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Pro-Vaxxer Progressive Richard Rowe Dies While Walking Dog Days After Getting COVID Vaccine.

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posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 11:45 AM
"Pride comes before a fall". Oops.

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: FraterAetherius

If karma is a bitch, I'm her pimp!

All jokes aside

It almost reads like some here take the authority to assess the righteousness of a death. On top, the talk of need sacrifice. When I see, these same people moan about the sacrifices made by the elites, cheer on the death of innocent people, it gives me a bad feeling, kind of like you're not one iota different and if you were the ruling class things would be exactly the same or worse.

It makes me wonder, do they not see their hypocrisy, or are they part of the divide and rule game, maybe even without knowing?

When you support the harming and death of me or my family members, you are no longer an "innocent". And it's not cheering necessarily the death of a person but more important the death of their ideology. Especially so when their ideology caused their death.

If many doctors and scientists purported that the use of a certain lawn fertilizer/herbicide caused cancer and backed up their claims with science but the local officials in my neighborhood insisted I use it anyway to control the weeds in my yard and they also used it in theirs, do you think I wouldn't be happy that they proved my case against the mandated product if they died of or contracted cancer? It has little to do with the actual person. Unless of course that person is a conceited blowhard loudmouth.

You can't stop stupid. All you can do is look on the bright side....if their is one to be found.

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: visitedbythem

a horrible place of eternal torment.

Such a place does not exist. I mean, this world does good enough a job to simulate 'eternal torment', but in the end, it will only be a hundred years or less (usually).

Karma happens, and we all reap what we sow. However, eventually, even the most evil and stubborn of us has cleansed his soul of the icky stuff and are free to enjoy life and move on. We don't have to ever be in a situation of 'eternal torment' - that would be cruel and unusual punishment, that even the Earthly governments would think is too much. How can a loving Creator be worse than an Earthly government?

We all go to our 'level' - if we're lowly vibrating demons, after the body dies, we live amongst other lowly vibrating demons in a probably very gloomy, dark, depressing environment. If we're human beings that just made some mistakes but want to be good, we will probably get to live in a much higher-vibrating worlds after our sins have been atoned (there's no proper vocabulary for this stuff, so this explanation is a bit faulty - we have to process everything we have done in the incarnation before we can move on), and we have learned the lessons we were meant to learn from the incarnation. Then we're free to cultivate, play, learn, research, travel, etc. until it's time to incarnate again for a new set of lessons and to pay more karmic debts.

There's no 'eternal torment', but there is 'almost-eternal spiritual cultivation' that takes us to higher levels until we join back with the Creator the way a lonely drop of water might join an ocean.

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

If you chose to not get the jab and die from the alleged covid, that's your fault.


In any case, 'death' is no one's 'fault' - it's a natural thing that happens to every BODY, but not the spirit.

Also, you don't have to choose to NOT do something. That is the default mode, not doing anything. Anything you DO is a choice, but you don't specifically need a choice to NOT do something. Did you choose every single day that 'today I am NOT going to climb mount Everest'? Of course not, because it's the default mode. However, if you DO climb the mount Everest, that requires a choice.

Therefore, choosing to 'not get a stab' is not required. You don't have to make any choice, and the side-effect of not making any choices, a stab will (hopefully) not happen. You just don't have to specifically make a choice, when it's something you are not doing.

I never made a choice to 'not get stabbed'. I didn't 'refuse' or anything. I just haven't made any choices about anything like that, I just rather live my life normally and make choices about the things I do every day, and that's all - that's enough for me.

So not making the choice to 'get stabbed' is not the same thing as making a choice to 'not get stabbed'.

There is a big difference.

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 08:40 AM
This is ALL WRONG. It's "pre-constitution"... "as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." This covid shot thing is the government deciding that, not us! He, is a prime example of this! He was a traitor to that concept written by our forefathers, and thus, a traitor to our country... and a violent one from what I read with the exact same characteristics of a tyrant.

NOT GETTING THE SHOT seems to me most likely to effect my Safety and Happiness! There, somebody said it!
edit on 14-11-2021 by evacuationday because: missed a few letters

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Shoujikina, when you have a mandate, you must "choose not to". Ya dumb?

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: puzzled2
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

but it might

Recent data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics reveals people who have been double jabbed against COVID-19 are dying from all causes at a rate six times higher than the unvaccinated

3 Reasons UK Vaccination Data Might Raise Some Eyebrows

You mean the elderly and vulnerable are dying at a higher rate than the under 16s?

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

He would have had his second shot maybe 2 months ago.

I don't believe that there has been a single recorded vaccine death that occurred so long after the actual shot.

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 09:36 AM
Sad for his family, but this prick sure had an ego and an anger problem.

a reply to: ElectricUniverse

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 09:38 AM
I love the sliding scale for counting covid death vs vaccine death. Almost as much as your need to defend the narrative.

a reply to: AaarghZombies

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: Shoujikina
a reply to: visitedbythem

a horrible place of eternal torment.

Such a place does not exist. I mean, this world does good enough a job to simulate 'eternal torment', but in the end, it will only be a hundred years or less (usually).

Karma happens, and we all reap what we sow. However, eventually, even the most evil and stubborn of us has cleansed his soul of the icky stuff and are free to enjoy life and move on. We don't have to ever be in a situation of 'eternal torment' - that would be cruel and unusual punishment, that even the Earthly governments would think is too much. How can a loving Creator be worse than an Earthly government?

We all go to our 'level' - if we're lowly vibrating demons, after the body dies, we live amongst other lowly vibrating demons in a probably very gloomy, dark, depressing environment. If we're human beings that just made some mistakes but want to be good, we will probably get to live in a much higher-vibrating worlds after our sins have been atoned (there's no proper vocabulary for this stuff, so this explanation is a bit faulty - we have to process everything we have done in the incarnation before we can move on), and we have learned the lessons we were meant to learn from the incarnation. Then we're free to cultivate, play, learn, research, travel, etc. until it's time to incarnate again for a new set of lessons and to pay more karmic debts.

There's no 'eternal torment', but there is 'almost-eternal spiritual cultivation' that takes us to higher levels until we join back with the Creator the way a lonely drop of water might join an ocean.

Hell wasnt prepared for Humanity. It was made for Angels that rebelled, and left their first estate. There was a war, and they lost. 1/3 were cast out. The very worst of them are still locked away, but will be released during the tribulation period. You may view them as powerful aliens. Very evil. Everyone has been given a choice. We are all 1 heartbeat away from the place we have chosen for eternity. The last heartbeat.

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: Shoujikina
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

If you chose to not get the jab and die from the alleged covid, that's your fault.


In any case, 'death' is no one's 'fault' - it's a natural thing that happens to every BODY, but not the spirit.

Also, you don't have to choose to NOT do something. That is the default mode, not doing anything. Anything you DO is a choice, but you don't specifically need a choice to NOT do something. Did you choose every single day that 'today I am NOT going to climb mount Everest'? Of course not, because it's the default mode. However, if you DO climb the mount Everest, that requires a choice.

Therefore, choosing to 'not get a stab' is not required. You don't have to make any choice, and the side-effect of not making any choices, a stab will (hopefully) not happen. You just don't have to specifically make a choice, when it's something you are not doing.

I never made a choice to 'not get stabbed'. I didn't 'refuse' or anything. I just haven't made any choices about anything like that, I just rather live my life normally and make choices about the things I do every day, and that's all - that's enough for me.

So not making the choice to 'get stabbed' is not the same thing as making a choice to 'not get stabbed'.

There is a big difference.

Yes, alleged covid. Nobody has proven it exists yet ;-) It's somewhat of a theory marketed and amplified by the media for big pharma and globalists.

Death is the natural transition from one life to the next, however, accelerated death through the jab is not necessarily a natural transition, at least in a temporal sense, except within the framework of a fully deterministic reality construct, but that's another direction ;-) Since there is a lot of media/government/peer pressure to get the jab through coercion/extortion/social shaming/etc, I still choose not to get the jab, simply because I know how it works and I know the end result is an accelerated death, whether that is 15 minutes from getting it or two years. I can chose a negative non-action. I did the research back in 2005/6 into mRNA/rDNA transport. Since I know what the jab does and I have also done research and development/weapons deployment for the military, I think I'll chose to die on my feet if possible, fighting ;-)

Supposedly everybody has a choice in what they do or don't do, so sayeth the illusion of free will, so in my illusion of choice I chose not to alter my system with a DNA modifying mRNA tool. If they mandate this sh!t, which would be totally illegal, immoral and unethical, they will have to kill me and I will not go quietly into that darkness alone. It's a shame there isn't a DNA marker for psychopaths (or maybe there is), so that we could selectively get rid of them and clean the pollutants from the gene pool.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 11/14.2021 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 05:11 PM
Good effin riddance to worthless garbage!

posted on Nov, 14 2021 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: canucks555
This seems to be the new "thing" for anti vaxxers.

Do you know how many people are now vaxxed? Like..A billion or more?

So every time anyone who has had the vax dies..Its the vaxxes fault?

Do you know how stupid that angle is?


Yeah rational thinking left this town long ago...It got on a train named "deny ignorance".

Just emotional screetching and some yummy recipes remain.

Kind of like facebook but instead of little blue thumbs-up we have shiny green stars.

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