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I am a legit human being and have to admit...

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posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: Lux96

But if they're those humans doing it what's the Interface? How do they get what you do and what they have to say transmitted? In such a perfect choreography.
That's the art behind it to be possible, they need to rehearse all scenarios of what you might do and prepare for all of them. They need to give their commands and all use the lines.
Doesn't all this effort and manpower speak clearly against it?
Nobody would have time for their own lives anymore. do that for a phase maybe like Sims3 but you'll end up needing something real.
For fun? For that prize if it were for fun they'd have a lot more fun with you than this. Cheaper. A lot cheaper.
For that prize you'd want to get your value.
Obviously not what is happening.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Well, my opinion is that these people are not exactly 'regular human beings'.

But you should know, all people send out photons from their eyes when thinking certain thoughts, combined with our connection through the earths electro-magnetic field, who knows what is possible.
Maybe they are just really NPC's, programs in the matrix, monitoring you at all times, permanent link with each other at all times.
Or Hive Mind aliens, same gist.

CIA was pretty succesful with remote viewing, which demonstrated our capability to either use the ether or use our connections through the electromagnetic field.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: Lux96

Those are our fellow crew members.
If they catch a parasite we can't just call it a day and blow up the Enterprise.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Everybody is welcome if you ask me.

What exactly do you mean with: "if they catch a parasite we can't just call it a day.."

I'm friendly towards everyone, even if I don't trust them. I give more love than I receive. I'm like that, but still these weird #ers making me wonder about the world.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: Lux96

Revolutions are always painful. This current one will last through the current decade and will be extra painful since it's Not a peoples revolution and 2) involves the entire planet. Nothing is ever hopeless, but the current situation is dire and bleak depending on one's POV. Social trends tend to move like a pendulum, and while what is going on is not organic but Marxist social engineering, it will swing back with an eventual backlash, albeit only a minority of the brave and sane. Just don't count on space Nazis to save you, it is up to us to work out our own salvation.

Though it's not being called a Revolution, synonymous with the French Revolution, American Revolution, Bolshevik Revolution, 60s cultural revolution, etc., it is a state-sponsored GLOBAL Revolution of a slow & steady power grab process over their populations. Back then they told you it is a minus the violence of yester year they don't, but use psychological warfare methods & free stuff/money/ice cream to wear you down and make you submit. The msm drones never state the obvious.

It has begun, our Reptilian Overlords demand action...

UN Overlords

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: Lux96

You never watched Picard's Star Trek?
They're constantly getting mind raped or consider the consequences of doing it themself.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Lux96

You never watched Picard's Star Trek?
They're constantly getting mind raped or consider the consequences of doing it themself.


posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 10:55 PM
ATS has become a think tank where people do research and post information or try to correct false information about stuff these days. I think it was sort of like that before, but it has now swung towards trying to get to the truth more instead of accepting consensus of the time and propaganda.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 10:58 PM
Well, the ages are not growing more stabile.
Ofcourse with such a large population here, there will be sh*t and lots of sh*t.

I do feel the vibes which I just don't feel in typical discussions in a normal social group. Not everyone has to agree about everything.

Just sharing experiences and opinions in a relatively civilized manner is alot these days.

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 02:45 AM

originally posted by: Lux96
Well, the ages are not growing more stabile.
Ofcourse with such a large population here, there will be sh*t and lots of sh*t.

I do feel the vibes which I just don't feel in typical discussions in a normal social group. Not everyone has to agree about everything.

Just sharing experiences and opinions in a relatively civilized manner is alot these days.

The shame is you are talking like this is an abnormal experience, honestly before SM, and all the tech people talked and discussed topics it's only fairly recently it has gone downhill

It's almost like some entity is trying to divide us, but we are rebellious and independent yet we are also social animals

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: putnam6

Yeah I know, but I just see so little real conversations with mutual respect, but I come from facebook mainly, it's just about being right over there with the casual mocking of the losing party.

But there is indeed a strange force apparently taking over the collective mind and people are just sitting in a flow of water pretending to be each going their way but only getting shaken about each other and mimic each other to cause the least resistance. Especially the mimicing part... It's like, let's just 'pretend' to be normal so I can go about my day, but, sadly, pretending to be normal is to be completely retarded and making way for totalitarian control to take its reign. If I see how 'easy' everything changes and people are like: im fine. I can't exactly understand it myself.

Must be some dark magic, probably.

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