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Slovania Nurse tell what the codes on the vaccine vials are Saline Adenovirus & MRNA.

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posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 04:58 AM

I think the new tactic of mRNA of protein making to teach the body to defend itself instead of infecting it with the virus but a dead version of it that may activate and infect the host is a better pathway of vaccine research.

To know that the "Covid-19" is a mRNA vaccine against; Fever, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, diarrhea, and pink eye? That even though some of those may occur in our bodies making and learning to fight those off? That once over it and fought against in it's making? Not to ever get or be susceptible to any of those again is a very good thing.

I got a host of vaccines when I was little; my mom got tired of seeing me get the same stuff over and over when the other "parent" was adverse to shots and vaccines... after I got them I was never plagued with; Chicken pox, measles, mumps etc again and again every year.

That early experience has made me pro-vax, only because suffering those outbreaks four to five times a year every year was absolutely no fun at all.

edit on 26-11-2021 by Crowfoot because: sp.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Chicken pox, measles, mumps etc again and again every year.

Once you catch measles for example your immune for life. You don’t get it year after year never mind four to five times a year!

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: surfer_soulOne was regular measles then it was German measles... so um yeah it didn't get to get to like South American measles etc because either children got vaccinated or they were not allowed to go to school.

Meaning the vaccines stopped the re-infections and re-re-infections with new strains or better put the body simply adapted to all of them and it just seemed like there wasn't anymore infection of them.

Immunization and shots are routine and scheduled after a child's birth in two visits last I knew; things may have changed in the 20+ plus years since then other than of course the addition of the Covid ones.

There was anti-vax back in those days where school became compulsory instead of optional... seeing it arise again and again? I suppose was bound to happen.

I don't do the flu only because I've gotten it three times, getting it every year from the vaccine for a 2-3 days or even a week would be annoying since that's about how long it's lasted when I've gotten it without the vaccine/shot.

I think there is some fear that the Covid vax will be/is like the flu shot but being mRNA it isn't. I think Biden and others need to be made clear the difference between mRNA and the other Vax types since he suggests boosters and was even thinking about forcing or mandating flu.

Mandating the flu one is dangerous as it makes many young and elderly susceptible when it is likely they wouldn't have been... since that type of Vax gives the flu to them. There's statistics that can be gained on that sort of Vax which I personally see as Antibotics where they will eventually become null and not work at all and you'd have to go to another one... Amoxicillin still works on me as I've chosen not to use it when needing stitches etc. in many others that and several others have no effect having used them when not really required.

Of course I can't say it is the same in any and all cases like my own; so consider this entire post anecdotal as just one individuals experience with self and others of the topic when it has arisen in the personal contact context of discussion.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 06:58 AM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: Crowfoot

Chicken pox, measles, mumps etc again and again every year.

Once you catch measles for example your immune for life. You don’t get it year after year never mind four to five times a year!

Some virus are stable, some diverge at a high rate. It's why there is no cure for the Common cold, it's not the exact sane cold virus each time.

Besides many people aren't actually sick with covid, they're merely contaminated with it.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Exactly my thoughts, and plausible theories offered by others too.

The nurse in question has helped make the theories more plausible, and it helps explain why most people are not bothered by the shots, while many are maimed and/or killed by the shot.

After all, it IS an experiment. Only pharma knows the parameters of the experiment.

We owe the whistleblowing nurse from Slovenia many thanks for going public.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies
If most are not sick with covid .....then do you have any theories as to why they want to prick the entire world population?

edit on 26-11-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

The shot is the bioweapon. The goal is population reduction, in accordance with tradition eugenics philosophy and strategy.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: Salander
I would like AaarghZombies theories on why.

As he appears to think everything is just dandy.
edit on 26-11-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 07:56 AM
I read this and don't know the accuracy of it...

A vaccination conspiracy would require a minimum of 22,000 people (without drug companies) and would be exposed within at least 3.15 years and at most 34.78 years depending on the number involved;

I also recall some posting maybe it was here maybe it wasn't since Covid is in a lot of headlines and articles of Covid vaccine producers seeking immunity or classified status for several decades. The truth of that being the case or not? I don't know.

Given the two whether they are accurate or not in truth and or reporting I don't know... But I do know people do want to seek the truth even if it hurts their stance.

My stance is pro vax for me and me alone and that is by personal choice as a; My body, my right freedom. Obviously, your body your right freedom as far as vax or not extends to that by the very same principle.

As an adult I don't like others thinking they can claim ownership of it(my body) in any way shape or form; I don't care who or what they think they are. I'd rather destroy it or have it destroyed before anyone other than myself think it is their possession/property or say what can and cannot happen or occur with it, or that others owe for what may occur to it as anyone's fault even if it was willful negligence and intentional to harm it. As dead is dead by that point and ashes thrown out as if they came out of a fire place like any old log don't care.

So as damning as it may seem, if keeping it a secret as Vax goes requires what the statistic says in conspiracy channels, vs. whatever article or source it was that some of those responsible or push the vax are looking to meet that time or extend beyond it? Or if that was just manufactured as a statistic and that that's what they want to do to make a complete conspiracy?

I cannot say... having willfully allowed it and felt good about it? It's sort of a moot point as far as myself and to vax or not goes. Whats done is done.

edit on 26-11-2021 by Crowfoot because: clar.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Yes, what's done is done, but I've not taken the shot and I'm not going to.

If you are suggesting that people cannot keep secrets or that humans do not conspire, that is not the case. Humans DO keep secrets, and they DO conspire to achieve nefarious ends.

The plandemic was very much planned far in advance, and there are ample facts and evidence showing that.

What the nurse has shown is consistent with what we're seeing as this experiment plays out.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: Salander

Fever, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, diarrhea, and pink eye

Well, getting all of those at once is considered Covid...

Getting all of those slowly over time or within close succession with the vaccine as the body produces it and then comes into contact with it, not to get any of them again when re-exposed to something that may cause those as the goal?

I suppose time will tell.

The thing I am wondering about however... what are the future conditions are we to be expecting to live in, where we would be exposed on the regular things that cause fever, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, diarrhea and pink eye where being vaccinated them leads to a future of better health where those are all over and abundant?

Tainted/poor quality air/food/water as supplies? The huddled unwashed masses Bernie Sanders spoke of when seeking election not shunned/trucked/shipped/bused/imprisoned out of sight like some cities and states to with homeless?

The same thing occurred after the Vietnamese war with the broad reaching term of hippies with "no shirt no shoes no service." Is this really advanced "gulf war syndrome?" After 20 plus years of war, and now the troops have been with drawn and coming back into society these things will help them and us in transition?

Transparency is important not being honest with this stuff with point blank truth just assumes adults cant handle the truth and need smoke and or mirrors for the real reasons or reasoning as to why.

It just reminds me of the; fusion centers, FEMA coffin business.

Like if you cannot be with us you're against us and one move not with us you'll be put down like some sort of animal regardless of the constitution for the greater good... no one has really said it but the US has been under Martial law for over 20 years as anytime we are at "war" martial law is the status of the state or union.

In any case I am glad Joseph Biden did what Barrack Obama promised before getting elected not like he didn't have the entire house and senate on his party side for the first two years... war would have been over what 21 years ago? An even deeper conspiracy would be who were all the players distracting him from that promise two years treating him like some sort of rock star to where he didn't have the house and or senate on his side... it seems electing "the first black president" and all the nonsense from that could be said to be engineered or a test... if so HE failed us getting caught up in the hype.

Well, Biden's campaign promises are also something to look at wanting to give death penalty immunity... to certain individuals for treasonous acts.

Well, in any case time is onward not upward.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: baburak
Well, I am from Slovenia and I can tell you that nobody in Slovenia heard of this. And given the size of our country (2,1 mil) I can say that the story is BS. And also, I work in the mediaso I should know

That makes you the least trust worthy source on this board.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 09:11 AM

A vaccination conspiracy would require a minimum of 22,000 people (without drug companies) and would be exposed within at least 3.15 years and at most 34.78 years depending on the number involved;
a reply to: Crowfoot

That is the most ridiculous thing i have ever read. Looks like a grade schooler made that up.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: Nirishman

Well if there is a one in two hundred chance of a bad reaction with one shot, then the second shot, because you have played twice, gives you a one in a hundred chance, the third shot a one in fifty, the fourth a one in twenty-five. the fifth a one in twelve and a half, the sixth a one in six and a quarter the seventh a one in three and an eighth, and the eighth a one and a half-ish. Thats about right for the Georgia Guidestones.? I don't want to play that game.

First of all, the chance of a serious reaction due to the shot is not anywhere close to 1 in 200. Where did you get that idea?

The risk is closer to 10 in a million, or 1 in 100,000:

Please do some research, and take a look at real data...

According to VAERS:
the risk of an adverse event is on the order of 15% (about 1 in 6.6)
the risk of myocarditis is on the order of 0.12% (about 1 in 800)

Myocarditis appears to happen at ANY age, though more in the 5 to 20 age group. Myocarditis will damage the heart and there is NO recovery, ever, the heart only continues to degrade until you are diagnosed with Heart Failure, and eventually die because you have almost literally 'run out of energy'.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 10:59 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: Jimy718


For healthy people, Vaccines are more dangerous than Covid.


posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: HawkEyi

World population has reach, in large degree, a state of mass psychosis. There are so many who will not see, regardless of the facts that they are confronted with. My own son told me, months ago, "I don't need to think for myself. He's tried to backtrack on that statement, but it's out in the open and I see it in his reactions to facts.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: AaarghZombies
If most are not sick with covid .....then do you have any theories as to why they want to prick the entire world population?

Three reasons.

1) Because 1.6% of people who get covid die from it, and that number is already in the millions. Maybe nobody you care about is in that 1.6% but my community was hit real bad by Delta, and I've had family and colleagues who were

2) Because even asymptomatic cases increase the risk of a more dangerous strain occurring

3) Because the economic impact of a new seasonal virus in the long term will be worse than the impact of locking down in the short term due to lost productivity while we wait for herd immunity to happen, which could take a decade or more.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Jimy718


For healthy people, Vaccines are more dangerous than Covid.


Source, please, because the links in my signature say otherwise.

posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 11:49 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


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