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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 08:11 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Guyfriday
How was China getting rid of them? I'd sure like to know how we could find out in the air here? I do not put one thing past these people!

Supposedly they were cremating them.
Millions of them if certain narratives are to be believed.

My personal opinion is that we now know why it was so important to Trump to get 5G tech into American hands and kick the Chinese out of the game. If there were loads and loads of Chinese dropping dead at the outset of the pandemic, I would wager that it was because something was being activated by their 5G network.

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Not so fast: It is in part caused by a Newsom Truck Ban which says all trucks must be 2011 or newer and a law called Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) which prohibits Owner Operators. The requirement is to purchase electric trucks which do not exis

I am glad to see that other people put the dots together! I said this to my parents earlier when we talked about the shortages. It started off about the gas engine mowers and such being outlawed in CA. Of course it's not mentioned, because it would make Cali look even worse!

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen

Quits hit a new series high going back to December 2000, as 4.3 million workers quit their jobs. Now, the rate increased to 2.9% that raised to 242,000 a month ago. Quits are a level of workers’ confidence who think they are secure in finding jobs elsewhere.
Eight hundred ninety-two thousand employed in the foodservice and accommodation industries quit their jobs, and 721,000 retail workers departed, along with 534,000 in health care and social assistance.

Biden Failure! Did You Know 4.3 Million Workers LEFT Their Jobs In August? - The True Reporter

The unemployment reports must be rigged !!!!🚨🚨

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 08:14 PM
To add to the MISSING conversation

Body disposal site found in Mexico near Texas border - September 29, 2021

....The location was discovered some weeks earlier and is being investigated within the context of dozens of reported disappearances along a segment of the highway connecting Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey since 2012, the National Search Commission said.

“The characteristics of the place allow the inference that it is an extermination site that has been used for years and until very recently, which will have to be confirmed by experts,” the commission’s statement said. “This is the first site of these dimensions found in Nuevo Laredo.”

Searchers found burned human remains on the ground, multiple possible clandestine graves and a clandestine crematorium, it said.


edit on 10132021 by MetalThunder because: carpe diem

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

Here's the video of Biden explaining why truckers can make more progress by being allowed to drive overnight and off-peak hours of AM and PM rush hours because -- wait for it -- the roads aren't as crowded.

And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, will help fix the supply chain.

Yep that's all it was. All better now 🤣🤣

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

The 1,000-bed Huoshenshan Hospital (meaning Fire God Mountain) opened its doors on Feb. 3. Five days later, its sister hospital, Leishenshan (meaning Thunder God Mountain), opened with another 1,500 beds. Although some reports indicate Leishenshan was slower to fill up than Huoshenshan, according to Chinese state media, it was soon operating at near full capacity as well.
I know it says hospitals, and everyone will attack the report because of it, but in this thread (Located HERE) it indicated that there is a link between the air quality standards over Wuhan after the epidemic started, and the end results of cremation of bodies. The original article has been scrubbed, but luckily someone here at the time quoted form it.

The only evidence we currently have about this are side stories:

The long lines and stacks of ash urns greeting family members of the dead at funeral homes in Wuhan are spurring questions about the true scale of coronavirus casualties at the epicenter of the outbreak, renewing pressure on a Chinese government struggling to control its containment narrative.

The families of those who succumbed to the virus in the central Chinese city, where the disease first emerged in December, were allowed to pick up their cremated ashes at eight local funeral homes starting this week. As they did, photos circulated on Chinese social media of thousands of urns being ferried in.

Outside one funeral home, trucks shipped in about 2,500 urns on both Wednesday and Thursday, according to Chinese media outlet Caixin. Another picture published by Caixin showed 3,500 urns stacked on the ground inside. It’s unclear how many of the urns had been filled.

Another "funeral hall" in Wuchang (another Wuhan neighborhood) has announced that family members can come to collect the urns with ashes from 23 March. The Funeral Parlor plans to distribute 500 per day, up to Qingming. This means around 6500 urns throughout this period.

Wuhan has seven Funeral Parlors: if it is calculated that each of them will distribute urns at the same rate as the one in Wuchang, it adds up to an estimated 45,500 urns for the city of Wuhan alone.

Perhaps not all of these deaths can be attributed to coronavirus, but it is almost certain that the official figures are purposely underestimated.

A Caixin reporter said earlier that the Funeral Parlor cremation ovens worked for 19 hours a day in February.

China has a bad habit of ignoring or understating bad news, and over inflating good news. They will scrub anything that shows that hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens were "disposed" of because of this event, just as it ignores the massive deaths from the Plague it's hiding.

a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Insider I know (which yes I will admit means ZERO to anyone here) has been telling me that the deaths are from the Plague, and not the SARS T-2 (covid)

edit on 13-10-2021 by Guyfriday because: Saving space, saving space, that's why I edited to save some space

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating
I would think that by now most would realize that the climate scare is nothing but a cover for the elite to dismantle democracy and force us into a
Totalitarian one world government. That's the real objective.

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
I completely believe this. They are cold and ruthless people imo. I wonder if the hospitals had crematoriums or furnaces?

edit on R20212021kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago10 by RookQueen because: spelling change

edit on R20212021kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago10 by RookQueen because: spelling change

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 08:45 PM
The enemy revealed itself, clearly, on the world's stage...... and it isn't Q folks or MAGA folks.

I really cannot grasp the non m.A.L.I.C.E. controlled folks dedicating themselves to attacking the Q folks, Anons, MAGA Folks, Great Awakening folks etc. at this point. It should be self evident that we are NOT the enemy. We haven't forced lockdowns, we haven't forced masks, we haven't forced inflation, we haven't forced immigration, we haven't forced jabs.

Funny how BLM/Antifa drones aren't protesting this. Why? They actually don't know who or what they are fighting and cannot be bothered to figure it out. Lost forever it would seem.

We are not the enemy.

Q-uite the opposite. The enemy has shown in the last few months that they don't care about climate change anymore, or money, or religion, they care about mass execution and full on Draco control. Isn't that obvious, every word out of every government NOT at 80+% jabbed is "get jabbed scum" related.

That mass, world wide, execution includes, BLM members, Antifa members, Military Members, Corporation Employees, Intelligence Agency folks, Police, and anyone moving especially the parents and grandparents of said folks.

Why can't these non m.A.L.I.C.E. controlled folks see this?

No, the BLM/Antifa folks are not getting a seat at the table in the new schololisms. They are getting the death jab, and the only thing standing in the way of them getting them are Anons, Patriots, MAGA, Awakened etc. No one is special now, they have shown this - as I have said for decades... the Controller hate everyone equally.

Trusting a sociopathic psychopath to be honorable is beyond stupid, it is soulless.

What part of the Australia horror is confusing with the non-CCP - self appointed Q, MAGA, DJT, Great Awakening debunkers? Gee morons, are the BLM/Antifa people excluded from the horrors there? Seriously, look at Australia and figure out where you get your rewards for being a troll, shill, debunker, hater, rager, internet tyrant etc.

Many may have precious little time left, for a myriad of reasons, I find it both fascinating and beyond mystifying that self appointed know it alls cannot see what is on the stage, even though it was put there for them to see.

They think it is about voting? Seriously? The demented pedo elected with 50m fraudulent votes, who demands everyone get jabbed or else is a voting issue? Funny how the know it alls cannot read the clear roadsigns even though they were put there for them to see. Those fighting for the election integrity are actually, literally, there for SHOW IT OFF for the world to see, that is their job and fighting them is beyond soulless.

We are not the enemy. If one is a Controller or a Controller minion, we are not your problem, the Controllers are. And they are hunting, and they want everyone, including the agents, the trolls, the shills, the corporate heads, the military, the workers, The BLM, Police, The Antifa, the LGBQSRT$%^ etc. they want everyone they can touch and no one is excluded.

How is that not obvious? Seriously, who cannot see this?!!!!

Pick a side, because from what I see, choosing to support the Controllers leads to a exactly what they are promoting now which isn't voting or climate or any of the trash speak of yesteryear. This is "end game" and end game isn't going back to the past, ever, which means minions are the target as much as anyone.

Unity. Unify. Support. Find Commonality. Stay Strong. Breathe. Love. Connect.

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

Here's the video of Biden explaining why truckers can make more progress by being allowed to drive overnight and off-peak hours of AM and PM rush hours because -- wait for it -- the roads aren't as crowded.

And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, will help fix the supply chain.

Yep that's all it was. All better now 🤣🤣

LOL and I'm sure with daylights savings time coming up that will somehow help as well. He is just so pathetic.

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: crankyoldman

There may be a growing percentage of the population who are disabled by Covid trauma and/or the spike protein injections, and who aren’t looking for work due to brain fog, physical weakness, despondency.

... young people seem allergic to heavy physical work and using their brains.

In my little world EVERY shop, store, restaurant, banks, schools, bus drivers to trucking outfits, skilled & unskilled labor have Help Wanted signs in their windows. Many shops never reopened. I've never seen such a spectacle in my lifetime...

This is puzzling.

Not wanting to work is one thing. Needing to eat is another. Seems like I’ve been hearing for the last couple decades how a lot of people have little money saved. Living paycheck to paycheck, a month or two of unemployment would bring real hardship.

The federal government has issued a few Covid relief checks, there are limited unemployment benefits, and there was something about a moratorium on evictions for renters coming up short (which just passed the problem on to landlords).

But these measures only kick the can down the street.

A lot of businesses have closed. Those job positions are lost. It seems like there would be more competition for a reduced number of openings.

The country is being flooded with illegal immigrants. Wouldn’t those people need jobs?

There may be folks that don’t want to work or are disabled by Covid and the vaccines. But those people still need money to eat.


Are we seeing a major unacknowledged reduction in standard of living?

Is the government handing out more money than we realize?

Is a catastrophic economic reckoning just around the corner when the consequences catch up to us?

If a large number of people were simply dying, and no longer needing to work or eat, wouldn’t that be more noticeable?

If people were dropping like flies, doctors would notice. Funeral directors would notice. Insurance companies would notice. Family and friends would notice.

In the Great Depression, people were desperate for jobs and there were none. Now the economy is bad, but there are jobs and nobody wants them.

I don’t understand.

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
I just remembered the dumbs underneath Wuhan. Could they have taken ashes or bodies out through those dumbs? If they took bodies out did that help spread the Covid?

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

Knowing China, they would have just dumped the ashes in the river or something like that. hell, they might have even used those ashes in that Drywall they like to push on the world.

Well known fact, the ashes that remain when a person in cremated aren't really ashes, but or just pieces of bone that didn't burn up. China could simply toss those bones off into the oceans, grind them in with the gypsum needed for their crappy drywall, or might even toss it in with the sad cement that they use to build infrastructure in China.

Still I can see them just breaking the bones up and tossing them into a river as a type of industrial waste.

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

Cheers RockQueen for the value add on the combine teeth. I wonder if it's a kinda "Wheat from the Chaff" reference - which is what Martial Law would be executing?

Speaking of which, I had an early eve kip and dreamt again... about being invited to live in a beautiful but cluttered commune with JFK Jr and Gene Decode to perform some undetailed role... but then, after an uplifting personal briefing, being politely but instantly dismissed for something seemingly minor and innocuous that was mistakenly said. Getting more vivid!

To save space:

I've been upgrading the spreadsheet to include the two Il Donaldo Trumpo tweet accounts; @IlSharko and @PapiTrumpo... and to fix the TYPOS tab. The former takes DJT tweets up to 65k.

It is apparent that there are a lot of self-retweet decodes in the new additions.

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 09:20 PM
Good grief she is an idiot:
Psaki Touts Biden’s Vaccine Press Release As ‘Federal Law’ Before Admitting No Official Rule Exists

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki touted President Joe Biden’s vaccine press release directing businesses with 100 or more employees to require the COVID-19 jab as “federal law” on Tuesday, in an attempt to downplay efforts by Republican governors to secure medical freedom for their constituents.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed an executive order on Monday banning COVID-19 shot mandates by any entity in the Lone Star State. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has also taken action to prevent institutions in his state from requiring “vaccine passports.”


posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

T1, it's possible that the search difficulties could be because white hats don't want something important discovered randomly when it's supposed to be found at a specific point?

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

This reminds me of the last time I went on a Police Ride Along. I had asked my friend where all the homeless went, they looked at me and said "away". They really didn't know, they just assumed that the homeless problem we were having just moved to another town, but now they weren't sure.

It would seem that even though the homeless issue in Seattle has gotten worse, the number of people that are homeless hasn't grown. Even in the city I live near it's the same. There seems to be either less people on the streets, or just less people. I had asked a Deputy Sheriff friend of mine if it would be possible to do a health and safety check on a whole county, and they told me that it might have been possible before the covid thing, but now they don't think it would work. People might be to afraid to open the door to law enforcement asking if everyone was doing ok. Personally I wonder if the threat of "door-to-door" covid checks was nothing more than an attempt to prevent people from knowing if a neighbor has died or not.

It all seems silly, I know, but they go drive around and see for yourself where are all the people?

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 09:45 PM
Something that was said today kind of has me wondering.
From: huffpost
William Shatner having gone into space (well he supposedly went 66.something miles in the sky) has this to say:

Shatner likened the atmosphere to a “comforter of blue” wrapped around the planet. Launching through it, it’s suddenly ripped off, “and you’re looking into blackness,” he recalled, “and you look down ― and there’s blue down there, and the black up there, and it’s just ... it’s just ... there is mother and Earth and comfort, and there ... is there death?”

“Is that death? Is that the way death is?” he pondered. “WHAP and it’s gone. Jesus.”

The actor who famously explored the final frontier as Captain Kirk on “Star Trek” was repeatedly overcome with emotion as he processed the experience aloud.

Did Shatner refer to getting off this world as "Light into Dark", and compare space as death?

Well make of it as you will, but it seemed like it is mention worthy for some reason.

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 09:56 PM
It could be 21 million that died in China. It definitely was a lot more than they said. A lot. l

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: RookQueen

Knowing China, they would have just dumped the ashes in the river or something like that. hell, they might have even used those ashes in that Drywall they like to push on the world.

Well known fact, the ashes that remain when a person in cremated aren't really ashes, but or just pieces of bone that didn't burn up. China could simply toss those bones off into the oceans, grind them in with the gypsum needed for their crappy drywall, or might even toss it in with the sad cement that they use to build infrastructure in China.

Still I can see them just breaking the bones up and tossing them into a river as a type of industrial waste.

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 10:00 PM
Remarkable. Divide and Conquer. Look at the self righteous aggression born of being on the "right" side. Irony: They could have just left with the merchandise and been free to leave breaking no law.


There are people in the world that need a laugh track, a little card below the artwork etc. to tell them what to think and feel. "Tone deaf" means she's not very deep and the art, humor, thought element is lost on her.


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