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covid vaccine performs no better than flu vaccine according to WHO

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posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 04:48 AM

originally posted by: AcrobaticDreams

originally posted by: zoller
With only 40% efficacy, it does no better than flu vaccine. With a 40% efficacy right off the bat. However, keep in mind covid is not seasonal like flu is, so overall it is not as effective as flu vaccine. And not to mention but more dangerous than flu vaccine which is inactivated. Not only much stronger side effects, but also causes organ problems to the heart, kidneys, ovaries, brain, for example.

Vaccines reduce Covid transmission by 40pc: WHO

I’ll play Devils Advocate-the pharmaceutical companies never claimed in their studies that it prevented transmission-it was all about reducing severity of illness. Politicians later on claimed this. This article isn’t saying the vaccines are only 40% effective-just 40% effective in reducing spreading the virus (delta specifically)-it does not say it is only 40% at reducing severity of illness.

The fact that it reduces spread by 40% allows people to say that you should still get vaccinated.

That's not really true, the studies were too underpowered to be designed with severe covid (or mortality) as a meaningful endpoint. That unbacked claim itself was actually the fallback position of the media and covid charlatans when it became obvious that they were a failure.

It's true they weren't designed to test for the spread of covid either. The primary endpoint of the Pfizer study was for protection against mild covid symptoms. They used the WHO definition of symptoms afaik (cough, runny nose, headache, sore throat etc) along with a confirmatory positive pcr test as a covid case. In fact they claimed the risk of developing mild covid symptoms dropped by 0.84% in the vaccinated (which they spun as 95% rrr or something). The number needed to treat was something like 238 vaccine doses to stop one incidence of mild symptoms.

But they only tested people with symptoms, you would need to test test far more widely and regularly to see if it had effect on the spread of covid.

If you google you will also find that the CEO of Pfizer himself claimed that his vaccine stopped the spread of covid by 100% based on a single South African study.

A curious thing (from memory) is that thousands of symptomatic people in the original Pfizer study weren't tested for covid at all. Strange thing that (until you look into the "why" possibilities).

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: Quintilian

there was a lot of dodgy stuff done for control that has embedded corruption deper in our societies..

one of the things i found interesting is the misuse of the asymptomatics as the only place the virus is found in them is their bowels so the only way you can catch it from them is from unhygienic toileting.. and as we saw masks do not prevent hand to mouth infections..

on the plus side of this more people are informed now of the dangers of listening to experts.. experts who are in the pockets of either corporates or policy makers, it feels like we are near the end of a phase similar to the late stage Victorian psudeosciences and sexology..

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