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The Pendulum has swung on Feminism

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posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Bunch

Who gets to decide what are the "basic ethical concepts" that get raised in school though? Right now, it's a bunch of critical race theory labeled as social/emotional learning. I'm sorry, but my idea of a basic ethical concept doesn't teach my kid that he should feel bad because of how he was born, but that's a value CRT attempts to instill and toxic masculinity does the same for feminist theory.

Hmm... If I Remember Correctly , Schooling for Children was Originally Conceived as the Basics of Eventual Personal Survival . Reading , Writing , and Arithmetic .WTF Happened > ?

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Basic ethical concepts: don’t hit other kids, don’t insult other kids, don’t threaten other kids, don’t harass
other kids, don’t spit on other kids, don’t yell at other kids, listen to your teachers, listen to grown ups, don’t be disruptive, the teacher won’t change your dirty underwear cause you decided to poop in your pants, teacher isn’t here to give you food, don’t be a liar, don’t be a cheater, learn how to say “thank you”, you aren’t the center of the world, learn how to play in groups, control your feelings, you aren’t always going to win, pick up after yourself, follow the rules…I can do this all day… lol

Basic stuff like that… parents nowadays think is the responsibility of the school to teach this things or worst get stupid mad when they get talked to about their kids behavior… the whaboutism of parents nowadays is immense.

edit on 5-12-2021 by Bunch because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-12-2021 by Bunch because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-12-2021 by Bunch because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: Bunch

If the school has been teaching that, no one has told the kids who continually misbehave in class.

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 10:50 PM
This was all by design. Calculated design. Make a country of weak men, you have a weak country and it can be turned into a socialist/marxist/communist country ruled by vile dictators. Just look back at history and you watch how it unfolded. It started in the entertainment industry. Most welcomed it with open arms. Those who opposed what was happening were labeled bigots and religious nuts and other names.

Jordan Peterson talks about this a lot. Not just in one video, but different videos. Quite a number of topics on feminism as we know it now....and how it does not work and why men should be masculine and dangerous and not this sissy boy weakness that we have running around.

IMO, he is one of the greatest minds of our present time...and this topic he is spot on with.

And as always Jag, a great topic to think about and discuss....
edit on 2021 by shaemac because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 01:04 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: JAGStorm

For tens of thousands of years women have been women and men have been men.

No social engineering media craze is going to change thousands of years of that.

Sure, people can fake it for a while but that's about it.

Ummm…depends on how much estrogen you pump into the water supply…and how saturated the indoctrination…

Masculinity is toxic…and fringe…

Look at our generation…then compare it to the present…we joke about soy boy…and emasculation…but that’s the norm…
Look at the new trends in the military…

Your staring in the face of agenda…and unfortunately this social engineering isn’t just relegated to the media…it’s permeated in all of academia…and every department of state…

If it’s possible to turn it around…it will take generations…but when I look at all the younger and older women…they socialize with the feminized male more than they do the masculine male…

Always exceptions…but they’re no longer the rule…

edit on 6-12-2021 by YouSir because: Effing auto correct…

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Bunch

Who gets to decide what are the "basic ethical concepts" that get raised in school though? Right now, it's a bunch of critical race theory labeled as social/emotional learning. I'm sorry, but my idea of a basic ethical concept doesn't teach my kid that he should feel bad because of how he was born, but that's a value CRT attempts to instill and toxic masculinity does the same for feminist theory.

I'd add to that, who gets to decide what are the "social issues" that one thinks ought to be raised in an primary educational setting?

I want STEM, Earth sciences, writing, reading as abut 90% of the focus.

- No "woke" garbage
- No revisionist history
- CRT - never

So if "social issues" is code speak for the above, well...thankfully our school district doesn't put up with that idiocy, taking up space in our curriculum and stultifying our children and impairing their intellectual growth.

This way, our children can grow into productive adults doing productive adult jobs, nurse, doctor, teacher, engineer, business. The other ones will be on their way to careers in "professional activism", paid protesting, social agitators, etc.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 07:59 AM

The Pendulum has swung on Feminism

Hmmmm... which feminism would that be exactly? The OP doesn't t seem to be talking about Trad Fems... so Lib Fems? Rad Fems? Marxist Fems? Cultural Fems? One of the other Fems?

Or are we talking waves? Second waves? Third waves? Fourth waves?

And as far as this feminization of men, putting aside the massive amounts of synthetic estrogens and other endocrine disrupters having a massive effect on men AND women, is there a difference between today's "feminization" of men and all the feminized men throughout the history?

The fops? The popinjays? The dandies? The coxcombs? The twinks? The metrosexuals?

Or are we just embracing ignorance now and lumping everyone into the same boxes and slapping a label on them? No more individuals... male or female... just all about the stereotypes? Back to pretending ALL men are all the same and ALL women are exactly the same... they all like the same things... have the same skills and talents... the same virtues and vices... the same wants and needs?

As far as I'm concerned, everyone can keep their gender norms and gender stereotypes. I'll just be me and keep mixing and matching as I please. Feminine... masculine... neutral... I'll pick and choose for myself.

I like freedom. And sunshine!

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 08:02 AM

originally posted by: AfterTheGoldRush
I have never heard such man-pleasing, hand maidening "look at me I am a cool girl boys' pandering. Yuck.

I think that's the "Pick Me Feminism" branch.

"Pick me! Pick me! I'll throw any woman under the bus if the guys will like me the bestest and the mostest!!!"

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 08:08 AM
You don't hear about feminism right now because it's used as a political tool and there's no purpose for it at the moment. Once there is a Republican male up for anything... Senate, POTUS, Supreme Court, then the media and liberals will dredge up Feminism as the #1 topic. When it suits them. Same MO with military deaths, homeless, unemployed, COVID, border, etc etc etc.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
You don't hear about feminism right now because it's used as a political tool and there's no purpose for it at the moment. Once there is a Republican male up for anything... Senate, POTUS, Supreme Court, then the media and liberals will dredge up Feminism as the #1 topic. When it suits them. Same MO with military deaths, homeless, unemployed, COVID, border, etc etc etc.

Yeah , some Women just Love being Party Poopers..............(

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: shaemac
This was all by design. Calculated design. Make a country of weak men, you have a weak country and it can be turned into a socialist/marxist/communist country ruled by vile dictators. Just look back at history and you watch how it unfolded. It started in the entertainment industry. Most welcomed it with open arms. Those who opposed what was happening were labeled bigots and religious nuts and other names.

Give us one example form history where weak men led to a weak country led to a socialist/marxist/communist country ruled by vile dictators.

Just one.

Some of the people protesting about how weak men are becoming should lead by example, man up and grow a pair instead of whinging all the time.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
You don't hear about feminism right now because it's used as a political tool and there's no purpose for it at the moment.

You don't hear about feminism because it's not being discussed in your echo chamber.

Step outside and listen to the rest of the world.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 05:29 PM
As an internet expert of women, or as they like to be called, chicks and/or babes, I can safely say that they have boobs and smell pretty.


posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

men ,. REAL men are becoming extinct, ever since feminism took off,..
.its the birth control, all those horemoans getting flushed down the toilet,
its in the drinking water ,. CANNOT BE FILTERED OUT.
girls develope earlier and the boys becoming girls..
they have horemoans for men to fix this, but is costly,

and you are right, men ARE AFRAID to ask women out now,
WE DONT WANT TO GO TO JAIL, but , mostly all the DRAMA,
so the only ones BRAVE ENOUGH will be rich enough to pay lawyers,
and TRANS MEN,... good luck girls

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm
Because there is no longer a value attached to it.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: Bunch
a reply to: JAGStorm

What about let people decide to live their life however they want? This need for conservatives on lecturing people and creating laws about how people should live is beyond dumb.

That's not what 3rd and 4th wave feminism are though, just like critical race theory isn't just about equality and civil rights.

Both are collectivist ideologies and anti individual, seeing people as essential identity classes. Modern feminism also includes over-the-top gender theories, from non-binary to trans philosophies. By the latter, for example, I mean that many are now denying any scientific basis to sex or the fact we are a sexually di-morphic species. This leads to issues such as claiming that there is no advantage for a trans-woman in traditional female sports, because "there is no difference between the sexes or genders." This is factually untrue, on average a person born male will be stronger and bigger than a female (sex).

Adherents of both are now trying to attack and legislate life for other people too, through a series of policies. It's not "live and let live," which by the way I'm a supporter of.

I'm all for old school feminism, lesbian and gay rights, and basic equality or civil rights amongst the races.
edit on 6-12-2021 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: Bunch
a reply to: JAGStorm

It is your responsibility to raise your children. Not the government or society.

The government and left are trying to remove that, or did you not get the memo?

During the recent school and critical race theory debates, numerous liberal politicians, school board officials, and media sources stated parents had no right to decide against such curriculum.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 07:10 PM
Correct, the same people are the very one's pushing leftist ideology on kids in school, from radical versions of feminism (third/fourth wave) to radical versions of civil rights (critical race theory, neo-marxism, etc).

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Bunch

Who gets to decide what are the "basic ethical concepts" that get raised in school though? Right now, it's a bunch of critical race theory labeled as social/emotional learning. I'm sorry, but my idea of a basic ethical concept doesn't teach my kid that he should feel bad because of how he was born, but that's a value CRT attempts to instill and toxic masculinity does the same for feminist theory.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: cappie
a reply to: JAGStorm

men ,. REAL men are becoming extinct, ever since feminism took off,..
.its the birth control, all those horemoans getting flushed down the toilet,
its in the drinking water ,. CANNOT BE FILTERED OUT.
girls develope earlier and the boys becoming girls..
they have horemoans for men to fix this, but is costly,

and you are right, men ARE AFRAID to ask women out now,
WE DONT WANT TO GO TO JAIL, but , mostly all the DRAMA,
so the only ones BRAVE ENOUGH will be rich enough to pay lawyers,
and TRANS MEN,... good luck girls

Hormones from birth control use is only about 27% of the estrogen found in our water supply.

The amount of hormones and antibiotics injected in the livestock and poultry that is sold consumed daily, is mind boggling.

This is not an unknown, they have been injecting our food with chemicals and hormones for decades. My biggest complaint regarding children, was the frequent diagnosis of hormone imbalance. How in the world did they expect anything less, when the first substance placed in a baby's mouth, is full of man made chemicals, most synthetic.

How much natural food is consumed daily by Americans? If you pick up any product from the fridge, freezer, or pantry, in America, and read the ingredients, over 90% of the contents listed, the average person cannot even pronounce.

It affects all of us. Unfortunately, it has continued to get worse over time. I am sure that a lot of the emotional issues, mental issues, and health issues, most common today, can allow be traced back to the massive amount of chemicals we consume daily, from birth to the grave.

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 08:31 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
My question… If everyone is so “FREE” right now, and can be whatever they want, do whatever they want, with whomever they want… Why are huge swaths of the population so depressed?

Because they are being "repressed". You can't say or do anything without having to worry about offending someone or group.

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