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Two die in Japan after shots from suspended Moderna vaccines - Japan govt

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posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 05:05 AM
I’m in Sydney Australia and we have them on every street corner in the city. We also talk to them and ask how their doing, weird eh?

Apparently there are a few problems Americans get embarrassed and stick their heads in the sand about.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that 🙄

a reply to: litterbaux

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 05:09 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Dalamax

Well good for them, then.

So .... what’s good for them should be good for us, right?

I mean if it works it works, who needs to know why it works if it works, right?

Especially if it’s free and readily available to anyone outside of a basement.

Probably explains why the POtus hasn’t discovered it yet and doesn’t want to know about it.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: Phage
Two? What were the causes of death? Or doesn't that matter?

Any idea how many people have been vaccinated in Japan in the past month? Just asking.

Of course you're here shilling for this sh# like always. HOW MANY threads have you replied to in relation to deaths after vaccination? HOW MANY more deaths will it take for it to click in your head that there's something wrong with all of this?????

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 05:47 AM
He enjoys sharpening our collective lead. Apparently the devil has an advocate and he is a virus that infects bacteria.

Is it really surprising that a virus takes the stand for another virus?

I jest, but I do not mock.

a reply to: DarkestConspiracyMoon

edit on 28-8-2021 by Dalamax because: Grammer

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: HawkEyi

Some people want to derail this thread, but I’m here to bring it right back on track.

Let’s just talk about the serious issues at hand.

Japan had bad vials, a lot of them.
They said the particulate was unknown.
I’ve now read they do think they are metal.
Two men have died, they were in their early 30’s. We do not know for sure if they died of vaccination,
But it is questionable that they both had vaccinations from the faulty lots.
Time will tell if others are affected by the bad batches.

The foreign substance detected in dozens of vials of Moderna Inc.’s COVID-19 vaccine in Japan is thought to have been tiny pieces of metal, but experts have dismissed concerns over significant health problems, saying that the chance of the foreign material actually entering the body is low.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: HawkEyi
a reply to: Phage

They both induce an immune response without becoming infected.

The mRNA vax you can still spread the virus to the un vaxed without knowing it.

Flu vaccine for example.

Again not the same. The flu vax is not mRNA. The same mRNA which go and supposedly create replicates of your DNA to create spike protein that is a new tech so you cant compare the same as a flu shot.


Recombinant DNA technology has been used for flu vaccines in the USA since 2013. I got a shot of one a couple of days ago with zero side effects.

“To make a recombinant vaccine, flu scientists first obtain DNA, i.e., genetic instructions, for making a surface protein called hemagglutinin (HA) found on influenza viruses. HA is an antigen, which is a feature of a flu virus that triggers the human immune system to create antibodies that specifically target the virus. This DNA for making flu virus HA antigen is then combined with a baculovirus, a virus that infects invertebrates. This results in a “recombinant” virus.”

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: HawkEyi
a reply to: Phage

Animal coronavirus vaccines: lessons for SARS

From an different study.

These SARS-CoV vaccines all induced antibody and protection against infection with SARS-CoV. However, challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to SARS-CoV components was induced. Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.

Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated

That study you quoted was from 2004, apparently, and focused “on studies of … live, inactivated and subunit vaccines, various vaccine vectors, routes and adjuvants.” No consideration of mRNA vaccines because the technology wasn’t ready yet. Also, those vaccines were aimed at developing mucosal immunity, not humoral immunity, like the current vaccines.

Apples and Oranges.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 05:17 PM
but the fact is if you aren't vaccinated you are 28 times MORE likely to catch covid.....and almost all the people very ill and dying in the hospital are unvaccinated that right there is a measure.....IF more people got really ill and died from covid after they got vaccinated there would be MANY more vaccinated in the hospitals and the numbers prove they are NOT one said the vaccines were 100 %

here is another FACT because we don't have enough people vaccinated we will have more covid variants ( more covid strains)...

what do we do about people like that teacher she had covid and knew it and had symptoms and went to the school anyway....and that family that had covid also their child had it and they KNEW and sent their child to school....many people were exposed and quarantined because of these nitwits who don't give a crap

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: litterbaux
Most people don't get seriously ill with covid.......
How can anyone be sure that after the vax they get less ill from covid than they would of done without the vax?

There is absolutely no way anyone could know...... it's impossible to measure

edit on 28-8-2021 by research100 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-8-2021 by research100 because: (no reason given)

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