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The Ones who See and the Ones who Dont

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posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: DAVG1980

haha not cobalt its clearly 27

posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Assigning numerical values to letters and words is something that is prominent in the teachings of the Kabbalah, i am learning this I know it has substance. Mystical Judaism is what you should look into if you want to learn about the thinking of the elites, I know things. I'm not sure of a lot, but sharing here with like minded individuals is how we learn.
When tesla said figuring out the secret of 369 is important, and you read into numerology, synchronicity and kabbalah type things, patterns do develop, but like I say I'm still learning.


posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: DAVG1980

aye I get that sharing ideas is good , but I dont understand the need to assign numerical values to words that already clearly have a meaning

what came first , numbers or words ?

it seems humans developed language first before maths came along
so why then would we assign numbers to language when the words already had a meaning

the only reason I can think of adding numbers to words is to add another layer of meaning
but like I said its like a cypher for people with the key, and means something completely different to people
using the cypher than the original meanings of the words.

at least that is what it seems like

I will look into it , but I really think its looking for meaning when there is not any meaning
I think it seems intentionally confusing , to lead people away

posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Numerology is ridiculed, like laughed at as much as elementals and such like things. But you won't find much just looking into it, it either gets you or you take the easy way out and conform to the idea that it's ridiculous. I find that if something stirs up inside you because it challenges your immediate way of thinking, then you should explore deeper and find out if this idea has stirred up those feelings because it is lies, or truth.
If it's a lie though it shouldn't stir up gut turning butterflies.... That's in my experience though.

It's like your solar plexus knows but your conditioned mind won't accept it

posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: sapien82
27 is a brilliant number and my number coincidentally
All the numbers in my dob add to 27
3x3x3= 27
27x27 =729

I did the last two in my bed last night, sometimes I play with numbers before I sleep lol

But I just noticed you mentioned the number 27

Synchronicity is great and happens so much to me

edit on 21-10-2021 by DAVG1980 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: sapien82
I believe numbers were around long before words, maybe not verbally but in symbols, maths is universal, numeral codes are literally embedded in the atmosphere, even our DNA is coded.
The ancients would have used maths to work out everything they knew about our planet and stars, and they knew a lot, the pyramids for example are great proof of this.
It is said that language was invented for evil purposes; before this humans would communicate telepathically, meaning no one was able to lie and a lot less needed to be said.

The vibration of sound is very powerful, soundwaves can literally kill cancerous cells, and just like everything in this universe you have positive and negative vibrations, positive and negative soundwaves (even positive and negative numbers)
If a certain sound we speak came out at a negative frequency of vibration, then these vibrations would come back to us because they would fill our immediate surroundings with low negative invisable vibrations.
Now imagine the power of a whole world filled with negative soundwave vibrations and the energy that would give off.

This is where the idea of manifestation comes from, and 'positive talk.' But the trouble is, even the words we believe to be positive, may actually be a negative soundwave without us knowing...
So for example words by containing certain 'negative' letters, or by words which our spelt backwards, 'like LOVE/EVOL.'

You may ask what would be the point of language purposely being made to be negative?
To keep the population at a low negative vibration. (And the ability to lie / tell stories / brain wash)

If language was originally made for evil or deceitful purposes then it would have been done by the most powerful at the time,; the ones who understood the power of vibrations and the ability to lie... the same ones who would have likely understood the importance of mathematics and the power of numbers within the universe.
They would have used symbology(another powerful tool) for letters, that most likely connect with numbers. Hence the link between numerology and letters.

Combine all that with constant propaganda and fear mongering, with the sort of talk amongst people that comes with that, and you have a recipe for a human race unable to truly evolve or realise what they capable of. Exsting at a very low frequency, so therefore unable to see what is beyond the known.

posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: reachingnirvana

Check this one

The wef symbol has the line of the globe passing through three Os, or 666

And why is it called a forum?

And numbers well a zero is a yonic symbol and a 1 is phallic, and all of human existence came from a penis and a vagina. So they are like gods ha

2 is a hermaphrodite obv

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: reachingnirvana

I would give you a serious response, but your writing style looks like a teenager that just got their first cell phone and is texting with his drunken peers, you used a phrase like 'my other half', you type things like 'lol' (not even capitalized, although it's supposed to be an acronym), you use 'emojis' in a forum post, you are trying to talk about a serious topic, and yet your output reveals that you are not really learning as much as you claim.

You don't begin a sentence with "So random topic really". Did you ever go to an english language lesson even once in your life?

At LEAST you could've used the Oxford Comma before the word 'really'.

Your post reminds me of all the times Calvin tried to fool his teacher by writing as his parents or the president, and when the teacher obviously wasn't fooled, Calvin thought: "I gotta learn how to write in cursive", as if THAT was the problem.

It's impossible to take someone seriously that doesn't have at least a mediocre, passable, basic command of the english language. This is not a SMS message, this is a discussion forum - the least you could do is learn to discuss instead of mindflowing emojis, 'lols' and whatever else your thumbs are used to pounding when they hit that flat screen that doesn't give you any tactile feedback of feel.

Before trying to speedrun and do martial arts flipkicks, maybe it's best if you learn to walk, first. Before trying to tackle 'why do some people think and others do not', perhaps learn to actually write in basic english, first. That would prove you are actually thinking at least how important clarity is to a message, and how much your writing style, ability to write correctly and to use grammar tells about you and your ability to understand a possibly complex answer to your questions.

I am trying to say that it's hard to believe you yourself think all that much, when your output looks like it came straight out of some teenager weekend phone madness, and not out of a philosopher's keyboard.

P.S. Your name doesn't really help. Nirvana is not important, what is important is spiritual cultivation and love, and treating other people with honesty and dignity (which is what I am doing right now - this might seem harsh, but it's what's called 'tough love' - I wish people did this to me, so I could also improve - I am obeying the Golden Rule here, doing unto others what I wish to experience from others). Names are also supposed to be capitalized, writing them without a capital first letter makes it look like a child or braindamaged individual wrote it, or someone who doesn't understand how english works at all (certain foreign people that use a completely different alphabet, don't always realize to use a capital letter for names - I am speaking from experience).

edit on 22-10-2021 by Shoujikina because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina
In a mood today sheesh * lol *

This person is asking for thoughts and opinions on a topic, not your option on their Intelligence or grammar skills.

I personally enjoyed the OP, and the comments it elicited.

I mean who could possibly take you seriously with a username like that.

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 03:19 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina
I would rather type like a teenager then be so clearly unhappy and insecure with my life that I take pleasure in trying to put others down... for something as pathetic as their writing style.

Being clever with words doesnt make you better than anyone else, but being a nasty disdainful prick definitley makes you worse.

Luckily, I wont take offence from someone who's mummy and daddy probably paid for their higher education. My soul and conscience is quite clearly more pure and evolved than yours, because I realise that being un necessarily horrible to others only brings bad karma back to yourself.

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Mate you have 19 threads and one has over 10 flags



Clearly you have nothing interesting to say

This OP has 23 flags and is interesting, move on before you devalue it

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: DAVG1980
I just seen this as well and thought the same... I'm too scared to type lol now so instead I will write haha.

His ego is so insane that he is allowing himself to feel jealous over a young woman in her 20s having more flags and stars than he does on an internet forum.

Note to Shoujikina : Not everyone cares about grammar and punctuation, some just like to hear an interesting point or question. Bare that in mind for your next post.

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: reachingnirvana

Aye don't let that person put you off, theres a few of them about, 5here are also those who are paid to spread disinformation and gaslight certain topics.
Although I think this grammer nazi is just looking to offload some defence mechanisms here. At least he's no kicking the dog.

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: DAVG1980
Ok I will bare that in mind, I'm new to posting on ATS and I'm sure I will improve with my writing over time.
It's funny how he asked if I had ever attended an English lesson, the answer is yes, when I was in school, but I was much too busy chasing boys, sneaking out of class and experimenting life as a teenager to pay any attention to what my teacher had to tell me about acronyms!
I began wanting to really learn when I became an adult.. college or university wasn't an option for me, so everything I know now I learnt myself. I don't think anyone should be mocked for trying to educate themselves and discuss topics such as those posted on here.
I really appreciate those of you who clearly feel the same and have answered all my posts in a friendly teaching way.
Thanks xx

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

och awa an bile yer heid

Let people speak or type whichever way they feel comfortable
there is no one here marking our posts with grammar and giving us scores at the end of the week
and say "Do better or your parents will be informed at the next PT meeting. "

It's so condescending having people tell you how to speak and talk I know from personal experience, just so you can get a better job or seem more presentable or proper or whatever else helps them feel important around other people.

At the end of the day you still managed to understand the post perfectly
not everyone has amazing writing skills or a firm grasp of the English language
we aren't submitting our posts for peer review here,
its a public forum we aren't held to the same standards as a scientific thesis.

No one really gives a # what your credentials are, or how well you can write, you are still a human being who defecates the same as we do.

Or are you Kim Jung Un

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: DAVG1980

I was referring to Cobalt being 27 on the periodic table just for jokes.

my birth number is 11

i see 11:11 all the damn time

see the double numbers all the time outside and at home , i just think its me getting a wee nod from the universe
that im doing something right although I dont put much energy into it.

I do use the Iching king wen sequence every now and then when I need some advice.
have you ever used it ?

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: reachingnirvana

dude probably has grammarly installed
I wouldn't sweat the small stuff

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 04:12 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Yes but never used the sticks, I would just open it up whilst asking a question and it defo worked but not if I did it continuously
I used to get 11:11 all the time too, then after reading cosmic trigger by RA Wilson I got the idea to use 369 when setting any alarms or timers, and started focusing on those numbers more, now I look at the time and its like 12:36 or something.

It doesn't work though if it's thought about first, it's always an unconscious glance. Call it the universe or the subconscious or gods but yeah it's real as fk and quite exciting. You kniw I don't claim to kniw anything, I just want to share what I know and learn more, I'm pretty sure that nobedy kniws the truth for sure anyway, we're all in the same boat, some boats are just better

Ps, yeah I realised it was a joke but because it was the number 27, it was really synchrinistic for me.
Synchronicity can be underwhelming after it happens all the time, but that one made me buzz.

edit on 22-10-2021 by DAVG1980 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: reachingnirvana

see that's the thing , yeh numbers are evident in the universe, mathematics is everywhere it's the underpinning of the fabric of the universe well that is what it appears to me at least and that seems objective to everyone when you care to look, because of energy, vibrations, frequency like tesla said.

I don't think humans had the ability to communicate telepathically then lost that ability, I think language was required for communication because we required more and more complex sounds to communicate our ever growing understanding of the world around us as our brain capacity increased.

what is interesting is that some think that music in terms of song , existed before language and that we communicated through song, vibration of the throat muscles in rhythm and different notes etc sort of like how birds do.

pretty interesting to think that we sung to each other before we had the words to even describe what we were doing.

this guys ted talk is pretty interesting, but you can always look into Noam Chomsky pretty interesting studies on linguistics

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: reachingnirvana

One of my favourite people to listen to and read because of their ideas and amount of time they spent just exploring these ideas
is Terence McKenna, maybe you have already heard of them, but Terence had some interesting thoughts on language

you should check this out if you have the time its pretty long , but its entertaining

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