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Healthy 16-year-old boy dies during online class after second Pfizer jab: VAERS database

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+16 more 
posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 09:44 PM
Well, I guess the ish is about to hit the fan. We are bombarded all day long by the media telling us the jab is great, the kids will benefit from it, they are better off with it than without it, blah, blah, blah. On top of all that, we hear the Biden administration will be making the vaccine available for 5-11 year olds. When will this madness stop? Children have an almost 100% recovery rate from the virus. Immunologists and virologists all know this but yet they are unashamedly pushing the agenda to have our kids fully jabbed and they want it done sooner rather than later.

Healthy 16 year old boy dies during online class after receiving 2nd Pfizer jab

He had no known underlying issues.
Mom blames Pfizer's COVID Vaccine
edit on 20-10-2021 by Jaellma because: (no reason given)

+7 more 
posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: Jaellma

Very tragic and sad. To save thousands of individuals from Vaccine deaths, we need some high-profile people to succumb to the vaccines. It's the only thing that will work, due to the evil and greed behind the vaccine push.

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: Jaellma

There is a reason why they are a heavy faster push to vax the Children/Youth despite the warnings. The Politicians/Top Doctors are ignoring the warnings/side effects.

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: HawkEyi
a reply to: Jaellma

There is a reason why they are a heavy faster push to vax the Children/Youth despite the warnings. The Politicians/Top Doctors are ignoring the warnings/side effects.

And it appears that boys are more susceptible to ill effects than girls are from these series of jabs.

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: Jaellma

Something isn't adding up.

The entry also indicates that the child had not been diagnosed with any allergies, pre-existing conditions, illnesses, disabilities, or birth defects, and had not been taking any medications prior to his death. He apparently stayed in the hospital for eight days, and it’s unclear how he participated in the Zoom class, or if he was released prior.

Why was he in the hospital for 8 days?

+1 more 
posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 09:57 PM
When the truth comes out

When the MSM stop lying

The pushback will be something not seen since the French Revolution.

To do this in a Nation with fully armed citizens ...

The current stupidity is awesome in its scope.

Retribution is mine says the Lord. The armed citizenry will make the appointments.


posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

If you ask them, it's because he got the breakthrough!
Probably, anyway.

When was he in the hospital? Was he in class from the ER bed? Because that sounds like something we'd do in America.

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: lordcomac

Don't know...

...and it’s unclear how he participated in the Zoom class, or if he was released prior.

But, Mom said...

the mother wrote, “He had no previous symptoms. I was with him one hour before and my assistant saw him 20 minutes prior and he did not show any irregularities.”

It's a mystery!

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 11:28 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 11:28 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 11:28 PM

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posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 11:29 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: Jaellma

Trust me on this one, suits don't do labor.

Slotting: people working with different groups of people.

Suits don't want to do labor

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

I wonder for how many of these such cases will they deny?

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 11:43 PM
From my personal experience, I experienced noticeable brain damage after first dose of Pfizer. My second dose is in 10 days. I think I'll pass on boosters after that dose, assuming I'm still alive.

posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 12:00 AM
But that won't happen because they will say they died from something else, re Colin Powell just to name one.

a reply to: carewemust

posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 12:00 AM
But that won't happen because they will say they died from something else, re Colin Powell just to name one.

a reply to: carewemust

+2 more 
posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 03:40 AM

originally posted by: DanZoller
From my personal experience, I experienced noticeable brain damage after first dose of Pfizer. My second dose is in 10 days. I think I'll pass on boosters after that dose, assuming I'm still alive.

You got brain damage from the 1st shot......what do you expect to get from the 2nd?

posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 04:29 AM
a reply to: Jaellma

We've got links to two stories from unreliable new agencies, contradictory information, and it's the mother linking this to the vaccine.

Can we at least get an independent source to confirm that the boy died. We've seen fake reports before. Have his social media accounts been memorialized, is there a go fundme to cover funeral costs or a lawsuit. Has this case been mentioned on a better known news source?

I'll get behind this if there is more convincing evidence.

posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 04:48 AM
A friend of mine his lifelong Psoriasis went away after his second shot. Him and his Dr are both freaking out

edit on 21-10-2021 by mikell because: (no reason given)

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