a reply to:
A very convenient excuse to put plenty of weapon systems into space in a short amount of time allowing China to leap frog the west (including Russia)
and become the dominant power in earth orbit and beyond.
This would of course be step one in a far more ambitious plan to colonise the moon and of course in the longer term Mars and the asteroid belt as
well as creating a number more of these orbital facility's should this succeed.
It will ensure Chinas dominance into the future.
Meanwhile our leaders are a bunch of Morons more intent on pushing the short term plan to benefit corporations and even cull the human population
(thus removing the force that drives our economic and social advancement and pitching the bulk of humanity back into a dark ages).
In the west they have there DUMBS but there are claims from some notable but untrustworthy sources that claim they already have secret installations
on the Moon and even on Mars and on this one point I believe there is more than enough truth that they are in possession of far higher technological
and scientific ability's than the public or even the majority of the military will ever know but that this (A) tiny cabal of the elite are keeping it
for themselves to ensure there own power and being when all is said and done a group of moron's fearing the inevitable fall of there own power base
they are doing all they can to prevent that knowledge (which they did not create, invent or inspire but stole for control purposes) from reaching the
general public or affecting society (and that is why we don't have more free clean energy, better methods of transport, better health care and cures
for many diseases and a far better quality of life because you have to keep the slaves in chains and whipped if you want them to work and be your
servants right, it's not about the money it's about the power and the control over others without which these elite would be redundant).
China has it's own Elite, they are even more dangerous and have shown how they culled there own population, the cultural revolution tearing
community's apart, murdering teachers in the streets (were do you think Pol Pot - and the Khmer rouge - got his ideas from), forcing millions to
starve to death because Mao wanted to destroy the history, identity and traditions of China followed by the one child family which was meant to halve
China's population with little girls being born and murdered and female lives regarded as nothing by them.
Now China has realized the error of it's way's on that latter part the one child family and knows it only succeeded because it fed itself like a
parasite off the west, off the greed of capitalism and the willingness to exploit cheap labour, move industry to China and train the Chinese in all
the west's latest invention's and innovation's.
Now as China has become more wealthy and powerful while the west deprived of it's skill's, job's and industry has become ever more poor and weak
those day's are drawing to a close so China is now looking for territory to expand into, Eastern Russia is being eyes by it and they have even lain
claim to Vladivostok which they claim like they do just about every other place they fancy is really part of China that Russia is just occupying at
the moment and they shall some day take back.
And Russia should be leery, while the Chinese do not have a vast list of victory's they did defeat several Russian imperial army's in the past even
at the start of the twentieth century when a well equipped Russian Army was defeated by a Chinese army equipped with fire work's and muskets,
similarly in 1969 a well equipped push by the Soviet Red Army was beaten off by a far less well equipped Chinese army and Russia even lost some
territory in that undeclared conflict.
So the Chinese believe they CAN beat Russian forces in a conventional battle, this is helped by the fact both army's are mostly conscripts rather
than professional soldiers and so are really just young boy's shoved into uniforms, sent to boot camp and then sent to fight one another if it comes
down to that and the fact the Chinese have far more of them.
So China is looking far beyond into much of Eurasia with long term plans to dominate through the wooden horse of there belt and road plan.
If politics were not the problem and if the RACISM of the Chinese was not an issue (They are actually extremely racist and believe the HAN are a
superior human race, that's right the Aborted baby eating cannibalistic Han).
Then I would say this would be a monumental achievement for the human race and despair that we should have done this decades ago when both the West
and Russia had the means but did not get off there arses (unless it was done black budget but then we can regard the black government as NOT the west
but a third party that has no one's well being at there heart and as just another enemy faction).
I have also to echo the sentiment, is this because they fear an impending doom of some kind and want there own ark for there elite to survive?.