance maybe? but one ready to attack, bible/religion aside, it still doesnt indicate any peace or protectiveness.

creepy, its like they dont even care anymore what we all think, which idk is better or worse

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 05:59 AM

C'mon, ATS is better than this!

Let's not put pictures of children, labelling them as something terrible. This is a child - he can't help to whom he's born. Give the kid a chance to grow up and decide for himself who he is before sad frakkers like us start trying to decide for him. I'm definitely no royalist, but this is pretty sick and low.

Mods, I removed the members names from this pic quoted above as i don't want to single anyone out and we all make mistakes. It's not my place to say, but ATS, please draw the line at kids, no matter who they are, and remove those posts. Just seeing them makes me ashamed to be a member.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: Bigburgh

originally posted by: Granitebones

originally posted by: butcherguy
Antichrist or not…. Granitebones,
Nyiah and Luminari all have great avatars right now.

I didnt know I had an avatar

he's referring to your picture of that lady with the black tights.

And those boots.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: McGinty

C'mon, ATS is better than this!

Let's not put pictures of children, labelling them as something terrible. This is a child - he can't help to whom he's born. Give the kid a chance to grow up and decide for himself who he is before sad frakkers like us start trying to decide for him. I'm definitely no royalist, but this is pretty sick and low.

Mods, I removed the members names from this pic quoted above as i don't want to single anyone out and we all make mistakes. It's not my place to say, but ATS, please draw the line at kids, no matter who they are, and remove those posts. Just seeing them makes me ashamed to be a member.

That was me..

edit on 16-12-2021 by Bigburgh because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:30 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: Bigburgh

originally posted by: Granitebones

originally posted by: butcherguy
Antichrist or not…. Granitebones,
Nyiah and Luminari all have great avatars right now.

I didnt know I had an avatar

he's referring to your picture of that lady with the black tights.

And those boots.

That's how she was dressed when I first saw and knew she was a keeper right then.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: Granitebones

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: Bigburgh

originally posted by: Granitebones

originally posted by: butcherguy
Antichrist or not…. Granitebones,
Nyiah and Luminari all have great avatars right now.

I didnt know I had an avatar

he's referring to your picture of that lady with the black tights.

And those boots.

That's how she was dressed when I first saw and knew she was a keeper right then.

Quite right.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: Bigburgh

Indeed and no disrespect was intended. We all get to these place by small degrees, each one of us going only slightly further than someone else. It's only when you step back a moment you see just how far things have deviated. I certainly don't want to preach or condescend - i play my part in all of this as much as anyone. Any other day i might've been posting the same, but today for whatever reason it just struck me as 'where the frak have we all come to', so i'm being the preachy little bitch, but i stand by it being a step too far that we should all retreat from.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: Halfswede

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: WanderingMrM

I'm going to have to disagree with you, kitten. No offense, since this site is "doom porn" central, but I'm going to have to disagree.

We've gpot a lot going on in the world and some try to find an explanation for all the discord, drama and utter stupidity brought about by our elected morons.

It's easy to blame the anti-Christ for all of it because so many are (as the kids say) total dicks.

But we've had total dicks all throughout history.

History is written by and of total assholes. This era, epoch, time is no different.

100 years from now someone will be saying the same thing.

I'd put money on it.

The reality is that it doesn't really matter. One should be living in the most upright way possible regardless. Knowing or not knowing whether something is happening shouldn't affect one's behavior or choices. It can be a strong attachment/pursuit/diversion seeking something rather than just adhering to the principles.

Right on! It can be a huge distraction and frankly, depressing at times. I believe what the OP is pushing, and the “guardian of peace and security,” was new news to me. (thanks OP)
But I have been following this stuff for 40 years and have learned to let it go, just live my life the way I am supposed to.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: WanderingMrM

7+ billion people on this planet , Multiple religions control the Majority of them .

Islam , Judaism , Christianity , Hinduism etc etc .

But yet the Christians and there Anti-Christ will come out of the U.N. , Sounds oddly suspicious almost like a set of books I've read ....

The Anti-Christ is not a Christian construct.


In turn, the antichrist is manifested in religions that are both within and outside Christendom, some of which are identified below:

Roscicrucian Order ( AMORC )
The Grail Message (or Movement )
Hare Krishna
Aetheus Society
Traditional Religion
Sat‐Guru Maharaj Ji
Olumba Olumba Obu ( OOO )
Rainbow Focus
Hermetic Mystic Schools
Jesus of Oyingbo
Some Denominational Churches

edit on 16/12/2021 by Iamonlyhuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: themessengernevermatters

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: WanderingMrM
Sorry but no, the winged jaguar was just part of a mexican day of the dead collection. Like someone said: "Of course when Christians see this monstrosity, they are immediately going to think of the “beast” that is described in Revelation chapter 13…"

Well, here you are calling it a blatant sign because of your obvious predisposition.

They are going to think it, because the art fits the description. And Peace and Security.

I always hear people invoke it's just art whenever you have major corporations and government and NGO's create some really odd and down right creepy art. And there is the rub, all these organizations are extremely conscious of their public image, but always fail to see the bad optics, their supposed "random" choice in art generates. The Denver International Airport, Bank of America, the icon and imagery for the Vatican and the UN. At some point you have to assume in those cases they are suddenly rendered oblivious of their image or the creepy image is exactly what they are trying to convey.

Don't forget in front of CERN.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM

I'm thinking WW3 as well with 1 or 2 nukes going off at selected locations or a 1/4 to 1/2 earth scorched by something.

Ask your "sources" what the big problem is with your statement about the nukes

You are missing a very important piece of information about this topic. If they cannot/will not explain what the problem is to you, I would not trust anything you are being told

There is only a handful of people in this world who know this particular information

It is the reason that Trump suddenly went from threatening North Korea, to being best buddies with them

Let us see if "they" know

Or, if you can guess what it is

edit on 16 12 21 by Compendium because: Added something

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: Granitebones

originally posted by: butcherguy
Antichrist or not…. Granitebones,
Nyiah and Luminari all have great avatars right now.

I didnt know I had an avatar


posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: McGinty

My apologies, my intent as silly as it may seem. Is to figure out "Who" this person is. As you can see, I'm struggling to connect the dots in this thread.

It's not in the R.A.T.S. Forum, so I should be more careful about mention kids.

It's clear the point of the thread is that the Anti Christ is now here.

Who's here? And adult or child? Royalty? Old money and land owners?

At this point, the only thing I guessed correctly is the One of many statues at the U.N. and helped provide a link to a long GOP26 video.

I'll tone it down however when mentioning family lines that are underage.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 08:10 AM

originally posted by: tasher882
a reply to: WanderingMrM

I didnt even know about the statue, just googled it and spit out my coffee! it blew my mind I would understand a tiger in a protective stance maybe? but one ready to attack, bible/religion aside, it still doesnt indicate any peace or protectiveness.

creepy, its like they dont even care anymore what we all think, which idk is better or worse

Same here. Showed the wife, she shook her head "They don't even care anymore".

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: Bigburgh

No apology necessary - it's easy to get distracted or carried away once down these rabbit holes; have done so myself more than once.

And thanks for figuring out the statue and providing the speech link. I'm not really a believer in this topic, but even so i find it an interesting read

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
He will rise out of the U.N with the 10 Kings who will give power to him which will be the backing of most military forces of the world, they each have been given crowns by the beast. The beast will have the backing of the stars which will act as his financial ministry that will be centered somewhere in the E.U which will give him trillions at his disposal.

Also yes it is a male and yes they have announced him, he will soon reveal himself as a man of ultimate peace and rebuilder but end up being worse than any dictator known to man. Even Stalin, Hitler and Mao will be jealous of his kill count and how effective his genocide will be!

No one is ready peeps and I mean no one! 2022 will make 2021 seem like a boy scouts picnic.

The antichrist prophecy storyline is sooooooo self destructive. One day there will be a person who speaks for peace and love in every language used by mankind, but do not be swooned by such a person as they are evil incarnate!

It leaves the only option as... Instead follow and choose as leaders those who champion war and conquest for they cannot be the antichrist!

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: tasher882
a reply to: WanderingMrM

I didnt even know about the statue, just googled it and spit out my coffee! it blew my mind I would understand a tiger in a protective stance maybe? but one ready to attack, bible/religion aside, it still doesnt indicate any peace or protectiveness.

creepy, its like they dont even care anymore what we all think, which idk is better or worse

It is because they destroyed all morals, all spiritual sense and ensured that humans no longer notice things. So, here we are entering the age where the world will face the beast and his system at full force. I hope people will be at least a little bit ready!

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
He will rise out of the U.N with the 10 Kings who will give power to him which will be the backing of most military forces of the world, they each have been given crowns by the beast. The beast will have the backing of the stars which will act as his financial ministry that will be centered somewhere in the E.U which will give him trillions at his disposal.

Also yes it is a male and yes they have announced him, he will soon reveal himself as a man of ultimate peace and rebuilder but end up being worse than any dictator known to man. Even Stalin, Hitler and Mao will be jealous of his kill count and how effective his genocide will be!

No one is ready peeps and I mean no one! 2022 will make 2021 seem like a boy scouts picnic.

No one is ready you say?

Thats the beauty of being a true believer.

Not only am I ready, I look forward to the return of our Lord Jesus……

The AC only means the Real C is on the way.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: hjesterium

the pattern i see your post detailing... is that all the leadership personalities in public position have at least one Quality in their personality would be envied by the anti-christ beast ... but none in history had every evil trait to become the Anti-Christ itself

the AC seems to be asexual, nonreligious, deluded, narcist, but 'loved' by devoted followers... 4th Reich adherents

OTOH; the Apollyon (Abaddon) king of Abyss, might be the one to possess the Peace-Maker & charming Dictator-in-waiting...i.e. A C

edit on th31163967587116312021 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

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