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Jesse Jackson Ignored Louis Farrakhan - Got Vaccinated - Jackson Now Hospitalized with Covid-19.

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posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

I am sure the media will come up with the excuse or excuses how still the benefits outweighs the risk by getting vaxed.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: themessengernevermatters

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: ntech
At 77 and 79 Jesse and his wife is in the age group Covid is most deadly. However their vax is an early version. Which version of Covid did they catch? If it's the Delta variant their vax may not be effective against it. For them hopefully their doctor is up to date on 2nd level therapies and are using them.

It could be embarrassing if vaxed celebrities and the vaxed in general started dying from Covid variants. Could mean the binary bioweapon is being triggered by something other that the intended trigger virus.

Meanwhile the ones who recovered from Covid-19 (and read), will avoid the vaccines/boosters and remain free of Covid variants.

No, it means that their level of immunity will fade with time in a similar manner. Immunity form the vax and immunity form infection are virtually indistinguishable.

It doesn't mean that at all. Show us the studies that say so. In fact most of the studies I have seen reported on natural immunity say it seems to be long lasting. If you have studies that say natural immunity wanes as fast as the vaccines, I would like to see them.

The CDC disagrees with you link

Scientifically speaking, when your body encounters a virus it creates immunity based on multiple factors. Some of these factory will be different between different variants. When you are vaxxed you're vaxxed against the protean that's present on all versions of Covid-19. So your body is more likely to recognize new variants.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit
a reply to: carewemust

Haven't democrats and msm been complaining that all the idiot white supremacists are the vax holdouts killing grandma?

As with 90% of what they report, the media SKEWS things in order to make the public think and believe, what they want the public to think and believe.

In reality, BLACK people have the lowest rate of vaccinations in the country.


So why is their fascist propaganda aimed elsewhere?

Because it's not politic to point out that blacks aren't good at something.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Except natural immunity works the same way.

When a virus mutates, it does not change so much that your immune system is completely clueless at recognizing it when it comes around again. Doesn't mean you won't get sick, but your immune system recognizes it enough to produce partially effective antibodies to start that shift to fully effective ones as response progresses and your immune system learns. It keeps you from getting as sick.

This is how it works with every seasonal cold and flu you get.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 11:34 AM
Jesse Jackson is almost 80 with a number of health conditions.

Seriously what happened to the ALL LIVES MATTER you people really believe that hating so many people who don't agree with you? Or was it just to fight against BLACK LIVES MATTER?

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: game over man
Jesse Jackson is almost 80 with a number of health conditions.

Seriously what happened to the ALL LIVES MATTER you people really believe that hating so many people who don't agree with you? Or was it just to fight against BLACK LIVES MATTER?


We're just pointing out that blacks are vaccine hesitant more than whites. Historically, they have good reason to not trust the government too (Tuskegee), but for whatever reason, the press likes to pretend that only white Trump voters in rural 'Merika are refusing to get the shot.

So you can look at the press and ask your question. They seem to be the ones hating and refusing to address the question.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 11:41 AM
He 79 years old, has Parkinson's, had surgery and was in the hospital for 8 days and then had rehab in Jan/Feb and he can't seem to put his mask where his mouth is. I'm surprised he didn't get it sooner. Oh, and he as been vaccinated and had a booster.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: game over man
Jesse Jackson is almost 80 with a number of health conditions.

Seriously what happened to the ALL LIVES MATTER you people really believe that hating so many people who don't agree with you? Or was it just to fight against BLACK LIVES MATTER?


We're just pointing out that blacks are vaccine hesitant more than whites. Historically, they have good reason to not trust the government too (Tuskegee), but for whatever reason, the press likes to pretend that only white Trump voters in rural 'Merika are refusing to get the shot.

So you can look at the press and ask your question. They seem to be the ones hating and refusing to address the question.

This actually not true and super racist that "blacks" are fill in the blank. Lots of minorities are vaccinated especially black people.


Link 2

DALLAS — When Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick claimed Thursday night on Fox News that Black people are "the biggest group in most states" still not vaccinated, he left out an important detail: In Texas, according to data, there are vastly more white and Hispanic people who are unvaccinated than Black people.

About 4 million more white residents are unvaccinated than Black residents in Texas, and also about 4 million more Hispanic residents are unvaccinated than Black residents.

Same idiotic math used to debate against police brutality.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: carewemust

Reverend Jesse Jackson and his Wife Jacqueline ignored the warnings of Minister Farrakhan. They allowed themselves to be injected with the experimental Covid-19 vaccine in January 2021.

Now, both Jesse Jackson and Jacqueline Jackson are hospitalized due to the Covid-19 virus.

Since NEITHER of them suffered an serious side effects of the vax we can conclude that those "warnings" were completely unfounded, and that the vax is safe to use.

Farrakhan, who has no scientific qualifications or experience, warned them based on myths and rumors and he was WRONG.

Safe to use for what? It isn't stopping anyone from getting or transmitting Covid. It's a crap shoot if it lessens the symptoms, it's a crap shoot to get other problems like Bells Palsy. So what is the vax safe to use for?

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: game over man

In vaccination as a percentage of your overall population, blacks are the least vaccinated demographic group.

There are higher percentages of both the white and Latino populations vaccinated. The only reason there are more of either of those groups unvaccinated is because blacks are such a minority of the population overall in hard numbers.

But statistically, only about 25% of the overall black population, even in a place like NYC is vaccinated. Now imagine living in NYC where you need a vaccine passport to access most things. That means about 3/4 of the entire black population is barred from accessing public life by law. That's how vaccine hesitant they are as a group.

Now I already said that I don't blame them. There are solid cultural reasons why they are hesitant when the government comes knocking with "free" health care, but it doesn't change the hard numbers.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 12:21 PM
Could be a standard ruse to make people keep wearing the phony masks 😃

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 01:03 PM
Headline should read “Margaret Sanger Preacher tries to needle his people into extinction”… that is the “progressive plan” after all… maybe start painting this all in black and white… since it’s one against the other all the damn time anyway…

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Jesse Jackson was arrested 3 weeks ago. He became belligerent and angry, because someone said Blacks were intelligent enough to obtain Photo Identification for themselves!

Video of the arrest:

edit on 8/22/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 01:32 PM
Evidence that supports that claim.
Has there been a study done on how long the anti-bodies last (other than the one showing still present after 8 months which is 2 months longer than the double dose "vx") any studies on recovered patients and antibodies after a year? 2? 3? 4? 5?
Please provide the studies you have viewed who presented them and your level of academia proving you have the understanding of said studies and there results.
Thanks in advance. CDC is a vaccine company so links to could be considered biased or a conflict of interest.
a reply to: AaarghZombies

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: carewemust
Arrested and then died from cvd?
What a coincidence!


posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: carewemust

Reverend Jesse Jackson and his Wife Jacqueline ignored the warnings of Minister Farrakhan. They allowed themselves to be injected with the experimental Covid-19 vaccine in January 2021.

Now, both Jesse Jackson and Jacqueline Jackson are hospitalized due to the Covid-19 virus.

Since NEITHER of them suffered an serious side effects of the vax we can conclude that those "warnings" were completely unfounded, and that the vax is safe to use.

Farrakhan, who has no scientific qualifications or experience, warned them based on myths and rumors and he was WRONG.

This post is HILARIOUS. How do you know neither of them have suffered any serious side effects? They are both in the hospital!! And while old, wtf knows what would happen to them years down the road.

Have you visited VAERS? There are thousands and thousands of DEATHS and major side effects from these experimental chemical injections.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Wow. Great post. True and funny as hell!

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 02:20 PM
There is nothing to convince me now that these injections have not caused this 'new wave' of 'infections'.
Why has everyone not been sick from them? 1. There are saline injections that are part of a control group 2. Many people who are getting injections already had covid

This entire thing is a money making scam. "they" don't care about helping people get better....or else they would all be out of producing income.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Could be a standard ruse to make people keep wearing the phony masks 😃

Only if Jesse and Jacqueline Jackson are discharged, and hold a big press briefing to urge everyone to get their booster shots early and often.

Then we'll know (based on past history) that someone (govt or pharma) is sending money Jesse's way.

If one or both DIE, we'll know this was not a ruse.

Simple as that.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: shaemac
There is nothing to convince me now that these injections have not caused this 'new wave' of 'infections'.
Why has everyone not been sick from them? 1. There are saline injections that are part of a control group 2. Many people who are getting injections already had covid

This entire thing is a money making scam. "they" don't care about helping people get better....or else they would all be out of producing income.

Are you old enough to remember the secret recording made at the General Motors board meeting where they brainstormed ways to make auto-worker retirees die sooner, because they were so expensive to the company?

That same thing is now happening at the state level. (See Cuomo, Whitmer, and a few others who killed seniors)

Even though the Federal Government can print money, maybe they too want to trim the Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security rolls.

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