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India gives emergency approval for world’s first COVID-19 DNA jab

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posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

"They use them in animals". "Cool".
"Animals" don't really have a say. I don't know about you? But I ain't a pet.

Any real "educated" person would/can see, where I'm going with this. Must be nice being cattle or a pet though.

The reports out now, (just vibrations on the rail) that the Pfizer "vaccine" that was "approved" isn't the one being injected and received.
And that the one approved isn't even being manufactured yet.

People need to understand "legal/lawyer talk". (A big difference from right and wrong). The shot people are getting, is still an experiment. Pfizer, did get an "approval" for a drug/vaccine. But it isn't for the one people are getting.

Even the "vaccine" that did get approved, requires boosters and maintenance.

It's nothing more than bussiness, generating bussiness. Perpetual "clients" and "customers"...

Kind of like drug addiction, only "legal". Because "their science" has now compromised your immune system.

Your immune system: From the beginning of all this "pandemic" nonsense, it was an 80% to 97% survival rate. That isn't a "pandemic". I bet if you "check the stats"? More people have died from daily living than "Covid".

Living in fear is one thing. But forcing the (your) fear on others and blatantly advertising to deprive "unbelievers" of life, liberty and happiness?
That's a problem.

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Saves lives

So does insulin produced through genetic modification save a lot of lives.

Gotta love the marketing aspect though, you can get non-gmo vodka. Hurray! That's the kind I want!

Don't people know what "distillation" is? Dumb. So dumb.

edit on 8/25/2021 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: Phage

Gotta love the marketing aspect though, you can get non-gmo vodka. Hurray! That's the kind I want!

Don't people know what "distillation" is? Dumb. So dumb.

Organics is a huge market, and their is nothing better than fear to drive a market. Only non-GMO products were used in the production of this Ethanol... Well whoopie f'en sh!t...

edit on 26-8-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: murphy22

Your immune system: From the beginning of all this "pandemic" nonsense, it was an 80% to 97% survival rate. That isn't a "pandemic". I bet if you "check the stats"? More people have died from daily living than "Covid".

Living in fear is one thing. But forcing the (your) fear on others and blatantly advertising to deprive "unbelievers" of life, liberty and happiness?
That's a problem.

80% is pretty freaken bad, even the bubonic plague has a morbidity rate of 10% today, and even at 97% that is 30 times worst than the

You need to relook at your percentages...

edit on 26-8-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

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