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S4 facility at Area 51 photographed during construction

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posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 01:47 AM

An exhaustive search of satellite photos through various years has revealed the location of the S4 facility during construction.

Most likely a Nuclear drill was used to dig through the mountain which eliminates the need to haul away vast amounts of debris.

Full video at the following link -

edit on 8-11-2021 by A51Watcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 02:07 AM

originally posted by: A51Watcher

Full video at the following link

VIDEO posted here, for convenience.

According to UAP Research (uploader), these are the precise coordinates for anyone interested:
37.07.46N 115.54.13W

edit on 8/11/2021 by Sublimecraft because: added Lat & Long

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Couldn't get those coordinates to work. I found this area that's close and actually marked S-4

And all these years I've been looking on the opposite side of papoose lake. The circle is S4 and the arrow is where I was looking all these years.

Big thanks

Edit: ok so the arrow is now pointing to where the video claims the location is...

edit on 8-11-2021 by Bigburgh because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: A51Watcher

Did you send this to George yet?

If not, I just emailed it to him.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: Macenroe82
a reply to: A51Watcher

Did you send this to George yet?

If not, I just emailed it to him.

Goerge? As in Knapp?

Wouldn't it be easier to contact Mark ( Springer )👍🏼😁

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: A51Watcher

Sorry but not very convincing and the assertation that because someone doodled a rough sketch that could be loosely linked to a natural formation somewhere in the general area then everything they have ever said is true is both illogical and easily proven to be wrong (university tenure and qualification for an easy starter).

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 09:45 AM
Bob Lazar….Right again!

Excellent video.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Those precise coordinates does not work..

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Bigburgh

Too late, I sent it over to Knapperz personal email.
He should actually be checking his email anytime now, its after 8 am over there.
He usually gets back to me fairly quickly.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: Macenroe82


posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: A51Watcher

Wouldn't any satellite imagery from 1989 be far less quality than what is presented here?

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 06:23 PM
Are you claiming the areas I circled in yellow are construction sites?:

If I quickly take a screenshot of the same area today using the 3-D version of Google Earth, although not exactly at the same angle, couldn't that be a trick of sunlight and shadow across the topography of the mountain?:

Maybe I'm interpreting what you're saying wrong.

With the photos of 1952, 1988, 2005 you show, 1988 is a shot taken at a different angle and different time of day than with 1952 and 2005. Those shots are from higher above angle of S-4:

It's more in line with the second photo I posted above.
edit on 8-11-2021 by Ectoplasm8 because: closer photos

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 06:38 PM
I dont feel like the video made a persuasive argument for it being the location.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 08:45 PM
Threads like this absolutely bum me out...

It's 2021 and we all have the benefit of the full internet and its resources at our disposal. How does anyone still believe Bob Lazar at this point? There's no alien bunker in the side of a mountain, there's no anti-gravity craft powered by "stable Element 115," there's no tooth fairy, and there's no Santa Claus.

I totally get wanting to believe him and initially being foolish by his demeanor...we're all human and want to trust our gut. But Bob Lazar's alien stories are a complete fraud and I'd bet my life on it.

The more people go out of their way to try to prove him right the dumber we look to the general public, and that's not good for anyone.

Please put Lazar in to the hoax bin where he belongs....the longer we put this off, the worse off this subject is as a whole.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 12:13 AM
This is a screen shot of your 1952 photo of S-4 from the video compared to mine from Google Earth 2021:

Below I've circled the area in question. The small features within the yellow circles in 1952 match exactly with 2021. The angle once again isn't perfect, but seems to point to no excavation in its 70 year history:

I could be wrong again in your point with your photos.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: Ectoplasm8
This is a screen shot of your 1952 photo of S-4 from the video compared to mine from Google Earth 2021:

Below I've circled the area in question. The small features within the yellow circles in 1952 match exactly with 2021. The angle once again isn't perfect, but seems to point to no excavation in its 70 year history:

I could be wrong again in your point with your photos.

Nice work...this is going to be the case because there hasn't been any excavation at this site. Lazar made this # up.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: Bigburgh
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Couldn't get those coordinates to work. I found this area that's close and actually marked S-4

Edit: ok so the arrow is now pointing to where the video claims the location is...
Yes, there is an S-4 there but as you discovered it's not where Lazar says it is. It's also not what Lazar says it is, it has foreign radars installed, so they fly new planes around S-4 to check their radar signatures on foreign radar systems.

originally posted by: Macenroe82
a reply to: Bigburgh

Too late, I sent it over to Knapperz personal email.
He should actually be checking his email anytime now, its after 8 am over there.
He usually gets back to me fairly quickly.
I don't communicate with Knapp via e-mail. Maybe you can ask him to confirm or deny the claim that area-51 security guard Fred Dunham checked all the logs of people entering area 51 when Lazar claimed to be working there, and Lazar's name wasn't on any of the logs, which proves Lazar never was in the secure area of area 51 (though Eric Davis says he worked as a radiation health tech in an unclassified off-site support facility requiring no security clearance, so obviously Fred Dunham's checks would only apply to the secure area 51 site, not that unsecured, unclassified offsite support facility.)

The part I'd especially like to see Knapp confirm or deny is that Fred Dunham says he told George Knapp all about his Area 51 security log checks, proving Bob Lazar never worked in the secure area, because Lazar's name never appeared on any of the logs. If Fred Dunham really did tell Knapp how he knew Lazar's story was fake, what did George Knapp do with that information?

Interview with Fred Dunham Area 51 security guard ~ 1981-92, re: Bob Lazar and Area 51

Fred worked at Area 51 during the time Bob said he was flying there to then take a bus to a supposed S4 at Papoose. Fred checked the Area 51 security lists(current and historical) and Bob was not on them. Based on that and because there was no base at Papoose, Fred had told George that Bob's story was not true

George Knapp has already admitted he doesn't believe Lazar's claims about his education, and he's asked Lazar to come clean about that, but Lazar keeps lying. If Fred Dunham told Knapp that he has more proof Lazar's story is false, then it's not only Lazar who needs to come clean, Knapp does too, if he now knows that Lazar is lying about a lot more than his education.

originally posted by: BurnsXL
It's 2021 and we all have the benefit of the full internet and its resources at our disposal. How does anyone still believe Bob Lazar at this point? There's no alien bunker in the side of a mountain, there's no anti-gravity craft powered by "stable Element 115," there's no tooth fairy, and there's no Santa Claus.
The interview with Fred Dunham was just posted this year, in July, so the evidence that Lazar lied about a lot got another nail in the coffin, but that link to the interview also has other links to a lot more previous nails in the coffin of Lazar's partially false stories.

I think one reason some people have trouble sorting out the Lazar mythology is that not everything he said was a complete lie. For example, the subject of this thread, there really is an S-4 for testing the radar signatures of new aircraft as mentioned in the Fred Dunham interview. So, some people might go "aha there really is an S-4" and give Lazar credit for that, even though it's not what nor where Lazar claimed it is. Other elements of his story have a mix of truths and lies, like truth he really did work at Los Alamos, but lie that he was a physicist, he wasn't, he was a technician doing radiation-monitoring related work, such as the "alpha probes" Lazar and John Lear worked on, as explained by John Lear.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Fred Dunham told me that he checked the Master Entry Authority List after Lazar went public with his claims. Dunham said he was unable to find Lazar's name anywhere. He also told me that there was no facility at Papoose Lake, but that there were radar and electronic systems on the tops of some of the nearby hills. The site on Google Earth that is labeled "S-4 Research Facility" looks to me like a couple of concrete pads for mobile radar equipment.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 04:15 PM

originally posted by: Shadowhawk
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Fred Dunham told me that he checked the Master Entry Authority List after Lazar went public with his claims. Dunham said he was unable to find Lazar's name anywhere. He also told me that there was no facility at Papoose Lake, but that there were radar and electronic systems on the tops of some of the nearby hills. The site on Google Earth that is labeled "S-4 Research Facility" looks to me like a couple of concrete pads for mobile radar equipment.
Interesting, thanks for sharing.

originally posted by: A51Watcher

An exhaustive search of satellite photos through various years has revealed the location of the S4 facility during construction.
Have you ever tried talking to Fred Dunham, who was actually there, to assess the claims about S4? I think he would confirm there is an S-4, but it's probably the one BigBurgh found, not at the location you are looking at.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

For what it's worth, Dunham noted that the only "S-4" he knew of was the Site 4 radar complex up by Tonopah Test Range. It's one of several groups of actual and simulated adversary radar equipment located within the Nevada Test and Training Range.

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