posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to:
i have to say, from what i see i have to agree with you. the vaccine doesn't really seem to be helping. if anything all the vaccines are seeming to do
is to cause worse outbreaks. and statistically speaking, the more people that get it, the more people will die and suffer permanent health issues. and
while death is bad enough, you are too dead to care. where the possibility of permanent health problems, problems that could stop you from a happy and
healthy life, possibly for decades, seems far worse. and i suspect we haven't even scratched the surface of those health issues.
here is what we have known all along. many of those that have died have had
one of MANY different health issues. some of those health issues
were not even known about, because they hadn't yet caused any problems. while for others it was almost minor issues that were no real problem. while
still others it was health issues dealt with as babies, and had been no real problem since. as if that isn't enough consider this,
what organ or
body system hasn't been affected that has resulted in death? it seems that any health or organ problem is a problem, leading to death. it is like
a game of the weakest link. if you have heat issues, you will die from heart problems, lung problems, it will be your lungs that kill you.just like it
attacking EVERYTHING, and the weakest part causes you to die. since being weaker/already damaged, it is the first thing to fail. so what are
we going to see in the next few decades as a result of the virus and the damage it has caused? will we infact find that every single person who has
gotten covid has damage and caused weakness in virtually every single organ and body system? that people will have far less lifespans due to the
damage caused? will we see a far higher rate of things like organ failure, at younger ages, requiring transplants? while at the same time
organs able to be used for transplants, due to covid damage?
and the fact is that the more people who have been vaccinated, the more people are getting sick. with in places like the Philippines hitting new
record numbers of people getting sick. well above the numbers, under the exact same restrictions, as before anyone was vaccinated.