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Some bad stats out of Australia

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posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: robsmith
a reply to: 727Sky

It’s concerning, if the jab is not effective, then why push it....oh it’s about the money.

They push the vaxs to avoid the accountability of whatever happens if something happens wrong, They arent going to answer for the consequences.

They will just blame you.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 11:02 AM
I mean, I think people need to reducate themselves, Vaccines aren't a cure or anything, lmfao.

Vaccines "manage", they aren't cures and you can still get sick.

Like the Flu, we all get the Flu shots here and there, still get sick.

Humans are dynamic and we respond accordingly, biologically speaking.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: robsmith
a reply to: putnam6

I think this decision to force the states hand. Honestly shy should the federal government prop up the states, when the states are enforcing lockup’s.

It wasn’t a federal decision, so why should all taxpayers have to fund the states which refuse to re-open, the states should cough up third own assistance out of their own budgets.

I’ll probably be flamed for this comment. Though when I receive calls from qantas pilots who were earning $300 thousand a year wanting the dole. As they have no money, well stiff biscuits.

You should have saved some money for a rainy month.

Not from me, I agree the funds spent here in the US made no sense either, but we didn't shut everything down for as long. Regardless plenty of people's financial lives will be ruined forever.

My brother is looking at losing his home we as a small family has already had to sell 2 of our homes as a result. It looks bleak we try and keep our heads down and just work, but every day there seems to have something else pop up it's difficult to get any real traction and momentum.

The bottom line is will are still smack dab in the middle of this, there will be a lot of businesses that won't ever return. Hell, there will be certain industries that will never come back.

But we got the right World leaders? They will know what to do. Right??? LOL.

It just looks like Australia will have to quit running and hiding, it maybe would have worked if they could have come up with an effective vaccine. Instead, Oz has none of that and a population that doesn't have natural immunity in broad numbers, it could be a long hot summer for the Aussies.

I hate that, Australians are such wonderful people they definitely don't deserve what looks like is coming down the pike.

IF we are supposed to believe Biden there is no way any country hits 98% vaccinated period. Right now only a little more than 15% of the 195,300,000 doses agreed upon have been administered. That's about 165,300,000 doses remaining on a vaccine that last 6 months or less.

Even if we had an effective vaccine(we don't) the Aussies will never reach 80% vaccinated much less 98% BS Biden is touting. You will have to get continuous shots which don't sound like good advice for anybody except persons with Big Pharma stock holdings.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: Arnie123
I mean, I think people need to reducate themselves, Vaccines aren't a cure or anything, lmfao.

Vaccines "manage", they aren't cures and you can still get sick.

Like the Flu, we all get the Flu shots here and there, still get sick.

Humans are dynamic and we respond accordingly, biologically speaking.

Just imagine if we would have just quarantined the sick and those at risk, we wouldn't have the runaway cases from vaccinating way too many persons without knowing the true effectiveness of said vaccine

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Arnie123

seems like they are doing a terrible job "managing" the virus to me.

did polio vaccine "manage" polio? how many of those boosters did you need before it was properly "managed"?

I've been "managing" covid fine without the vaccine. meanwhile some of the people i know with the vaccine are "managing" not so fine...

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 11:59 AM
by definition,

The action of the red horseman of the apocalypse on earth does not end before December 2022

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: robsmith
a reply to: 727Sky

It’s concerning, if the jab is not effective, then why push it....oh it’s about the money.

I think it's about control. Total control and domination. The vaccines destroy any natural immunity , so people will become dependent on the booster shots for any immunity. Want to stay alive? You better behave and do as we say if you want this booster shot

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: 727Sky
I hate to see these kinds of numbers especially after what many Australian's have gone through with their government's enforcers. I have a bet with a buddy of mine who is pro vaccination and living in Australia who says everything will open up come December. He is trying to leave Australia as he owns a house and a car in Thailand... IMO he will be lucky if mid next year he can travel.. What really bothers me about all this stuff is the vaccines do not stop you from getting covid; sorry a$$ vaccine IMO not to mention the side effects widely reported.

Truth Being Ignored – Victoria Australia Records 867 New COVID Cases, 375 in Hospital and 95% of Those Hospitalized are Vaccinated
September 28, 2021 | Sundance | 405 Comments

Pay close attention to what Victoria, Australia, Health Minister Martin Foley says at the 2:45 minute mark of his comments.

Health Minister Foley announced 867 new COVID cases recorded yesterday. During the statistical outline Foley identifies 375 people as hospitalized, 81 people in intensive care and 61 people on a ventilator. Then comes the statistic everyone in government and media ignore. Amid the recorded cases “78% of the hospital cases are fully vaccinated, and 17% are partially vaccinated (1 dose)”….

That means 95% of the COVID patients in Victoria hospitals are vaccinated.

356 people out of 375 patients are vaccinated, yet 81 people are still in intensive care with 61 on a ventilator.

See link for video e-hospitalized-are-vaccinated/

I listened to his speech. He did say “...78% of the hospital cases are fully vaccinated and 17 are partially vaccinated”
Do you think he meant to say “78 are fully vaxxed and 17 and partially vaxxed” in terms of numbers or percentages?

Maybe he made a mistake cuz 95% seems awfully high. That is some scary ish. Can we fact check the guy to see if he didn’t make a slip in what he was trying to say?
If it is actually 95%, God help those people.
edit on 29-9-2021 by Jaellma because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: robsmith

They are pushing it heavily as YT is starting to push censorship.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: Arnie123

The MSM is seeing the covid vaxs as "Life saver"

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 12:54 AM

originally posted by: Arnie123
I mean, I think people need to reducate themselves, Vaccines aren't a cure or anything, lmfao.

Vaccines "manage", they aren't cures and you can still get sick.

Like the Flu, we all get the Flu shots here and there, still get sick.

Humans are dynamic and we respond accordingly, biologically speaking.

Oh my.

What is this? Like the new math?

I remember getting all my vaccines and NOT worrying about those infections anymore.

Because they actually worked.

I've never worried about Tetanus, Polio, Mumps, Rubella, Measles, etc.

All of the sudden vaccines are just like Aspirin?

GTF outta here with all that.

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: MykeNukem

Get the vaccine and you will not get COVID "Oops" Get the vaccine and you will not get as sick or die..."Oops" Oh crap this is a good vaccine and besides we demand you take it or be forever condemned to whatever we say you are condemned to.. !

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: CthruU

It’s not double agent mentality, I dont make emotional decisions, I just talk to people, I sell newspapers, and read a lot.

Sadly so many people live well beyond means, and get so far in debt, though have massive incomes, though blow 99 percent of it each week buying cheap crap they don’t need, buying the over priced Kia sportage at over 50k, the million dollar house...etc

They want the 100 inch tv for 20k.

Get finance on a $500 4K DVD player, at 19 percent interest and pay the 5.00 per month to repay the debt.

Eating Uber eats 5 nights a week, going skiing several times during winter and blowing 5000 for a 3 day break.

Is this my fault? Just cause I said how can you not save money on a 80000 k income, or above.

I live simply, as much as I can.

All I was stating was people need to take self responsibility and not expect the government to bail them out.

Australia is fortunate to have a social system, unlike other countries, though as someone said failure to plan is a plan for failure.

edit on 30-9-2021 by robsmith because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: putnam6
It’s sad to hear about your family having to sell assets to minimise their outgoings, and bd able to survive.

Its so hard when there are so many loan sharks out there taking advantage in these times, NINJA loans didn’t die.

They just changed clothes.

I am sick of all these scumbag telemarketers trying to sell me crap I can’t afford or want.

I have family who fought in World War Two not on the German side, and I have adopted a war like mentality to survival and that is to trust no one, and prepare yourself, as you can’t rely upon others.

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 08:23 AM

originally posted by: Arnie123
Like the Flu, we all get the Flu shots here and there, still get sick.

Nope. Never had a flu shot, can't remember the last time I had the flu or anything that required me to even stay home from work, much less knocked me on my ass.

Most people confuse a cold with the flu. The flu - the real, actual flu - will knock you on your ass, big time, and yes, it kills a lot of the same people COVID kills.

No, I mucho prefer my natural immunity/immune system, and the small natural things (zinc, vit c, quercetin, etc) I can do to give it a boost if I feel the need.

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: robsmith

It’s concerning, if the jab is not effective, then why push it

What? Don't you see? Look, you can still get the infection if you have received the stabbing, you can still infect others, and you can still die from it. The stab doesn't protect you, it .. err.. protects the stabbed from the unstabbed, so they can't .. err.. hm.. wait, it has to be somewhere in my papers, let me get back to you.

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Never had a flu shot, can't remember the last time I had the flu or anything that required me to even stay home from work, much less knocked me on my ass.

May I ask if you consume alcohol on regular basis?

I never stopped drinking, but I had to put a pause on it due to financial situations - then I kept postponing my 'drinking party' until it had been almost a decade, and during that time, I have not been ill or sick at all. I have had purely physical injuries and all, but never a fever or runny nose-type flu or 'cold'.

I admit I am not sure what the difference between 'flu' and 'cold' and 'sniffles' is, but I haven't had any of them for almost a decade, so I was wondering, perhaps stopping to quaff cell-poisonous liquids might have something to do with it.

'Knocking on donkey'? Do you own some kind of wooden donkey statue?

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 06:39 AM

originally posted by: Shoujikina
a reply to: tanstaafl
May I ask if you consume alcohol on regular basis?

Been clean and sober for 33+ years now.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 06:15 AM
Australians have not been disarmed.
Ffs educate your self.
There's more guns, both legal and illegal, then ever before in Australia.

originally posted by: Fatboy527
Never in the history of medicine has one came up with a vaccine for the common cold....Covid is a cold virus period the end. And they still have not came up with vaccine for a cold or we seen yesterday in America with Bidens Hollywood Movie set of the white house and his fake jab......who the fu&k knows what's real anymore and what's not....We as a world don't have a vaccine for the common cold...remember this fact people. I feel for you guys down under...Disarmed years ago and can't fight to be a sucky feeling.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 11:20 AM
they still have wild parrots landing on their balcony. It cant be too bad. They just have to try harder to make the life miserable a bit

edit on 2/10/2021 by PapagiorgioCZ because: (no reason given)

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