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Some bad stats out of Australia

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posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 04:20 AM
I hate to see these kinds of numbers especially after what many Australian's have gone through with their government's enforcers. I have a bet with a buddy of mine who is pro vaccination and living in Australia who says everything will open up come December. He is trying to leave Australia as he owns a house and a car in Thailand... IMO he will be lucky if mid next year he can travel.. What really bothers me about all this stuff is the vaccines do not stop you from getting covid; sorry a$$ vaccine IMO not to mention the side effects widely reported.

Truth Being Ignored – Victoria Australia Records 867 New COVID Cases, 375 in Hospital and 95% of Those Hospitalized are Vaccinated
September 28, 2021 | Sundance | 405 Comments

Pay close attention to what Victoria, Australia, Health Minister Martin Foley says at the 2:45 minute mark of his comments.

Health Minister Foley announced 867 new COVID cases recorded yesterday. During the statistical outline Foley identifies 375 people as hospitalized, 81 people in intensive care and 61 people on a ventilator. Then comes the statistic everyone in government and media ignore. Amid the recorded cases “78% of the hospital cases are fully vaccinated, and 17% are partially vaccinated (1 dose)”….

That means 95% of the COVID patients in Victoria hospitals are vaccinated.

356 people out of 375 patients are vaccinated, yet 81 people are still in intensive care with 61 on a ventilator.

See link for video e-hospitalized-are-vaccinated/

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

It’s concerning, if the jab is not effective, then why push it....oh it’s about the money.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 05:06 AM

originally posted by: robsmith
a reply to: 727Sky

It’s concerning, if the jab is not effective, then why push it....oh it’s about the money.

No, it's about a fascist ideology. Money can be borrowed. Chairman Dan needs to make people believe and act the same way he does, so he feels like he's doing the right thing. And there is no limit to the depth of that.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 05:27 AM

originally posted by: robsmith
a reply to: 727Sky

It’s concerning, if the jab is not effective, then why push it....oh it’s about the money.

l don't think so.
Has to do what may be in it.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: robsmith
a reply to: 727Sky

It’s concerning, if the jab is not effective, then why push it....oh it’s about the money.

You’re not supposed to ask critical thinking questions. Just get in line for the jab(s) like everyone else. Don’t you want the world to go back to normal? Huh? Stop thinking.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:28 AM
Australia's lockdowns and restrictions did nothing but kill the economy along with ineffective vaccines now it's time for the cases to run through Australia's population. Look like all those measures did nothing but delay the inevitable and now Oz has to face it with vaccines with waning effectiveness on variants that are even more transmissible but less lethal.

Just saw where Australias Covid supplemental income is expiring, economically they will have to open up sooner or later.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:34 AM
And so Australia follows the pattern set by Israel, Iceland, the US and so many more--more shots bring more infection.

Yes, the clot shots are bioweapons.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: putnam6

I think this decision to force the states hand. Honestly shy should the federal government prop up the states, when the states are enforcing lockup’s.

It wasn’t a federal decision, so why should all taxpayers have to fund the states which refuse to re-open, the states should cough up third own assistance out of their own budgets.

I’ll probably be flamed for this comment. Though when I receive calls from qantas pilots who were earning $300 thousand a year wanting the dole. As they have no money, well stiff biscuits.

You should have saved some money for a rainy month.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell

We’ll be in this hole getting deeper and deeper until we cannot see the light.

I have stated many times he should have to undergo a mental health assessment, as he is a meglomaniac.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: musicismagic
Who really knows, probably graphene circuit boards, and activated by g5

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: ManSizedSquirrel

Sorry, I am so conflicted, quick get me back in

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 07:01 AM

originally posted by: robsmith
a reply to: ManSizedSquirrel

Sorry, I am so conflicted, quick get me back in

Hey you are thinking too much tonight. Calm down !

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: musicismagic
I might slam down a vic bitter, all good now.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 07:10 AM
Never in the history of medicine has one came up with a vaccine for the common cold....Covid is a cold virus period the end. And they still have not came up with vaccine for a cold or we seen yesterday in America with Bidens Hollywood Movie set of the white house and his fake jab......who the fu&k knows what's real anymore and what's not....We as a world don't have a vaccine for the common cold...remember this fact people. I feel for you guys down under...Disarmed years ago and can't fight to be a sucky feeling.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 07:11 AM
It does look like a depopulation agenda the way it is playing out. Money is one of the weapons being used in the psychological aspects of this war. Go further up the chain and those know what they are doing.

We could of put a quick stop to covid last year with all the treatments identified. A year later and there is just more drugs and supporting evidence for how to treat covid if that was the real target in this state of emergency. Instead the government mandates silence and pushes people to consent to forced gene therapy experimentation.

Building the gallows outside the front of the new parliament house in ACT sounds like a good place for when Nuremberg 2 kicks off.
edit on 29-9-2021 by kwakakev because: added state

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: putnam6

You are over the target, IMHO. The lockdowns across the planet have done nothing more relative to COVID than to prolong the course of the pandemic, by preventing the virus from naturally 'burning out'. It is lingering too long now because it was not allowed to burn through the population naturally. For such a non-lethal virus, it should have been allowed to burn through, leaving the majority of the population with natural immunity, not the less effective artificial vaccine immunity....
edit on 29-9-2021 by Fowlerstoad because: added the last part

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 07:30 AM
Ah yes. If you don't want to get the non-vaccine, that doesn't work, you are ANTI-VAXXXXXX.

Glad to see at least some of Australia is fighting back.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
Ah yes. If you don't want to get the non-vaccine, that doesn't work, you are ANTI-VAXXXXXX.

Glad to see at least some of Australia is fighting back.

Well. The cause is obvious. Its those anti-vaccers that will not get the third shot.

On a more serious note. Why did anyone with half a brain not realize realistically the covid vaccine would only be as effect as the flu shot, if not less?

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: robsmith
a reply to: putnam6

I’ll probably be flamed for this comment. Though when I receive calls from qantas pilots who were earning $300 thousand a year wanting the dole. As they have no money, well stiff biscuits.

You should have saved some money for a rainy month.

There's that double agent mentality shining through again.

You spend considerable hours on this site winging about Dan Andrews, lockdowns, and other assorted government decisions but here you are admitting that YOU will make on the governments behalf (as a Services Australia operative) in relation to the dole this type of emotional based decision.

Give up the rants, you love your government representative job.

But try to remember it's not about after all are supposed to be a PUBLIC SERVANT, not a traitorous double agent.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Sometimes after reading reports of break through cases, it makes me wonder if vaccine makes it easier to catch covid and whether if it's intentional or not.

Also if the science is distorted or just not looked at to began with.

edit on 29-9-2021 by TomCollin because: (no reason given)

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