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I don't get it...Why the push??

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posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: butcherguy
Seems too orchestrated for me to believe.
Far too low a death rate to get as excited about it as they have been.


Bro, it's been complete chaos. It stinks of people making it up as they go along. Just look at Sweden and the UK. Both started out pushing hard for herd immunity and saying that Covid was just the flu. Both flip flopped for months before finally locking down to different levels. The UK in particular has 4 separate regional governments all doing different things. They can't even agree among themselves.

not that I expect any rational discussion from you, I don't, but if you look into what you just typed, ask why nobody talks about "heard immunity" anymore? In order to get there, you have to factor in natural immunity, and somehow, the entire global establishment has come together to collectively not discuss that aspect of this. In the US, you can be fired from a job if you don't take the shot. Even if you have had covid and have natural immunity, which has been shown to be more robust that the vaccines. Lick slow for maximum flavor, KIWI is coming out with a chocolate polish next week.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: Fryguy
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I don't know, maybe because the flu doesn't kill hundreds of thousands of people every year in the United States alone? Just a guess. Also just a guess, you've not had anyone you loved hospitalized over Covid.

Do you recall a certain pandemic that happened in 1918?

Spanish flu ring a bell?

That virus never went away. It's now considered a seasonal flu.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: knoxie
The anti-vaccine grift is clearly the big money maker now that the fraudit is stumbling.


Trying to save lives and get the economy rolling again - the HORROR.

The whining…

the anti science grift is likely the best one as of late. Fauci is on board, surely you are as well.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: knoxie
The anti-vaccine grift is clearly the big money maker now that the fraudit is stumbling.


Trying to save lives and get the economy rolling again - the HORROR.

The whining…

How is creating a sketchy vaccine and firing people getting the economy running?
You win the dumbest post of the internet today.
What did come of the "fraudit?"lol
You must get your info from cnn.
Lets hit some bullet points since you must have been too lazy to watch the az Senate...

34,448 duplicates
• None of the various systems related to elections had numbers that would balance and agree with each other. In some cases, these differences were significant.
• There appears to be many 27, 807 ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election.
• Files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server.
• Ballot images 284,412 on the EMS corrupt or missing.
• Logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over, and all the data in the database related to the 2020 Election had been fully cleared.
• On the ballot side, batches were not always clearly delineated, duplicated ballots were missing the required serial numbers, originals were duplicated more than once, and the Auditors were never provided Chain-of Custody documentation for the ballots for the time-period prior to the ballot’s movement into the Auditors’ care.
• Maricopa County failed to follow basic cyber security best practices and guidelines from CISA© 2021 Cyber Ninjas Page 2 of 4
• Software and patch protocols were not followed
• Credential management was flawed: unique usernames and passwords were not allocated
• Lack of baseline for host and network activity for approved programs, communications protocols and communications devices for voting systems
• Canvass showed over 3,400 more ballots were casted than recorded
• Over 9,000 more mail-in ballots were received and recorded than the official number of mail-in ballots sent out by the county
• Approximately 2,500 ballots were shown in the early vote returns that do not have a voter listed as casting them.
• Over 255,000 early votes shown in the county final vote file that do not have a corresponding entry in the early voting returns file
• Over 23,000 voted by mail after moving after the October 5th cutoff
• 2,382 voters casted votes in Maricopa county, in person, after moving out of the county

edit on 10 by Mandroid7 because: Format

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: knoxie
The anti-vaccine grift is clearly the big money maker now that the fraudit is stumbling.


Trying to save lives and get the economy rolling again - the HORROR.

The whining…

Now what's happening with the stolen election?
How can you get involved?
Since you just know in your emotions it was legit.

AZ – REP Gov WINS: HB 2054, HB 2569, SB 1003, SB 1485, SB 1819 Maricopa Forensic Audit / Canvas!
>VIDEO : TGP: "AZ Audit Volunteers Reveal Findings - DISTURBING Elections Irregularities Discovered" PLEASE SPREAD THIS VIDEO EVERYWHERE!
>The Daily Signal: "What the AZ Audit Really Shows—and Why Election Officials Should Be Embarrassed"
>***ACTION ALERT!*** AZ SoS Katie Hobbs "releases the initial draft of the 2021 Elections Procedures Manual" (This is open for public comment. Make your voice heard.)

GA - REP Gov WINS: SB 202, 213k invalid voters removed from registry, Fulton Forensic Audit! If you wish to donate go to Fulton County Election Investigation
>VIDEO : Stew Peters Show: "GA Corruption EXPOSED, RNC Covered Up MAJOR Election Fraud!"
>AJC: "High-stakes election tests Fulton amid state takeover threat"
MI – DEM Gov WINS: 177k outdated and invalid voter registrations removed from registry
>MI Republican Party is "holding Election Integrity Training in Kent, Kalamazoo, Ingham, and Oakland counties this weekend!" (Details at the link!)
>MI Senate passes HB 4492 (bill relating to drop boxes) and HB 4528 (equal election training must be given regardless of political affiliation.) The bills "have been transmitted to Gov. Whitmers desk."
>ClickOnDetroit: "Split MI Legislature approves election-related bills"
>***ACTION ALERT*** MI SOS BENSON "IS HOLDING A HEARING ON 10/1/2021 ABOUT PROPOSED CHANGES TO MI ELECTION LAWS." (details on how to submit your opinion for public comment at the link.)

NH – REP Gov WINS: SB 43, HB 77, HB 223, HB 285, HB 476, Windham NH Forensic Audit Report at the link.
>No updates at this time.

>No updates at this time.

PA – DEM Gov WINS: 20k deceased voters removed from registry, Forensic Investigation???(maybe???)

WI – DEM Gov WINS: 205k inactive voters removed from registry, 2020 Election Investigation, Special Counsel Michael Gableman appointed by WI Senate.
>Just the News: "WI Assembly speaker expects key revelations from election probe"
>VIDEO : OAN Cameron Kinsey speaks" with WI House Committee Spokesman Jefferson Davis about his groups actions securing an audit of the 2020 election."

AZ – REP Gov WINS: HB 2054, HB 2569, SB 1003, SB 1485, SB 1819 Maricopa Forensic Audit / Canvas!
>VIDEO : TGP: "AZ Audit Volunteers Reveal Findings - DISTURBING Elections Irregularities Discovered" PLEASE SPREAD THIS VIDEO EVERYWHERE! (Repost but its worth it.)
>VIDEO : Chairwoman of the AZ REP Party Dr Kelli Ward "provides an update on redistriucting and election integrity efforts."
>***ACTION ALERT!*** AZ SoS Katie Hobbs "releases the initial draft of the 2021 Elections Procedures Manual" (This is open for public comment. Make your voice heard.)

GA - REP Gov WINS: SB 202, 213k invalid voters removed from registry, Fulton Forensic Audit! If you wish to donate go to Fulton County Election Investigation
>No updates at this time.

MI – DEM Gov WINS: 177k outdated and invalid voter registrations removed from registry
>MI Republican Party is "holding Election Integrity Training in Kent, Kalamazoo, Ingham, and Oakland counties this weekend!" (Details at the link!)
>RedState: "MI Has a Looming Election Crisis and Those Creating It Don't Seem to Care"
>***ACTION ALERT*** MI SOS BENSON "IS HOLDING A HEARING ON 10/1/2021 ABOUT PROPOSED CHANGES TO MI ELECTION LAWS." (details on how to submit your opinion for public comment at the link.)

NH – REP Gov WINS: SB 43, HB 77, HB 223, HB 285, HB 476, Windham NH Forensic Audit Report at the link.
>No updates at this time.

>No updates at this time.

PA – DEM Gov WINS: 20k deceased voters removed from registry, Forensic Investigation???(maybe???)
>VIDEO : PA State Senator Doug Mastriano "speaks with OAN's Christina Bobb about REP efforts to audit the 2020 election."

WI – DEM Gov WINS: 205k inactive voters removed from registry, 2020 Election Investigation, Special Counsel Michael Gableman appointed by WI Senate.

>>***ACTION ALERT*** MI SOS BENSON "IS HOLDING A HEARING ON 10/1/2021 ABOUT PROPOSED CHANGES TO MI ELECTION LAWS." (details on how to submit your opinion for public comment at the link.)
edit on 10 by Mandroid7 because: Sp

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

It doesn't make sense, because the public is not being told the true story- whatever that is.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: Fryguy

Maybe, but the flu has killed thousands every year for decades in the USSA, many of those years over 100k per year....
I'm sorry you lost someone, but I lost my brother to colon cancer, does that mean I can demand everyone in the country get butt raped by a doctor with fat fingers?

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

"I don't get it...Why the push"

Because the government is the wind, and you are the sail...

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: butcherguy
Seems too orchestrated for me to believe.
Far too low a death rate to get as excited about it as they have been.


Bro, it's been complete chaos. It stinks of people making it up as they go along. Just look at Sweden and the UK. Both started out pushing hard for herd immunity and saying that Covid was just the flu. Both flip flopped for months before finally locking down to different levels. The UK in particular has 4 separate regional governments all doing different things. They can't even agree among themselves.

not that I expect any rational discussion from you, I don't, but if you look into what you just typed, ask why nobody talks about "heard immunity" anymore? In order to get there, you have to factor in natural immunity, and somehow, the entire global establishment has come together to collectively not discuss that aspect of this. In the US, you can be fired from a job if you don't take the shot. Even if you have had covid and have natural immunity, which has been shown to be more robust that the vaccines. Lick slow for maximum flavor, KIWI is coming out with a chocolate polish next week.

If it's all the same, I imagine you standing in front of a pin board covered in photographs and newspaper clippings connected with red string, being completely unaware that half of them are characters from TV shows rather than real people. So I don't expect much of a discussion from you either, unless it involve you confusing movie physics with things that can actually happen.

But seriously, you don't strike me as being a person who spends much time watchingreading MSM sources. If you were you'd know that they do talk about herd immunity quite often still. There have been a number of recent studies that hit the headlines over the last couple of months showing that at least certain cities had or were about to reach it.

For the most part, it's moot anyway as the number of people who are being vaxxed makes it largely irrelevant. My home country talked a lot about herd immunity at the beginning but then it got into our care homes and started killing the old and the vulnerable, and the newspapers were full of pictures of dead war veterans ... and people started talking about a government that let this happen might not win the next election, and you can guess the rest.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 01:48 PM
This, imo, has been a precursor to something else waiting in the wings.

It's an experiment, a sometimes deadly one for some people, but nevertheless, an experiment.

Those that have died from this 99% curable virus were dispensable to these agenda-makers. They want less population anyway, and getting rid of the mostly unhealthy, or as they like to call them, "useless eaters", didn't cause them one day's worth of concern.

What was/is this worldwide experiment a precursor for? I'm not sure, but I speculate it's to see how far "they" can control the population with fear in order to declare a "national health emergency" that gives them carte blanche to remove certain rights. In the USA, "they" have their eye on our 2A.

"They" don't want free will thinkers and citizens. They want controlled subjects to a globalist system run by gawd-knows-who!

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: butcherguy
Seems too orchestrated for me to believe.
Far too low a death rate to get as excited about it as they have been.


Bro, it's been complete chaos. It stinks of people making it up as they go along. Just look at Sweden and the UK. Both started out pushing hard for herd immunity and saying that Covid was just the flu. Both flip flopped for months before finally locking down to different levels. The UK in particular has 4 separate regional governments all doing different things. They can't even agree among themselves.

Chaos all being part of the plan... just like the 'science' changing.
It fooled you....

You seriously believe that a government that struggles to plan a bus route could plan a pandemic?

Britain and France can't coordinate importing sausages into Northern Ireland, you expect me to believe that they could coordinate a pandemic?

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

so you can point to the exemption for those of us who have natural immunity from the mandates in the US?

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: butcherguy
Seems too orchestrated for me to believe.
Far too low a death rate to get as excited about it as they have been.


Bro, it's been complete chaos. It stinks of people making it up as they go along. Just look at Sweden and the UK. Both started out pushing hard for herd immunity and saying that Covid was just the flu. Both flip flopped for months before finally locking down to different levels. The UK in particular has 4 separate regional governments all doing different things. They can't even agree among themselves.

Chaos all being part of the plan... just like the 'science' changing.
It fooled you....

You seriously believe that a government that struggles to plan a bus route could plan a pandemic?

Britain and France can't coordinate importing sausages into Northern Ireland, you expect me to believe that they could coordinate a pandemic?

all they have to do is what they are told. You can't think a geriatric dementia patient could run a large first world country, yet, here he is.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: butcherguy
Seems too orchestrated for me to believe.
Far too low a death rate to get as excited about it as they have been.


Bro, it's been complete chaos. It stinks of people making it up as they go along. Just look at Sweden and the UK. Both started out pushing hard for herd immunity and saying that Covid was just the flu. Both flip flopped for months before finally locking down to different levels. The UK in particular has 4 separate regional governments all doing different things. They can't even agree among themselves.

Chaos all being part of the plan... just like the 'science' changing.
It fooled you....

You seriously believe that a government that struggles to plan a bus route could plan a pandemic?

Britain and France can't coordinate importing sausages into Northern Ireland, you expect me to believe that they could coordinate a pandemic?

Have a look at serious topics.

Monetary policy
Land acquisition

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: butcherguy
Seems too orchestrated for me to believe.
Far too low a death rate to get as excited about it as they have been.


Bro, it's been complete chaos. It stinks of people making it up as they go along. Just look at Sweden and the UK. Both started out pushing hard for herd immunity and saying that Covid was just the flu. Both flip flopped for months before finally locking down to different levels. The UK in particular has 4 separate regional governments all doing different things. They can't even agree among themselves.

Chaos all being part of the plan... just like the 'science' changing.
It fooled you....

You seriously believe that a government that struggles to plan a bus route could plan a pandemic?

Britain and France can't coordinate importing sausages into Northern Ireland, you expect me to believe that they could coordinate a pandemic?

Nothing there says that they can't still be fooling you.
They give you the ammo to shoot yourself in the foot.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

I agree.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk

Why the all-out push for this covid vaccine? None of it makes any sense. Doesn't anyone ask themselves these questions??

I do ask those questions. That's why I don't trust the vaccine or our dear government. They are flat out repeatedly lying about everything . Who knows anymore really why they are pushing it so hard?

My best guess is to destroy our bodies natural immunity and replace it with an artificial one. This way , if people dare misbehave (not obeying some bs government mandate to further be controlled etc) , no booster shot for you to keep some artificial immune system going.

Another reason could be that this mRNA 'vaccine' alters our natural DNA , and I read in some threads that would mean that we/our bodies are then patented and are no longer human , with no associating rights obviously.

I will die before I or my loved ones take this government concoction.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: butcherguy
Seems too orchestrated for me to believe.
Far too low a death rate to get as excited about it as they have been.


Bro, it's been complete chaos. It stinks of people making it up as they go along. Just look at Sweden and the UK. Both started out pushing hard for herd immunity and saying that Covid was just the flu. Both flip flopped for months before finally locking down to different levels. The UK in particular has 4 separate regional governments all doing different things. They can't even agree among themselves.

Chaos all being part of the plan... just like the 'science' changing.
It fooled you....

You seriously believe that a government that struggles to plan a bus route could plan a pandemic?

Britain and France can't coordinate importing sausages into Northern Ireland, you expect me to believe that they could coordinate a pandemic?

Nothing there says that they can't still be fooling you.
They give you the ammo to shoot yourself in the foot.


It's much easier to roll a ball downhill than it is to roll the same ball uphill. In other words, descent into corruption, evil and madness is much easier than the ascent to being forthright and good.

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 03:03 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: ByteChanger

Congress and other elites have vaccine exemption cards that enable them to get into football games.. and other venues.

Most American people know that but are too dumb to put two and two together.

Congress and the White House counts on the stupidity of the American people.

This was done by design with "entertainment" over the years. People to engrossed in TV, video games, social media, ect to bother to care so long as they got their nice easy sedentary life.

The slow blade penetrates the shield.

posted on Oct, 9 2021 @ 03:26 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: butcherguy
Seems too orchestrated for me to believe.
Far too low a death rate to get as excited about it as they have been.


Bro, it's been complete chaos. It stinks of people making it up as they go along. Just look at Sweden and the UK. Both started out pushing hard for herd immunity and saying that Covid was just the flu. Both flip flopped for months before finally locking down to different levels. The UK in particular has 4 separate regional governments all doing different things. They can't even agree among themselves.

Chaos all being part of the plan... just like the 'science' changing.
It fooled you....

You seriously believe that a government that struggles to plan a bus route could plan a pandemic?

Britain and France can't coordinate importing sausages into Northern Ireland, you expect me to believe that they could coordinate a pandemic?

Nothing there says that they can't still be fooling you.
They give you the ammo to shoot yourself in the foot.

OK, let's see, we have over 100 world governments from every part of the political and economic spectrum imaginable. Communists, Capitalists, Democracies, Democracies, dictatorships. Hard Right, Hard Left. Globalists, Xenophobes. Countries with single parity states, countries with proportional representation. Countries that literally want to murder each other.

And you think that these governments are all in it together, and are part of some super global plan?

Sorry, but that's ... it's crazy even for a conspiracy forum.

America, China and India have been at loggerheads for 20 years over which one of them will introduce tougher environmental standards first so that the others economies don't suffer, even though the pollution is literally killing their own citizens, and you think that all three of them are in cahoots over this pandemic?

Israel and Iran literally want the other dead. They'd quite happily murder ever man woman and child in the other country if they thought that they could possibly get away with it, and you think that they are both agreeing over Covid?

Russia has spent the last 90 years trying to undermine America both at home and on the international stage. Bribery, blackmail, subversion, you name it. Do you really think that if Washington had planned Covid Russia wouldn't have leaked it?

What about Wikileaks? Something that this big would involve millions of people and hundreds of millions of emails, and not a single one of them has leaked?

What about Academia? Covid and its transmission has been mapped and charted by thousands of institutes, and none of them has found any evidence that it's unnatural? Are they all corrupt, or just stupid?

Seriously, have you ever watched a meeting from the G7 or the UN? There are so many different voices on so many different issues, why would they agree to Covid, and why wouldn't the ones who don't agree blow the whistle on the others?

My government wouldn't agree to something like this, especially not if it gave our neighbors an advantage over us because they are larger with less dense populations centers and are better able to weather Covid than we were. There isn't enough money in the world to corrupt that many people to go against their own best interests. If Covid had brought our government down the ruling party would have been out of power for a generation, pure self interest would have compelled them to oppose a plan like that.

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