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Has somthing gone wrong with the great reset?

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posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
a reply to: M5xaz

That is a more critical view than I was prepared to take at this point. I find no fault in it, though I may take a slightly more conservative view of the events, at last for now.

I think, if collapse is genuine and happening, China will go all-in. War is good for an economy. A threat to survival is very inspirational. My question is whether China attacks US interests to use them as bargaining chips or makes efforts to keep the US out of it. Granted the current administration isn't much of a deterrent, but having the US involved will only exacerbate the issues. Anything biden gets involved in immediately gets worse than it ever needed to be.

Sure, the CCP may try war.

But an army fed made in China plastic rice and made in China bullets, tanks and aircraft that don't work won't get very far....

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: M5xaz

Exactly an army marches on its stomach. Their soldiers are untested. The skirmish at the Indian border was a profound embarrassment to them. I think they will go turtle tighten their borders and declare the rest of the world Barbarian. Internally all it needs is a match. When you think four generations of a family's savings went into Evergrande pissed off will not be the word. They have one option that is to print to cool the fervor. This will only contain things for so long, they will need the army to keep order in their own backyard. I have seen a vid of a guy execting a police officer with a clever, just casually dropped him and wandered off, with the bystanders taking phone shots. So who knows.

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 07:32 PM
It is quite possible that the planners and financiers of the great reset have been updated along the way and know none of it is proceeding like they signed on to. Some may be backing out. Some may be turning their resources to oppose and fight against it as they are more convinced it's suicide FOR THEM as well as irrecoverable genocide for the entire planet.

posted on Oct, 29 2021 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: tkwasny

You could be on the ball, at the moment it would be like rats leaving the ship before it sinks. They will be looking after number one first.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
The Han line cuts China in two, 95% of the population live to the west and 5% to the barren cold East.

It's the "Hu Line" and it's the opposite way round. Nearly everyone lives in the East of the country.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: FatherLukeDuke

Thanks for the correction. I thought all the Han Chinese lived, as you corrected me to the East of it.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Who really knows what they are up-to, and the why ?

Could they possibly have ways to ' encourage' volcanic activity ? DAARPA ?

Don't think that anything really matter though, as they will get their way by hook or by crook.

They are meticulous planners, if anything.
Nobody want to ponder the ideas that all is planned, manipulated, and guided via Social-Engineering™ concepts.

My gut feeling is that it's still full-steam ahead.

The Tyrannical-Tip-Toe™ happens so slowly, that most of us don't notice it's even happening.
Step-backs are part of the plan, just like in many other kinds of fields, or ventures.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: Nothin

True, we get little snippets from China, of people shouting "It's all fake" Then we get another one of a guy having a smoke in a body bag. We get news that they are in dire straits, as I mentioned. So wouldn't the art of war declare that if the Enemy thinks you are weak, they would underestimate you when it came to attacking? China is as tight as a fishes arse, would we ever see anything that they did not want us to see. The Internet is controlled, as is the Shill media. Moscow is supposed to be in the grips of a large wave at the moment. Is it ?we know the shill media want fear, they want to control the chaos.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 04:40 PM
Maybe I am confused, but I though the great reset was a total transformation of the global economic system; often framed as a reset of "capitalism". In order to reset and or replace the current global economic system one would have to shut it down or have it collapse.

Hearing that China is on the verge of collapse and may well be the first domino to fall, it actually sounds like the great reset is going just fine and is right on schedule.
edit on 30-10-2021 by themessengernevermatters because: typo

edit on 30-10-2021 by themessengernevermatters because: typo

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 05:33 PM
Also worth remembering, that due to its one child policy, China has a rapidly aging population with hundreds of millions due to retire from the workforce in the next few decades.

It's not clear how this can be resolved without a huge retreat from commerce.
edit on 30-10-2021 by Robert Reynolds because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-10-2021 by Robert Reynolds because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: themessengernevermatters

Could be but the chaos would have to be controlled, any number of unforeseen random events, could make it grow exponentially, then all control would be lost. The random event number one is changing rain patterns.I see jack mau the billionaire forgive the spelling, seems to have surfaced in Holland looking at their Robo food production. Too little too late, I fear.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Yes my bud !!
Now we're cooking with gas !! LoL !!

The optics are manipulated before they reach our consciousness.

Have you ever played with a dog and one of them rag-chew toys ?
It's like a game of tug, mostly.
Sometimes one can even lift the dog off the ground, and/or spin them around a bit.
Their jaw remains locked-on the toy in a vise-like grip.
When there is a lull in the pulling : the dog senses it, and will readjust their grip as firm as possible.

My view of these Technocratic™ entities is something like that.
Am seeing them as an extensive, all-encompassing machine.
A machine that never sleeps, is always hungry, and always wants more, more, more.
Basically a relentless energy, that wears down opposition by sheer unrelenting pressure, and bulldogged determination.

A humoristic view of them would be like that race of naked scammers on the show Futurama™.
They end-up taking over the planet, and everything, and ship the broke residents off to wherever, in a huge cargo ship.

" Na-na. Na-na-na-na. Hey-ey-ey : We took your stuff ! " LoL !!

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: Nothin

Didn't the art of war state. First, don't kill your enemy, just wound him, as it takes two people to care for him. So that is three out of the fight, instead of just one. When you have won the war you can finish him off. Everything we see at the moment could be seen in that light. As long as the politicians are trusted they have deniability. Didn't they make 303 ammo illegal and move Nato to 208 or something a while back. But that was in the days of an honest fight.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 11:53 PM
People positioned in unique ways for when the moment comes. a reply to: tkwasny

edit on 30-10-2021 by Dionysaur because: wanted quote of mention

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: DeadSnow

I am not saying that you are wrong, but all the ills are from political Decisions. They can only be made as long as the same policies are pushed. At some stage the politics will change and so will the politicians. The ability to implement them will fail along with the economy.

You can't kill an ideology, it's a global cabal. Has nothing to do with individuals.

posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 05:15 AM
Another thread with a completely different title than what's actually being said in the posts.

I thought we were talking about 'the great reset', I still don't quite know what that means. It seems, however, people are talking about CHINA.

Why is China not mentioned in the title?

Everything that can be controlled : has been usurped, captured, and controlled.

First of all, no, it hasn't. If you really think so, you are not seeing the forest for the trees. Basically, every atom can be controlled, but has it? And by whom?

Also, why did you add 'usurp' and 'capture', when you just talk about 'control'? Those words have a completely different meaning.

Third of all, if that were true, then you and your thoughts would also be controlled - again, by whom? Whom are you talking about when you talk about 'has been controlled' (curiously, you are using a past tense instead of saying 'is being controlled')?

Your claim is very thoughtless, could you please refine it? Thanks.

People still have free thought, but people's thought processes can be controlled. This is just _ONE_ example of things that CAN be controlled, but haven't - - depending, again, on your meaning of 'by whom'.

So please clarify and think this through.

posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: themessengernevermatters

Could be but the chaos would have to be controlled, any number of unforeseen random events, could make it grow exponentially, then all control would be lost. The random event number one is changing rain patterns.I see jack mau the billionaire forgive the spelling, seems to have surfaced in Holland looking at their Robo food production. Too little too late, I fear.

You are right it would have to be controlled, but I think the coordinated efforts by most of the nations and their central banks during the covid global economic shut down, when oil was in the negative, clearly shows that such coordinated control can and will be easily achieved if there was a chain reaction collapse of the global economy.

And I would wager if it was a full collapse facing all the nations, cooperation would be a more palatable alternative, than war for all nations involved.

I think war would be more likely if only some of the nations economies collapsed, but I think the economy of all the nations have become so interconnected and entwined through global trade, that there wouldn't really be a way to contain economic collapse isolated to one nation, like China. I think we left that world a quite a few decades ago.

edit on 1-11-2021 by themessengernevermatters because: typo

edit on 1-11-2021 by themessengernevermatters because: typo

posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

The forest you say ?
Alright then : forest it is !

Let's start by expanding out from the 'tree' sentence from my post that was quoted, and mostly focused-on.

That 'tree' was purposely not spaced from the sentence after it, as my intention was for them to be presented as a pairing :

Everything that can be controlled : has been usurped, captured, and controlled.
Everything else is predicted by Experts™ and Models™ : to a satisfactory level of predictability.

Here we have a beautiful pair of White-Birch trees, growing from a common root-system.
So what can be controlled is controlled, and what can't be controlled is predicted.

To the first point : Was not considering atoms, so perhaps you have a point there.
My intention was to comment within the scope of ' The Great Reset™ ', and haven't seen them mention atoms, ...yet...

To the second point : please don't worry too much about my use of grammar, as am a serial grammar and punctuation abuser. Sometimes we can reduce the seeming awkwardness of someone's way of expressing themselves, by just viewing posts here as written by a very wide variety of folks, from a wide variety of backgrounds and life-paths.

Let's look at one 'thing' of that 'everything', and see if we can say something perhaps a little more clear about that aspect, or 'tree' of the forest.

Have you ever heard about how the ' Monetary-System™ ' operates ?
Ex : The US™ ' Monetary-System™ ' was usurped, by the Banksters™ through capturing the politicians, and then controlling the laws they drew-up, and controlling how these laws were passed into federal law.

So in my awkward language, *Awkwardese™, and referring back to the statement in the quote :
The US™ ' Monetary-System™ ' is controlled today : because the Jekyll-Island-Gang™ usurped the political // judicial-process, by capturing anyone influential in those processes, thereby controlling all of the controllable elements of said processes.
Controlled in the present : because what could be controlled in the past, was controlled.

To the third point : it is indeed a question of opinion, to what point our thoughts are // have been controlled.
" Ho-ho-ho : Green-Giant™ ".

If one were exposed to those TV commercials : one instantly recalls the tone, phrasing, rhythm, and melody of that compact jingle.
If that is not programming : what is it ?

A simple observation of society, we can see masses of people clamoring for new iPhones™, and other various shiny-things, with million-dollar advertising campaigns behind them.

Would there be a multi-billion dollar advertising // marketing // PR industries, if they didn't influence our minds ?
Would propaganda be so rampant, if it was ineffective ?

So again in *Awkwardese™ : our thoughts are partially controlled, partially predicted, and to your point ; partially free and unpredictable.

' The Great Reset™ ' is for-sure a difficult concept to grasp, as the folks behind it are deceivers.
They use nice-sounding euphemisms, to hide their evil machinations.
Such as : ' Equality™ ', ' Sustainable-Development™ ' or ' Inclusiveness™ ' , etc...

They are meticulous planners.
They are crashing the global economy through their arm called the ' WEF™ ' , so that they can manage every possible aspect of it, and predict the rest.
But they have multiple tentacles, are are seeking to, or have already assumed control of virtually all of branches, aspects, and areas of civilization.
Yes : including atoms. ( Funding to the ' LHC™ ', ' Atomic-Commission™ ', electronics, biology, and research into ' QM™ ', etc... ).

One might say that ' The Great Reset™ ' : is but one mighty Oak-tree, in their deep-dark forest of trees, and vines that tangle.

Honestly : it often takes me over an hour to make a post. Sometimes 2.
So lots of thought, is often compressed into just a few compact sentences.
Am of course also just as prone to making sometimes quicker posts, like most of us.
But a lot of thought was put-into these posts, so not thoughtless, from my perspective at least.

*Awkwardese™ : yes. Just made that up.

edit on 1-11-2021 by Nothin because: Getting tired, making mistakes.

posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: Nothin

The people's mind set that created the great reset is flawed. The first flaw is that it can be controlled with money, and focus on cities, which are a machine of sorts. Where food control can be augmented. The fact is anyone with a bit of knowledge can wander down a country lane and end up with a decent meal of sorts. Anyone with an airgun can pop a rabbit, and as long as you eat the heart and liver can thrive. Or wander through the trees grabbing edible fungi. Who is laughing now?

posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: anonentity

i think you are on to something. they are in panic mode. something didnt go right. bill gates way too much air time. economy in west collapses also bankers dont trust themselves hilarious will not lend to each other because everyone now is a complete reprobate you are on to something

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