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Can we trust the Bible (yes): How do we know it was compiled correctly?

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posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: olaru12
Words have specific meanings.
I read from parallels with multiple versions, and often refer to concordance for word by word meanings.

I recently went from Romans ( excellent reading) to Revelation, reading several chapters a night. We appear to be on a scheduled timeline, and right on the edge of the great Tribulation ( Jacobs trouble ). To me it appears that the first half of the 7 year tribulation has a lot of man made sorrows, such as plagues. I could easily see Covid and the MRNA injections fitting right into this, to the T.

The calendars are screwed up, but there are ways to get a general idea of when Christ was born, died, and arose from the grave. Off of these dates you can somewhat calculate at least the season when things will ramp up. I have dates in both August and September marked on my calendar from several months ago, that I am watching closely. One of them is 8-28-21, and the others for this year are 9-6 through 9-8-21. I wouldnt be surprised if something happens this late summer or fall

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: ObviousTruth
a reply to: GolgothaBridge

I only believe in revelations. That is my thought.

The Book is named after the first part of its first sentence. "The revelation of Jesus Christ". Sometimes it is abbreviated to "Revelation", but it is not plural.

That ain't true. I believe in a lot more i've heard or read. & genesis. Sorry.

Either it is true in entirety, or it is false.

The Bible also cross-references itself quite a bit, so you can't really say this bit is entirely true, and this is entirely false. You have to take the entirety as being unified scripture.

I don't think it is valid to just cherry-pick the bits you like.

edit on 26/8/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

I adhere to the phrase...Beware of false prophets. Did you think that good Christian man, pillow man, had a revelation from God that Trump would be back in the WH Aug. 13. He said he did....

I can see Q leading many Christians astray with his BS prophecy. And if you can make sense of Revelations, then you must be divinely inspired. It's confusing to me....

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: GolgothaBridge

Do you not find it a little odd that out of all Jesus' followers only 3 decided to write anything down?

he apparently had thousands of people following him... hanging on every word of his ministry yet only three wrote anything

Strangely enough in 1945 a stack of books emerged from a cave in the desert... Now why do you think people needed to hide such manuscripts from the world back then?

Im guessing the emerging church destroyed books and people for anything they didn't want taught to their followers

makes you wonder how much was destroyed by these so called leaders

Or, perhaps the Roman Empire pushed the Christian faith underground for 400 years. In that time, many of the writings of people who had no direct relationship with Jesus and his days on Earth, were not considered authoritative enough to be revered as scripture, and so they existed for a while, and eventually were lost.

An example of this process in secular writings would be Chaucer, whose work shows an existing literary tradition, and who is 1,000 years more recent than the New Testament works, yet we have few other writings of his Middle Ages contemporaries.

edit on 26/8/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 10:04 PM
Instead of reading books just look to the star's like the ancients did,. Stop looking down and start looking up,. Someone left a message on the moon on 21st December 2020. With the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter the moon was in first quarter phase,. Or a half moon,. Black and white,. Ying and Yang... What's he trying to tell you...

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

I meant I don't just believe in revelations, I believe in more than just that in the bible.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: wlee48868
Instead of reading books just look to the star's like the ancients did,. Stop looking down and start looking up,. Someone left a message on the moon on 21st December 2020. With the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter the moon was in first quarter phase,. Or a half moon,. Black and white,. Ying and Yang... What's he trying to tell you...

A message on the moon eh...

Sounds like something that deserves its own thread

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: olaru12
Im saying that scripture says things are not going to get better. Antichrist and False prophet are on the way. Things will appear to be wonderful for a short time. The antichrist will have great power, and appear to have all the answers. The masses will follow like sheep. Everyone will say " peace, peace". Then disaster strikes. Major changes on the planet take place too. There will be strange things things seen in the skies, and the oceans will change killing most of the fish. There will be a heavy duty meteor shower. Giant hail stones. The largest earthquake in earths history will occur, knocking down most cities. A large percentage of the population will perish.
If Biden, or Trump, or Pelosi, or Harris, or the pillow guy, or anyone else tells you otherwise, they are lying.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: Akragon

I wouldn’t say “abundance” pretty light on I think
Remove the Chinese, Indians and the list is fairly shallow.
It wasn’t till leather was used do originals tend to become abundant

Anyway, pretty happy the bible and it’s flaws do a good job teaching Christ’s followers to love. Pity His followers fail so badly at the simple request

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 04:51 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: GolgothaBridge

Trust the Bible, for what?

The Bible was compiled by men, for men, about men and their mortal struggles with "divinity".

That you can trust!

So, you think men (specifically Jews in this case as it relates to the Old Testament) prefer to write texts about their own demise? According to the Bible, eventually, two thirds of the Jews will be cut off and die and only a third (a "remnant") will be preserved by God in the end.

Do you think it's a coincidence that the Jews living in Israel today are completely surrounded by their religious enemies? You think they've spent thousands of years planning this for themselves?

Many aren't capable of understanding what they read in the Bible or they don't care to really read it in order to comprehend what it's saying.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: GolgothaBridge

My cunundrum is the Virgin Mary!

Mainly as one would be killed for adultry. We have seen time after time people who will make up some crazy things to simply not lose their sig other. Back then it would be death so im assuming the imagination would be crazier.

That said I am Christian I trust in God I do not trust in the church. Manipulation and resource gathering at its finest.

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 12:42 PM
Sure the Bible trust worthy, I just wouldn't trust anybody else opinions or interpretations of it.

Especially those who don't prove their work when it comes to the abundance of meanings an tones that can be continously cross referenced with in the book it self, along with other contributing factors like history.

It a very knowledgeable book if used the right way, but it doesn't necessarily make one better, or smarter.

edit on 27-8-2021 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2021 @ 09:46 PM

originally posted by: ObviousTruth
a reply to: chr0naut

I meant I don't just believe in revelations, I believe in more than just that in the bible.

Apologies, I misunderstood.

I personally believe in evidence, and the scientific method for discovery of such, but in things that are outside of our physical realm, things of the philosophical, religious, and supernatural, we cannot gather such hard evidence.

So, do we reject it outright, or do we try and discern through rationalization, precept, experience, and faith?

People have their own experiences of unusual events that others do not have. This is where revelation, and individual experience are useful, and tempered with reason, and accumulated knowledge, can be relied upon to be somewhat correct.

edit on 27/8/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

There are many scientific values in all religious or cultural writings. They just have ol' skool terms & words.

I think some things should be outright denied in life for a quest of knowledge like persay water. Someone can't simply say water is water. As the bible says, it is a living body, we describe that living body as H2O. So denying a primitive idea is an accurate action once it has been deciphered & discerned.

Completely ignoring a possibility without proper evaluation before we have the scientific evidence or personal belief which we call theory now is not ohkay though. Supposed prophets, primitive liturature & cultural beliefs has taught us anything is possible, even if it way ahead of the time it was concieved.

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