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Crashed Flying Saucer on Mars?--Sure Looks Like it!

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posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 04:26 AM

originally posted by: ArMaP

originally posted by: turbonium1
This entire thing is a sham, start to finish. NASA's faked it from the start, Images are all fake, 'alien' stuff they put in the fake images, are also fake. Then they say 'no alien stuff there', and people think they're 'hiding' it all, and that's exactly what they WANT people to think!

NASA images are consistent with images taken by missions from other countries, are they all in the same "sham"?

PS: have you ever thought of the possibility of what you see being only natural features and that there aren't any alien signs on Mars?

I once believed these were our two options, one was true the other was not true, until I realized that it's all just BS, but that's another issue entirely, so in brief...

Nothing claimed, no 'images' shown, nothing at all, is proven by actual evidence, confirming anything is true, factual...

'Aliens' have no proof, nor that their images of 'Mars' are real, so it's not relevant to debate what is 'shown' in these 'images', to begin with! No proof that they ARE 'real' images, no proof of 'aliens', are the real issues to debate, before going any further with it.

Don't assume that this is already proven to be real, and becomes a starting point, if it's not actually BEEN proven at all, in other words.

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

Turbo. Answer the question proposed. Not one of your flat earth propaganda rants.

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: turbonium1


NASA denies there's anything 'alien' on Mars, or in their 'images'.

Isn’t Mars by definition an alien world, and anything on it.

This entire thing is a sham, start to finish. NASA's faked it from the start, Images are all fake, 'alien' stuff they put in the fake images,

Then what are the probes transmitting broadcasts from Mars / space.

Other example

Kettering Grammar School Edit
A group at Kettering Grammar School, using simple radio equipment, monitored Soviet and U.S. spacecraft and calculated their orbits.[10][11] According to the group, in December 1972 a member "picks up Apollo 17 on its way to the Moon".[12]

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 06:52 AM
They are the heavenly bodies above Earth, and part of Earth, as one creation of God. Nothing is 'alien' to Earth, it's all OF the Earth, as one whole.

God created the heavenly bodies for US, on Earth, to gaze upon with wonder and amazement. That's their very purpose, for us to look at them, and we all do, because it's beautiful to gaze upon them.

Those who've lied about this, saying stars are tiny points of light, seen from Earth, because they're trillions of miles away, is an absolute sin against God, and sadly, it's fooled the world for centuries

But now, having seen the truth of stars, knowing they lied to us all along, is our chance to embrace their beauty, their amazing lights, and movements, not to make excuses about it, to defend their lies, while seeing these truths before our very eyes, ever more unfolding....

Just look, and see it as God meant it all to be seen, by all of us.

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

I was talking to my friend about the the cover art for a ZZ top album when the badge inspector from G section showed up.
I thought maybe the ruins in Arizona from the Easy rider movie was the shack they were singing about.
He is from Mars, said just look up the text string with Wiki..

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

You didn’t answer the question.

What are the probes broadcasting from Mars. Small craft that can and are actively tracked.

And by the way. If comets can travel about the solar system, between planets, and around the sun. Why can’t people follow the same paths.

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: turbonium1

Sorry, I don't know if it's because I'm too tired or what, but I don't understand what you mean. Cloud you please rephrase it?

Thanks in advance.

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

Anyoen can get the signals coming from Mars:'___'R/comments/lmx84u/theoretically_or_in_practice_can_you_intercept/

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Crashed Flying Saucer

Isn't this contradiction in terms? How is it a FLYING saucer, if it's CRASHED?

If something is crashed, it's no longer flying, right? So this should be called just 'Crashed Saucer'.

Or maybe abandon such archaic terms that were NOT even meant to describe the craft themselves, but were part of Kenneth Arnold's explanation of THEIR MOVEMENTS? Maybe?

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: OneBigMonkeyToo
a reply to: turbonium1

Anyoen can get the signals coming from Mars:'___'R/comments/lmx84u/theoretically_or_in_practice_can_you_intercept/

Those 'signals' originate on Earth, same as all do. It's an old trick, and it still fools people today.

There's no way to ever prove they're signals from 'Mars', nor proof it's not from Mars - and that's the whole idea!

Everything they claim, cannot be proven, or confirmed as true, except when it CAN be proven, and CAN be confirmed as true or false, and THEN, they don't allow it!

They've NEVER let us go out a couple hundred miles off the Atlantic coast, to see a rocket fly above us, from that point.

They say it's 'too dngerous' for us to go there, because of falling debris! As if! Even if you were directly UNDER the debris, it would be seen miles before it hit the ocean, so then, just move your boat a mile out, and it's no problem!

They let everyone go to the frickin launch site, so that's about our 'safety', right? No, it's all BS, an excuse, to hide the truth about rockets from us. It's simply absurd.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

Now what you need to do is contact the people in the links I gve you and tell them that.

Meanwhile, your off topic drivel is as wrong in this thread as it is in every other one.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

Those 'signals' originate on Earth, same as all do. It's an old trick, and it still fools people today

How are line of sight transmission from space originating from “earth”. Your ignorance is showing..

Just another aspect shows your full of crap.

Amateur Satellite Trackers Find the U.S. Spy Satellite Behind a Tweet

Again. I grew up in the 80’s with only three channels and no cable. Then satellite TV came along. Had to train the satellite disc to the correct satellite in orbit above earth in the sky for the line of sight transmission in the right broadcast band. Aiming by single strength for the position above tbe earth. With no possible ground source / tower for line of sight earth based transmission.

n August 1964, a satellite no wider than the length of a baseball bat was launched into space and positioned itself above the Pacific Ocean.

On Oct. 20, it broadcast the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games to the United States for the first time via satellite. And for the few who could receive such signals, it even was in color

You still haven’t answered the question in anyway.

What are the probes broadcasting from Mars. Small craft that can and are actively tracked.

Changing to a lie is not answering a question in any credible way. With you providing no alternative broadcast sources. You can’t. If you became to specific, then Your lie would be totally debunked. Then you would have to face reality.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

I don't usually post these things...but I came across this story this morning and thought I'd share.


A South African researcher discovered what appears to be an image of a crashed flying saucer on the surface of Mars, according to re-analyzed NASA footage from 2006.

Jean Ward, an anomaly hunter, was searching through NASA images for noteworthy aberrations when he discovered the image taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Despite the image being 15 years old, Ward’s discovery of what appears to be the flying saucer is not.

The image comes from the bottom of Candor Chasma, which is a large canyon in the Valles Marineris system on Mars.

This guy has been studying mars anomalies for a long time and says:

“It looks like a disk-shaped craft or object came in at a very low angle and crashed into the surface of Mars leaving this strange behind it,” Ward said, explaining how the possible landing of this object would have created this distinct difference in the landscape.

Ward zoomed on what appeared to be the elevated saucer, estimating the disk was roughly 12-15 meters in diameter, and said, “It looks like a disk that’s partially elevated on one side as it plowed into the surface.”

He says the perpendicular dunes along the crash field appear to have formed later.

Pretty interesting...and definitely a disc-shaped object at the head of the "crash" site.
SEE article for enlargement.


I'm quite sure that I've seen the same exact mysterious location, within the last few years, in YouTube videos.

So the real question is why the article is acting like it's a new discovery, that's what's confusing.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 06:07 AM

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: turbonium1

Those 'signals' originate on Earth, same as all do. It's an old trick, and it still fools people today

How are line of sight transmission from space originating from “earth”. Your ignorance is showing..

Just another aspect shows your full of crap.

Amateur Satellite Trackers Find the U.S. Spy Satellite Behind a Tweet

Again. I grew up in the 80’s with only three channels and no cable. Then satellite TV came along. Had to train the satellite disc to the correct satellite in orbit above earth in the sky for the line of sight transmission in the right broadcast band. Aiming by single strength for the position above tbe earth. With no possible ground source / tower for line of sight earth based transmission.

n August 1964, a satellite no wider than the length of a baseball bat was launched into space and positioned itself above the Pacific Ocean.

On Oct. 20, it broadcast the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games to the United States for the first time via satellite. And for the few who could receive such signals, it even was in color

You still haven’t answered the question in anyway.

What are the probes broadcasting from Mars. Small craft that can and are actively tracked.

Changing to a lie is not answering a question in any credible way. With you providing no alternative broadcast sources. You can’t. If you became to specific, then Your lie would be totally debunked. Then you would have to face reality.

They've never let us see a rocket from 200-300 miles off the coast, why would THAT be? You believe they're concerned with our 'safety', while inviting everyone to the launch site? That's a good one.

If they aren't hiding anything, why are they hiding rockets from being seen off the coast? Not for our 'safety'. For THEIR 'safety', by keeping us from seeing that it's all BS.

Don't ask ME to prove there aren't 'signals' from Mars, when you KNOW THAT THEY hide rockets from being seen off the coast! Hide rockets, and then, ask me for proof that signals aren't coming from Mars - it's utterly absurd!

Let us see rockets 2 or 300 miles off the coast, and THEN you can ask me for proof it's faked, but not until YOUR SIDE shows that they're not faking rockets, buddy!

Nobody hides things, if it's all legit. Only if it's NOT legit. You get that?

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1

They've never let us see a rocket from 200-300 miles off the coast, why would THAT be? You believe they're concerned with our 'safety', while inviting everyone to the launch site? That's a good one.

Yes, they do. But you wouldn't see anything because it is almost in orbit by that point. Launch exclusion zones are immediately under the launch area, not 200-300 miles away. No-one prevents you going that far out to see one, there just would be no point. You know this, you've been shown it before. No need to derail a thread with your nonsense again.

If they aren't hiding anything, why are they hiding rockets from being seen off the coast? Not for our 'safety'. For THEIR 'safety', by keeping us from seeing that it's all BS.

They aren't, and they don't. They only place they try and stop idiots from being is directly under the flight path so that pieces of an exploding rocket don't land on them.

Don't ask ME to prove there aren't 'signals' from Mars,

You claimed they aren't. You were shown evidence that you are wrong. It's up to you to counter that or admit you're wrong again.

when you KNOW THAT THEY hide rockets from being seen off the coast! Hide rockets,

We know no such thing, that is just your incorrect assertion based on an argument from ignorance.

and then, ask me for proof that signals aren't coming from Mars - it's utterly absurd!

What's absurd is you making a claim and expecting everyone to just go "oh, OK then" without any proof that you're right.

Let us see rockets 2 or 300 miles off the coast, and THEN you can ask me for proof it's faked, but not until YOUR SIDE shows that they're not faking rockets, buddy!

Nobody hides things, if it's all legit. Only if it's NOT legit. You get that?

That's right, nobody hides things. Why are you hiding the evidence that you're correct? You haven't produced any, so you must be deliberately not showing us it?

The fatc is that the images in this thread are from Mars, and you trying to drag it off topic with your unsupported, evidence free nonsense isn't going to change that.
edit on 3/1/2022 by OneBigMonkeyToo because: added a point about launch exclusion zones

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: turbonium1

Turbo. Now. Changing the argument again.

How are line of sight transmission from space originating from “earth”. Your ignorance is showing..

What are the probes broadcasting from Mars. Small craft that can and are actively tracked.

Changing to a lie is not answering a question in any credible way. With you providing no alternative broadcast sources. You can’t. If you became to specific, then Your lie would be totally debunked. Then you would have to face reality.


Comets fly about the solar system, between planets, hit planets, travel about the sun. Why can’t humans travel the same paths as comets?
edit on 3-1-2022 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 02:45 PM
edit on 1/10/2022 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: OneBigMonkeyToo
No-one prevents you going that far out to see one, there just would be no point. You know this, you've been shown it before.

Traditionally, Coast Guard safety zones may not extend beyond U.S. waters. In December 2020, Congress included a provision to expand the safety zone authority from 12 miles up to 200 miles offshore in the National Defense Authorization Act. This gives the Coast Guard the ability and authority to set and enforce restricted vessel navigation zones to protect the safety and security of offshore and at sea space recovery operations

Those are only the 'traditional' and 'authorized' zones, hint, hint!

The ACTUAL restricted zones are much larger than that, but they are just 'authorized' for the inner part!

So now you have a clue about them having such zones, right?

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

You're debunking your own post and derailing the thread.

You only know those zones exist because you were told about them. There is nothing stopping you from going 200 miles out to sea to witness a luanch, other than it being utterly pointless. You would so exactly the same 1 yard outside your imaginary offshore zones as you would 1 yard inside it: very little, if anything at all.

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: turbonium1


They've never let us see a rocket from 200-300 miles off the coast,

Never ever? What Coast,,,,, who are they?

Anyway…. Sputnik documentation meets all your requirements.

Sputnik was real, and validated. You realize this, right?

Most Sputnik spotters

Though Sputnik 1 was small, it was quite reflective and therefore visible from Earth through a pair of binoculars (and perhaps even with the naked eye, if you had good vision and knew exactly where to look).

Many people reported seeing the satellite overhead in late 1957, but experts think most of these sightings actually involved the R-7. The rocket's 85-foot-long (26 m) core stage also reached orbit, and it was covered with reflective panels to make tracking it easier. This rocket body fell back to Earth on Dec. 2, 1957, according to Zak.

Comets travel about the planets, around the sun, and smash into the sun and planets. Why can’t humans travel the path of comets

Between Russia changing the night sky with Sputnik, and coming and going comets that smash into things, I guess the night sky does change.

There’s a reason why it was derived the signals from Sputnik were from a moving satellite…

How tracking Sputnik inspired GPS

As the satellite approach overhead, the frequency of the single increased, and as it got further away, the frequency decreased. Or put another way, the signal seemed to become stronger as satellite got closer and then weaker as the spacecraft receded in the distance- a phenomenon known as the Doppler effect.

Humankind’s presence / foothold in space has only increased since Sputnik.

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 10:17 AM
I’m just jumping in here, but what are people saying about never seeing rocket launches? There are many videos out there, plus I don’t think it’s hidden at all, when rockets have been launched in Florida?

Re: the topic photo: Yes it looks like a crash but it could be other things too. It could be a mining operation. Or it could be Martian life forms, especially the squiggly bits. Life could be microscopic and then build up such strange giant forms, but without an actual large organism. Like how on Earth we can see giant algae blooms in the ocean from space, but it’s all very tiny organisms.

Mars may feature microscopic life that accumulates into giant forms…

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