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Jesse Jackson Ignored Louis Farrakhan - Got Vaccinated - Jackson Now Hospitalized with Covid-19.

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posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Here's that 6-12 month period the 'other' Dr's have warned us about.
This winter is not going to be good. It will make last year look like a walk in the park
Sad Rainbows

Do you think so? I'm hoping at least this new rush of cases will lead to more people having antibodies. I guess it depends on how many people have had it.

For example, Brazil and South America were hot for a while but according to

Their Rt is decreasing and it is winter in the southern hemisphere is it not. There are so many variables who knows,

for a side note, Alabama with its low vaccinations is listed as stable...
edit on 22-8-2021 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Tuskegee Experiment™.

Those who forget history : are doomed to repeat it.

Tuskegee Experiment™.

So nobody pulled ol' Jesse aside, and explained that, and what happened to Hank Aaron ?

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: putnam6

And we can't forget how a banana a mango and a pineapple were diagnosed with covid-19 after they were tested.

98% of the country could have covid-19 antibodies, but the evil deceitful powers who are running everything, will keep the labs churning out covid-19 cases.

When the number of cases declines dramatically, the fear goes away, and the pandemic ends.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: putnam6

And we can't forget how a banana a mango and a pineapple were diagnosed with covid-19 after they were tested.

98% of the country could have covid-19 antibodies, but the evil deceitful powers who are running everything, will keep the labs churning out covid-19 cases.

When the number of cases declines dramatically, the fear goes away, and the pandemic ends.

You were not aware that was an internet myth. It came from Tanzania where their president had sent in goat quail and paw paw. Turned out their lab was creating the problem and contaminating the samples. Then there was the other fruit incident with kiwi and coca-cola. It was claimed it tested positive well it will because the acid destroys the buffer layer .

The fact that these rapid tests can effectively be broken with acidic drinks or fruit does not make them unreliable for use in the general population. If you completely ignore the manufacturer’s instructions or in fact use the test for something completely different, then you shouldn’t really be surprised if you get a silly result.

See when people do stupid things they win stupid prizes lol.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

A group of nurses also sent swabs dipped in Saline Solution for analysis. Many of them came back positive for Covid-19.

BTW...The Tanzania President died suddenly, just 5 months ago.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 09:33 PM
What would the Chinese and American governments be willing to lie about after accidentally or purposely releasing the virus they created in wuhan?

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Hospitalization for Covid due to vaccine failure is a serious adverse effect and should be reported to VAERS as such.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 01:16 AM
a reply to: MotherMayEye

Or maybe the MSM wont report the serious adverse effect but i will just say this in some news outlets i noticed some reporters faces being a bit nervous whenever they have brought the topic of covid and vaxs.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Jackson probably made a bigger deal out of this to get his name in the news and get free medical services.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: game over man
Jesse Jackson is almost 80 with a number of health conditions.

Seriously what happened to the ALL LIVES MATTER you people really believe that hating so many people who don't agree with you? Or was it just to fight against BLACK LIVES MATTER?


We're just pointing out that blacks are vaccine hesitant more than whites. Historically, they have good reason to not trust the government too (Tuskegee), but for whatever reason, the press likes to pretend that only white Trump voters in rural 'Merika are refusing to get the shot.

So you can look at the press and ask your question. They seem to be the ones hating and refusing to address the question.

Facts. I am so sick of the narrative that a lot of toothless hillbilies are the only holdouts. They want to make it seem like only folks with no education are refusing the shot so those that are getting it are super smart. You can't add the race factor into that without also calling black people less intelligent (because they are the highest holdouts statistically). I don't think they thought the whole thing through before they got too deep to change course. They overplayed assuming that it would be Trumpers only holding out. Ooopsies.
edit on 8232021 by HairForceOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: HairForceOne

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: game over man
Jesse Jackson is almost 80 with a number of health conditions.

Seriously what happened to the ALL LIVES MATTER you people really believe that hating so many people who don't agree with you? Or was it just to fight against BLACK LIVES MATTER?


We're just pointing out that blacks are vaccine hesitant more than whites. Historically, they have good reason to not trust the government too (Tuskegee), but for whatever reason, the press likes to pretend that only white Trump voters in rural 'Merika are refusing to get the shot.

So you can look at the press and ask your question. They seem to be the ones hating and refusing to address the question.

Facts. I am so sick of the narrative that a lot of toothless hillbilies are the only holdouts. They want to make it seem like only folks with no education are refusing the shot so those that are getting it are super smart. You can't add the race factor into that without also calling black people less intelligent (because they are the highest holdouts statistically). I don't think they thought the whole thing through before they got too deep to change course. They overplayed assuming that it would be Trumpers only holding out. Ooopsies.

Wow,that was racist can't believe you went there. You indeed can bring up race without attributing it to intelligence unless of course, you're a racist. As general rule blacks are less trusting of medical procedures and drugs. Why well if I had to guess more socio-economic than anything else.

A majority of African Americans have low levels of trust in the health care system, expressing much less confidence in doctors and hospitals than white people, according to a new poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) and The Undefeated

edit on 8/23/21 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

I think you need to reread my post slower. I was speaking of their narrative not mine as I don't have one. Any sane person knows there is no intelligence difference between people based on race.

I was stating that since they started the narrative that it was only stupid hillbillies not getting vaxxed that they now couldn't come out and say that there were a bunch of black people not getting vaxxed without also selling them as stupid. Neither should be sold as stupid. One is tolerated. The other isn't. If they would have left the politics out of it then there wouldn't be an issue addressing either group. But as usual everything has to be political.

I don't blame anyone for not trusting the government or the vaccine. Tuskeegee is a prime example.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 03:52 AM
Update - 9/11/2021

The Reverend Jesse Jackson, and wife Jacqueline, have been released from the hospital.

They have been cured of Covid-19.

Info w/photos:

Unlike the false sense of security they got from these "weak" Covid-19 warp-speed vaccines, the Jacksons can now have REAL confidence, due to the naturally occurring powerful anti-bodies, generated by their recovery from the disease.

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