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Fully-Vaxxed Healthy Emmy Winner Dies of CV at Age 53

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+11 more 
posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 02:55 PM
The film industry lost another great to the dreaded China Emmy-winning hairdresser, Marc Pilcher, recently succumbed to CV.
In addition to recently winning his first Emmy for his work on the popular period drama, Bridgerton...Mr. Pilcher was a healthy 53 year old, two-time recipient of the CV "vaccine"...with no underlying health conditions.

Condolences have poured in to Mr. Pilcher's family from his many fans and stars he has worked with.

Irish actress Nicola Coughlan reacted to Pilcher’s death by encouraging people to get vaccinated.

“It’s a tragedy that he’s been taken so young when he had so much yet to do,” she wrote. “Please also use this as a reminder that Covid is still a very real and present danger, please get vaccinated and mask up to protect yourself and others.”

Ms. Coughlan, plays Penelope Featherington on the drama Bridgerton...and remains a staunch supporter of the "vaccine"...even after it completely failed to protect her fully-"vaccinated" close friend and coworker on the series.

We add our condolences to those of Ms. Coughlan's and the many others who knew and loved Mr. Pilcher.
edit on 5-10-2021 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
The film industry lost another great to the dreaded China Emmy-winning hairdresser, Marc Pilcher, recently succumbed to CV.
In addition to recently winning his first Emmy for his work on the popular period drama, Bridgerton...Mr. Pilcher was a healthy 53 year old, two-time recipient of the CV "vaccine"...with no underlying health conditions.

Condolences have poured in to Mr. Pilcher's family from his many fans and stars he has worked with.

Irish actress Nicola Coughlan reacted to Pilcher’s death by encouraging people to get vaccinated.

“It’s a tragedy that he’s been taken so young when he had so much yet to do,” she wrote. “Please also use this as a reminder that Covid is still a very real and present danger, please get vaccinated and mask up to protect yourself and others.”

Ms. Coughlan, plays Penelope Featherington on the drama Bridgerton...and remains a staunch supporter of the "vaccine"...even after it completely failed to protect her fully-"vaccinated" close friend and coworker on the series.

We add our condolences to those of Ms. Coughlan's and the many others who knew and loved Mr. Pilcher.

The vaccines are not 100% effective, there will be about 5% breakthrough cases and, unfortunately, some of those will die.

The vaccines are better than doing nothing, where around 95% more will die.

+56 more 
posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Goal posts in motion. Stand clear.

+29 more 
posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: IAMTAT
The film industry lost another great to the dreaded China Emmy-winning hairdresser, Marc Pilcher, recently succumbed to CV.
In addition to recently winning his first Emmy for his work on the popular period drama, Bridgerton...Mr. Pilcher was a healthy 53 year old, two-time recipient of the CV "vaccine"...with no underlying health conditions.

Condolences have poured in to Mr. Pilcher's family from his many fans and stars he has worked with.

Irish actress Nicola Coughlan reacted to Pilcher’s death by encouraging people to get vaccinated.

“It’s a tragedy that he’s been taken so young when he had so much yet to do,” she wrote. “Please also use this as a reminder that Covid is still a very real and present danger, please get vaccinated and mask up to protect yourself and others.”

Ms. Coughlan, plays Penelope Featherington on the drama Bridgerton...and remains a staunch supporter of the "vaccine"...even after it completely failed to protect her fully-"vaccinated" close friend and coworker on the series.

We add our condolences to those of Ms. Coughlan's and the many others who knew and loved Mr. Pilcher.

The vaccines are better than doing nothing

Clearly not for the unfortunate Mr. Pilcher (RIP)

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: network dude

You stole my thunder. 🤣

I wondered who would be the first to jump on it.
Can’t say I’m surprised.

+6 more 
posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

How much do you want to bet he caught it from someone who was already vaccinated? Post article says that he tested negative several times before Emmy award ceremony and then shortly after returning home tested positive. We have all seen the celebrities at these red carpet events. Not a mask in sight, because they feel superior since they are vaccinated. They don't think they need a mask. Despite what the CDC says. They are above it all. It is funny how these vaccinated people claim that unvaxxed are killing people, just like prior to the vaccine, they claimed "anti-maskers" were killing people by not wearing masks. When in reality it seems everybody is killing everybody, right? Everyone is a disease carrier.
edit on 5-10-2021 by Chalcedony because: (no reason given)

+24 more 
posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

So where are you getting the 95% number? Also even if 95% was the real stat...which its'd be talking about 95% of 1.6% because the world wide covid mortality rate is only 1.6%. Coincidentally that's right about as lethal as the Flu.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: Chalcedony

Including Gorillas at the zoo it seems………🤪😆

edit on 08-19-2021 by PiratesCut because: link

+17 more 
posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

I'm sorry he died.

Sadly, people die. All people die. I don't know of a single human being, living, that won't die.

Currently we are experiencing a novel corona virus that has attenuated, changed, mutated.

99.6% of the people who catch it will not die.

We really should just get along with our lives and stop worrying.

+8 more 
posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: IAMTAT
The film industry lost another great to the dreaded China Emmy-winning hairdresser, Marc Pilcher, recently succumbed to CV.
In addition to recently winning his first Emmy for his work on the popular period drama, Bridgerton...Mr. Pilcher was a healthy 53 year old, two-time recipient of the CV "vaccine"...with no underlying health conditions.

Condolences have poured in to Mr. Pilcher's family from his many fans and stars he has worked with.

Irish actress Nicola Coughlan reacted to Pilcher’s death by encouraging people to get vaccinated.

“It’s a tragedy that he’s been taken so young when he had so much yet to do,” she wrote. “Please also use this as a reminder that Covid is still a very real and present danger, please get vaccinated and mask up to protect yourself and others.”

Ms. Coughlan, plays Penelope Featherington on the drama Bridgerton...and remains a staunch supporter of the "vaccine"...even after it completely failed to protect her fully-"vaccinated" close friend and coworker on the series.

We add our condolences to those of Ms. Coughlan's and the many others who knew and loved Mr. Pilcher.

The vaccines are not 100% effective, there will be about 5% breakthrough cases and, unfortunately, some of those will die.

The vaccines are better than doing nothing, where around 95% more will die.

In the northeast we're seeing some of the greatest vaccination rates in the country, yet also seeing some of the greatest death rates at the same time.

Meanwhile two years in, many people are just trying to go about their life, ignoring this play, and are doing fine.

A year ago I hadn't heard of a single person I've met to even test positive. Now I've heard of three people testing positive, but nothing has come of it.

I have to go get tested again soon, but I'm pretty sure it's bull#.

The statistics show the older you are the more likely you are to die from it, but those are the same statistics we've seen from the flu my entire lifetime.
The flu shot has never worked. For me it just gave me a cold for a whole year.

This shot (three versions?) hasn't been tested for long term side effects. Some people are dying from it right away, and the media is saying they died from the virus and not the shot.... Despite all evidence.

Meanwhile, the propaganda arm of the US government (thanks Obama) is in full swing telling the media what to tell you.

Ignore the fact that some of the most densely populated cities on the planet are reporting zero COVID deaths after using actual science to treat people, that doesn't fit the narrative.
Instead, go get your ineffective jabs to increase profits for criminals. Good luck with the side effects, nobody bothered to see what those are!

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

If nothing else they certainly have discovered a distraction for the herd while they slip about here and there doing whatever they want, all the while being largely unnoticed.

I may start watching TV again………🤪

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: PiratesCut
a reply to: Chalcedony

Including Gorillas at the zoo it seems………🤪😆

So sad. Infected by his fully-"vaccinated" care team member.

they believe it was caused by a care team member who, though fully vaccinated, tested positive for COVID-19. Officials say the team member was wearing PPE and asymptomatic when they were coming to work.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: PiratesCut

Oh yeah, gorillas, tigers, your house cat, a papaya. Anything and anyone can become a vector for the deadly virus. Seriously though I love gorillas I hope they all end up ok.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: IAMTAT
The film industry lost another great to the dreaded China Emmy-winning hairdresser, Marc Pilcher, recently succumbed to CV.
In addition to recently winning his first Emmy for his work on the popular period drama, Bridgerton...Mr. Pilcher was a healthy 53 year old, two-time recipient of the CV "vaccine"...with no underlying health conditions.

Condolences have poured in to Mr. Pilcher's family from his many fans and stars he has worked with.

Irish actress Nicola Coughlan reacted to Pilcher’s death by encouraging people to get vaccinated.

“It’s a tragedy that he’s been taken so young when he had so much yet to do,” she wrote. “Please also use this as a reminder that Covid is still a very real and present danger, please get vaccinated and mask up to protect yourself and others.”

Ms. Coughlan, plays Penelope Featherington on the drama Bridgerton...and remains a staunch supporter of the "vaccine"...even after it completely failed to protect her fully-"vaccinated" close friend and coworker on the series.

We add our condolences to those of Ms. Coughlan's and the many others who knew and loved Mr. Pilcher.

The vaccines are not 100% effective, there will be about 5% breakthrough cases and, unfortunately, some of those will die.

The vaccines are better than doing nothing, where around 95% more will die.

More would have been saved without vaccines. If the morbidly obese and overweight were shame early on and banned from leaving their homes more lives would have been saved due to that demographic comprising the massive majority of covid deaths.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Are you saying 95% of unvaccinated people will die ? If so that is insane , large amounts of vaccinated people will soon be considered unvaccinated unless they get the boosters

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: Stupidsecrets

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: IAMTAT
The film industry lost another great to the dreaded China Emmy-winning hairdresser, Marc Pilcher, recently succumbed to CV.
In addition to recently winning his first Emmy for his work on the popular period drama, Bridgerton...Mr. Pilcher was a healthy 53 year old, two-time recipient of the CV "vaccine"...with no underlying health conditions.

Condolences have poured in to Mr. Pilcher's family from his many fans and stars he has worked with.

Irish actress Nicola Coughlan reacted to Pilcher’s death by encouraging people to get vaccinated.

“It’s a tragedy that he’s been taken so young when he had so much yet to do,” she wrote. “Please also use this as a reminder that Covid is still a very real and present danger, please get vaccinated and mask up to protect yourself and others.”

Ms. Coughlan, plays Penelope Featherington on the drama Bridgerton...and remains a staunch supporter of the "vaccine"...even after it completely failed to protect her fully-"vaccinated" close friend and coworker on the series.

We add our condolences to those of Ms. Coughlan's and the many others who knew and loved Mr. Pilcher.

The vaccines are not 100% effective, there will be about 5% breakthrough cases and, unfortunately, some of those will die.

The vaccines are better than doing nothing, where around 95% more will die.

More would have been saved without vaccines. If the morbidly obese and overweight were shame early on and banned from leaving their homes more lives would have been saved due to that demographic comprising the massive majority of covid deaths.

Dear gods, I hope that's sarcasm.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy


I've been to five funerals in the last ten days. NONE of them died from COVID. Now what their Death Certificates say may be another thing.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: PiratesCut

I want to know who stuffed the swab up his nose

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Anybody who has had the jab... thirty days after jab1, jab2 or jab3 please go get a covid specific antibody test and tell us the results. I really think all y'all are gonna be in sh!t-shock when you find out you ain't got none. That all you did was take an accelerated kill jab. Might not kill you right away (unless the jab nicks a vein), but it is going to kill you much faster than your God-allotted time. It'll do it via systemic (global) system damage and a reduction in both organ and immune system efficiency.

The hair dresser probably died due to a depleted immune system, a badly functioning spleen, a compromised lymph system, damaged liver and kidneys, all from the jab.

There are 38 trillion cells in the human body. If you give someone a medical treatment that contains 10-20 trillion mRNA programming strands, what do you think is going to happen? Georgia Guidestones much? UN Agenda 21/30 much? It isn't a vaccine, it's a control method (just add 5G) or it's a culling program, take your pick....

Cheers - Dave

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

The vaccines are not 100% effective, there will be about 5% breakthrough cases and, unfortunately, some of those will die.

The vaccines are better than doing nothing, where around 95% more will die.

Are you able to provide a scientific peer-reviewed test that can validate your outrageous claim that “the vaccines are better than doing nothing, where around 95% more will die” ?

I have not seen ONE single verifiable peer-reviewed study/test that can approach even 1% will die without the vaccine.

However, there is ample information surfacing that people who Receive the vaccine WILL die, and in gross numbers. [Not to mention the massive numbers of those who receive the vaccine and also experience horrific adverse side affects.

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