posted on Dec, 1 2021 @ 12:06 PM
reading thru this thread & I believe the group of diehard provaxx I have wanted to ask this question of are here within it.
All shet aside to all you folk who seem OK with either/or taking any shot the Gov. offers you & expecting everyone else to do so as well, please
legitimately answer this?
Person A gets 1st shot & 2nd shot.
Statistics & other jabbed folk would naturally tally person A as being on the vaxxed side & all is good for them.
So, booster shot time arrives.
For whatever reasons ie, personally had adverse reaction/ know someone close who did/ realized they haven't really seen or know anyone who was
actually in that less than 1% who died from that which this shot was said to protect from....any number of reasons, it's not really relevent.
Person A for whatever reason, says " I'm done with what I got thanks & no more for me."
To you jabbed folk, does person A overnight go from a smart, heroic lover of vaxx to a dangerous & lowly ANTIVAXXER ??
Listening to the rhetoric in the atmosphere surrounding something that 12-18months ago , whether someones personal choice of absorbing a medicinally
derived fluid or not was the leading factor to whether they be deemed fit & proper to co-exist in your presence would & was viewed as utterly
pervasive , illogical & heavily narcissistic.
Today it's front & centre of information demand .
While I'm asking what's been puzzling me. How do you rationalize exchanging money with people on a daily basis ?
How do you manage touching doorknobs, light switches & tapware in public toilet & other publicly accessed settings?
Most of all I wonder if you people sleep well ? After all you doubt your God given immune system which sadly a lot of you seem to have effortlessly
disregarded what a miraculously high functioning masterpiece of an evolutionary system we all possess as a gift from our creator( whoever that may be
I just wonder if the entirety of the worlds greedy profit driven & self serving politically/idealogically motivated had all of a sudden 24/7/365
harped on about what a truly remarkable & taken for granted experience falling asleep & shutting down to a point the human body only to have it fire
itself up again come morning.
Is it just the masterpiece of your immune system that you've allowed be convinced is not fit for purpose by these abhorrent lying scum, or has it
spilled over to cause you to question other functions of the wonderful human body & system ?
Such a lack of logic & critical thinking will forever be a historical marker etched in the annals in regards to the 2020's.
That is the biggest certainty to come of this.