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I know who shot JFK.

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posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Sargoth

I too wish I had a copy, but I would probably be dead for having it in my possession.

I only saw the short film because my wife was his legal secretary and at the last minute I got invited. Where the film ended up I have no clue. It is my understanding that this copy may have made the rounds through the Kennedy's, for those that wanted to see it, as the Bob worked closely with Bobby on the campaign in Los Angeles. I also believe they were privy to this film as a means of threatening any family attempts to privately solve JFK's murder. Bob said Bobby knew it was his fault. It haunted him until his last day.

The defect you see in Geraldo's film is a painted artifact in my opinion after ignoring most of the phoney autopsy photos and composite x-rays. ALL doctors, nurses, Secret Service, all autopsy personnel stated the only defect in the front was a small entry wound in his right temple and a rear exit wound as pictured by SSA Sibert MD-188 drawing. The "original" did not show the side of his head open up like Geraldo's, it was more like a red halo surrounding his head. No flaps or anything. I'm also not sure about a rear entry head wound. The first sign is a drawing from a photo drawn by Ida Dox. Humes told her to put it there.

Humes found no rear entry wound in the back of the head, only the lower back wound Congressman Ford had moved up 6 inches to aid Spector's SBT BS. It appears a second autopsy was done after the "official" one watched by the Secret Service was completed. They stayed until the morticians were finished at Bethesda. Then the "real autopsy" began. Therefore the publicly released autopy photos and x-rays do not match up with what the Doctors, nurses, x-ray tech, photo techs, and especially Secret Service Agent James Sibert could not agree with.

Your quote:

Kennedy's body was supposed to have been switched, probably when LBJ had the photo taken of him being sworn in on AF1, so they could alter the wounds and make it look like a shot from the rear. I assume that's what was in the bodybag. They took the brain and faked the X-rays etc. I wouldn't be surprised if Scull and Bones took his head. The Oswald head was tampered with. The man who did his autopsy said the head wasn't the one he worked on, when they exhumed his remains. James Files thinks JFK's body was dumped in the ocean. John McCain said JFK's assassination was an intervention."

I agree with this completely, right down to JFK being dumped into the Atlantic in the coffin he was in from Dallas to Washington. Same with the severed head in LHO coffin. Actual proof "Harvey" was killed on November 24, 1963, and the REAL Lee Harvey Oswald sometime much later. A different head was loose in the casket but the DNA matched!!!! How about that. That was all that mattered. No need to mention the head was just loose and rolling around in the casket!! Just a minor detail folks.

Without trying to get way, way, out there, I'll answer my own question regarding the body bag.

I believe the body bag contained the remains of JFK taken, as you said, during the swearing in and I saw him come off the plane in the bag just after landing.

I will mention the slight possibility that it contained the body of J.D. Tippett as he had facial features similar to JFK and guys at the station always kidded him about that. When Jackie, Bobby, and one other viewed the body after the autopsy, Jackie, stated something to the effect "That's not Jack. This guy looks like he came from Madamme Toussand Wax Museum". Bobby heatedly concurred, and the third party was so incensed, he turned and walked away. I'm sure they knew Jack was not in the casket. (A facial reconstuction technician flew to DC from Dallas that night and returned home 2 days later, exhausted and not wanting to talk about anything. Could J.D. Tippett have been in the casket?

This is the reason they will never dig up JFK's body. It would be a real catastophy to dig it up and find the body of J.D. Tippett in JFK's coffin instead of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

How would the TPTB explain that to the American people.

They couldn't.

[edit on 4-7-2009 by Oldnslo]

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Sargoth
To Dr. Strangecraft, I have to disagree on a few things you said. The neck shot could not possibly have caused the hole in the back of JFK's head. James Files claimed he used a mercury load in the Fireball weapon he used. I'd love to hear any info. on that. I'd also love for someone to post a photo of that triple overpass sewer spot. I've never seen much info. on it, where it is exactly etc. Isn't that where Dan Rather was standing? as lookout? I'm much more inclined to believe James Files made the temple shot. The storm drain on the st. would be a hard angle, and the exit wound would be on the top of JFK's head.
Gordon Liddy was not one of the tramps. Frank Sturgis, CIA agent is the tall middle tramp, Howard Hunt, CIA agent is the little one with the hat, and I'm not sure who the front one is, maybe a guy named Carswell.

This site shows 2 tramps correctly (scroll way down) but is wrong when it says Charles Harrleson is the front tramp. Chauncey Holt does look like the little rear tramp but I'm going with Hunt.

[edit on 3-7-2009 by Sargoth]

[edit on 3-7-2009 by Sargoth]

Here's the location of where I truly believe the fatal headshot came from with the Fireball pistol. The storm drain at the bottom of the stairs leading down from the Grassy Knoll.

As all can see, the removal of the added 6 inches of new asphalt would have given a shooter a much, much better view than exists today, thanks to Mr. Stone. This is where the temple wound and Sibert's MD-188 point to as the location of the fatal frontal head shot.

Sargoth, I truly doubt the fatal headshot came from the upper sewer vent as the angle was much too high. I could find no pictures of this sewer vent. Plus there were numerous people on the tressle which may have heard a shot. But like I said, they angle is too high.

With JFK's head drooping down, slightly to the left, the above pictured sewer drain is my best guess as to where the fatal shot came from. Taking James Siberts MD-188 and descriptions of Dallas doctors and nurses of the locations to the observed wounds points directly to that street level sewer. (Remember, in November 22, 1963, the sewer opening was much larger. Kevin Costner wanted the street re-paved for his movie which made the sewer opening 6 inches smaller.) These views posted have the extra 6 inches of pavement visible not there when the fatal headshot was made. 6 inches of less concrete changes the view and sight line for the shot.) It was a real easy shot. If there were Grassey Knoll shooters, they were diversionary. I also agree with the 3-4 team analysis. It's SOP. If in fact Oswald's decreped Mannlicher was used, they were partial loads to place evidence in the limo. The windshield chrome and the 6 inch wound in the middle of JFK back wound. A Marine would not hunt jack rabitts with a Mannlicher-Carcano.

I betcha Sen. Chris Dodd's daddy knows where that Mannlicher came from!!!! A thousand dollars says so!!!!!

The above pictured sewer leads underground , undetected out of Dealey Plaza to the Trinity River and freedom for the shooter.

A perfect location for the kill shot. A perfect place to escape from. It is also the only angle that fits with the scenario.

And the other tramp does look like ole E Howard. Many of the Cuban invaders, including GHWB were in Dealey Plaza to witness the takedown of the traitor of "Operation Zapata".

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 03:58 PM
I know all about the drain on the street and how much bigger it was in 63.
I finally found a photo of a sewer entrance behind the fence on the overpass, but a shooter would have been seen, so I can't see how that spot was used, unless there is an opening not shown facing Elm st.
I still feel J. Files made the temple shot. He admitted to it and smoke was seen in his location, behind the fence, 15 ft. from the corner. No one said they saw smoke coming from the storm drain. There may have been some one in there but I can't find much evidence for it. I feel the angle would have been wrong and the exit wound would have been at the top of JFK's head, but I could be wrong. I don't think there were diversionary shots, I just think many of the mob shooters were in bad positions and had trouble with a moving target and trying to avoid Jacky K. The diversion was a fake epileptic having a convulsion.
If there was a rear head shot, it may have landed where the large hole was blasted out. Or may be the back shot pushed JFK forward. I'm not sure when the back shot occurred.
Is the man Dodd in the video Chris Dodd's father? He looks like the 3rd. short tramp with the hat.
I don't think anyone fired that $12.00 piece of crap Mannlicher. If they did get a hit, they were a damn good shot. There were reports of a Mauser being found. That was a bad spot any way with the tree in the way. Braden had a much better spot on the 3rd floor of the Daltex bldg. and probably scored most of the hits. The Altgens photo shows a lot of things. Might be Ruby with his face blacked out? Johnny Rosselli in the back round and the Daltex window.

I think this shooting scenario is the closest I've seen. He missed the shooter the deaf mute saw, and Dave Ferry and one in the tree to Zapruder's right side, seen in the Z. film after the head shot.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by Sargoth]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Sargoth
I know all about the drain on the street and how much bigger it was in 63.
I finally found a photo of a sewer entrance behind the fence on the overpass, but a shooter would have been seen, so I can't see how that spot was used, unless there is an opening not shown facing Elm st.
I still feel J. Files made the temple shot. He admitted to it and smoke was seen in his location, behind the fence, 15 ft. from the corner. No one said they saw smoke coming from the storm drain. There may have been some one in there but I can't find much evidence for it. I feel the angle would have been wrong and the exit wound would have been at the top of JFK's head, but I could be wrong. I don't think there were diversionary shots, I just think many of the mob shooters were in bad positions and had trouble with a moving target and trying to avoid Jacky K. The diversion was a fake epileptic having a convulsion.
If there was a rear head shot, it may have landed where the large hole was blasted out. Or may be the back shot pushed JFK forward. I'm not sure when the back shot occurred.
Is the man Dodd in the video Chris Dodd's father? He looks like the 3rd. short tramp with the hat.
I don't think anyone fired that $12.00 piece of crap Mannlicher. If they did get a hit, they were a damn good shot. There were reports of a Mauser being found. That was a bad spot any way with the tree in the way. Braden had a much better spot on the 3rd floor of the Daltex bldg. and probably scored most of the hits. The Altgens photo shows a lot of things. Might be Ruby with his face blacked out? Johnny Rosselli in the back round and the Daltex window.

I think this shooting scenario is the closest I've seen. He missed the shooter the deaf mute saw, and Dave Ferry and one in the tree to Zapruder's right side, seen in the Z. film after the head shot.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by Sargoth]

We're in pretty good agreement as to the scenario, Just wish Badge01 was still around to chime in.

Sen. Chris Dodd father was involved in a deal to order and catch catch illegal importers of arms into the US. And what was ordered at his direction - you guessed it, Mannlicher-Carcano's.

A US Marine would not purchase a $12.00 low velocity weapon with a loose scope to committ the act of the century. At least not any Marine I know.

I'll stand by my opinion that the fatal head shot came from the street sewer. The only location I can make everything line up. I feel Grassy Knoll shooters were diversionary as with other actual shooters in the Dal-Tex, the west end of the TSBD, and from in front of the limo.

There also had to be one with a silencer west of the triple overpass even though Jim Tague swears he heard nothing. But the through and through bullet hole witnessed by numerous people means someone had to be there.

I'm not sure about Files or his location unless his shot/shots hit Connolly. A headshot from Files's location would have put Jackie in jeopardy and they were ordered not to hit her. His angle of attack and his position was higher than the limo, gives me something to ponder.

I plan to see Jim next spring and go to Dallas and put my head on the sidewalk manhole cover and "see" the shot from that location and then from where Files says he fired from. I'll have a better idea after that.

Good posts Sargoth!!

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Oldnslo

I just wanted you, Oldnslo and Sargoth, to know how much I am enjoying --- well, enjoying is the wrong word --- finding very interesting the information you provide.

I am truly astonished at the depths to which this goes.

Since I really have nothing to add, but a 'Thanks', I'll leave it at that!

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:28 PM
I've watched all of the footage so many times and the only conclusion I can logically come up for the shooter is......drum roll please.

Jackie O.

The bullet comes out the top of his head. Unless the bullet supposedly fired from the the side, hit an Iron plate in Kennedy's neck, the only direction it could have been fired from was underneath his head.

It wasn't brain she was grabbing for at the end of the car, rather the 38 special she dropped when his head split open.

If you get a clear copy, you can see the gunpowder smoke rising up from the car.

Herods step daughter asked for "John" the baptists head on a silver platter....she got it.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 02:59 AM
Oldnslo, If you do go down there. Take photos. Try to get in the drain and have somone else stand where jfk was so we can see the angle. You may also try to duplicate the Morman photo that shows badgeman. Have some one stand where he was to show if the size is correct. Get some shots of the overpass sewers if you can. That will be fantastic if you can get all those.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 03:37 PM
I will take as many pic's as possible. I'm going to see if Jim has time to take me on an eye witness tour of the Plaza.

Probably in the Spring. I'll post them here.

Anyone heard from Badge01?????

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 12:59 PM
I know most of this is a re-hash (Sargoth), but to those not following exactly what storm drains we're talking about, heres the one, I believe, that lines up JFK's entry wound in right temple, SSA Siberts MD-188 drawing of the rear defect (Now unavailable from History-Matters- I have it and will post it!!!), JFK brain debris on trunk of limo, and blood and brain matter on DPD Motor Officer Billy Hargis, riding to the left rear of Jackie.

There is another drain up on the knoll but I feel a shooter would have been "above" the target to produce the witnessed wounds. Same with a possible "Badgeman", though Connally's wrist wound is difficult to explain and he could be THAT culpret which inflicted that wound.

6 Teams Minimum. (I wish Badge01 was here!!!!)

1. One in the 'Snipers Nest" planting "LHO" evidence (Mac Wallace's group) and another possible person shooting half/partial loads to plant evidence in JFK's body and in the Limo (6" wound in JFK's back, and dented chrome above windshild). This person could have been on west end TSBD.

2. West end TSBD.

3. DalTex Bldg.

4. Another team on Grassy Knoll either as a diversion for the one in the storm drain or a backup team.

5. Another shooter, west of triple overpass, which put a through and through .22 cal bullet hole in limos windshield, possibly hitting JFK in the throat or at least an attempt to get SSA Greer to slow down limo.

6. The "FRONT" fatal head shot fired from here:

(Photos courtesy of JFKLancer)

Street Level Sewer View

Down Elm View

View Up Elm From Sewer

View From Inside Sewer

Far Left View From Inside Sewer

View From Sewer, Man Standing @ ZAP 313

A man can easily stand in this drain and also notice how much new asphalt has been laid and if the roadbed was in the 1963 condition, the view of the approaching JFK limo makes this the perfect location for an extremely EASY shot with an underground escape route to the Trinity River beyond the triple overpass.

A "Can't Miss" shot, practically unnoticable location and a quick way out of "Dodge". Everyone rushed the Grassy Knoll and the shooter took off underground. Everything went as planned, almost.

Any comments???

[edit on 12-7-2009 by Oldnslo]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:09 PM
Bumping, and adding that there's a thread, now, in the Jim Marrs Forum on this that's interesting::
LBJ's Mistress

[edit on 27 July 2009 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 11:42 AM
The Zapruder film shows JFK's head shot going in the back and blowing out the front right temple. That is clearly seen.
There is no way a shot from the Book Depository did that.
If the shot came from the Book Depository then the bullet would have entered the back right of JFK's head and exited out the left of the face AND sprayed Jackie.
The shot came from the back left and exited the front right temple.
In the Zapruder film after the first shot and the arm movement around the chest/throat, you see Jackie is moving her torso/head to her right and in front of JFK to see what is the matter, JFK has turned his head left towards his wife and now his head is shot from behind and out the front right temple and away from Jackie. This is not coming from the Book Depository on the back right. It is more likely the County Records building on the back left. The shot is not coming from JFK's back right. It comes from JFK's back left and exits front right.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Thanks Weedwhacker, I appreciate your "complements".

Ah yes....... "Texas In The Morning". My next read from my source in DFW.

Good link. Should be a real eye opener for many. She's was the real deal.

Thanks for the bump.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 09:45 PM
THX-1138, The Zapruder film is not in original form, particularly the head shot. It's been altered. And his official autopsy was a farce. His head wounds were altered. The x-rays were ridiculous. They didn't come close to matching his wounds. So I don't believe for a second the temple shot was an exit wound. Oldnslo and I and most conspiratorial people believe the temple shot came from the right front. He believes it was from the street sewer. I tend to think it was from James Files behind the fence. I don't know if we will ever find out who it was unless the true autopsy results are revealed. Files claimed he used a load of mercury. I'm not even sure what that means. Why mercury and wouldn't that interfere with the gun powder? Any way, if it was found in JFK's head wound then that would confirm File's story.

[edit on 30-7-2009 by Sargoth]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by The Nacum

i know a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows who really shot you kill mewith some of the stupid stuff that is said.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:30 AM
Mercury. Far to the LEFT on the FM dial.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by The Vagabond

Your first post about your family seems like a lot of nonsense and quite out of character for a mod. Can you back this up! With anything?

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by THX-1138

AGAIN: Secret Service Agent James Siberts depiction of the head wound:
ARRB MD-188.

This Secret Service Agent witnessed the entire autopsy and was quite unhappy about the autopsy photgraphs shown to him during his ARRB testimony. He drew this in response to the photographs showing an undamaged rear portion of JFK's head.

There was no blow out in the right temple as depicted in the Zapruder film. The only noted defect on his face was a small entry wound in the right temple.

The temple blow out is a man made artifact placed into the Zapruder film.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 05:53 PM
THX-1138, Also most of the brain matter was blasted onto the rear of the limo and the motorcycle cops. If it came out the front, it would have landed on John Connelly or the side of the limo in front of JFK.

[edit on 5-8-2009 by Sargoth]

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 02:22 AM
OK. That all sounds possible. I've never heard of a theory of the Zapruder film being doctored. I'll buy that explanation as much as any other.

For me, the bottom line is that something happened and then was covered up. I believe that it was an inside job. I don't think it was a lone nut, or even a group of hitmen from some other world power. I tend to believe that JFK was killed by America. Who do you think it was? Israel?

Shot from the front and covered up by saying it was a shot from the back huh? That is wild. Couldn't the people there that day tell the shot hit the front?

Where was the television and reporter cameras? I always wondered why there was no big media there getting pictures that day.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 02:35 AM
Has Zapruder himself commented on the film in the form in which it is shown to the world? He should have talked, right?

Maybe Zapruder was an Israeli agent, set up to look like an ordinary citizen filming the President. He would be the key to the coverup if the film was altered. He would know and would stay quiet. If so, maybe the US Government did not want to appear vulnerable to an outside power, and they just went along with the coverup. Could it be?

Maybe Zapruder was an American agent. I wonder what his IQ was. He could be one of those Jewish guys that loves America. He could have been totally involved in the film doctoring.

My personal opinion.... I think America did it. I think JFK was too radical for America. I've only read a few books on it. I'm no where near as informed as you guys are. I've always thought the shot from the Book Depository was questionable since it would be coming from the back right. So I had convinced myself it came from the other building, from the back left.

It is a fascinating study no doubt. Just reading what you say has convinced me that the shot came from the front. I'm just that easy.

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