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The Covid-19 Jabs are an Insult to Real Vaccines - Look How Fast Their Efficacy Plummets.

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posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: bastion
a reply to: jerich0

It's Maths in English.

Americans say Math as they're thick and haven't worked out Mathematic isn't a word. The rest of the English speaking world uses Maths as Mathematics is the study of numbers

Maths... like Bricks... I get it, Ok... you need to know that there is more than one thing involved.

It's not plural.. I have never used Maths as a word and thought I was using it properly. I am so so sorry to the poms... A lazy contrived word. Orrite guv?

Mathematics on the other hand, is a word. But yeh bruv, just say maffs...

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: jerich0

originally posted by: bastion
a reply to: jerich0

It's Maths in English.

Americans say Math as they're thick and haven't worked out Mathematic isn't a word. The rest of the English speaking world uses Maths as Mathematics is the study of numbers

Maths... like Bricks... I get it, Ok... you need to know that there is more than one thing involved.

It's not plural.. I have never used Maths as a word and thought I was using it properly. I am so so sorry to the poms... A lazy contrived word. Orrite guv?

Mathematics on the other hand, is a word. But yeh bruv, just say maffs...

It is a plural . The word Math has become acceptable in the US but it's still wrong, Americans don't call Physics, Physic. The only other country that calls it Math is Canada and you know what they say about Canadians. If you're an Aussie that makes even less sense as Maths is the correct term is Australia as you guys use the proper English version.

There's 1000s of fields, branches and sets of Mathematics. Discrete Maths, Pure Maths, Calculus, Scalars, Vectors and Tensors, Matrices, Hessian Matrices, Markov Chains, Probabilities, Stochastic Probabilities, Geomety, Euclidian Geometry, Non-Euclidean Geometry, Euclidian Space, Hilbert Space, Co-ordinates, Cartesian Co-ordinateds , Polar, Spherical Co-ordinates etc...pretty certain all US degrees are called Mathematics Degrees which is the correct usage as opposed to Math degrees.

I'm English and my degree is in Applied Maths which is the application of Mathematics in the real world and covered most of the above (18 fields and roughly 100 branches of maths within those) but I specialised in Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues.

Not a dig at you or American-English just I have an unhealthy hate of the word and taught a number of kids in the UK who grew up watching US tv and thought they could use the bastardised version.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: carewemust

They do NOT protect against infection by the Virus OR being infectious to others once you are infected and in fact most of the selling point about them is that they are supposed to stop the virus killing you? - but it still can and often does especially since the immune system is weakened by the mRNA substance in order to stop your own immune system from rejecting the mRNA infected cell's that are being reprogrammed to create the spike protein.

That means that once the lockdown's ended the virus infection rates sky rocketed, not among the unvaccinated no matter how much they are arguing that lie but in general but they have to point the finger somewhere or the sheep will wake up SO let's stir up a medieval witch hunt and blame the unvaccinated modern age pagans for there sorcerous way's and not being good converts to the cult of the mRNA.

Look I am NOT an anti Vaxxer though any vaccine made with embryo cells from aborted foetus I will if knowledgeable refuse and I do NOT accept this mRNA method as Vaccination because it is simply not it is instead experimentation and possibly something far worse.

The world Knows that Fauci in the US and his CDC were working with the Wuhan lab were the virus escaped on gain of function research so we have to ask ourselves why would they want to create a virus like that unless it was to depopulate the planet, what therefore is hiding in the so called vaccines pushed by the same people and why are governments stamping down on free speech on the issue.

edit on 25-10-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: bastion

I make a homebrews.

Make sense? no. Math is a word, it implies all of it, without needed specification.

What a useless argument, really. sorry I brought up correct words. Simpletons will fight with their yellowed teeth to be correct.

I'll go get my calculators and find out if 2 + 2 = 4...

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If a bullet proof vest reduced you chance of getting shot at all by 50% or more I think that sounds a win.

If it reduced your chance of getting hospitalised or killed by 90% + (as the vaccines do) then even better.

A bullet proof vest will not be approved as one if it only works 54% of the time.

The Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines are only at 90% effectiveness for 3 months. From there, its a downhill trip.

Johnson & Johnson is never at 90% effectiveness.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 10:13 AM

originally posted by: Deetermined

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If a bullet proof vest reduced you chance of getting shot at all by 50% or more I think that sounds a win.

If it reduced your chance of getting hospitalised or killed by 90% + (as the vaccines do) then even better.

That works two ways.

If the "vaccine" is only 90% effective for a week and 50% effective after four months, is it still worth it if you develop a 50% increase in developing long term Immune Disorders, blood clots, Parkinsons, Alzeheimers, or Dementia? This is the real question you need to ask yourself.

Exactly right. The worst part of these wanna-be vaccines. It's hard to believe parents are going to play Russian Roulette with their little children next month. Unreal that any "educated" parent would.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
Covid changes fast just like the flu, which is why the flu jab is different every year.

They will over time change the covid vax to reflect the change in covid variants.

It's common sense.

Common sense is contracting/recovering from Covid-19, so you can ignore all the vaxx/booster/complications concerns.

As the CDC says, it is RARE for anyone who has recovered from Covid-19 to contract it again.

Best Way Out of the Madness:

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Deetermined

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If a bullet proof vest reduced you chance of getting shot at all by 50% or more I think that sounds a win.

If it reduced your chance of getting hospitalised or killed by 90% + (as the vaccines do) then even better.

That works two ways.

If the "vaccine" is only 90% effective for a week and 50% effective after four months, is it still worth it if you develop a 50% increase in developing long term Immune Disorders, blood clots, Parkinsons, Alzeheimers, or Dementia? This is the real question you need to ask yourself.

Since the effectiveness against severe outcomes seems at least relatively long lasting, and as there is no real evidence of am increased risk for any of those things (or at least far less risk than from covid itself), it absolutely seems worth it.

What the government doesn't understand is that American's don't care if their next door neighbor DOES or DOES NOT want to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

What we want is for the government to NOT mandate these drugs across entire sections of the country.

It doesn't matter that Congress and the White House have (wisely) exempted themselves from taking them.

Just leave us alone!

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If a bullet proof vest reduced you chance of getting shot at all by 50% or more I think that sounds a win.

If it reduced your chance of getting hospitalised or killed by 90% + (as the vaccines do) then even better.

A bullet proof vest will not be approved as one if it only works 54% of the time.

The Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines are only at 90% effectiveness for 3 months. From there, its a downhill trip.

Johnson & Johnson is never at 90% effectiveness.

I think you have watched too many movies if you think bullet proof best are that effective.

For pfizer the vaccine remain 90%+ effective against hospitalisation at 6 months.

Other vaccines have similar high rates against severe cases.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Deetermined

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If a bullet proof vest reduced you chance of getting shot at all by 50% or more I think that sounds a win.

If it reduced your chance of getting hospitalised or killed by 90% + (as the vaccines do) then even better.

That works two ways.

If the "vaccine" is only 90% effective for a week and 50% effective after four months, is it still worth it if you develop a 50% increase in developing long term Immune Disorders, blood clots, Parkinsons, Alzeheimers, or Dementia? This is the real question you need to ask yourself.

Since the effectiveness against severe outcomes seems at least relatively long lasting, and as there is no real evidence of am increased risk for any of those things (or at least far less risk than from covid itself), it absolutely seems worth it.

What the government doesn't understand is that American's don't care if their next door neighbor DOES or DOES NOT want to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

What we want is for the government to NOT mandate these drugs across entire sections of the country.

It doesn't matter that Congress and the White House have (wisely) exempted themselves from taking them.

Just leave us alone!

I have already posted that I agree it should be a personal choice.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: jerich0
a reply to: bastion

I make a homebrews.

Make sense? no. Math is a word, it implies all of it, without needed specification.

What a useless argument, really. sorry I brought up correct words. Simpletons will fight with their yellowed teeth to be correct.

I'll go get my calculators and find out if 2 + 2 = 4...

You didn't bring up the correct word

You tried to be superior while being wrong.

Maybe time to stop digging.,and%20other%20English%2Dspeaking%20places.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: jerich0

Nah Math implies someone doesn't know English or Mathematics and comes from North America. You wont find the word Math in any dictionary outside America as Maths is the correct English spelling.

Seeing as I'm English, have an Applied Maths degree and you're trying to claim Maths isn't English; you're the one being the simipleton trying to argue English dictionaries are all wrong.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: jerich0

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
Covid changes fast just like the flu, which is why the flu jab is different every year.

They will over time change the covid vax to reflect the change in covid variants.

It's common sense.

I didn't sat they were the same. I was using an example of a virus that changes constantly and we use a jab for..

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 11:14 AM
These vaccines are not that good, hopefully a person got an asymptomatic case of the virus during that time to build up some immunity...Oh wait, maybe that is how people still have some immunity after six months when they got the vaccine, they were out and about and got the virus and some just had the natural immunity left after six months. Makes perfect sense.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: jerich0
a reply to: ScepticScot

Yep, I survived the coronavirus.. no shot needed, no vaccine required.

Cower in your undies, mate... get jabbed 5 times. See if it helps you..

You might consider that medical research and statistical analysis isn't based on your personal experience.

Medically, if he had the virus and survived, he doesn't need the vaccine. His natural immunity is better than any of the vaccines can provide, even if you believe all their numbers (which are flawed actually, but we don't need to go there.)

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Deetermined

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If a bullet proof vest reduced you chance of getting shot at all by 50% or more I think that sounds a win.

If it reduced your chance of getting hospitalised or killed by 90% + (as the vaccines do) then even better.

That works two ways.

If the "vaccine" is only 90% effective for a week and 50% effective after four months, is it still worth it if you develop a 50% increase in developing long term Immune Disorders, blood clots, Parkinsons, Alzeheimers, or Dementia? This is the real question you need to ask yourself.

Since the effectiveness against severe outcomes seems at least relatively long lasting, and as there is no real evidence of am increased risk for any of those things (or at least far less risk than from covid itself), it absolutely seems worth it.

What the government doesn't understand is that American's don't care if their next door neighbor DOES or DOES NOT want to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

Unfortunately a disturbing percentage of Americans do care about that and want the government to force it on them.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: jerich0
a reply to: ScepticScot

Yep, I survived the coronavirus.. no shot needed, no vaccine required.

Cower in your undies, mate... get jabbed 5 times. See if it helps you..

You might consider that medical research and statistical analysis isn't based on your personal experience.

Medically, if he had the virus and survived, he doesn't need the vaccine. His natural immunity is better than any of the vaccines can provide, even if you believe all their numbers (which are flawed actually, but we don't need to go there.)

Maybe/maybe not.

Doesn't have anything to do with what I said.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 11:52 AM
Yes but 94% of all covid-19 deaths are 50 years old and older and the mean age is 78.
But the 99.9% survival rate means the vaccine is and should always be optional. It sucks getting sick but it's better then changing the world like they are.

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If a bullet proof vest reduced you chance of getting shot at all by 50% or more I think that sounds a win.

If it reduced your chance of getting hospitalised or killed by 90% + (as the vaccines do) then even better.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: jerich0
a reply to: ScepticScot

Yep, I survived the coronavirus.. no shot needed, no vaccine required.

Cower in your undies, mate... get jabbed 5 times. See if it helps you..

You might consider that medical research and statistical analysis isn't based on your personal experience.

Medically, if he had the virus and survived, he doesn't need the vaccine. His natural immunity is better than any of the vaccines can provide, even if you believe all their numbers (which are flawed actually, but we don't need to go there.)

Maybe/maybe not.

Doesn't have anything to do with what I said.

No it's not "maybe/maybe not." Natural immunity is better than that provided by the vaccine. Why are you discounting the science?

You said his personal experience doesn't matter. It does. He has no need for the vaccine, just as he said.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

The problem is that natural immunity is undectectible after 3 months using the flawed method in this study or warped methodology pfizer are using to push the booster when only the very elderly or very immuno-comprimised benefit from booster doses.

The vaccine remains highly effective at reducing hospitalisation and deaths. I strongly advise asking your neurologist for their opinion and advice as you may be able to gain medical exemption from mandates or be at far, far higher risk of death from Covid than the general population.

IIRC you have epillepsy like myself, which comes with a far higher mortality rate from Covid than that faced by the general population. There's no increased risk of contracting it but if unlucky enough to be hospitalised with Covid the death rate is as high as 33% / 1 in 3 as severe cases cause status epilipticus in active epilepsy - though a good portion of those had hypertension and epilepsy.

For tonic-clonic/grand-mal seizures that aren't fully controlled with medication (such as mine) the fatality rate from covid infection is 12.5% / 1 in 8 with no associated co-morbidities as opposed to the 1.5/ 1 in 75 the general public face less than 1 in 1000 for under 50s.

Not trying to scare you, I'm not a Dr, strongly support personal choice and fully opposed to any mandates but if I'm remembering right (I'm terrible with names so may be confused) and if you have active epilepsy the vaccine benefits massively outweigh the risk of contracting Covid prior to vax providing AEDs don't interact with it.

If epileptic it's vital to speak to a neuro if seeking medical exemption from any mandate or thinking of getting vaccinated as in certain types of epillepsy or with certain anti-epileptic drugs the vaccine can reduce the seizure threshold or have interactions with sodium/valporaic acid based medication.

If chosing not to get vaxed they should be able to provide a lot of advice for home treatments to significantly reduce risk of status epilipticus/death if you have suspected/postive coronavirus like a paracetamol/co-codamol regime to keep on top of any fever, inflamation or vasco-constriction that is known to occur in moderate covid cases.

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