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Midazolam Used To Kill Elderly, Creating 1st Wave of "COVID"

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posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: bastion

But look at the safety dosage vs the recommended protocol for COVID--to START at 5x the safe dosage! It's right there in the first image in my post.

talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of receiving midazolam injection if you are 65 years of age or older. Older adults should usually receive lower doses of midazolam injection because higher doses are more likely to cause serious side effects.
from Itisnowagain's post below.

This discussion of midazolam needs to be kept in context with its application to elderly people in quantities indicated UNSAFE for that age group (65+).

As for the UK - we buy things in mass batches for 3 -5 years to save billions from big pharma.

It states in the article I originally linked to that this order was specifically to address COVID.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

I guess all the nurses, doctors and care workers who work in the NHS with our elderly and take care of them are complicit?

As astounding as that seems, pretty much yes. For many reasons (applicable in US, don't know about GB):

1. I know many doctors have been threatened with losing their license just for speaking out about jab-complications and alternative therapeutics available. The CDC forbade the use of Hydroxychloroquine (safely dispensed for 50-years for malaria). Why?
2. Hospitals weren't allowed to earn revenue from anything other than COVID-related treatments for months. They were given a special new code they could apply to, basically, any treatment to designate it as COVID-related. Does it seem like they wanted to pump up those infected numbers?
3. The FDA’s draft list of “possible adverse event outcomes,” appeared briefly during a public committee meeting on the safety of COVID vaccines way back on Oct, 22, 2020! These are the same effects we're seeing pop up momentarily all over the web before they're scrubbed/deplatformed/declared fake/whatever-it-takes-to-keep-it-from-public-view. WHY WON'T THEY LET YOU SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING?
4. The math doesn't add up. We shut down an entire country when we had just 203 COVID-related deaths. We now have an ADMITTED "vaccine" death count of 6900+ and they don't stop it, THEY PUSH IT ON EVERYONE AS HARD AS THEY CAN.
5. The death count is more than that because they don't count deaths within the first 14 days of "vaccination" as vaccine-related. DID YOU KNOW THAT?

I could go on, but you get the gist. Are these things not sounding a warning bell in your head at all? You'll just have to wrap your head around the fact that a lot of people in the medical field go along to get along and have bills to pay and are probably just as confused and trusting as we would expect, but please know that many practitioners have bowed out. They're just not praised by the MSM, and have been banned from all major platforms so you haven't heard their stories. You have to look for them and not use Google. Try Duckduckgo. As a matter of fact, compare your searches between the 2 engines going forward, if you really want to know the truth.

edit on 31-8-2021 by GammaD because: added quote

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

From your own source FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. also from your source Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.

Yis, they managed to communicate that just so, didn't they? They failed to advertise that they aren't counting any deaths which occur within the first 14 days of the shot. WE DON'T KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE DIED, JUST THE MINIMUM NUMBER.

Covid is 97% survivable. The vaccine is 99.9981% survivable, and that's even if 100% of suspected deaths were caused by the shot. Which they weren't.

Those figures are incorrect.

1. We don't know the number of truly infected because not everyone was tested. It is reasonable to assume there were more infections than reported, so the 97% is lower than the true rate.
2. We don't know the number of "vaccine-related" deaths because they're not reporting any deaths within the first 14 days, so the 99.99% is higher than the true rate.

So, if you saw someone get the shot in front of you and dropped dead, would you change your mind about encouraging others to get it? I'm just curious because I lean towards caution when it comes to advising the unknown--and I readily admit I don't know anything but what I've shared here. Fortunately, in the search for truth, numbers don't lie. So, we need to pay attention to the numbers and ensuring we know the figures were arrived at accurately. THE CDC'S REPORTED NUMBERS ARE NOT RELIABLE. They are misrepresenting these stats to you (and effectively, as you used them in your argument, I trust you actually believed them). They know most people don't love math and won't validate the equations--especially since they omit the necessary figures. Why not report the deaths occurring within the first 14 days? Sorry, I keep repeating it, but it's important for everyone to know it and understand what that means to the purported survivability rate.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: flice

Please disregard this post. He is trying to deflect Read the link...

Yes, thank you, as I hadn't read it yet. Been busy researching and learned today the CDC is not reporting any deaths occurring within the first 14 days of "vaccination." So, if a person gets the shot and drops flat dead right there, it's not counted as a vaccine-related death! That invalidates all their reported figures (as if they were to be trusted before).

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 11:58 AM
Nobody in the UK has been forced to vaccinate against covid 19.

Even if they tried it would involve such an uproar and the alteration of so many laws and human rights policies it would be all but impossible to implement.

I can't even see why they would want to have forced vaccinations anyway what would it gain?

a reply to: UpThenDown

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: GammaD

Personally you know numerous doctors threatened with losing their license for speaking out about vaccine complications?

So a lot of people in the medical field who go along to get along, and that have bills to pay, willingly and knowingly kill OAP with Midazolam???

Do you have any idea how nuts that sounds?

You really have to understand and accept the fact that not all Doctors are Harold Shipman or anything of the sorts.

I could go on, but what's the point when you actually think 10,000 of thousands of medical health trained professionals across the nation kill old people to pay there rent and utilities.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

They are indeed a cash cow LABTECH767.

And a growth industry with the average age of our population getting older.

Some of the things that can go on are indeed horrendous and the treatment of people substandard to say the least.

But they are privatised and in it for the money, the end of life units/wards are the worse and heart breaking.

Entropy is a hell of a thing to contend with and we simply are not build to last.

My Mum works in a care facility for old Catholic Nuns and Priests, place got hit rather hard with COVID 19, multiple deaths in the one week when it was bad, and repeated.
edit on 31-8-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 06:26 PM
" Midazolam to be injected in my tongue/cheek." What kind of barbaric quack would prescribe such a route! Or, you are gravely mistaken! Please see your Healthcare Provider for further education!
Versed (midazolam) solution should be placed against the sides of the gums and cheek so that the medicine is absorbed directly into the bloodstream, NOT INJECTED, and sure as Heaven, NOT INJECTED into THE TONGUE!

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: bastion
Just realized, after reading the post above this one, that you do not 'inject' Midazolam.
Thanks Violator1 - I have now actually watched the vid Bastion posted on how to administer and see that no needle was penetration.

Your post that says you have syringes and that you have it injected, was misleading.

edit on 1-9-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 06:09 AM

originally posted by: GammaD
a reply to: bastion

But look at the safety dosage vs the recommended protocol for COVID--to START at 5x the safe dosage! It's right there in the first image in my post.

talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of receiving midazolam injection if you are 65 years of age or older. Older adults should usually receive lower doses of midazolam injection because higher doses are more likely to cause serious side effects.
from Itisnowagain's post below.

This discussion of midazolam needs to be kept in context with its application to elderly people in quantities indicated UNSAFE for that age group (65+).

As for the UK - we buy things in mass batches for 3 -5 years to save billions from big pharma.

It states in the article I originally linked to that this order was specifically to address COVID.

a reply to: GammaD

The article is wrong if it's claiming it's specific to Covid - it's used to induce coma when people are put on ventilators but it's a commonly used drug for paediatric treatment of epillepsy, operations etc - the UK doesn't buy drugs or issue tenders for specific illness so it doesn't make sense.

It's given out like epi pens for people who'v had status epillipticus, they have a short shel life and need to be replaced regularly. The UK/NHS stopped exporting Midazolam in the ealy days of the pandemic which is what the article seems to be getting confused about.

Covid wise it's administered in ICU in hospital with dozens or medical staff and doctors overseeing it. That's why doses are highe than the standard that's administered by parents, friends or carers to babies over 3 months at home/in non-medcal settings.

If it was given to over 65s at home, un supervised etc.. it'd be a bit dangerous, but it's not it's done in ICU, 24/7 intense monitoring hooked up to all kinds of machines to make sure vital signs are good.

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: bastion
Just realized, after reading the post above this one, that you do not 'inject' Midazolam.
Thanks Violator1 - I have now actually watched the vid Bastion posted on how to administer and see that no needle was penetration.

Your post that says you have syringes and that you have it injected, was misleading.

Yes it's called sub-buccal or buccal midazolam - it's injected into the cheek or under the tongue post seizure to stop them as buccal admin via syringe is the fastest and most effect method of administration.

edit on 1-9-2021 by bastion because: (no reason given)

Other than that it's injected IV, IM and rectally. Here's the injection guidelines for the UK:
edit on 1-9-2021 by bastion because: (no reason given)

I doin't know why you think the fact I have syringes and have it injected is misleading as that's the way it's used in the UK. There's 1000s of photos of the ampoules and syringes online and guides how it's administered.
edit on 1-9-2021 by bastion because: (no reason given)

No trained health professional would teach the outdated advice to put object or fingers in the mouth of someone having seizures - a person would bite your fingers off and choke to death on them or an object.
edit on 1-9-2021 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: bastion
Injected means penetration......the vid you posted showed the needle was removed.... did you watch the vid you posted?

It is not 'injected' is dribbled between the tongue and cheek.

Am I wrong?

I posted a link about 'injecting' Midazolam and you did not correct me.
I honestly believed that you were injecting it.

An injection (often and usually referred to as a "shot" in US English, a "jab" in UK English, or a "jag" in Scottish English and Scots) is the act of administering a liquid, especially a drug, into a person's body using a needle (usually a hypodermic needle) and a syringe.

Injection (medicine) - Wikipedia
edit on 1-9-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: bastion
Injected means penetration......the vid you posted showed the needle was removed....

It is not 'injected' is dribbled between the tongue and cheek.

Am I wrong?

Yes. They're 10ml syringes for injection. There is an oromucosal needle free version for kids under 10 years old but they're still classed as injected syringes and it's usually injected subbucally, IV, anally for people over 10 due to the very high risk of the person administering it getting their fingers bitten off. - the non needle version - administering guides for the needle version.

It is an injection in adult/severe cases - here's the paramedic and carer guide to how to inject it. NHS Midazolam injection guide

edit on 1-9-2021 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:13 AM
New York and Michigan Are Still Stonewalling on Nursing Home Deaths - Aug. 31, 2021

Where there is Smoke there is Fire

......Getting the truth shouldn’t be this difficult. Both New York and Michigan have open-records laws, but even without them, officials should be willing to release the data our organizations requested. By opening the door to independent fact-checking, these state governments could have avoided accusations of coverups. That they are continuing to stonewall bodes ill for transparency and accountability.

It is deeply concerning that more than a year and a half into the pandemic, people are being asked to trust their leaders without being able to verify their claims. What’s even more worrisome is those leaders’ willingness to ignore or slow-walk freedom-of-information requests. Lawmakers in New York, Michigan and across the country should strengthen their sunshine laws without delay.....

used in cocktail For Executions

Oklahoma announced last year it planned to resume executions using a three-drug lethal injection protocol and that a source for the drugs has been secured. The three drugs are: midazolam, vecuronium bromide and potassium chloride.

edit on 912021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: bastion
The link you supplied calls non needle version...... 'oral' syringes.

edit on 1-9-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to:

Midazolam is available as buccal liquid medicine, which is given inside the cheek.

Your link doesn't say that it is injected.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

A syringe is a simple reciprocating pump with a plunger Itisnowagain.

There are multiple different types that have different uses.

If they are attached to a needle well that's where penetration comes into play.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

An injection (often and usually referred to as a "shot" in US English, a "jab" in UK English, or a "jag" in Scottish English and Scots) is the act of administering a liquid, especially a drug, into a person's body using a needle (usually a hypodermic needle) and a syringe.

Injection (medicine) - Wikipedia

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: bastion
The link you supplied calls non needle version...... 'oral' syringes.

Yes it's the correct term. That brand version are for oral administration only - there's several different brands and veresions dependent on the users needs.

Mine have a short needle at the end as it's far too dangerous for someone to put their fingers in my mouth when having one so the needle is pushed through the outside of my cheek into the long bucal nerve.

'Slow Intravenous Injection
The i.v. injection of midazolam should be given slowly at a rate of
approximately 1 mg in 30 seconds. '
edit on 1-9-2021 by bastion because: (no reason given)

From the second and third links (needle version of the syringe).

edit on 1-9-2021 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Syringe: "a tube with a nozzle and piston or bulb for sucking in and ejecting liquid in a thin stream, used for cleaning wounds or body cavities, or fitted with a hollow needle for injecting or withdrawing fluids".

Injection: "an instance of injecting or being injected".

Semantics seems to be your issue.

Fact of the matter some tools have multiple uses, simple as that really.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

An injection (often and usually referred to as a "shot" in US English, a "jab" in UK English, or a "jag" in Scottish English and Scots) is the act of administering a liquid, especially a drug, into a person's body using a needle (usually a hypodermic needle) and a syringe.

Injection (medicine) - Wikipedia

Where did you get your definition from?

Injection: "an instance of injecting or being injected".

edit on 1-9-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

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