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Vaccine mandates are growing. Here’s how employees feel

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posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: SourGrapes

Sounds to me like it's the vaccinated killing the unvaccinated.

Sounds like the virus is killing the unvaxxed...

It's not killing anybody with a strong immune system. It's not even infecting them. Their immune system defeats the phantom virus.

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: Salander

It's not killing anybody with a strong immune system. It's not even infecting them. Their immune system defeats the phantom virus.

So no one is dying? The vaccine helps no one?

It also seems to be taking out people that really do not have preexisting conditions. In OR they are running over 1000 people in the hospital any given day, and one county had to bring in mobile storage for the dead as they can only handle 45 bodies at a time and they have been pushing 65+. So ya not a super killer virus but still very serous to suggest "phantom". BTW over 95% in the hospitals are unvaxxed and all the dead were reported as unvaxxed. Now you can say the State is lying and leave it at that, but I think there are a good number of unvaxxed would wish they did get vaxxed if they knew their future beforehand.

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

How can a vaccine help people when there are numerous existing therapeutic agents that defeat the virus?

How can an experimental dangerous drug help people when good nutrition can stop the virus in its tracks?

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

On the flip side down in Georgia a lack of health care workers seems to be a much bigger problem than the virus, at least outside of Atlanta.

*shrugs* personally a balance between the Vaccine for elderly and people with major immune/health issues, therapeutics for healthy young and adult people should be the right balance.

Mandating a vaccine for all with only a years data would have been considered insane not long ago, especially with the big push behind Pfizer with so many potential conflicts of interest in play. (Former FDA head brought on board right before approval, number of members in congress investing heavily in Pfizer)

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: Salander

How can a vaccine help people when there are numerous existing therapeutic agents that defeat the virus?

How can an experimental dangerous drug help people when good nutrition can stop the virus in its tracks?

You say this like it is a 100% certainty, and like everyone knows it as well as knowing aspirin helps with pain, and that is far from the truth. This is all beyond big bad Pharma keeping info from others as what you suggest has many layers to it, one being most of your so called cures are still fringe medicine like overdosing on vitamin C to cure anything kind of stuff. If it all was as effective as suggested much of the world would be doing it as the main treatment, and not some side one. EU would be big on it, so would Asia but they are not as it is still fringe medicine there too.

I do agree with good nutrition. Go tell that to the 300 million in America with bad nutrition and like it that You think a vaccine is hard to swallow force this on people... BTW do you go up to fat people that develop diabetes from their over weight and tell them to eat better and not take the drugs... I guess we can all say no sh!t on that one, but you are not going to change people.

You also down play the vaccine too as you need to label it experimental dangerous drug and it is far from any of those three things, but I guess it works for you. Do you name your pet rabbit "killer" too? That is about the same thing in you want it to be bad, but it isn't and I bet there is nothing to convince you otherwise.

The interesting part is RNA treatment is quite an elegant approach. It is not a drug at all, but a natural function of your body in the reproduction of cells, and viruses do the same in their reproduction. It isn't a chemical going into your body to do all kinds of havoc on your system as many people like you see drugs as. Its the natural process your body does, but in this case it triggers your immune system to attack the protein. The whole process is quick too. The RNA has a 1/2 life of 8 hours, so in 8 hours half is gone, and this means within a day it is all gone. The Protein doesn't last long either, maybe 3 weeks if left alone and the body wasn't attacking it.

When you look at the whole process of all this it is crazy elegant and natural well pass any drug has ever been and all it does is prime your bodies immune system to have a bag of tools ready when the real virus comes along, and it will.

edit on 19-9-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: Xtrozero

On the flip side down in Georgia a lack of health care workers seems to be a much bigger problem than the virus, at least outside of Atlanta.

*shrugs* personally a balance between the Vaccine for elderly and people with major immune/health issues, therapeutics for healthy young and adult people should be the right balance.

Mandating a vaccine for all with only a years data would have been considered insane not long ago, especially with the big push behind Pfizer with so many potential conflicts of interest in play. (Former FDA head brought on board right before approval, number of members in congress investing heavily in Pfizer)

I agree 100%, once we had 85% of the high risk vaccinated we should have moved on with herd immunity with the young being in schools etc. Also if Biden only said... "We have vaccinated the high risk, I highly recommend others to get it too", and left it at that there would be more people vaccinated today.

In almost 2 years there has been 500 deaths due to COVID in the age group 0 to 18, and the vast majority had preexisting conditions, this is like nothing even compared to the common flu. If those 500 got the vaccine due to their high-risk then I bet the number would be low double digits.

COVID started out as a "killer" virus and it seems the Goverment has never given up on that idea even though we know better now. They trashed talked Trump for a year, and still do with TX, FL and a few other states not wanting to play their game too.

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: infolurker

I assume you have not been watching.

I'm not American.

America was founded on the principal that citizens were sovereign against the state. So documents such as the constitution were written to protect people from government overreach.

Our laws were written from the perspective of a government ruling by consent of the citizens, so our laws are often written to protect everyone from any form of overreach.

Because of this our laws tend to have a much broader reach, and offer significantly more protection to the people from private enterprise as well as from the government. One of these laws prevents companies from placing retro-active conditions on people. Which means that they can't demand that existing people get vaxxed, nor punish them if they don't.

It doesn't matter anymore if what you say is true because no one in authority is obedient anymore to most every law on the books when it comes to these agendas. Biden himself, and his public relations person, Psaki claimed they have no legal authority to make vaccine mandates over a month ago, and now they decided they don't care if they have legal authority or not.
Plus corrupt judges and even corporate business owners are not fighting against it by ignoring these illegal mandates by the federal government.
edit on 19-9-2021 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 03:59 PM
latest update from LANL

On Sept. 20, Lab Director Thom Mason issued the following message to all employees

Since I announced the vaccination mandate, about 1,000 additional employees and contractors have received vaccination or submitted a copy of their vaccination card. This is very encouraging, and I thank each of them for making this decision that I recognize was difficult for some.

During this same period, a number of medical and religious exemption requests have been processed. A small number of medical exemptions have been granted and we are working to put in place appropriate accommodations as prescribed by the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) to protect the health of these individuals and their co-workers. These accommodations will be communicated to the managers of the employees granted medical exemptions.

We are also processing a larger number of religious exemption requests. After careful consideration of the most current data regarding infection rates and modeling projections of the likely future course of the pandemic, I have made the decision that the only accommodation the Laboratory can provide at this time for those granted religious exemptions is to take vacation or Leave without Pay (LWOP) effective Oct. 15. On Oct. 15, staff who have been granted a religious exemption will be placed on LWOP status or may use vacation until the Laboratory determines the threat of COVID-19 has diminished sufficiently to allow them to return to work.

I realize that this decision has implications for those who have sought a religious exemption, and that the remaining timeframe for making a decision to get vaccinated is quickly approaching. All employees who begin the vaccination series prior to Oct. 1 will be able to continue employment while becoming fully vaccinated, provided they comply with all requirements related to COVID-19, including prompt completion of the vaccination process.

If you have not begun the vaccination process nor applied for an exemption before Oct. 1, we will start the process for termination of employment effective Oct. 15. Some employees who initially decided not to become vaccinated may change their minds and receive their first shot between Oct. 1-15. These employees will not be terminated, but will be placed on LWOP or vacation until fully vaccinated, which occurs two weeks after the last shot of the series.

The Everbridge communication system and managers will continue to reach out to unvaccinated employees. If no response is received by Oct. 1, it will be assumed that you have chosen not to continue employment with the Laboratory and the process for termination of employment effective Oct. 15 will commence.

These decisions are in the best interests of public health and best protect our most valuable asset — our workforce. These provisions apply to all employees regardless of duty station, including those who are teleworking. The Laboratory offers resources to support you during this challenging time. Your continued vigilance and understanding is appreciated as we continue through this ongoing and unpredictable pandemic.

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