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Highly Vaccinated Israel Is Seeing A Dramatic Surge In New COVID Cases. Here's Why

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posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: HawkEyi
a reply to: ScepticScot

For most people risk of serios side effects from the vacine are tiny in comparison to risk from covid.

You mean just like how small and tiny the side effects were reported in the astrazeneca "Its just rare" said until the vax was pulled off and banned in sevearl countries after the rare reports?

Your basically the example what i said to you earlier your now just repeating the same talking points from the news media.

Your the one believing the propaganda.

comparison to risk from covid

There are at least 200+ Viruses which are far more deadlier then Covid and could spread deadlier then covid and flu so dont give me the nonsense prep talk from the news media.

As soon as tiny number side effects we're reported the safety procedures kicked in and further investigation happened. I belive pretty much every where started using again. Where I am they tend to use other vacinnes for under 40s because they have less side effects for that age group.

That's an example of how seriously the safety of the vacines is taken.

There are many viruses that are deadlier than covid but they aren't currently a pandemic. Not much point taking a vaccine for Ebola in Scotland.
edit on 21-8-2021 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: HawkEyi
a reply to: ScepticScot

The Politicians had no issues pulling off photo ops and arguing everyone to get in line for the astra zeneca. Till more and more issues were being reported with it.

You still have the same media defending AZ saying you can still get BloodClots from Covid using the same fear mongering nonsense as they did in early 2020.

You seem to be under the impression the astra zenneca vacine isn't being used or was found to be unsafe.

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

The good news is that among Israel's serious infections on Thursday of this week, according to Health Ministry data, the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

Yet more confirmation you are far better off vacinated.

and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

under 60 it's 3.2 serious cases per 100,000 those are some tall odds and the difference between them is a minuscule 1.6 people per 100,000. It's like going to a stadium and have them pick you for the prize that evening. Sure it could happen but it isn't damn likely at all. It's about as likely as you going to a dance party and dying, which is 1 in 100,000. Sure you can say catching a serious case of COVID while under 60 is 3 TIMES as likely but it is still a teenie tiny itty bitty 3.2.

I believe you are comparing current severe cases per 100,000 people with likely hood from a one off event.
Apple and oranges.

Regardless it still shows you better off being vaccinated.

One is 1.6 persons vaccinated for COVID 100,000 getting a serious case and one is 3.2 unvaccinated persons under 60 getting a serious COVID case.

There aren't any apples to oranges to it I pointed out the 1 in 100,000 for dying at a dance party to illustrate the complete insignificance of the 1 in 100,000 it doesn't stop people from going to dance parties, nor do we take special precautions from the dangers of a dance party, we accept the "risk" and live our "F" ing lives.

Never said we don't accept risk in our lives. We also mitigate risk and on that basis you are better of being vaccinated.

LOL if you "mitigate every risk where the odds are 1 in 100,000 or less your paranoid and nervous ass is gonna be mitigating your whole life away.

Based on deaths per mile driven statistics I would need to go for my shot over 41,000 times to be at the same risk of dying as if I contracted covid.

1/100000th better off being vaccinated

Fixed for you....

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

The good news is that among Israel's serious infections on Thursday of this week, according to Health Ministry data, the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

Yet more confirmation you are far better off vacinated.

and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

under 60 it's 3.2 serious cases per 100,000 those are some tall odds and the difference between them is a minuscule 1.6 people per 100,000. It's like going to a stadium and have them pick you for the prize that evening. Sure it could happen but it isn't damn likely at all. It's about as likely as you going to a dance party and dying, which is 1 in 100,000. Sure you can say catching a serious case of COVID while under 60 is 3 TIMES as likely but it is still a teenie tiny itty bitty 3.2.

I believe you are comparing current severe cases per 100,000 people with likely hood from a one off event.
Apple and oranges.

Regardless it still shows you better off being vaccinated.

One is 1.6 persons vaccinated for COVID 100,000 getting a serious case and one is 3.2 unvaccinated persons under 60 getting a serious COVID case.

There aren't any apples to oranges to it I pointed out the 1 in 100,000 for dying at a dance party to illustrate the complete insignificance of the 1 in 100,000 it doesn't stop people from going to dance parties, nor do we take special precautions from the dangers of a dance party, we accept the "risk" and live our "F" ing lives.

Never said we don't accept risk in our lives. We also mitigate risk and on that basis you are better of being vaccinated.

LOL if you "mitigate every risk where the odds are 1 in 100,000 or less your paranoid and nervous ass is gonna be mitigating your whole life away.

Based on deaths per mile driven statistics I would need to go for my shot over 41,000 times to be at the same risk of dying as if I contracted covid.

1/100000th better off being vaccinated

Fixed for you....

No was fine the first time.

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

The good news is that among Israel's serious infections on Thursday of this week, according to Health Ministry data, the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

Yet more confirmation you are far better off vacinated.

and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

under 60 it's 3.2 serious cases per 100,000 those are some tall odds and the difference between them is a minuscule 1.6 people per 100,000. It's like going to a stadium and have them pick you for the prize that evening. Sure it could happen but it isn't damn likely at all. It's about as likely as you going to a dance party and dying, which is 1 in 100,000. Sure you can say catching a serious case of COVID while under 60 is 3 TIMES as likely but it is still a teenie tiny itty bitty 3.2.

I believe you are comparing current severe cases per 100,000 people with likely hood from a one off event.
Apple and oranges.

Regardless it still shows you better off being vaccinated.

One is 1.6 persons vaccinated for COVID 100,000 getting a serious case and one is 3.2 unvaccinated persons under 60 getting a serious COVID case.

There aren't any apples to oranges to it I pointed out the 1 in 100,000 for dying at a dance party to illustrate the complete insignificance of the 1 in 100,000 it doesn't stop people from going to dance parties, nor do we take special precautions from the dangers of a dance party, we accept the "risk" and live our "F" ing lives.

Never said we don't accept risk in our lives. We also mitigate risk and on that basis you are better of being vaccinated.

LOL if you "mitigate every risk where the odds are 1 in 100,000 or less your paranoid and nervous ass is gonna be mitigating your whole life away.

Based on deaths per mile driven statistics I would need to go for my shot over 41,000 times to be at the same risk of dying as if I contracted covid.

1/100000th better off being vaccinated

Fixed for you....

No was fine the first time.

So you don't think there are degrees of better off? 99,999/100000th is the same as 1/100000th?

Here's a pic for perspective, now find me the 1.6 dots I changed. To find the 1.6 dots you might need to zoom in a bit, Because my skeptical friend, we are talking 1.6 dots out of 100,000

Now imagine having 100,000 dollars in one-dollar bills and you drop them and they go everywhere, you are inferring that you would walk around picking up all 100,000 of those bills and not forget about a couple of bills. Not only that but these 2 dollar bills are just as important to you as the whole 100,000

edit on 21-8-2021 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

The good news is that among Israel's serious infections on Thursday of this week, according to Health Ministry data, the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

Yet more confirmation you are far better off vacinated.

and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

under 60 it's 3.2 serious cases per 100,000 those are some tall odds and the difference between them is a minuscule 1.6 people per 100,000. It's like going to a stadium and have them pick you for the prize that evening. Sure it could happen but it isn't damn likely at all. It's about as likely as you going to a dance party and dying, which is 1 in 100,000. Sure you can say catching a serious case of COVID while under 60 is 3 TIMES as likely but it is still a teenie tiny itty bitty 3.2.

I believe you are comparing current severe cases per 100,000 people with likely hood from a one off event.
Apple and oranges.

Regardless it still shows you better off being vaccinated.

One is 1.6 persons vaccinated for COVID 100,000 getting a serious case and one is 3.2 unvaccinated persons under 60 getting a serious COVID case.

There aren't any apples to oranges to it I pointed out the 1 in 100,000 for dying at a dance party to illustrate the complete insignificance of the 1 in 100,000 it doesn't stop people from going to dance parties, nor do we take special precautions from the dangers of a dance party, we accept the "risk" and live our "F" ing lives.

Never said we don't accept risk in our lives. We also mitigate risk and on that basis you are better of being vaccinated.

LOL if you "mitigate every risk where the odds are 1 in 100,000 or less your paranoid and nervous ass is gonna be mitigating your whole life away.

Based on deaths per mile driven statistics I would need to go for my shot over 41,000 times to be at the same risk of dying as if I contracted covid.

1/100000th better off being vaccinated

Fixed for you....

No was fine the first time.

So you don't think there are degrees of better off?, 99,999/100000th is the same as 1/100000th?

Here's a pic now find me the 1.6 dots I changed. To find the 1.6 dots you might need to zoom in a bit

Do you need a bit more straw to complete that argument?
edit on 21-8-2021 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

The good news is that among Israel's serious infections on Thursday of this week, according to Health Ministry data, the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

Yet more confirmation you are far better off vacinated.

and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

under 60 it's 3.2 serious cases per 100,000 those are some tall odds and the difference between them is a minuscule 1.6 people per 100,000. It's like going to a stadium and have them pick you for the prize that evening. Sure it could happen but it isn't damn likely at all. It's about as likely as you going to a dance party and dying, which is 1 in 100,000. Sure you can say catching a serious case of COVID while under 60 is 3 TIMES as likely but it is still a teenie tiny itty bitty 3.2.

I believe you are comparing current severe cases per 100,000 people with likely hood from a one off event.
Apple and oranges.

Regardless it still shows you better off being vaccinated.

One is 1.6 persons vaccinated for COVID 100,000 getting a serious case and one is 3.2 unvaccinated persons under 60 getting a serious COVID case.

There aren't any apples to oranges to it I pointed out the 1 in 100,000 for dying at a dance party to illustrate the complete insignificance of the 1 in 100,000 it doesn't stop people from going to dance parties, nor do we take special precautions from the dangers of a dance party, we accept the "risk" and live our "F" ing lives.

Never said we don't accept risk in our lives. We also mitigate risk and on that basis you are better of being vaccinated.

LOL if you "mitigate every risk where the odds are 1 in 100,000 or less your paranoid and nervous ass is gonna be mitigating your whole life away.

Based on deaths per mile driven statistics I would need to go for my shot over 41,000 times to be at the same risk of dying as if I contracted covid.

1/100000th better off being vaccinated

Fixed for you....

No was fine the first time.

So you don't think there are degrees of better off?, 99,999/100000th is the same as 1/100000th?

Here's a pic now find me the 1.6 dots I changed. To find the 1.6 dots you might need to zoom in a bit

Do you need a bit more straw to complete that argument?

I have only begun to complete my argument and it took only a microscopic 1.6 pieces of straw out of 100,000 to complete said argument. Which you think no that's not the right word you believe it is enough to build a strawman...
edit on 21-8-2021 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

The good news is that among Israel's serious infections on Thursday of this week, according to Health Ministry data, the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

Yet more confirmation you are far better off vacinated.

and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

under 60 it's 3.2 serious cases per 100,000 those are some tall odds and the difference between them is a minuscule 1.6 people per 100,000. It's like going to a stadium and have them pick you for the prize that evening. Sure it could happen but it isn't damn likely at all. It's about as likely as you going to a dance party and dying, which is 1 in 100,000. Sure you can say catching a serious case of COVID while under 60 is 3 TIMES as likely but it is still a teenie tiny itty bitty 3.2.

I believe you are comparing current severe cases per 100,000 people with likely hood from a one off event.
Apple and oranges.

Regardless it still shows you better off being vaccinated.

One is 1.6 persons vaccinated for COVID 100,000 getting a serious case and one is 3.2 unvaccinated persons under 60 getting a serious COVID case.

There aren't any apples to oranges to it I pointed out the 1 in 100,000 for dying at a dance party to illustrate the complete insignificance of the 1 in 100,000 it doesn't stop people from going to dance parties, nor do we take special precautions from the dangers of a dance party, we accept the "risk" and live our "F" ing lives.

Never said we don't accept risk in our lives. We also mitigate risk and on that basis you are better of being vaccinated.

LOL if you "mitigate every risk where the odds are 1 in 100,000 or less your paranoid and nervous ass is gonna be mitigating your whole life away.

Based on deaths per mile driven statistics I would need to go for my shot over 41,000 times to be at the same risk of dying as if I contracted covid.

1/100000th better off being vaccinated

Fixed for you....

No was fine the first time.

So you don't think there are degrees of better off?, 99,999/100000th is the same as 1/100000th?

Here's a pic now find me the 1.6 dots I changed. To find the 1.6 dots you might need to zoom in a bit

Do you need a bit more straw to complete that argument?

I have only begun to complete my argument and it took only a microscopic 1.6 pieces of straw out of 100,000 to complete said argument. Which you think no that's not the right word you believe it is enough to build a strawman...

You can take as much time as you want with your argument but it would nice if was on topic, used the right numbers or was in anyway connected to anything I said.

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

The good news is that among Israel's serious infections on Thursday of this week, according to Health Ministry data, the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

Yet more confirmation you are far better off vacinated.

and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

under 60 it's 3.2 serious cases per 100,000 those are some tall odds and the difference between them is a minuscule 1.6 people per 100,000. It's like going to a stadium and have them pick you for the prize that evening. Sure it could happen but it isn't damn likely at all. It's about as likely as you going to a dance party and dying, which is 1 in 100,000. Sure you can say catching a serious case of COVID while under 60 is 3 TIMES as likely but it is still a teenie tiny itty bitty 3.2.

I believe you are comparing current severe cases per 100,000 people with likely hood from a one off event.
Apple and oranges.

Regardless it still shows you better off being vaccinated.

One is 1.6 persons vaccinated for COVID 100,000 getting a serious case and one is 3.2 unvaccinated persons under 60 getting a serious COVID case.

There aren't any apples to oranges to it I pointed out the 1 in 100,000 for dying at a dance party to illustrate the complete insignificance of the 1 in 100,000 it doesn't stop people from going to dance parties, nor do we take special precautions from the dangers of a dance party, we accept the "risk" and live our "F" ing lives.

Never said we don't accept risk in our lives. We also mitigate risk and on that basis you are better of being vaccinated.

LOL if you "mitigate every risk where the odds are 1 in 100,000 or less your paranoid and nervous ass is gonna be mitigating your whole life away.

Based on deaths per mile driven statistics I would need to go for my shot over 41,000 times to be at the same risk of dying as if I contracted covid.

1/100000th better off being vaccinated

Fixed for you....

No was fine the first time.

So you don't think there are degrees of better off?, 99,999/100000th is the same as 1/100000th?

Here's a pic now find me the 1.6 dots I changed. To find the 1.6 dots you might need to zoom in a bit

Do you need a bit more straw to complete that argument?

I have only begun to complete my argument and it took only a microscopic 1.6 pieces of straw out of 100,000 to complete said argument. Which you think no that's not the right word you believe it is enough to build a strawman...

You can take as much time as you want with your argument but it would nice if was on topic, used the right numbers or was in anyway connected to anything I said.

It is the same The difference in 100,000 cases of vaccinated vs unvaccinated is 1.6 persons. For more perspective in Scotland's estimated 4.5 population under 60, only 43 more unvaccinated persons will be having having a serious case of COVID over the 21.5 out of 4.5 million serious cases among the vaccinated.

Scottish numbers: 21 August 2021
3,464 new cases of COVID-19 reported out of a 5,463,300 population
33,710 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results out of a 5,463,300 population
10.9% of these were positive
3 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive out of a 5,463,300 population
32 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 out of a 5,463,300 population
320 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 out of a 5,463,300 population

Looks like my calculations bear out how minuscule the serious COVID risk is in Scotland's 5,463,300 population especially those under 60.

For the record, the US has approximately 21,607 serious cases of COVID currently

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

The good news is that among Israel's serious infections on Thursday of this week, according to Health Ministry data, the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

Yet more confirmation you are far better off vacinated.

and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

under 60 it's 3.2 serious cases per 100,000 those are some tall odds and the difference between them is a minuscule 1.6 people per 100,000. It's like going to a stadium and have them pick you for the prize that evening. Sure it could happen but it isn't damn likely at all. It's about as likely as you going to a dance party and dying, which is 1 in 100,000. Sure you can say catching a serious case of COVID while under 60 is 3 TIMES as likely but it is still a teenie tiny itty bitty 3.2.

I believe you are comparing current severe cases per 100,000 people with likely hood from a one off event.
Apple and oranges.

Regardless it still shows you better off being vaccinated.

One is 1.6 persons vaccinated for COVID 100,000 getting a serious case and one is 3.2 unvaccinated persons under 60 getting a serious COVID case.

There aren't any apples to oranges to it I pointed out the 1 in 100,000 for dying at a dance party to illustrate the complete insignificance of the 1 in 100,000 it doesn't stop people from going to dance parties, nor do we take special precautions from the dangers of a dance party, we accept the "risk" and live our "F" ing lives.

Never said we don't accept risk in our lives. We also mitigate risk and on that basis you are better of being vaccinated.

LOL if you "mitigate every risk where the odds are 1 in 100,000 or less your paranoid and nervous ass is gonna be mitigating your whole life away.

Based on deaths per mile driven statistics I would need to go for my shot over 41,000 times to be at the same risk of dying as if I contracted covid.

1/100000th better off being vaccinated

Fixed for you....

No was fine the first time.

So you don't think there are degrees of better off?, 99,999/100000th is the same as 1/100000th?

Here's a pic now find me the 1.6 dots I changed. To find the 1.6 dots you might need to zoom in a bit

Do you need a bit more straw to complete that argument?

I have only begun to complete my argument and it took only a microscopic 1.6 pieces of straw out of 100,000 to complete said argument. Which you think no that's not the right word you believe it is enough to build a strawman...

You can take as much time as you want with your argument but it would nice if was on topic, used the right numbers or was in anyway connected to anything I said.

It is the same The difference in 100,000 cases of vaccinated vs unvaccinated is 1.6 persons. For more perspective in Scotland's estimated 4.5 population under 60, only 43 more unvaccinated persons will be having having a serious case of COVID over the 21.5 out of 4.5 million serious cases among the vaccinated.

Scottish numbers: 21 August 2021
3,464 new cases of COVID-19 reported out of a 5,463,300 population
33,710 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results out of a 5,463,300 population
10.9% of these were positive
3 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive out of a 5,463,300 population
32 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 out of a 5,463,300 population
320 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 out of a 5,463,300 population

Looks like my calculations bear out how minuscule the serious COVID risk is in Scotland's 5,463,300 population especially those under 60.

For the record, the US has approximately 21,607 serious cases of COVID currently

You are trying to use post vaccination programme numbers to show that covid isnt that serious so therefore we don't need vaciines.

Do you not see the issue with that?

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

The good news is that among Israel's serious infections on Thursday of this week, according to Health Ministry data, the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

Yet more confirmation you are far better off vacinated.

and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

under 60 it's 3.2 serious cases per 100,000 those are some tall odds and the difference between them is a minuscule 1.6 people per 100,000. It's like going to a stadium and have them pick you for the prize that evening. Sure it could happen but it isn't damn likely at all. It's about as likely as you going to a dance party and dying, which is 1 in 100,000. Sure you can say catching a serious case of COVID while under 60 is 3 TIMES as likely but it is still a teenie tiny itty bitty 3.2.

I believe you are comparing current severe cases per 100,000 people with likely hood from a one off event.
Apple and oranges.

Regardless it still shows you better off being vaccinated.

One is 1.6 persons vaccinated for COVID 100,000 getting a serious case and one is 3.2 unvaccinated persons under 60 getting a serious COVID case.

There aren't any apples to oranges to it I pointed out the 1 in 100,000 for dying at a dance party to illustrate the complete insignificance of the 1 in 100,000 it doesn't stop people from going to dance parties, nor do we take special precautions from the dangers of a dance party, we accept the "risk" and live our "F" ing lives.

Never said we don't accept risk in our lives. We also mitigate risk and on that basis you are better of being vaccinated.

LOL if you "mitigate every risk where the odds are 1 in 100,000 or less your paranoid and nervous ass is gonna be mitigating your whole life away.

Based on deaths per mile driven statistics I would need to go for my shot over 41,000 times to be at the same risk of dying as if I contracted covid.

1/100000th better off being vaccinated

Fixed for you....

No was fine the first time.

So you don't think there are degrees of better off?, 99,999/100000th is the same as 1/100000th?

Here's a pic now find me the 1.6 dots I changed. To find the 1.6 dots you might need to zoom in a bit

Do you need a bit more straw to complete that argument?

I have only begun to complete my argument and it took only a microscopic 1.6 pieces of straw out of 100,000 to complete said argument. Which you think no that's not the right word you believe it is enough to build a strawman...

You can take as much time as you want with your argument but it would nice if was on topic, used the right numbers or was in anyway connected to anything I said.

It is the same The difference in 100,000 cases of vaccinated vs unvaccinated is 1.6 persons. For more perspective in Scotland's estimated 4.5 population under 60, only 43 more unvaccinated persons will be having having a serious case of COVID over the 21.5 out of 4.5 million serious cases among the vaccinated.

Scottish numbers: 21 August 2021
3,464 new cases of COVID-19 reported out of a 5,463,300 population
33,710 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results out of a 5,463,300 population
10.9% of these were positive
3 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive out of a 5,463,300 population
32 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 out of a 5,463,300 population
320 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 out of a 5,463,300 population

Looks like my calculations bear out how minuscule the serious COVID risk is in Scotland's 5,463,300 population especially those under 60.

For the record, the US has approximately 21,607 serious cases of COVID currently

You are trying to use post vaccination programme numbers to show that covid isnt that serious so therefore we don't need vaciines.

Do you not see the issue with that?

No, I am not anti-vaccine I am anti rushed vaccine that isn't effective for 6 months leading to never-ending booster shots for COVID that is serious for less than 4 out of 100,000 in my age group here in the states.

If the effectiveness goes up drastically along with the lethality then Ill consider it. Right now I do stuff weekly if not daily that is well more lethal than 3.2 persons out of 100,000.

It's a personal choice I'm glad it works for you and makes you feel safe and secure.

Where is putnam6 the most likely gonna die?

Working his ass off to get his family's business that supported 5 families for 30 years back in the black. We have had encouraging signs but the last 18 months have been brutal we need 4 months good months to get us 2022.

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

The good news is that among Israel's serious infections on Thursday of this week, according to Health Ministry data, the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

Yet more confirmation you are far better off vacinated.

and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

under 60 it's 3.2 serious cases per 100,000 those are some tall odds and the difference between them is a minuscule 1.6 people per 100,000. It's like going to a stadium and have them pick you for the prize that evening. Sure it could happen but it isn't damn likely at all. It's about as likely as you going to a dance party and dying, which is 1 in 100,000. Sure you can say catching a serious case of COVID while under 60 is 3 TIMES as likely but it is still a teenie tiny itty bitty 3.2.

I believe you are comparing current severe cases per 100,000 people with likely hood from a one off event.
Apple and oranges.

Regardless it still shows you better off being vaccinated.

One is 1.6 persons vaccinated for COVID 100,000 getting a serious case and one is 3.2 unvaccinated persons under 60 getting a serious COVID case.

There aren't any apples to oranges to it I pointed out the 1 in 100,000 for dying at a dance party to illustrate the complete insignificance of the 1 in 100,000 it doesn't stop people from going to dance parties, nor do we take special precautions from the dangers of a dance party, we accept the "risk" and live our "F" ing lives.

Never said we don't accept risk in our lives. We also mitigate risk and on that basis you are better of being vaccinated.

LOL if you "mitigate every risk where the odds are 1 in 100,000 or less your paranoid and nervous ass is gonna be mitigating your whole life away.

Based on deaths per mile driven statistics I would need to go for my shot over 41,000 times to be at the same risk of dying as if I contracted covid.

1/100000th better off being vaccinated

Fixed for you....

No was fine the first time.

So you don't think there are degrees of better off?, 99,999/100000th is the same as 1/100000th?

Here's a pic now find me the 1.6 dots I changed. To find the 1.6 dots you might need to zoom in a bit

Do you need a bit more straw to complete that argument?

I have only begun to complete my argument and it took only a microscopic 1.6 pieces of straw out of 100,000 to complete said argument. Which you think no that's not the right word you believe it is enough to build a strawman...

You can take as much time as you want with your argument but it would nice if was on topic, used the right numbers or was in anyway connected to anything I said.

It is the same The difference in 100,000 cases of vaccinated vs unvaccinated is 1.6 persons. For more perspective in Scotland's estimated 4.5 population under 60, only 43 more unvaccinated persons will be having having a serious case of COVID over the 21.5 out of 4.5 million serious cases among the vaccinated.

Scottish numbers: 21 August 2021
3,464 new cases of COVID-19 reported out of a 5,463,300 population
33,710 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results out of a 5,463,300 population
10.9% of these were positive
3 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive out of a 5,463,300 population
32 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 out of a 5,463,300 population
320 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 out of a 5,463,300 population

Looks like my calculations bear out how minuscule the serious COVID risk is in Scotland's 5,463,300 population especially those under 60.

For the record, the US has approximately 21,607 serious cases of COVID currently

You are trying to use post vaccination programme numbers to show that covid isnt that serious so therefore we don't need vaciines.

Do you not see the issue with that?

No, I am not anti-vaccine I am anti rushed vaccine that isn't effective for 6 months leading to never-ending booster shots for COVID that is serious for less than 4 out of 100,000 in my age group here in the states.

If the effectiveness goes up drastically along with the lethality then Ill consider it. Right now I do stuff weekly if not daily that is well more lethal than 3.2 persons out of 100,000.

It's a personal choice I'm glad it works for you and makes you feel safe and secure.

Where is putnam6 the most likely gonna die?

Working his ass off to get his family's business that supported 5 families for 30 years back in the black. We have had encouraging signs but the last 18 months have been brutal we need 4 months good months to get us 2022.

Your choice to take the vaccine or not.

Doesn't change a damn thing about my original point that the numbers show people ard better of vaccinated.

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

The good news is that among Israel's serious infections on Thursday of this week, according to Health Ministry data, the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

Yet more confirmation you are far better off vacinated.

and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

under 60 it's 3.2 serious cases per 100,000 those are some tall odds and the difference between them is a minuscule 1.6 people per 100,000. It's like going to a stadium and have them pick you for the prize that evening. Sure it could happen but it isn't damn likely at all. It's about as likely as you going to a dance party and dying, which is 1 in 100,000. Sure you can say catching a serious case of COVID while under 60 is 3 TIMES as likely but it is still a teenie tiny itty bitty 3.2.

I believe you are comparing current severe cases per 100,000 people with likely hood from a one off event.
Apple and oranges.

Regardless it still shows you better off being vaccinated.

One is 1.6 persons vaccinated for COVID 100,000 getting a serious case and one is 3.2 unvaccinated persons under 60 getting a serious COVID case.

There aren't any apples to oranges to it I pointed out the 1 in 100,000 for dying at a dance party to illustrate the complete insignificance of the 1 in 100,000 it doesn't stop people from going to dance parties, nor do we take special precautions from the dangers of a dance party, we accept the "risk" and live our "F" ing lives.

Never said we don't accept risk in our lives. We also mitigate risk and on that basis you are better of being vaccinated.

LOL if you "mitigate every risk where the odds are 1 in 100,000 or less your paranoid and nervous ass is gonna be mitigating your whole life away.

Based on deaths per mile driven statistics I would need to go for my shot over 41,000 times to be at the same risk of dying as if I contracted covid.

1/100000th better off being vaccinated

Fixed for you....

No was fine the first time.

So you don't think there are degrees of better off?, 99,999/100000th is the same as 1/100000th?

Here's a pic now find me the 1.6 dots I changed. To find the 1.6 dots you might need to zoom in a bit

Do you need a bit more straw to complete that argument?

I have only begun to complete my argument and it took only a microscopic 1.6 pieces of straw out of 100,000 to complete said argument. Which you think no that's not the right word you believe it is enough to build a strawman...

You can take as much time as you want with your argument but it would nice if was on topic, used the right numbers or was in anyway connected to anything I said.

It is the same The difference in 100,000 cases of vaccinated vs unvaccinated is 1.6 persons. For more perspective in Scotland's estimated 4.5 population under 60, only 43 more unvaccinated persons will be having having a serious case of COVID over the 21.5 out of 4.5 million serious cases among the vaccinated.

Scottish numbers: 21 August 2021
3,464 new cases of COVID-19 reported out of a 5,463,300 population
33,710 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results out of a 5,463,300 population
10.9% of these were positive
3 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive out of a 5,463,300 population
32 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 out of a 5,463,300 population
320 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 out of a 5,463,300 population

Looks like my calculations bear out how minuscule the serious COVID risk is in Scotland's 5,463,300 population especially those under 60.

For the record, the US has approximately 21,607 serious cases of COVID currently

You are trying to use post vaccination programme numbers to show that covid isnt that serious so therefore we don't need vaciines.

Do you not see the issue with that?

No, I am not anti-vaccine I am anti rushed vaccine that isn't effective for 6 months leading to never-ending booster shots for COVID that is serious for less than 4 out of 100,000 in my age group here in the states.

If the effectiveness goes up drastically along with the lethality then Ill consider it. Right now I do stuff weekly if not daily that is well more lethal than 3.2 persons out of 100,000.

It's a personal choice I'm glad it works for you and makes you feel safe and secure.

Where is putnam6 the most likely gonna die?

Working his ass off to get his family's business that supported 5 families for 30 years back in the black. We have had encouraging signs but the last 18 months have been brutal we need 4 months good months to get us 2022.

Your choice to take the vaccine or not.

Doesn't change a damn thing about my original point that the numbers show people ard better of vaccinated.

LOL don't get so emotional we are just discussing this stuff I don't mean you any ill will or anything.

Micro-fractionally people are slightly better to be vaccinated hope that makes ya feel better, well for about 6 months then they will need to get booster shot after booster shot or they will start to get all anxious and nervous about being unprotected in this dangerous pandemic world.


Don't forget your mask either...
edit on 21-8-2021 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 06:48 PM
Found this article about covid in Israel:

[url=]Link[ /url]

Around half of the country's 600 patients presently hospitalized with severe illness have received two doses of the Pfizer Inc shot, a rare occurrence out of 5.4 million fully vaccinated people.

The majority of these patients received two vaccine doses at least five months ago, are over the age of 60 and also have chronic illnesses known to exacerbate a coronavirus infection. They range from diabetes to heart disease and lung ailments, as well as cancers and inflammatory diseases that are treated with immune-system suppressing drugs, according to Reuters interviews with 11 doctors, health specialists and officials.

"The vaccinated patients are older, unhealthy, often they were bedridden before infection, immobile and already requiring nursing care," said Noa Eliakim-Raz, head of the coronavirus ward at Rabin Medical Centre in Petach Tikva.

In contrast, "the unvaccinated COVID patients we see are young, healthy, working people and their condition deteriorates rapidly," she said. "Suddenly they're being put on oxygen or on a respirator."

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

The good news is that among Israel's serious infections on Thursday of this week, according to Health Ministry data, the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

Yet more confirmation you are far better off vacinated.

and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

under 60 it's 3.2 serious cases per 100,000 those are some tall odds and the difference between them is a minuscule 1.6 people per 100,000. It's like going to a stadium and have them pick you for the prize that evening. Sure it could happen but it isn't damn likely at all. It's about as likely as you going to a dance party and dying, which is 1 in 100,000. Sure you can say catching a serious case of COVID while under 60 is 3 TIMES as likely but it is still a teenie tiny itty bitty 3.2.

I believe you are comparing current severe cases per 100,000 people with likely hood from a one off event.
Apple and oranges.

Regardless it still shows you better off being vaccinated.

One is 1.6 persons vaccinated for COVID 100,000 getting a serious case and one is 3.2 unvaccinated persons under 60 getting a serious COVID case.

There aren't any apples to oranges to it I pointed out the 1 in 100,000 for dying at a dance party to illustrate the complete insignificance of the 1 in 100,000 it doesn't stop people from going to dance parties, nor do we take special precautions from the dangers of a dance party, we accept the "risk" and live our "F" ing lives.

Never said we don't accept risk in our lives. We also mitigate risk and on that basis you are better of being vaccinated.

LOL if you "mitigate every risk where the odds are 1 in 100,000 or less your paranoid and nervous ass is gonna be mitigating your whole life away.

Based on deaths per mile driven statistics I would need to go for my shot over 41,000 times to be at the same risk of dying as if I contracted covid.

1/100000th better off being vaccinated

Fixed for you....

No was fine the first time.

So you don't think there are degrees of better off?, 99,999/100000th is the same as 1/100000th?

Here's a pic now find me the 1.6 dots I changed. To find the 1.6 dots you might need to zoom in a bit

Do you need a bit more straw to complete that argument?

I have only begun to complete my argument and it took only a microscopic 1.6 pieces of straw out of 100,000 to complete said argument. Which you think no that's not the right word you believe it is enough to build a strawman...

You can take as much time as you want with your argument but it would nice if was on topic, used the right numbers or was in anyway connected to anything I said.

It is the same The difference in 100,000 cases of vaccinated vs unvaccinated is 1.6 persons. For more perspective in Scotland's estimated 4.5 population under 60, only 43 more unvaccinated persons will be having having a serious case of COVID over the 21.5 out of 4.5 million serious cases among the vaccinated.

Scottish numbers: 21 August 2021
3,464 new cases of COVID-19 reported out of a 5,463,300 population
33,710 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results out of a 5,463,300 population
10.9% of these were positive
3 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive out of a 5,463,300 population
32 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 out of a 5,463,300 population
320 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 out of a 5,463,300 population

Looks like my calculations bear out how minuscule the serious COVID risk is in Scotland's 5,463,300 population especially those under 60.

For the record, the US has approximately 21,607 serious cases of COVID currently

You are trying to use post vaccination programme numbers to show that covid isnt that serious so therefore we don't need vaciines.

Do you not see the issue with that?

No, I am not anti-vaccine I am anti rushed vaccine that isn't effective for 6 months leading to never-ending booster shots for COVID that is serious for less than 4 out of 100,000 in my age group here in the states.

If the effectiveness goes up drastically along with the lethality then Ill consider it. Right now I do stuff weekly if not daily that is well more lethal than 3.2 persons out of 100,000.

It's a personal choice I'm glad it works for you and makes you feel safe and secure.

Where is putnam6 the most likely gonna die?

Working his ass off to get his family's business that supported 5 families for 30 years back in the black. We have had encouraging signs but the last 18 months have been brutal we need 4 months good months to get us 2022.

Your choice to take the vaccine or not.

Doesn't change a damn thing about my original point that the numbers show people ard better of vaccinated.

LOL don't get so emotional we are just discussing this stuff I don't mean you any ill will or anything.

Micro-fractionally people are slightly better to be vaccinated hope that makes ya feel better, well for about 6 months then they will need to get booster shot after booster shot or they will start to get all anxious and nervous about being unprotected in this dangerous pandemic world.


Don't forget your mask either...

You want to believe that, then knock yourself out

The evidence shows you are wrong but since when has that mattered on this site.
edit on 22-8-2021 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot

The good news is that among Israel's serious infections on Thursday of this week, according to Health Ministry data, the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

Yet more confirmation you are far better off vacinated.

and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.

under 60 it's 3.2 serious cases per 100,000 those are some tall odds and the difference between them is a minuscule 1.6 people per 100,000. It's like going to a stadium and have them pick you for the prize that evening. Sure it could happen but it isn't damn likely at all. It's about as likely as you going to a dance party and dying, which is 1 in 100,000. Sure you can say catching a serious case of COVID while under 60 is 3 TIMES as likely but it is still a teenie tiny itty bitty 3.2.

I believe you are comparing current severe cases per 100,000 people with likely hood from a one off event.
Apple and oranges.

Regardless it still shows you better off being vaccinated.

One is 1.6 persons vaccinated for COVID 100,000 getting a serious case and one is 3.2 unvaccinated persons under 60 getting a serious COVID case.

There aren't any apples to oranges to it I pointed out the 1 in 100,000 for dying at a dance party to illustrate the complete insignificance of the 1 in 100,000 it doesn't stop people from going to dance parties, nor do we take special precautions from the dangers of a dance party, we accept the "risk" and live our "F" ing lives.

Never said we don't accept risk in our lives. We also mitigate risk and on that basis you are better of being vaccinated.

LOL if you "mitigate every risk where the odds are 1 in 100,000 or less your paranoid and nervous ass is gonna be mitigating your whole life away.

Based on deaths per mile driven statistics I would need to go for my shot over 41,000 times to be at the same risk of dying as if I contracted covid.

1/100000th better off being vaccinated

Fixed for you....

No was fine the first time.

So you don't think there are degrees of better off?, 99,999/100000th is the same as 1/100000th?

Here's a pic now find me the 1.6 dots I changed. To find the 1.6 dots you might need to zoom in a bit

Do you need a bit more straw to complete that argument?

I have only begun to complete my argument and it took only a microscopic 1.6 pieces of straw out of 100,000 to complete said argument. Which you think no that's not the right word you believe it is enough to build a strawman...

You can take as much time as you want with your argument but it would nice if was on topic, used the right numbers or was in anyway connected to anything I said.

It is the same The difference in 100,000 cases of vaccinated vs unvaccinated is 1.6 persons. For more perspective in Scotland's estimated 4.5 population under 60, only 43 more unvaccinated persons will be having having a serious case of COVID over the 21.5 out of 4.5 million serious cases among the vaccinated.

Scottish numbers: 21 August 2021
3,464 new cases of COVID-19 reported out of a 5,463,300 population
33,710 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results out of a 5,463,300 population
10.9% of these were positive
3 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive out of a 5,463,300 population
32 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 out of a 5,463,300 population
320 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 out of a 5,463,300 population

Looks like my calculations bear out how minuscule the serious COVID risk is in Scotland's 5,463,300 population especially those under 60.

For the record, the US has approximately 21,607 serious cases of COVID currently

You are trying to use post vaccination programme numbers to show that covid isnt that serious so therefore we don't need vaciines.

Do you not see the issue with that?

No, I am not anti-vaccine I am anti rushed vaccine that isn't effective for 6 months leading to never-ending booster shots for COVID that is serious for less than 4 out of 100,000 in my age group here in the states.

If the effectiveness goes up drastically along with the lethality then Ill consider it. Right now I do stuff weekly if not daily that is well more lethal than 3.2 persons out of 100,000.

It's a personal choice I'm glad it works for you and makes you feel safe and secure.

Where is putnam6 the most likely gonna die?

Working his ass off to get his family's business that supported 5 families for 30 years back in the black. We have had encouraging signs but the last 18 months have been brutal we need 4 months good months to get us 2022.

Your choice to take the vaccine or not.

Doesn't change a damn thing about my original point that the numbers show people ard better of vaccinated.

LOL don't get so emotional we are just discussing this stuff I don't mean you any ill will or anything.

Micro-fractionally people are slightly better to be vaccinated hope that makes ya feel better, well for about 6 months then they will need to get booster shot after booster shot or they will start to get all anxious and nervous about being unprotected in this dangerous pandemic world.


Don't forget your mask either...

You want to believe that, then knock yourself out

The evidence shows you are wrong but since when has that mattered on this site.

Your argument is basically like a 400 lb person going I lost weight I'm doing great when all they have lost is 1lb. Yes technically you are right but statistically, you aren't even slightly better off. But hey if it makes the skeptic in you feel safe and secure who am I to argue.
edit on 22-8-2021 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: HawkEyi
Here comes the excuses by the News Media along their push and reasoning for Booster shots. As the mRNA Pfizer vax is about to FDA approved next week its efficiency had waned in Israel the cases of Covid had surged the cases for booster shots had now started.

The excuses for the booster shots.

Highly Vaccinated Israel Is Seeing A Dramatic Surge In New COVID Cases. Here's Why

According to NPR they did point article showing how covid vaccination and going fully 100% vaccination is the only answer and way to stop and prevent covid.

100% vaccination rate is a long time thing that Bill Gates had being suggesting a ye
ar now herd immunity was never their goal. Lets take a look at the article.

The first thing the article points out is that over time the efficiency and vaccine immunity dips over time.
1. Immunity from the vaccine dips over time.

But Israel paid a price for the early rollout. Health officials, and then Pfizer, said their data showed a dip in the vaccine's protection around six months after receiving the second shot.

It took just six months between the third month for the efficacy of the pfizer mRNA vax to dip. Yet many other Western countries polticans are pushing the two mRNA vaxs heavily even as far making vax passports.

Dispute the news out of Israel.

4. Israel's high vaccination rate isn't high enough.
The excuses from MSM keep coming in how the vaccination rate isn't high enough. Dispute how you can still catch covid either way and be sick either from the covid or the side effects which this article isnt mentioning.

the article and MSM still blames the un vaxed for the covid spread dispute the majority of the cases are from vaxed.

Unvaccinated people helped fuel the rapid spread of the virus while the country remained open for business in recent months with few serious restrictions.

Here is the key take away point from the article at the bottom. As the excuses for Pfizer mRNA vax keep being brought up by MSM.

Looming question: Will we need COVID-19 vaccines every several months? We don't know.

The U.S. Surgeon General is on TV News Shows today telling everyone what they must do to end the Pandemic safely, even though he has (thus far) allowed 10 members of his own family to do die from Covid-19, while treatments were available.

Dr. Vivek Murthy - All must be vaccinated and boostered!:

If Dr. Murthy Advises doing it...Strongly Consider doing the opposite.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: putnam6

My argument isn't remotely like that but if believing it is makes you feel better then who am I to argue.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot
a reply to: putnam6

My argument isn't remotely like that but if believing it is makes you feel better then who am I to argue.

Don't feel better or worse.

The only way it is different is one is 1/400th of a fraction and the other is 2/100000th. Your argument is over that 2/100000th micro fraction.

What people say to me on the internet affects me about as much as 1.6 out of 100,000 again statistically it's barely a blip.

That said I know you got a name to live up and all and it seems important to you, how about numerically you are 100% on the money

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ScepticScot
a reply to: putnam6

My argument isn't remotely like that but if believing it is makes you feel better then who am I to argue.

Don't feel better or worse.

The only way it is different is one is 1/400th of a fraction and the other is 2/100000th. Your argument is over that 2/100000th micro fraction.

What people say to me on the internet affects me about as much as 1.6 out of 100,000 again statistically it's barely a blip.

That said I know you got a name to live up and all and it seems important to you, how about numerically you are 100% on the money

Unrelated things are the same just because they are fractions?

So 1/400th of abag of sugar is the same as 2/1000 of a Boeing 747.

Interesting view point...
edit on 23-8-2021 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

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