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Project Veritas: Part 4 Natural Antibodies are better than Pfizer

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posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: frogs453

Hopefully you can answer this question as no one ever will here on ATS. I'm glad you recovered nicely. I understand you chose not to be vaccinated for the reasons you stated. May I ask why you allowed yourself to recieve the Regeneron treatment? It is also a new, experimental, emergency authorized use only treatment with no information on long term effects. The very same thing that you state is your reason for not vaccinating. I've been curious why one is acceptable, yet the other isn't.

Again I'm not against vaccination. What I'm against is politicians dictating medical advice over my doctors on what to take or what is best for me.

My reason for not vaccinating besides a 98% recovery rate and I never took the flu vaccine either are:

1. Things don't add up:
cdc,fauci, msm, and politicians are pushing a dynamic narrative that is very questionable and they are cherry picking facts and scientific evidence when it fits their narrative.

They have also been caught lying numerous times such as dont wear a mask, wear a mask, no wear 2 masks.

Get the vaccine so you wont get covid, oh yeah about that what we meant is that get the vaccine to minimize the impacts of covid.

oh yeah the vaccine protects you and minimizes the risk of covid but yeah lets go full commie and force those that aren't vaccinated to get vaccinated against their will to protect the vaccinated who have reduced symptoms and are already vaccinated.

They are completely ignoring natural immunity after exposure for the unvacinate like the jab is superior when its not.

I have 0 trust on how this is being pushed along with the data and studies don't appear to be done under proper scientific control measures and the controls appear to change to match the narrative as needed.

2. Forcing me by coercion measures to take a drug for something I'm not a high at risk for nor is their a clear case on why to take it is setting off red flags .

3. Their is treatment for the RONA and while not fun it does have a high survival rate for those without pre conditions and unvaccinated.

I also avoid trying to take any medication even advil unless I really need it.
So why risk taking a vaccine if it still allows you to get the virus with possible side effects .

4. Natural immunity is better and last longer than the man made jab.

5. Its been almost 2 years and while Having kids in school and an ER nurse for a wife its taken this long for anyone of us to get it.

6. I know first hand individuals that have gotten the jab and now are experiencing negative side effects such as heart blockage and had worse symptoms then I did.

7.It was not the gov't and corporations with conflict of interest that was giving me medical advice on what is best for me.

The PA and DOCTOR that we know personally and my wife who works with then felt it was worth taking the Regeneron to minimize the effects since there was a presence of pneumonia building up versus a politician. Versus some people with conflict of interest telling my dr to shutup and take the medicine they are pushing into me.

I was also working on couple big projects with some deadlines and I didn't want to take the time off. I ended up taking 2 days off total and 1 day was to go get the regeneron.

If I didn't have a little build up of the pneumonia and time critical projects and moving, I likely wouldn't even have taken it.

8. Vaccine aren't necessary
Well they aren't necessary if you have a large union like USPS or congress. So if they don't have to take it why should it be forced on the rest or why should others take it? especially the USPS who comes in to contact with almost everyone and everything.

9. Treatment.
The infusion treatment doesn't stay in the body for a long time.

BTW fun fact:
A large portion of the DR ,techs and nurses in the ER where the wife works at , don't have their family members vaccinated who don't have high risk either and wont even think about vaccinating their kids.

edit on 471031America/ChicagoTue, 05 Oct 2021 14:47:15 -0500000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 02:31 PM
Thanks for answering. I appreciate your viewpoint. As many of the same side effects including heart issues are possible with your treatment, I hope you do not experience them, or any unknown long term ones.
edit on 5-10-2021 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
Thanks for answering. I appreciate your viewpoint. As many of the same side effects including heart issues are possible with your treatment, I hope you do not experience them, or any unknown long term ones.

lol i could be wrong but that sounds a little insincere with a touch of passive aggressiion for not getting the answer or view you were hoping for? .

anyhow let me ask you a couple of questions

1. Are you for forcing the vaccine on everyone by measure of coercion as its currently being done?

2. Why should the USPS and Congress be exempt from taking it.

3. Why isn't the antibodies from natural immunity being taken into consideration like the jabs antibodies?

edit on 071031America/ChicagoTue, 05 Oct 2021 15:07:36 -0500000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 02:44 PM
Kind of off topic but i just got a call with the caller name being "covid infusion"
I didn't answer. Wtf could that be?

Are the hospitals calling people with antibodies to donate for the covid infusion treatment?

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: scraedtosleep

I had them put you on the list

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: interupt42

I know of many companies that were requiring it before the order came through for companies with over 100 employees because they had severe outbreaks. My company also will require it. A doctor can provide an exemption if necessary.

The USPS will be required to have it as they have over 100 employees. They will not fall under the federal mandate.

The legislative branch of the govt does not fall under the executive branch and therefore the executive order cannot apply.

Natural immunity is good however it does not last either, as we have many members here on their 2nd case of covid. Some having a much harder time with their 2nd bout. If the Vax can in the majority of cases eliminate such a hard case of it, and less hospitalization that can be beneficial.

I know people still on medications from their bout with covid last year due to the damage it caused them. Had to give up the daily running due to heart and lung damage. A high school friend of mine had his unvaccinated brother die last week due to complications caused by covid. I know of long haulers and deaths from Covid. Besides mild side effects I know of no one with major side effects from the Vax. As to long term, there is no telling long term effects from Covid, or the experimental treatment either.

I have a trip planned for Europe and the Carribean so yes I'm vaccinated so I can go.

My question was really one I had tried to get answers to here before but no one would answer. I truly do appreciate you answering it for me. If you prefer to wait until you're ill for an experimental treatment that's your choice. I chose to try to avoid getting ill in the first place.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: interupt42

I'm sorry I didn't address this. No, I am honestly glad you're ok and I hope you or anyone doesn't experience any lasting effects from Covid, treatment or the Vax. It's been detrimental to a lot of families and communities. Don't wish it on anyone. And your answer was from you. I can't expect any certain reason or type of answer. I give you a lot of credit for even answering. No one else ever would and I was honestly just curious why something that is really as experimental as the Vax was considered ok. You explained your reasoning just fine.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 10:24 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: TrollMagnet
….. Natural immunity is always preferred.

So does that mean that we shouldn’t be vaccinating people for Smallpox, Cholera, Polio, or Ebola?

With maybe the exception of Ebola, which the vaccine has only been available for less than 2 years, those other diseases have been virtually eradicated by the vaccines for them.
Cholera has been hanging around in 3rd world countries, I think.
So in other words, those vaccines worked.
This one, not so much.

There is NO proof, repeat NO proof that vaccines have ever eradicated a disease ever. Just assumption and that's IT. What about Tuberculosis, typhoid, scarlett fever, and many other diseases that didn't HAVE vaccines that also all went away at "about" the same time as Polio, smallpox? Why and how did THOSE diseases go away with no vaccines? So let me get this straight then: the diseases that HAD vaccines that went away was because of the vaccines, but the diseases that went away with no vaccines, it was just chance. Not buying it for a second.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Covid has killed around 700,000 Americans to date. None of those people survived in order to gain natural immunity.

unfortunately there is no proof it was "only" the sars-cov-2 infection that killed them. In 2017 a paper found

Recent studies of medical errors have estimated errors may account for as many as 251,000 deaths annually in the United States (U.S).

Perhaps it was the failure to use an early therapeutic and do tests with experimental highly profitable new chemicals and follow incorrect procedures that caused the deaths.

There is a new pill that could save 50% of deaths there is loads of profits and lots of interest.
There is an old pill that could save 80% of deaths there is no profit and no interest.

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 12:49 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: MykeNukem
Those other vax's ACTUALLY protected you from catching and spreading.

You are aware that pretty much all polio and other outbreaks in the past 20 years were in the vaxxed, disproving your theory that they prevented anyone from catching it... right?


I'll admit I wasn't aware of that.

I've never met a person or even heard of a person in my area who had polio.

I'm 47 and polio has been completely eradicated in my area.

The past 20 years, what changed? Cus it clearly worked with PROVEN results.

Got some links for me to educate myself?

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: MykeNukem
The past 20 years, what changed? Cus it clearly worked with PROVEN results.

Got some links for me to educate myself?

Actually, polio is the one of the many others (measles, chicken pox, etc) that actually has a lot more to the story.

It is a deep rabbit hole, but here ya go for starters.

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: 1947boomer

Single-cell and multicellular viruses behave differently. Has polio or ebola mutated or evolved? There is a difference in efficacy because of the viruses genetic makeup itself. Coronaviruses vary and are multicellular so therefore mutate in order to live. The argument that vaccines are vaccines is being tossed around too loosely by firm believers such as yourself that all serve the exact same purpose.

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: MykeNukem
Got some links for me to educate myself?

Here's a good one too...

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 10:13 AM
I can't speak to Polio, but when I had my first daughter I was told that even though I had been vaccinated against Rubella as a child I was not immune and needed another Vax. Even then it's still not 100% effective.

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: interupt42

I know of many companies that were requiring it before the order came through for companies with over 100 employees because they had severe outbreaks. My company also will require it. A doctor can provide an exemption if necessary.

The USPS will be required to have it as they have over 100 employees. They will not fall under the federal mandate.

LOL, They are required to get it but don't fall under the mandate. So they are not required then right?

Equal protections clause?

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 04:48 PM
Let's also not forget, in their rush to push this out to everyone, this vaccine has murdered more people than all vaccines in the last quarter of a century.

Once couple were fine. Then they got the vaccine, then got covide and both died minutes apart. So the vaccine killed this perfectly healthy people. Or as healthy as not dying can be before they got the vaccine. You have a better chance of dying from the vaccine than you do winning the lottery. I have yet to win the lottery.

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: thebtheb

Keep in mind SARS was eradicated pretty easily without a vaccine. Smallpox vaccine prevents infection. Pfizer does not prevent infection. It only reduces moderate to severe symptoms and chance of death.

posted on Oct, 6 2021 @ 07:34 PM
Confirmed: Pfizer using dead baby parts!🤮

posted on Oct, 7 2021 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: imitator

Alex Jones was right again.

posted on Oct, 7 2021 @ 03:49 AM
What I don't understand is that every official page states that an antibody test is not required after the vaccine has been deployed and trust should be taken from the fact that there are clinical trials available that shows it works.

My problem really with that is that the vaccine is suppose to create an immune response and create so called T-Cells or memory cells that remember the antigen construct of covid in case it enters the body. Now my understanding is that they can be checked if they exist or not.. they like to refer that you don't check for measles or chicken-pox either but I think that is a bit of different in this situation.

So why are people being led on a path to "trust" that it will work but don't ask for verification that it actually worked and then sent them off with almost a false security potentially exposing themselves to a dangerous situation if it didn't work.

As simple it sounds, that is my biggest beef with how the vaccine is being handled and how do they estimate effectiveness of vaccine if they recommend not getting tested for it?? that makes no sense to me and doesn't put a lot of trust into it either.

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