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Yes, you did have COVID in late 2019.

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posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 07:28 PM
Around that time, I experienced brain fogs for about 2 weeks, loss my sense of smell for a week, had terrible headaches on and off for weeks and when I woke up in the morning, I was having trouble breathing. I felt like I was going to die each and every day, having no energy.
I had to sleep more hours per days than usual, and it took hours before I could breathe passably. Kept working full time through it all.

This lasted for about 5 months. Flovent and Ventolin didn't help at all.

Then, on one of my rare presence on facebook, I saw a post about covid and someone was saying that it was not lungs that were the problem, but the heart, also saying the blood had thickened.

So I decided to take 2 aspirins every 4 hours for 3 days and see where that would lead.

I started breathing again and my energy levels almost came back to a hundred percent after those 3 days.

I won't recommend it to anyone, but this did the trick for me.

And very rarely, things start to stink, but only for a few minutes.

Overall, I think it damaged me a bit, but the biggest consequence, for me, is that I have to sleep 30 mintues to an hour more per day. That I stay awake 12 or 20 hours doesn't even change that fact.

And no, I didn't go to the hospital nor even considered it. haha

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: sirric
I very much agree with this. My wife and I got it in late January 2020 before the "official" March propaganda was hyped in Washington state for the fear factor.

We too tested negative for the Flu but did have all the early symptoms of Covid. We were down for a week and it took 4 months before we started to feel normal again. The US government is not a friend to it's citizens now.

That's when we got, mid January 2020 to mid March 2020. I had to grab some parts from a Chinese supplier in Scarborough (in Toronto) who had just come back from China and they had slight coughs, I just thought it was the flu, no biggie. Screwed us up for 6 weeks, just not so bad I had to stop work, but nasty none the less. And while we were getting sick, that idiot prime moron Trudeau was welcoming in disease carriers from all over the world. People were still crossing our borders illegally. International planes landing up to 4 dozen and more a day.

Oh yeah, government is NOT your friend, but then most of us critical thinkers have known that for years.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 08:35 AM
Remeber all the illness from vaping?

Did the solve that issue?

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: MPoling

The fundamental trouble is that the PCR tests are the cornerstone of the deception.

PCR tests cannot determine any infection. It measures only fragments of various DNA sequences.

A positive PCR test DOES NOT MEAN one is infected with any given virus.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 08:42 AM
I think we had an outbreak at work in Dec 2019 in our assembly department. Lots of people working in close quarters. I went down to get some testing results and noticed several people looking sick, coughing, sniffling, a few empty stations. I had a headache for a few hours a day later and a tickle in my throat. Fortunately no severe cases.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: MPoling

Great, but covid was found in sewage sample from Italy that come from before the games. Covid was already in Europe when the games started

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: Bloodworth
Remeber all the illness from vaping?

Did the solve that issue?

Kind of, it was due to a mixture of fake vape juice from China and people using a vitamin E oil to make weed vapes. Two causes.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: MPoling

I had Covid in Dec, 2019 my doctor told me i had the flu. 7 days later i was fine.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: MPoling

That's quite the statement - so you claim to know the health history of over 7 billion people, just like that?

There are hermits, recluses, who might actually have been able to avoid this thing - it's not _everywhere_, and it doesn't always infect someone automatically even if you stand close to someone that has it.

Put 1+1 together, and the result is - your statement is not true, and can't be true. There are always places, corners, nooks, where that thing has not reached. What if I am reading this thread from another planet or some beamship orbiting this planet?

You can't know. That's the bottom line - so please don't make grand blanket statements about things you CAN'T POSSIBLY KNOW.

Of course, I could be proven wrong with my own arguments - perhaps you're reading Akasha, maybe you're psychic, perhaps some spiritual 'high council' came to your livingroom to inform you of all kinds of Cosmic Matters, of which this is only one detail.. I can't really know.

However, from the statement itself, I can know, you don't know, and thus, most likely, can't know. My point still stands.

In any case, EVEN if your statement was true, so what? 'Covid' is not dangerous.

Yes, I said it.

This virus is absolutely not dangerous compared to about 2.7 zillion other things, and it's absolutely safe and fun compared to what the GLOBAL OVERREACTION of tyrants.. I mean, 'authorities' have been. How many people have died from suicide because of lockdowns? How about small businesses closing, the grief, illnesses, death and suffering THAT alone has caused? What about increased crime due to people going insane from all the restrictions and madness going on?

What about the accumulated frustration from all the 'mask mandates' and such, that then explodes in all kinds of unwanted reactions in the world?

I could go on, but my point is, when you put things to perspective and compare to ACTUALLY dangerous things that _HAVE_ killed way, way, way more people than this thing even with the inflated, exaggerated and fictional numbers..

.. this CCP virus is a picnic in the park, and completely safe and fun and no big deal whatsoever.

Therefore I ask, even if every single molecule on this planet had, has, or has had this thing..


P.S. EVEN IF this CCP virus WAS as deadly as claimed, or SO dangerous it ACTUALLY warranted all these 'measures', I would STILL be asking 'so what', because a) we all 'die' anyway at some point b) who wants to live in a world this crazy c) I would be HAPPY to get out, by 'death' or otherwise and d) culling of this mad species can only be good for the planet, nature, etc.
edit on 23-9-2021 by Shoujikina because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: MPoling
The Wuhan Military Games, October 2019. Over 9000 athletes from 100 countries were there. Soon after the games ended reports of athletes being sick from a mystery illness started to spread. David Asher admits there was data showing COVID in the US as early as December 2019.

The sad part is this informant called the US to warn them and was ignored. Appears the CCP used the games to spread COVID to the world. I lived in CO at the time with my wife and kid. We all became very ill around mid November 2019. We got tested for the flu and strep and both came back negative. My job said at the time they had never seen so many employees get sick at once. We were down for about 3-4 days. This explains a lot. Everyday we learn more and more.

It was definitely here in Dec 2019, I got it on Christmas Eve 2019.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Your point that its not dangerous is ignorant. I had a friend die from COVID. Yes, for many people its not that bad but for a few it is deadly. And my point to the thread is that one again the media and government lied. We were told that it was not in the US until Feb 2020. David Asher confirmed it was in the US prior and the games show that multiple people became very sick with COVID symptoms afterwards.

The CCP released this monster through the games, make no doubt about it.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: Tempter

Lol, same for me but in Feb my fiance went to Florida. Also had a few friends who had entertainment come to casinos from Florida who all got sick.

Would be sitting there on the comp bam felt myself get light headed and almost black out 3 times due to lack of oxygen had to focus on breathing more... was very weird.

Some bear hug feeling then was fine about 4 days later. Forced myself to use VR and exercise to get my breathing rate up.. I drink a lot of acidic drinks. Like coffee, so nothing bad actually happened further then that.

I also don't have an immune system so.. there's that too. I also smoke, so lol maybe I just got lucky. That those studies tended to be in my favor about acids destroying the nucleus of the virus and smoke coating lungs that prevent the hardening. Added that to VR sensory /pain deprivation I got for Xmas that year.. it phased me but not as much..

Especially considering the apothecary studies I had been doing. Bout feeding issues you have with things that cause those same issues, (Legit works; like a shot of vodka after a hangover..) to cause cures. So I forced myself to exercise because I was already feeling winded. High heart rate, get your heart rate higher, tends to cause a drop back to normal levels when you finally relax.

Granted still takes common sense like for things like diabetes. But apothecary beats doctors 9/10 times which is why there is so much hate between the two.
edit on 23-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 10:12 AM
January 2020 for me. After playing at the Mohegan Sun Casino in CT where about 10,000 Chinese work and play every day. There's even an entire casino that's all Chinese themed, mainland China. Not tourist trap Chinese. Docs didn't know what it was and called it type "B" flu that was "going around fast". Fast, hard and sucked but got over it. Whole family.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 10:27 AM

originally posted by: ZED332L
Finally The Truth Comes out!!! Everyone will get it.

...or had it already.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: sirric

The US government is not a friend to it's citizens now.

Sadly the US Government has been an enemy of the state and enemy of the people for a long time. Over the last 100 years, we have let too much slip by and stopped violence from being the norm. That shame rests on our own people/heritage.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 12:00 PM
I'm not sure if it was COVID, nor do I buy into the conspiracy-theory stuff like "China was intentionally spreading it", but I do distinctly recall becoming exceptionally ill in November 2019. It lasted for a good week or so, but the first few days I found myself absolutely struggling to walk a few steps before I became exhausted. My heart rate would skyrocket, and I felt lethargic. I just needed to sleep, pretty much all the time. It was awful, and I don't want anybody to have to experience that.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 12:15 PM
It was the 1st week of Feb 2020 that my wife had fever, chills and went to the doctors office and he said oh you just got the Flu here's an inhaler and some steroids go home and deal with it. He didn't test her either. The about a week later I started coughing a lot for a little over week. I never felt bad or sick just had a cough that I could not figure out why. I then took alot of zinc. multi-vitamins and colodial silver. Then it was in March of 2020 when we saw the news about the covid19 virus. We have been healthy ever since. my wife is in the healthcare industry and pretty much was coerced her and the other nurses to get the Jab back in January this year and now they are talking about the booster. Me no I'm not getting it. I smoke but other than that I have always been healthy, I eat well and exercise alot and feel like if its not broke then dont fix it.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 12:40 PM
Here in UK I'm pretty sure we had it in December 2019, maybe late November? Mrs C still has loss of taste and smell.

In Salisbury and were a lot of Chinese tourists blocking the pavements.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 12:46 PM
So, is there anyone on ATS who didn't have Covid in December 2019?

Or are we just looking at a load of confirmation bias?

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: FatherLukeDuke

Pretty sure we did. But no testing at the time.

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