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Mandatory vaccinations for all authorised workers Victoria Straya

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posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 10:48 PM
It has just been announced, all authorised workers in a lot of industry are now required to be vaxxed.

The list is very extensive. It’s in the link.

I won’t rant anymore.

Please go to

The links seem to be broken.

edit on 30-9-2021 by robsmith because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-9-2021 by robsmith because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-9-2021 by robsmith because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 10:55 PM

originally posted by: robsmith
It has just been announced, all authorised workers in a lot of industry are now required to be vaxxed.

The list is very extensive. It’s in the link.

I won’t rant anymore. 2c007535515bc076

Time to quit working and live off the land and sea like the Aboriginal people.

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: robsmith

Your link says page not found for me.

The already large homeless population in my state has been growing fast since evictions can be processed again. How many more families are they going to force to become homeless just because the breadwinner isn't ready to get a vaccine?

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: robsmith

I always ask if the boss vaccinated?

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: tamusan

The links don’t seem to work, please try story is on the main page, if someone could link for me I would be thankful.

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 11:38 PM
keep fighting. I'm sure I read we had a win through the courts already in NSW regarding the mandates. And the pressure is really pilling up on them now, the secret Cabinet documents could blow this wide open, and hopefully help the case for Victoria.

Glady's just resigned, over another matter, but still a trust issue.

They may be winning, but they are squirming.

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: robsmith

To rectify the faltering compliance, a fully trained COVID marshal will be required to watch over every construction site in the state.

And the Brown Shirts will be watching every step of the way. Seriously, WTF is going on here. Surely people aren't just going to sleepwalk into this BS.

Link to actual no BS Orwellian headshaker.
edit on 30 9 2021 by myselfaswell because: link

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: robsmith

I hope Australians come out in (more) droves.

This crap is getting biblical.

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: robsmith

I tried clicking around on their website, but am finding their articles are behind a paywall. That's probably why your link didn't work.

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: robsmith

Sorry, it's long. Link

The list includes any person who performs work that is essential for the continued operation of:

an Authorised Provider; or
authorised health services; or
any interpreters, cultural or other support workers to the extent that they are providing support to authorised providers; or
funerary or mortuary services or related activities; or
marriage celebrant only if one or both of the two persons being married are at the end of life, or will be deported from Australia unless the marriage takes place; or
elective surgery and post-operative care in health services in regional Victoria; or
emergency services, including both volunteers and paid workers in:
the State Emergency Services; and
firefighting services; and
paramedical services; and
ambulance and paramedics services; and
air ambulance and medical retrieval services (including Royal Flying Doctor Service); and
Victoria Police employees, Protective Services Officers and police custody officers; and military and defence services deployed for activities in Victoria; or
state security or national security; or
essential infrastructure and essential services that are required to maintain or protect human health, safety and wellbeing (whether provided by a public or private undertaking), and including construction, maintenance and repair of such infrastructure; or
critical repairs to any premises where required for emergency or safety; or
personal trainers (with an ABN for this purpose) providing services solely outdoors and not at a residential premise; or
broadcasting online classes from physical recreation facilities (no more than 5 people at the facility); or
broadcasting performances from entertainment facilities (no more than 5 people at the facility); or
faith leaders broadcasting services and ceremonies at places of worship, with the minimum number of people required for the broadcast to occur (no more than 5 people); or
retail goods workers supporting the operation of click and collect or click and deliver orders; or
health practitioners, including medical, nursing, midwifery and allied health students on placement, when undertaking critical training and examinations; or
allied health professionals working in private or public community services, whether clinic-based or home-based, providing urgent clinical care where telehealth services are not clinically appropriate; Example: orthotists and prosthetists providing services such as fitting a brace post-surgery.
maternal and child health workers providing essential care to children under school age and their mothers/caregivers; or
a person who is critical to, and involved in, the State's COVID-19 response (including in hotel quarantine and vaccination services); or
immunisation and vaccination providers including pharmacy immunisers and Aboriginal Healthcare Workers
roadside assistance services; or
local government specific services such as: essential environmental health functions that protect the health and wellbeing of the community, and high-risk local law enforcement; or
a member of Parliament and up to two staff to ensure minimal functioning of an electorate office; or
anyone required to ensure the Victorian Parliament can operate; or
anyone required to ensure the functioning of the Commonwealth of Australia Parliament; or
a Federal Parliamentarian undertaking essential work to ensure operation of the Parliament of Australia (including attending electorate or ministerial offices for remote operation of technology that cannot otherwise be accessed); or
Public Administration – Regulatory Services; or
domestic and commercial waste and resource recovery services (including collection, treatment and disposal services and transfer stations), including: electricity services; and operation of energy systems; and gas services; and water supply, sewerage and drainage services; and liquid fuels and refinery services; or
specialised clinical waste workers required for the operation of primary clinical waste incinerators in Victoria; or
services to support ongoing provision and regulation of electricity, gas, water, sewage and waste and recycling services and their maintenance; or
Commonwealth agency services, including Australian Border Force and Commonwealth law enforcement and intelligence agency services; or
Judges, Associate-Judges, Judicial Registrars, Magistrates, Coroners, Tribunal Members and their offices for urgent or priority court or tribunal matters determined by the relevant head of jurisdiction, including for bail, family violence, remand, child protection, warrants and urgent guardianships, human rights or residential tenancies issues or any other priority matters, or for any remote hearings; or
To the extent necessary to support the functioning of the court, tribunal and dispute services mentioned above:
Director of Public Prosecutions and the Office of Public Prosecutions Defence lawyers, Victoria Legal Aid, the Child Protection litigation office, Aboriginal legal services and other legal assistance providers
Courts Services Victoria, court support services and court registry services including security, cleaning and interpreter services
Other lawyers
Bail justices
Office of the Public Advocate guardians for high priority, highly vulnerable citizens and relevant staff
Justices of the Peace only as urgently required noting the voluntary nature of their role
Services related to the administration of justice (including the operation of courts, prisons and Justice Service Centres) in Victoria
All systems to support, maintenance and operation services required for DJCS and Victoria Police to support, maintain and operate Births, Deaths and Marriages, fixed traffic and mobile traffic cameras and Fines Victoria systems
Administration of justice matters by legal practitioners for their clients where the matter cannot be undertaken reasonably and/or the client cannot participate reasonably in an online communication, teleconference or by means of an audio-visual link facility.
Required pathology and forensic services
journalist and media services; or
feature film, television and documentary (excluding television commercials, student and corporate productions) that is already in physical production and operating as a closed set and post-production relating to it; or
National Performing Arts Company Dancing studios for the exclusive use of Company Dancers only; or
specialist services at telecommunications stores to support telecommunications as a critical service during the COVID-19 pandemic; or
professional or high-performance sportsperson, workers that support the safe running of that person's professional sport, and public broadcast personnel necessary for broadcasting the professional sport; or
thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing, with necessary participants only; or
a factory or facility that is not able to be shut down without causing damage or loss to plant and equipment, but only those operations that are necessary in order to prevent that damage or loss; or
mining services including coal mining, oil and gas extraction, metal ore mining, non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying petroleum production; or
building and construction services; or
pool and spa maintenance service workers when servicing commercial pools and spa or those in residential apartment premises. Solo work only unless additional workers are required for safety reasons; or
administrative services provided by an employer to enable its employees to work from home; Example: Payroll and IT services; or
organisations that provide urgent services necessary for the health and safety of any person, animal or premises; Example: the performance of emergency plumbing services, Centrelink services and food banks; or
public transport, including taxis, rideshare services, and other public passenger services; or
air transport (including the operation of airports); or
port operations; or
freight services (including postal and courier services); or
a transport, freight or logistics driver; or
National Heavy Vehicle Regulator compliance activities; or
a blood bank or other bank services for the collection, storage and provision of donated biological material; or
care services for people with particular needs because of homelessness, family violence, age, infirmity, disability, illness or a chronic health condition or other essential support services; Example: Family violence and sexual assault services, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, Agencies carrying out essential relief activities, including Neighbourhood Houses; or
truck stops and roadhouses, but not the provision of seated dining or shower facilities to persons who are not transport, freight or logistics drivers; or
production and distribution of;
disability and health equipment, mobility devices, including products for health patients; or
food and groceries for sale by a supermarket, butcher, fruit and vegetable store, market or fishmonger (including for sale by operators of such premises at an indoor or outdoor market); or
liquor for sale at a bottle shop; or
medical and pharmaceutical products; or
animal food and care products; or
commercial operations that supply goods or service necessary:
for the implementation of measures to limit the spread of COVID-19; or
to support any business activity that may be carried out in accordance with these directions; or
to support the export of goods and services from Victoria;  Example: manufacturing of personal protective equipment or hand sanitiser; or
Individuals undertaking professional, scientific and technical services if involved in: COVID-19 (e.g. MedTech research including vaccines); Hazard monitoring and resilience; Biosecurity and public health; Medical or other research, which cannot be shut down and requires on site attendance;
Critical scientific facilities – for critical scientific experiments, labs, collections.
the conduct of essential adult and higher education services pertaining to the following occupations and activities for: training and assessment for infection control, high-risk work licenses and high-risk work credentials and construction induction (white card), that ensure workplace and public safety in permitted work premises or for permitted workers; or
study for final year pre-service early childhood and school teachers (including placements); or
final-year higher education students (i.e. in TEQSA-regulated courses), who do not have alternative options to complete their study by end of year; or
for the purposes of undertaking a prescribed examination or assessment, where not practicable to provide remotely, or
to support service delivery on site for vulnerable students in higher education and training, where not practicable to provide remotely; or
student placements in relation to child protection
mandatory work placement in Allied Health Assistance in Victorian Public Health Services and Residential Aged Care Facilities; or
first aid training where required for COVID response; or
study for health care workers (including clinical placements); or
apprentices training with an Authorised Provider or Authorised Worker; or
clinical health and biomedical science (if required to be on site for the maintenance of essential research activities); or aged and disability care (including clinical placements); or
mandatory work placements in early childhood education and care settings subject to the supervision capacity of the host workplace; or
police Academy; or
defence and national security agencies;
primary industries only to the extent necessary to ensure animal rescue, adequate supply of food to, and care of, animals and maintenance of crops; or
a hotel, motel or other accommodation facility to the extent that they provide accommodation services, including on a temporary basis for work purposes; or
services related to property inspections, settlement or commencement/end-of-lease (including removalists); or
forestry activity for the purposes of or relating to:
production of firewood for heating of premises; or
production of pallets; or
production of building supplies for construction; or
production of other goods required for other permitted activities (e.g. paper, packaging, caskets and coffins); or
all manufacturing; or
ancillary and support businesses are able to open on-site where necessary for the operations of an Authorised Provider, or for Closed Work Premises where there are safety or environmental obligations. The business cannot operate on-site for any other purpose: Examples: production, supply, manufacture, repair, maintenance, cleaning, security, wholesale, distribution, transportation or sale of equipment, goods or services essential to the operation of the Authorised Provider; or
union/peak body/employer organisation officials attending a worksite as permitted by law or for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) advice
a person who is: critical to, and involved in, the State's COVID-19 response (including in hotel quarantine); or
a fly in fly out worker or a drive in drive out worker who is required for industry or business continuity and maintenance of a competitive operation where the service is time-critical, who is responsible for critical maintenance or repair of infrastructure critical to a region of, or to, Victoria; or
maritime crew; or
a necessary individual for the purposes of the major event where that event has an exemption from CHO allowing it to proceed, including any workers and public broadcast personnel that support the safe running of the major event.
Farm, animal and bloodstock leasing activities, including: farming activities and other operations relating to agriculture, horticulture, viticulture, irrigation, permaculture, apiculture, grains, fibre production, dairy, flower industry, commercial fishing, aquaculture and livestock; or intensive agricultural production including; greenhouses and animal production; or
agricultural, veterinary chemicals and vaccine production, transportation and distribution (including the Pig Services Centre); or
laboratory and diagnostic services; or
animal feed production, transportation, packaging, sale, and feeding (including livestock and pets); or
animal pounds and shelters (no public access).
commercial cleaners in residential premises where necessary to aid the removal of waste in apartment buildings or for the duration an apartment building is identified as a Tier 1 or Tier 2 exposure site; or
a business or undertaking providing essential support services to permitted agriculture, forestry and fishing activities, such as food safety and verification, inspection or associated laboratory services and biosecurity functions.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 12:12 AM
Thankyou so much, it’s a really long list, looks like all industries which have any human contact a reply to: JinMI

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 12:23 AM
I’ve been resisting as long as I can but now I’m faced with the choice of being injected against my will or losing my income which provides all the essentials for my wife and two kids.

I need to have my first dose by next Friday to be able to keep coming to work though I can not physically pick the phone up and book myself in as the idea makes me few sick and angry.

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever”

Make Orwell fiction again!
edit on 1102021 by IAMALLYETALLIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 12:38 AM

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM
I’ve been resisting as long as I can but now I’m faced with the choice of being injected against my will or losing my income which provides all the essentials for my wife and two kids.

I need to have my first dose by next Friday to be able to keep coming to work though I can not physically pick the phone up and book myself in as the idea makes me few sick and angry.

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever”

Make Orwell fiction again!

At some point, each and every one of us, will be faced with the same decision. Don't turn to the TV, the bottle or the drugs when you are faced with this decision.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 12:45 AM

It’s staggering on if this is in any way legal, these emergency laws seem to allow dan to haphazardly change the goalposts with no opposition.

I thought this would need debate, legislative change before mandatory vaxxes were mandatory.

There is non parliamentary oversight, to allow questions to be asked.

I am now at a crossroads, my industry is on the list as well. I don’t want the jab, though as you said, you have a family to support.

I wonder how serious any protest will be this weekend.

Who would have thought 1984, was a true prophecy.

I wonder if a time traveller went back in time and destroyed Orwell’s manuscript of 1984, would the powers that be have seen influenced by it. And could it have been stopped where we are now.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 12:47 AM

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM
I’ve been resisting as long as I can but now I’m faced with the choice of being injected against my will or losing my income which provides all the essentials for my wife and two kids.

I need to have my first dose by next Friday to be able to keep coming to work though I can not physically pick the phone up and book myself in as the idea makes me few sick and angry.

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever”

Make Orwell fiction again!

My greatest sympathies for you and anyone else who finds themselves in your exact predicament.

This is exactly what the government has been banking on long term, this is exactly why for the last 5 or 6 yrs practibly anyone could walk in to a bank and borrow exuberant amounts of money to buy over priced properties.

People where well and truly cornered before this agenda was kicked into gear...

Unfortunately you now join the masses on the wide path, aimlessly following directives to a promise of freedom which in reality you already had.

What has humanity become?

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 12:47 AM
a reply to: JinMI

It’s like we are living in a parallel universe, the gubments are so power hungry for control.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 12:52 AM
live on the streets
they broke your soulask them why u have to take the jackass jab
start your own business

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 12:53 AM

We are at war people, it's time to fight back - protests and catchy chants don't work.
Do you want to be this guy?...Ned Kelly

or this guy?

Our backs are against the wall, the time is now!

I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees

edit on 1-10-2021 by Jamie2018 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 12:54 AM

originally posted by: robsmith
a reply to: JinMI

It’s like we are living in a parallel universe, the gubments are so power hungry for control.

Says the fellow who both works for the government and has made admissions of wanting to refuse social security to airline pilots who " should have put away for a rainy month "

Your no different sunshine you know it and have admitted it in other posts -so just what are you trying to achieve.

Double agent.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: robsmith

We want you to get vaccinated because we care about you and love you.

So if you don't get it you and your family can starve!

I can't believe people are stupid enough to allow this.

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