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He's Here...

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posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: fishbird

Ancient civilizations recognized 36 groups of stars called decans. But notwithstanding that the world of matter is boundless for us, it still is finite; and thus materialism will turn forever in this vitiated circle, unable to soar higher than the circumference will permit. The cosmological theory of numerals which Pythagoras learned from the Egyptian hierophants, is alone able to reconcile the two units, matter and spirit, and cause each to demonstrate the other mathematically.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM

originally posted by: Granitebones
Do you know what name this person will use? Because I'm guessing hes not going to say "Hi Everyone I'm that Anti-Christ guy you've all been warned about."
a reply to: WanderingMrM

I have no clue but he will seem christ like when he reveals himself to us, I have always seen him with 2 ravens which are djinn/demonic. An ocean of blood followed him and so did the freak storms he will bring with him, nearly 3 years ago he went through his initiation rights like Christ did in the desert. However, unlike Christ he welcomed his fallen father and an army of demons were given to him!

Also do not put stock or hope into Israel they have made a covenant with him!

You almost had me a bit worried there for half a second. I have 2 "Raevyns"; my PC (RaeVyn), which brings me any sort of thing I might desire, and can lash out with vicious attacks as well. The second in my WolfDog "RaeVyn", some think of her as a bit 'demonic' at times.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 12:52 AM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM

I have no clue but he will seem christ like when he reveals himself to us, I have always seen him with 2 ravens which are djinn/demonic. An ocean of blood followed him and so did the freak storms he will bring with him, nearly 3 years ago he went through his initiation rights like Christ did in the desert. However, unlike Christ he welcomed his fallen father and an army of demons were given to him!

Also do not put stock or hope into Israel they have made a covenant with him!

nearly 3 years ago he went through his initiation rights like Christ did in the desert

What do you mean they went through the process 3 years ago? Do you mean completed them?

The Initiation rights can take more than 40 years to complete, in proper synch. They are not something you do in a year or two, like a University course

Many people go through these rites

I am Sinian. I've been through the Eleusinian rites. Including death and polarisation. The words "Eleusis" and "Jesus" literally mean the same thing. Emotion

I am happy to explain anything to you that you want to know about the "Anti" process

Contrary to popular belief, we are not sworn to secrecy on the things we went through. This is a misunderstanding. It is simply impossible to explain some things to those who have not been through initiation and experienced them. So it is sometimes easier just to say "we do not speak on such things", rather than try explain something which cannot be understood

These processes are open to pretty much everyone. It is just a matter of "how far" you are willing to go within these rites

If you think in terms of Religion, Jesus and Antichrist, then you are still thinking within the veil layer of the teachings

You have not even opened the eye (your eyes) yet

If you look to a God, or someone like Jesus Christ as your saviour or security, then you are not someone considered ready, or capable of undergoing the mysteries and the rites associated with them

You need to commit to paying your own cost, not let someone else do it/pay it for you

You need to be willing to go through suffering, torture and die, if necessary, to pay your own cost

More specifically ...

You need to be whole-heartedly committed to the point where you would take the place of someone else on "the cross", rather than let them suffer for you

Or pay a price which is not theirs to pay

You can actually go even further than this, but this is something I will not speak on, because it could be dangerous if done for the wrong reasons

The "Anti" polarisation you are referring to (what many refer to as "pole shift") is a very painful process

Dying is not fun. Being torn across dimensions for many years to be reborn (re-sync), is even less fun

Imagine having your conscious turned inside out, then slowly pulled through your mind, brain and body (and I mean "slowly") through consciousness, over a period of 10+ years

That is literally what you go through within parts of these rites

I'm not talking metaphorically here. You really have to give yourself to die. You really leave your body. You really experience the pain and loss of death and leaving this world

It is a very painful experience

But it also (as is its purpose) strips all repressed pain. And is therefore, enlightening

It is like having your conscious passed through the sun, to burn off any and all impurity

This "Anti" process returns proper sync of your consciousness, to its conscious roots. Without emotional blockages

You attach to the world, the Universe and everything fluid in-between (Om)

You will not pass through, if you are not the real deal. So I'm not sure why you are so worried about "the wrong person" passing through. It is not possible

It is impossible!

People who will not pass, are not even allowed to undertake the process to begin with. Because it will destroy them

Attempting to pass through, when you are incapable, is like birthing cancer. Literally

It will only bring imbalance and possibly death

It is this way by design. So that only a true centre (Kore/Core, or "Eye/Sun") can pass through

Initiation to "Christ"; is within the true meaning of the word "Conscious". It means emotional (Jesus) conscious (Christ), in conscience, connected through a root understanding of itself in reflection in/to/of/with/through this world

"The" anointed. Meaning, "unto self". NOT a particular person anointed

To take it upon yourself, to give what is needed, to be who you want to be. To be the best you can be

This is the essence of "Creation"

Full initiates do not talk in terms of religion

Because they understand what religion is

They have passed through the Western gateway, so they have no need for the gatekeepers

The reason those such as Catholicism and Christianity fear the Eleusinian (Sinian) so much, is because we do not think of things like creation, death and our existence in the same way as those who subscribe to the veil teachings and understandings

We understand what the religious teachings and mythology are based on. The bridge between physical and "spiritual"

Kore's (Persephone) descent and re-ascent is the same as Jesus, in relating physics to emotion. They work the same way, you just need understand how they are connected (as one)

Core into Perception

We do not fear death, because we have done it

We do not fear God, because we have no reason to

Polarisation forces emotional catharsis, where you learn to let go of all fear, shame, guilt and other forms of pain

Think of it like turning your pockets inside out, to empty everything within them. Except it is done with the soul, to cleanse it

To put it very simply, in a way I hope you understand ...

There will be no "Antichrist". Because if there is, it will be the exact same person as "Christ". They are just yet to ascend, from their descent

Lucifer and Jesus are the same person, when you understand the relationship between the Universe and consciousness

2 ravens which are djinn/demonic

The ravens are not djinn/demonic

They represent layers of the consciousness. That is why they fly away when a person (Odin) is awake, and return at night when they sleep. They represent the bodies sync within the pre- and post- effigian (Effigy) realms. Often related as "Thought" and "Memory"

There is much misunderstanding about what Djinn are in conventional history

I will not go into too much detail on this, because some of it is too hard to explain, even when you understand the basics of the phenomena. But I will give a little context

Some of what is associated with Djinn, represents part of the catharsis process

It can feel as though you have invisible tentacles coming out of the orifices of your body. Your mouth, nose, ears, anus, everywhere. You can even feel them emerging from your nipples and sometimes through the skin

Or like you have a serpent wrapped around your tree (spine)

This is similar to the Kundalini in Hindu teachings

It is part of your conscious sync

If you have repressed pain, it can manifest through this as what people perceive to be "Demons" or malevolent spirits

All these things are processes of your own conscious mind within relation to consciousness

If you have demons, they are "your" demons

It is all rooted within repressed emotion

You let go of the emotion, you lose the demons. That simple
edit on 14 3 22 by Compendium because: Added something and made corrections

posted on Mar, 17 2022 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: Compendium

To add for the ones who want to see it very very simple; we become one when everyone becomes the one.

Great post Compendium I loved it.

posted on Mar, 17 2022 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: belkide


Everyone so afraid of a coming darkness, which is nothing more than their own fear

So many wanting to be saved, but so few ready to pay the price

These two songs explain the "Mirror" concepts perfectly

Amorphis - Veil Of Sin
Emotion or "Jesus"

For the cold pale women
I leave some of my goodness
I leave the veil of sin
And let go my dreams

Eternity follows me everywhere
Your words so hollow won't go anywhere
Distant shadows disappears
It searches the gate beyond the stars

And there I can see her again

Tell me why you have to be so pure and wrong
And I'm alive to be here

Is it just an omen
Is it me walking blindly
I will find the answer
When I wake up from my dream

Eternity follows me everywhere
Your words so hollow won't go anywhere
Distant shadows disappears
It searches the gate beyond the stars

And there I can kill her again

Tell me why you have to be so pure and wrong
And I'm alive to be here

Amorphis - Alone
Conscious or "Christ"

Tear dimmed remembrance
In the womb of time
Breathe upon me
Possessed by the passion
Fate will set you free
Chased be the precious
When flesh is an enemy
Fair weather man

Step aside from the way of a better man than you
So you fall at his feet he's the one who betrays you
It's the servants devotion for the decay
Stand up

There are no flowers on your grave
There are no chains
There I keep chanting for the forgotten name

Why you feel so empty
And still have everything
It's fulfillment
I've got more companions
When I'm all alone
Flesh is fetching

Step aside from the way of a better man than you
So you fall at his feet he's the one who betrays you
It's the servants devotion for the decay
Stand up

There are no flowers on your grave
There are no chains
There I keep chanting for the forgotten name

edit on 17 3 22 by Compendium because: Corrected lyrics and added something

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: mcsnacks77
a reply to: fishbird

Ancient civilizations recognized 36 groups of stars called decans. But notwithstanding that the world of matter is boundless for us, it still is finite; and thus materialism will turn forever in this vitiated circle, unable to soar higher than the circumference will permit. The cosmological theory of numerals which Pythagoras learned from the Egyptian hierophants, is alone able to reconcile the two units, matter and spirit, and cause each to demonstrate the other mathematically.

I hear you on the truth by numbers part, I spent a long time walking that road so the age thing had piqued my curiosity. That and the fact I was 36 myself when I posted the reply.
Numbers line the way on the road in & out, for one who cares to notice... In my experience, when you're walking back out they're more like an old friend you can tip your hat to, and exchange a knowing look.

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: Compendium

Should it not be 75 years? Which is how long it’s been since 1947. 75 is EILL(Lucifer). It’s pyramidal and pentagonal.

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: mcsnacks77

1947 is supposedly the year when the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.
I think Operation Highjump was happening then too.

The significance of the number 3 can't be overstated. 40 too, from the obvious out to the astronomical.

Personally, I like 127.
edit on 24-3-2022 by fishbird because: Added to post

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: fishbird

And don’t forget Israel was recognized as a country. It’s also when Einstein started the countdown to nuclear midnight. The clock that is 60 seconds from midnight now

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: mcsnacks77

Do you ever wonder in your interactions and conversations with others whether something (other than the people in the conversation) is trying to pluck at your attention?

Quick example, here we're discussing 1947, and 3.
If you divide 1947 by 3, and then the answer by 3 again, you get 216.3333...
216 being 6x6x6.
Not to attach any superstition to 666 but I just find it interesting that I look at two numbers here, hop on the calculator and instantly see something poignant.

I do wonder whether the widely accepted malignance of the three sixes is misplaced. Does the superstition exist to keep people wary of something bad they're supposed to avoid, or, does that superstition purposefully obscure a profitable secret?

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: fishbird

The theory of relativity is based on 6.606 arc seconds in the curvature of space time.

Our Lord was conceived on the sixth day, was born at the sixth age of the world and was crucified on the sixth day.

6 is also the form of the fetus in gestation. 6 is the day man was created.

It is to chapter 6 of the Genesis that God announces the Flood. And in 6,6 we read: "YHWH regretted having made human being on earth and was grieved at heart.

Cabalists see in the first word of the Genesis, "Beraeschith", not the translation of "In the beginning" but the senses of "He created by six"

The great cycles of the universe are multiple of six.

The number 6 "connects the graduation continues to the discontinuous summation, in the most elementary state of their universal modes; it appears like the systematic meeting of the two principles, one active and unit, the other passive and plural, which appear in all creation."

Numbers 19, 27, 33, 52, 99, 127, 6000, 8000 and 70000 are used 6 times in the Bible.

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: mcsnacks77
a reply to: fishbird

Numbers 19, 27, 33, 52, 99, 127, 6000, 8000 and 70000

Add these together, does the result remind you of a word?

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: fishbird

No it doesn’t

posted on Mar, 24 2022 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: fishbird

Roswell UFO crash was in 1947. Knew there was something else

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: mcsnacks77
a reply to: fishbird

No it doesn’t

8 could be B
4 could be A
3 E
5 S
7 T

Granted the a and e are the wrong way round but looking at 84357 on a calculator I see BEAST.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: fishbird

84 references completion of tribulation and judgment

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 02:34 PM
Look for the/a, head wound.

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 08:20 PM

Numbers 19, 27, 33, 52, 99, 127, 6000, 8000 and 70000
Add these together, does the result remind you of a word?

Danish for BEAST

84357 ÷ 666 = 126.66216216216.

Notice the repeating 216 (6×6×6)

edit on 25-3-2022 by fishbird because: Added info

edit on 25-3-2022 by fishbird because: Same

edit on 25-3-2022 by fishbird because: Same again

posted on Mar, 25 2022 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: murphy22
Look for the/a, head wound.

Maybe a birthmark on the head would qualify?

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Say, do you think the Roman emperor Augustus was an archetype of this figure? What about Alexander the Great?

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