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Why don’t you want the vaccine?

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posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: Boadicea
Ok that has to be one of the finest displays of logic in this thread. Thanks for your diligence for the truth. We don't always see things the same way, but we both agree about many things to do with our rights as humans 100%.

This whole "my body my choice" simply will not be just for abortions. It is either our body our choice or not but the "woke" can't allow any acknowledgement of the hypocrisy of that only being for them and not for all of humankind.

edit on 2-9-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: thegeneraldisarray
The current medical establishment tells me men can be women. So no, don't trust them, never have and never will.

Good example of the big fat liars telling us whoppers but people want to still believe it despite what their own eyes see and they hear with their own ears to the contrary.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: myselfaswell
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams

Why don’t you want the vaccine

Because my opinion is that my health profile does not put me at significant risk from developing acute symptoms. I therefore refuse to take an emergency experimental substance that in my opinion is more dangerous to me than Sars-CoV-2.

If anyone wishes to deny me that rightful opinion ....... then we're going to have a really serious problem.

Who gives a s##t about your “opinion”….if you come around me or my family, you are going to have a “serious” problem with me.

The vaxers are spreading the dam thing. You better look around better than you are. You are going to hurt your own family with that attitude. We all are in this together. If you want to believe the liars, you can do you. I will follow the truth, wherever it goes. My advice for you is to learn to discern.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: Boadicea
Ok that has to be one of the finest displays of logic in this thread. Thanks for your diligence for the truth. We don't always see things the same way, but we both agree about many things to do with our rights as humans 100%.

And that's the beauty of it, eh? As long as we can agree to disagree, and each go on about our merry way, it's all good! I'm even happy to help ensure that you can do your thing, even if it's not my thing.

This whole "my body my choice" simply will not be just for abortions. It is either our body our choice or not but the "woke" can't allow any acknowledgement of the hypocrisy of that only being for them and not for all of humankind.

Agreed. Principles are principles and apply universally... if they don't, then they're just whims and wants imposed on some and not others... benefiting some and (usually) harming many.

I would rather respect and honor the right to bodily autonomy by ensuring no one is forced to have something injected into their body for any reason or no reason at all... and women never ever feel the need to abort their unborn child. We might disagree on how to go about that though!

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams

I don't need to be vaccinated. I'm not afraid of microbes. Especially this microbe which has about the same negative percentage of killing me tomorrow as spontaneous human combustion. I have no more control over the microscopic universe than I do the climate of any of the vast planetary bodies in the solar system contrary to what you may have heard on the internet. I live within spitting distance of a graveyard and a hospital and have observed no increase in traffic in either since the political bludgeon of covid was unleashed on the world. I've yet to know anyone who's had it and certainly no onee who's died from it. I don't see much grief anywhere. Very diffeerent than the aids epidemic of the 80s whem mouing the dead and dying was a part of life and insurance companies were going broke at the medical bills and payouts. Have yet to see an obituary in the local paper citing covid as cause of death which is odd cuz everywhere else it's covid headlines. I'm not buying this covid scam and could live without the obedience test.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 11:45 PM

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: myselfaswell
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams

Why don’t you want the vaccine

Because my opinion is that my health profile does not put me at significant risk from developing acute symptoms. I therefore refuse to take an emergency experimental substance that in my opinion is more dangerous to me than Sars-CoV-2.

If anyone wishes to deny me that rightful opinion ....... then we're going to have a really serious problem.

Who gives a s##t about your “opinion”….if you come around me or my family, you are going to have a “serious” problem with me.

Oooooh we gots us an internet tough guy here!
"Have us a serious problem here"
Are you threatening a forum member? Jeez Louis...

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: jimmyx

How would you know to have serious problems do you own a vax checker?

Suppose you've already got the next vaccine mRNA-1345, it's not Covid it's for RSV.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 07:06 AM

originally posted by: canucks555

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: myselfaswell
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams

Why don’t you want the vaccine

Because my opinion is that my health profile does not put me at significant risk from developing acute symptoms. I therefore refuse to take an emergency experimental substance that in my opinion is more dangerous to me than Sars-CoV-2.

If anyone wishes to deny me that rightful opinion ....... then we're going to have a really serious problem.

Who gives a s##t about your “opinion”….if you come around me or my family, you are going to have a “serious” problem with me.

Oooooh we gots us an internet tough guy here!
"Have us a serious problem here"
Are you threatening a forum member? Jeez Louis...

You are right on this. We will have to call Jimmy and "isolationist".

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams

I’ll play Devils Advocate...

Okay! don’t have full autonomous control over your body in a society especially when it affects others.

Actually, yes, I do. And it is self-evident -- anything I can do for myself and by myself... including saying "no."

This is why people who drunk drive are put in jail or why we don’t tolerate illegal drug use and have seat belt laws.

All of which is done in violation of our absolute inalienable Natural Rights as declared in the Declaration of Independence, and enumerated in the Constitution including but not limited to the 9th and 10th Amendments. It is the foundation of our Organic and Constitutional law, and all other laws are in violation of both if they violate our self-evident Natural Laws.

Nor can any law stop me from doing anything, or force me to do anything. It can only be imposed upon me at the barrel of a government gun, and/or punish me after the fact. The force may encourage/influence me to choose the "lawful" path to preclude such government force/punishment, but that is still my choice.

You’re just delusional and being selfish because you’re brainwashed.

Nope. Not delusional at all. Nor am I brainwashed. I spelled it out quite clearly, in no uncertain terms. Fundamental principles are just that.

Nor is it selfish for me to take personal responsibility and control over my needs and circumstances. Especially as I am making no effort to stop anyone else from doing the same, or in any way forcing anyone to do or not do anything. I am quite happy, in fact, to find and implement ways that help everyone do the same for their own needs and circumstances, voluntarily and without force.

Do you see how I was easily able to argue with you? You will then argue back and I will argue back and nobody will agree.

Maybe... maybe not... let's see where you can take this first....


Who would argue that the government, media and big pharma are trustworthy though?

Unfortunately, many. Those who do not understand regulatory capture, for example.

Well spoken and you'd think that a speech like that could have been given by Anton Szandor LaVey, but even the elite would be clueless. The dark lord laughs at them in their ignorance and the the good Lord is weeping for their lost souls.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: CharlesT

70 yo male with some significant health issues here. Ditto what you said, adding, when I read the frequent side effects of the so-called "vaccines" they would be extremely hazardous in conjunction with my existing health issues. I see the risk associated with taking the "vaccines" as greater to me than taking my chances on catching the SARS-COVID-2 and then getting some Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 09:20 PM
I do not want the vaccine because I do not trust my government to do the right thing and the vaccine makers.
It's pretty simple.

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