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The Covid-19 Jabs are an Insult to Real Vaccines - Look How Fast Their Efficacy Plummets.

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posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 04:23 AM
Monday, October 25, 2021

The longer these Covid-19 "vaccines" are in the arms of Americans, the more accurate and detailed study results are available. This is a big one, with a large sample size of 620,000 human beings.

The Veteran Health Administration Study of 620,000 vaccinated individuals shows a decline in COVID-19 Vaccine effectiveness from February 1st to Mid August, 2021.

Overall vaccine protection was down to 53.9% on August 13th, from 92% in March.

J&J vaccine protection was down to 3% by August 13th. The J&J vaccine offers almost no protection after about three months.

The Pfizer vaccine effectiveness was down to 50% by August 13th.

Moderna provided just 64% protection by August 13th.
Summary Article:

The huge Veterans Health Administration(VA) study:

It's unbelievable that a drug designed to prevent contraction of a disease can be classified as a "vaccine", when its efficacy declines to 54% after just 6 months, and continues downhill from there.

Imagine if a newly designed bullet-proof vest, or birth-control pill, only worked 54% of the time. Would they be awarded the "seal of approval" by their respective industry certification authority? NOPE.

Due to lack of effectiveness, the PFIZER, MODERNA, and JOHNSON & JOHNSON drugs should not be categorized as true vaccines. Doing so is deceiving the public, and lowering the confidence in vaccines, going forward. These 3 vaccine imposters are giving the name "vaccine", a black eye.

And the "boosters" that the Biden Administration are pushing on the population, are nothing more than smaller doses of the vaccines. So in 3 or 4 months, you're back to being only 54% protected against Covid-19 again.


edit on 10/25/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 04:26 AM
No problem as the boosters are on the way probably every six months to a year... Think of all the money they can make to fund their future gain of function projects !!

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 04:33 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky
No problem as the boosters are on the way probably every six months to a year... Think of all the money they can make to fund their future gain of function projects !!

The increasing number of vaccine-induced medical conditions are starting to be more widely known. I saw in another thread that "sudden death" is now officially (quietly) added as one of the potential side-effects of the Covid-19 vaccines.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 04:36 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: 727Sky
No problem as the boosters are on the way probably every six months to a year... Think of all the money they can make to fund their future gain of function projects !!

The increasing number of vaccine-induced medical conditions are starting to be more widely known. I saw in another thread that "sudden death" is now officially (quietly) added as one of the potential side-effects of the Covid-19 vaccines.

And yet nothing has stopped them or slowed the rush to vaccinate every two legged human on the planet. If you have only one leg or none it just makes it easier for them to catch you IMO !

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 04:46 AM
If a bullet proof vest reduced you chance of getting shot at all by 50% or more I think that sounds a win.

If it reduced your chance of getting hospitalised or killed by 90% + (as the vaccines do) then even better.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

It's not a vaccine it's a chip. Hence the rush, before the rage. They will need a thing that can't be counterfeited when you line up at the soup kitchen. You will get Universal Credit if you are good and useful but if not just # off and die.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 05:16 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If a bullet proof vest reduced you chance of getting shot at all by 50% or more I think that sounds a win.

If it reduced your chance of getting hospitalised or killed by 90% + (as the vaccines do) then even better.

That works two ways.

If the "vaccine" is only 90% effective for a week and 50% effective after four months, is it still worth it if you develop a 50% increase in developing long term Immune Disorders, blood clots, Parkinsons, Alzeheimers, or Dementia? This is the real question you need to ask yourself.

edit on 25-10-2021 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 05:28 AM

originally posted by: Deetermined

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If a bullet proof vest reduced you chance of getting shot at all by 50% or more I think that sounds a win.

If it reduced your chance of getting hospitalised or killed by 90% + (as the vaccines do) then even better.

That works two ways.

If the "vaccine" is only 90% effective for a week and 50% effective after four months, is it still worth it if you develop a 50% increase in developing long term Immune Disorders, blood clots, Parkinsons, Alzeheimers, or Dementia? This is the real question you need to ask yourself.

Since the effectiveness against severe outcomes seems at least relatively long lasting, and as there is no real evidence of am increased risk for any of those things (or at least far less risk than from covid itself), it absolutely seems worth it.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 05:36 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Deetermined

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If a bullet proof vest reduced you chance of getting shot at all by 50% or more I think that sounds a win.

If it reduced your chance of getting hospitalised or killed by 90% + (as the vaccines do) then even better.

That works two ways.

If the "vaccine" is only 90% effective for a week and 50% effective after four months, is it still worth it if you develop a 50% increase in developing long term Immune Disorders, blood clots, Parkinsons, Alzeheimers, or Dementia? This is the real question you need to ask yourself.

Since the effectiveness against severe outcomes seems at least relatively long lasting, and as there is no real evidence of am increased risk for any of those things (or at least far less risk than from covid itself), it absolutely seems worth it.

Perfect example for the rest of the folks out there of snake oil working ^^
Some people have no qualms with prostrating in front of a hack of a limp willy savior shot, and being happily beholden to it's Multiple Shots A Year For Life commitment. That fervent All-In mentality is theirs and their s alone, though, so long as they keep it that way. Unless I can do similarly, like forcing a Vegan to eat meat for their health, too.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 05:41 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Deetermined

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If a bullet proof vest reduced you chance of getting shot at all by 50% or more I think that sounds a win.

If it reduced your chance of getting hospitalised or killed by 90% + (as the vaccines do) then even better.

That works two ways.

If the "vaccine" is only 90% effective for a week and 50% effective after four months, is it still worth it if you develop a 50% increase in developing long term Immune Disorders, blood clots, Parkinsons, Alzeheimers, or Dementia? This is the real question you need to ask yourself.

Since the effectiveness against severe outcomes seems at least relatively long lasting, and as there is no real evidence of am increased risk for any of those things (or at least far less risk than from covid itself), it absolutely seems worth it.

Perfect example for the rest of the folks out there of snake oil working ^^
Some people have no qualms with prostrating in front of a hack of a limp willy savior shot, and being happily beholden to it's Multiple Shots A Year For Life commitment. That fervent All-In mentality is theirs and their s alone, though, so long as they keep it that way. Unless I can do similarly, like forcing a Vegan to eat meat for their health, too.

The snake oil is the people pushing alternative unproven treatments for covid.

The evidence in favour of the vaccines is unequivocal.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 05:45 AM
It still remains 85%+ effective at stopping hospitalisation and 93% at stopping death after a year which is what it was designed to do.

The study is completely flawed as it's designed for a sterilising immunity vaccine where this one, like the majority of vaccines, isn't designed to do. Like pretty much every vaccine it induces protective immunity.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: ScepticScot

Since the effectiveness against severe outcomes seems at least relatively long lasting, and as there is no real evidence of am increased risk for any of those things (or at least far less risk than from covid itself), it absolutely seems worth it.

Uh, there's as much evidence for vaccine injury as there is for the effectiveness of the vaccine, so that's just your opinion. You obviously haven't been keeping up on the number of vaccinated people who are still being hospitalized and dying, and that's not including the personal experiences of people right here on ATS who have told their stories and know first hand. Everyone should have the right to make their own personal decisions based on their own personal experiences and observations.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 06:03 AM
Covid changes fast just like the flu, which is why the flu jab is different every year.

They will over time change the covid vax to reflect the change in covid variants.

It's common sense.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
Covid changes fast just like the flu, which is why the flu jab is different every year.

They will over time change the covid vax to reflect the change in covid variants.

It's common sense.

Indeed, and like the flu shots, you're still going to have as many people rolling their eyes and walking past. I have no intention of getting either one. Ever.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: ScepticScot

You already have a more than 90% likelihood of not needing to be hospitalized and a 99.8% likelihood of not dying.

There never was a need for vaccines, especially when they don't work and have never worked on respiratory diseases.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Deetermined

originally posted by: ScepticScot
If a bullet proof vest reduced you chance of getting shot at all by 50% or more I think that sounds a win.

If it reduced your chance of getting hospitalised or killed by 90% + (as the vaccines do) then even better.

That works two ways.

If the "vaccine" is only 90% effective for a week and 50% effective after four months, is it still worth it if you develop a 50% increase in developing long term Immune Disorders, blood clots, Parkinsons, Alzeheimers, or Dementia? This is the real question you need to ask yourself.

Since the effectiveness against severe outcomes seems at least relatively long lasting, and as there is no real evidence of am increased risk for any of those things (or at least far less risk than from covid itself), it absolutely seems worth it.

Perfect example for the rest of the folks out there of snake oil working ^^
Some people have no qualms with prostrating in front of a hack of a limp willy savior shot, and being happily beholden to it's Multiple Shots A Year For Life commitment. That fervent All-In mentality is theirs and their s alone, though, so long as they keep it that way. Unless I can do similarly, like forcing a Vegan to eat meat for their health, too.

The snake oil is the people pushing alternative unproven treatments for covid.

The evidence in favour of the vaccines is unequivocal.

Listen... Right now I have a coronavirus. Know how I got it? I went to a hospital for x-rays and blood tests.

Else I'd have been indoors in my own house. I Do Not Have covid. I've got the common cold.

Your vaccines for every itch and scratch that they claim are covid, is bunk. Unequivocal? I laugh my arse back on again.

Pathetic. And if I do desire to get tested and they turn around and say I did have covid, well, it was the deadliest I've felt in decades, since that time I got hit by a car.

Oh and I didn't die.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: Deetermined
a reply to: ScepticScot

Since the effectiveness against severe outcomes seems at least relatively long lasting, and as there is no real evidence of am increased risk for any of those things (or at least far less risk than from covid itself), it absolutely seems worth it.

Uh, there's as much evidence for vaccine injury as there is for the effectiveness of the vaccine, so that's just your opinion. You obviously haven't been keeping up on the number of vaccinated people who are still being hospitalized and dying, and that's not including the personal experiences of people right here on ATS who have told their stories and know first hand. Everyone should have the right to make their own personal decisions based on their own personal experiences and observations.

There really isn't.

Butchute videos aren't evidence.

I agree with your last line.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
Covid changes fast just like the flu, which is why the flu jab is different every year.

They will over time change the covid vax to reflect the change in covid variants.

It's common sense.

The Flu is not a coronavirus. Two different things. Your common sense is not following actual science, unlike those forcing vaccines who actually know the difference, yet lie.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 06:33 AM

originally posted by: bastion
It still remains 85%+ effective at stopping hospitalisation and 93% at stopping death after a year which is what it was designed to do.

The study is completely flawed as it's designed for a sterilising immunity vaccine where this one, like the majority of vaccines, isn't designed to do. Like pretty much every vaccine it induces protective immunity.

For a virus 99.8% survive.

Here take my sugar pill, it will prevent you getting a broken knee.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 06:34 AM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: ScepticScot

You already have a more than 90% likelihood of not needing to be hospitalized and a 99.8% likelihood of not dying.

There never was a need for vaccines, especially when they don't work and have never worked on respiratory diseases.

The vaccines do work, the evidence is pretty overwhelming. A 10% chance(your figure) is still a pretty high chance and for the incredibly minor inconvenience of having a injection it seems a fairly obvious choice.

For many people the survival rate is much worse than 99.8%.

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