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Sick of all the masked idiots

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posted on Sep, 28 2021 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: Allaroundyou

It goes deeper.

how is this even really COVID that effected you when it could have been the 'non existent flu' or 'pneumonia'?
This virus has not even been isolated.
It is a new cold virus.

Yes people have died but you as a thinking person I know realise how most if not all of the deaths were from other causes.
My own liberal fuk off county changed their metrics three times. Why? to make it seem scarier.
First it was deaths from covid. then they were forced due to outcry and data to change to deaths 'with' covid. and NOW lol they have stopped reporting people that have recovered and stop reporting people are cases but not sick.

the whole 'case' count is bogus.

the whole thing is bogus

im sorry but you would have gotten sick without 'covid '

We carry viruses on us every damn day.

I have to put my bias aside to answer this question to the best.
I will agree that many deaths seem to be wrong.
But maybe and just maybe a mask does help. Now it could be worse or just dumb....But the what if plays a huge factor for me.
BTW you could check your mail

posted on Sep, 28 2021 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: UpThenDown

I bet he was hilarious. I honestly thought he died years ago. Always enjoyed his stand up specials when they would air late nights uncensored.

And let's be honest, is the weather ever 'the best' over there? It's why there are all the Brits over here in Florida, I thought! 😝

posted on Sep, 28 2021 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: ancientlight
I used to love to go grocery shopping with my mom , it was our outing. Now since stupid covid and the stupid masked idiots all the fun and happiness is being suc%k!d out of me

We don't wear masks off course, so I can feel the stares from all the sheep who do.
The MAJORITY wear them. Why are they so brainwashed?!!
From the whole store , we are always one of the few who don't submit.

I feel alienated from those around me and can feel their disgust

I'm already socially anxious, so this doesn't help!
I will continue to refuse to oblige , but I hate going anywhere now.

Sick of this whole thing. I'm so over it!!
We're in Florida btw.

Why not grow a pair and stop worrying about how other people live?

posted on Sep, 28 2021 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
So you don't wear them, but they're somehow a hindrance on you?

If he is anything like I am I would suggest he means more like two years is just enough of such a ridiculous, pointless, and even extremely unhealthy obnoxiously in our faces reminder all day and all night that this beautiful world, treasure filled life, and even our lands we call home all in the final death throes since none of those things will survive this onslaught of peace, freedom, choice, patriotism, live and let live way of existing. And it’s not the attack that is doing any of it. In fact, the attack is more or less totally imaginary in that they learned some years back that they needn’t even stage false flags. The people of 2021 are such morons on average, the very best humanity of 2021 having to offer being what was just yesterday’s definition of spineless simpletons with zero capacity for critical thinking...all they need do is announce the next move, not even carry it out it seems, and the world and the media act out the would be consequences of said move and the people are fed what’s up through the television or Facebook and that constructs their reality. Words. Fabrications. Ridiculousness. And they usually don’t make sense and are so poorly made up that I sit here laughing each time till I look left and look right and everyone else is immediately responding in dramatic fashion. You start to really resent these people and resentment isn’t fun. It was better when these things were unreadable by just looking at someone or measuring how gullible they will actually drop to...peaceful ignorance beats hey look at me honk honk over here I’m a low functioning low IQ, menial cognitive abilities jerk over here and I am permanently destroying the world, the human bod and future DNA, making slaves of your grandkids, and we all outnumber you and the fact that we can’t even stop and scrutinize the most obvious bull for one gosh dern minute is filling the world at breakneck speed with hatred, control, stalking surveillance, and a two class system where the best you can hope for your kid is that he can get by and stay off radical thinker lists and government radar. The meaningless masks is just an overly obnoxious little way the evil entities behind all this seem to tack on the end of the nightmare coming and the average moron can’t even make sense of the fact not a single pne of them is ever caught in a mask or following rules or taking a real jab so what might that tell you?!?! The obnoxious mask middle finger gets tiring after two years 24/7 of having to watch our fellow countrymen, cousins the world over, friends, family all show the total absence of fight in them for what matters in life and it’s not pleasant either knowing people you loved and respected won’t even put up any extra defenses at the critical time they can finally shine or make a fool out of you for having faith in them all this time.

That’s how I feel at least. Safety blah blah I don’t think it’s unsafe
Hindrance no, not others masking up no its just like let smokers smoke and over eaters stuff themselves. It’s how loud people are proving to be failures and letdowns that I just am over being made aware of and it effecting how I see others when I want to be positive and hope for the best in people when the time comes to tinkle or step away from the urinal.

(post by LetTheColdCome removed for a manners violation)
(post by LetTheColdCome removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 28 2021 @ 10:19 PM
I feel similarly strongly about dudes who wear underpants.

Hello, one set of clothing is enough.

posted on Sep, 28 2021 @ 10:28 PM
Down with the underpants!

posted on Sep, 28 2021 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: ancientlight
Me and my gf went back to wearing our masks when in crowded places still because she feels more comfortable. We recently had a friend’s sister pass away due to complications of having Covid. We aren’t vaccinated I don’t see us getting vaccinated anytime soon and I fail to see the point of masks but if it makes her more comfortable then I’ll do it. I’m sorry if you feel that people are judging you. But who cares if they are. I’m sure some people in our area look at us who are masked and are judging us. It doesn’t effect me why let it effect you?

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: ancientlight

A few thoughts come to mind while reading your story.

1) I know what it's like - it's like suddenly you are in a zombie movie, where everyone is either staring at a hypnotizing rectangle, or has become a ninja with no face, or both - but where I live, things are somewhat more relaxed. No one really stares, no one has ever said anything to me about mask, covid, etc. in a grocery store, bus or any other store I've visited - and I never wear a mask.

2) What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. I don't know if I FULLY accept that (I can think of situations where that's not the case), but there's SOME core truth to that. In this painfully hellish and wretched world, where pretty much everything is wrong, we are BOMBARDED with annoyances, irritations, stupidity, ignorance, toxicity, hostility and even violence and physical danger. The more we SURVIVE that kind of situations, the less they bother us, and the stronger we become to survive even worse situations. Eventually, masks, stares, bad dog handling, bad parenting won't even bother us.

I suspect that screaming kids that have never been taught 'inside voice' and whose parents have NEVER practiced any consistent discipline are something I can NEVER get used to, it's just so loud and so brain-shakingly irritating, and so easily preventable. I mean, you have to work hard, but basically it's not a complicated thing, just repetitive. (Watch Supernanny to see what I mean, especially the old UK version with the fat ex-nurse or whatever she is)

3) This phenomenon should FINALLY open the eyes of many that didn't realize what sheeple people are, how stupid and ignorant they are, and how BLINDLY they trust media. Plato's cave allegory could NOT be more true when you look at the world today, especially when someone that has been outside tries to explain the truth to those that have chosen to BLINDLY trust that the shadows speak the truth, and no one can research things reliably themselves.. (and that the shadows have no reason to lie to them, etc., although the shadowmasters are the ones that keep the cave people imprisoned and immobile)

4) I guess I have to be thankful that situation here is not as bad - sure, it shocks me, too, that _SO_ damn many wear those ninjamasks (and they're so often black now, instead of ANYthing colorful, just like their clothes - it's like colors are not allowed anymore - I wouldn't be surprised if they were working on some kind of solution to nature still displaying bright colors blatantly and fearlessly), but where I live and operate, no one seems to be telling each other what to do, they let people actually make their own choices. Even the healthcare workers I debated recently about this, were not overly pushy, and said two things: "we have to be sheep a bit" and "everyone has freedom to make their own choices", which is promising.

It's pretty shocking, but we can't really control what other people do unless we're TPTB, so the best thing we CAN do, besides venting and ranting about it, is to control ourselves and our reactions.

Our reaction is often more important than the thing we're reacting to.

People have been stupid and 'dumbed down' for generations, this is basically nothing new, now it's just SO much more visible and tangible. Back then, there was always hope that someone you see on the street MIGHT be wise and intelligent, a real philosopher that loves creating animations and such. Now, most stupid and ignorant people have put their stupidity and ignorance on display, so that hope is gone, you can no longer live in illusions, you are forced to FACE (instead of .. masking?) the depth of stupidity of the masses every time you see other people.

Stupidity used to be a latent possibility, but you couldn't tell just by looking - it used to be under the surface, so you could hold ANY kind of worldview and go about your business. Maybe everyone you see are intelligent, wise, informed, researched and understanding of the wider implications of worldwide structural changes. You could at least hope and think.

Now all you see is immediate showcasing of 'stupid, stupid, ignorant, fool, idiot, moron, stupid, ignorant..' etc, when you even slightly glance around.

What this means for the future.. well, I'd rather not think about it - at least all the time.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 01:52 AM
a reply to: Somethingsamiss

Me and my gf went back to wearing our masks when in crowded places still because she feels more comfortable.

COMFORTABLE? So you mean, every time someone says 'Let me slip into something more comfortable', in her mind, they're talking about MASKS?

You have to be kidding me, or she has to be kidding you. Those things are AS UNCOMFORTABLE as humanly possible!

Instead of 'comfortable', you should probably use the word 'conformist'... conforming to the norm has been women's domain for millennia. Why should she be any different?

But men have been pioneers, bravely going where others don't dare, so don't just mirror your conformist relationship half, think and act for yourself - women shouldn't be able to always manipulate everyone into doing their bidding, that's one of the big reasons why we even are in this situation. It was women that voted for all dictators into power in history, it's happening again..

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:56 AM
I moved away from NYC and wow the change is dramatic. I can go just about anywhere without my mask, except work. Are there some ignorant zealots? Yup, woman at my work exclaimed loudly that she’s “gonna punch any unvaccinated in the throat and dick!” And stormed out of the office at 8:10 am.

Wildly belligerent stemming from ignorance.

a reply to: ancientlight

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 07:02 AM

originally posted by: Somethingsamiss
a reply to: ancientlight
Me and my gf went back to wearing our masks when in crowded places still because she feels more comfortable. We recently had a friend’s sister pass away due to complications of having Covid. We aren’t vaccinated I don’t see us getting vaccinated anytime soon and I fail to see the point of masks but if it makes her more comfortable then I’ll do it. I’m sorry if you feel that people are judging you. But who cares if they are. I’m sure some people in our area look at us who are masked and are judging us. It doesn’t effect me why let it effect you?
Lols we all aren’t you, why try and make us in your image? Not all of us need to conform to feel safe and comfortable, funny you share your GF view but not your own, but you want us to be like you?

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: cmdrkeenkid

Do know know if you need a negative test or Covid passport to enter the country from the US? We have like US$2k in airline credits from cancelled trips last year...

Just read this article and I've got to say its clear as mud to me.

The gist of it is - I think - that if you've got proof a vaccination you can pretty much come and go as you please.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: ancientlight

Florida does make sense for you. Can you look up the meaning of 'public health' and please report back on your findings with a discussion. Epidemiology is so stupid with its science and logic.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: ancientlight
I feel alienated from those around me and can feel their disgust

I'm already socially anxious, so this doesn't help!

I'm with you, but... take this as an opportunity to try to get over your social anxiety...

I actually enjoy it. I stare back, I laugh quietly and shake my head making sure they can see it - and the best part is when I'm with my kids and they point at them and laugh at 'the stupid people wearing masks' (yeah, I taught them that)...

We're in Florida btw.

What part? I can't believe its like that everywhere!? I've been actually thinking of moving there, depends on who we get for Governor next. DeSantis rocks!

ETA: oh, and one positive thing - it makes it really easy to spot the idiot losers... if someone is wearing a mask, I know right away they are not someone I would care to even pass the time of day with, much less hang out with.
edit on 29-9-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 11:10 AM
Ignore ATS. It's a fringe site with some strange wildlife. Speak to your family GP. Use this place if you fancy a cheap safari.

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: ancientlight
I feel alienated from those around me and can feel their disgust

I'm already socially anxious, so this doesn't help!

I'm with you, but... take this as an opportunity to try to get over your social anxiety...

I actually enjoy it. I stare back, I laugh quietly and shake my head making sure they can see it - and the best part is when I'm with my kids and they point at them and laugh at 'the stupid people wearing masks' (yeah, I taught them that)...

We're in Florida btw.

What part? I can't believe its like that everywhere!? I've been actually thinking of moving there, depends on who we get for Governor next. DeSantis rocks!

ETA: oh, and one positive thing - it makes it really easy to spot the idiot losers... if someone is wearing a mask, I know right away they are not someone I would care to even pass the time of day with, much less hang out with.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

Hey, thanks! When I tried searching all I was getting was US embassy and consulate websites basically saying don't travel, stay in fear, blah blah blah... Looks like it'll be even more relaxed in the near future too. Thanks again!

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: MrNewWorldOrder
Ignore ATS. It's a fringe site with some strange wildlife. Speak to your family GP.

I am my family GP.

Use this place if you fancy a cheap safari

Nah, its pretty cool here, I especially get a kick out of the MSM/RadicalLeftists here supporting crowd spewing their doctrinal quotas...
edit on 29-9-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

So you think it’s okay to shame people who wear masks? Wow, just wow! Has it occurred to you that there are people out there who are immune compromised, people taking drugs that shut down their immune system because they have a chronic disease, people going through chemo and radiation for cancers, etc? You’re not the only one on the planet you know.

I wear a mask when I shop indoors. It’s about 50/50 for people wearing or not wearing masks. I have better things to do than stare at everyone in the store. I don’t give a flying fig if they’re wearing a mask or not. It’s none of my business. But I have a husband in a nursing home who is elderly, disabled, and vulnerable, so I choose to wear a mask so I do not infect him when I go visit him.

If you actually thought about it instead of being paranoid and selfish, maybe you would feel differently. Good grief! The world doesn’t revolve around you.

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