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Suddenly unvaccinated... some vaccinated get a taste of their own medicine now

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posted on Dec, 2 2021 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Naw, they are pushing for boosters every 90 days at $200 a shot. Drug companies would lose billions if not trillions by releasing a vaccine that doesn't "leak."

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 08:27 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
I get my flu shot every year, and I don't even get a lollipop for my trouble.

Yes, ignorance is very commonplace, as is childish demands for free stuff - isn't it?

Honesty, I've been vaxxed against things that you've probably never even heard of in order to get my visa, it's hardly the drama that you make it out to be.

Perfect example of an obliviously ignorant comment...

Why? Because not only is each type of vaccine different, with regard to ingredients, manufacturing processes, etc, each individual does is also different, as to the precise amount of each ingredient and their ratios to each other.

The manufacturing process itself is the reason for this. There is simply no way to guarantee the precise amounts/ratios of the ingredients are identical in each dose.

How many times have we heard about entire batches of jabs being recalled for 'impurities', or other things? How many times have bad things happened and no recall was issued?

This, specifically, is ultimately the reason why, in my most esteemed and learned opinion, the adverse reactions are so varied - some people get an almost empty jab, and some people get something with anywhere from 2-1000x the amount of the bad ingredients that cause the adverse reactions.

It is called bad science, and there is a whole lot more bad science out there than there is good science.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
Let's first establish that not everyone "vaccinated" against the new Coronavirus called for restrictions.

Ah but as a 2nd class citizen, I can't help myself to smirk a bit when I read stories like this:


As a vaccinated person, I can currently go wherever I want. The digital proof of vaccination in my CovPass app opens all doors for me in connection with an identity card and rarely also a PCR test. I now had to experience firsthand what it feels like to have to stay outside.

Too late at work, unloaded at dinner
It's the end of November 2021. 3G is the rule at work. Anyone who wants to go to the office has to be vaccinated, recovered or tested. The test must not be older than 24 hours, must not be taken at home and must be valid for the entire working day. For the first time since the introduction of the 3G regulation in the workplace, I'm on my way back to the office because I have an important appointment that has to take place on site. At the entrance I can already see several colleagues checking the vaccination certificate or the current test. No problem, I think to myself, pull out my smartphone, open the CovPass app and I am amazed to see the following picture:

(picture of empty corona app without proof of vaccination, who would have thought it could happen....)

No stored digital vaccination certificate. As a result, no access to the building at first. Fortunately, the next test opportunity is just around the corner. Here I have to test myself and wait for the result. Just as unvaccinated people who have not recovered have to do it. It took 30 minutes - longer than my way to the office. By the way, while waiting, I can think of something else. In the evening I'm invited to a small group event. I want to go there right after work. The prerequisite for this is 2G, i.e. only recovered or vaccinated guests. So without proof of vaccination I will not be admitted. (German)

Suddenly, eyes wide open! Oh no! Now I have to face these restriction, but but I obeyed. THIS time, the person in question could/had to drive home to re-scan the QR code.

Saw things like this coming, like many others here too, as soon as we heard "vaccine passport". All these different devices where the passport is stored on, will wreck mayhem after all these updates, resets. People will be angry and call for something that relieves them of the burden, so it can never happen again.

But no worries, your government, too, is planning for the future. That's why, worldwide, on RFID passports there is enough room left to store more information. Praise the clairvoyance of politicians and governmental drones!

I let the reader decide what that could be.

If you wanna hear something crazy, in Canada, as unvaccinated we don't have an option to test in order to enter places. I'm just not allowed in anywhere other than grocery stores and common places like that. Doesn't matter if I take a test. No gym, no restaurant, hell I can't even go to mc donalds LOL it hasn't affected me yet BUT the domestic travel ban for unvaccinated has affected me. No planes, no trains and can't bus across Canada. Doesn't matter If you pass a test. I can't travel across my own country, or go anywhere other than grocery stores 🤣🤣🤣 not that it's funny, but it really is insanity about the domestic trave, and no test options for any of it.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: Acknt

I know, was the same for us. Could only buy in food stores, nothing more. No shoes, no clothes. 2G means either vaccinated or recovered, but recovered not longer than 6 months ago...

Some courts overthrew the 2G ruling though.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 02:19 AM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: Acknt

I know, was the same for us. Could only buy in food stores, nothing more. No shoes, no clothes. 2G means either vaccinated or recovered, but recovered not longer than 6 months ago...

Some courts overthrew the 2G ruling though.

What absurd restrictions. What they are doing with these restrictions is not anything based on science.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: vNex92

Not at all, no. The whole pandemic isn't founded on science.

6ft rule made up
masks useless
lockdowns useless
vaccination useless

ergo: politicians useless, only useful for their masters.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: HilterDayon

In Kiwi land, the word on the street is that they have had their two shots, and that's it. The real-world data is filtering through. The freedom convoy is camping on Parliament grounds and it isn't going away anytime soon. Just like Canada is more are coming, the Government won't engage so it will a fun few weeks. They cant really engage as the data is damming, so it is all up in the air. NWO Rothchilde muppet Governments are getting far more than they bargained for. The Governments are all in too deep to back down, as they could all face prosecution.
edit on 9-2-2022 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

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