posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to:
'm not dreaming it either as I do often wake up in the middle of the night to chat with my overseas clients so I have online record of me waking up at
a certain time. These things I'm seeing are certainly NOT physical entities. I've always tried catching these strings but my hand goes through like
nothing is there.
Retina burn? I get it from using the smartphone at night, like checking the time. I also get it from brake lights during dusk and dawn mostly, and it
will move with my eyeballs. Sometimes I can even make out what was on the screen and it's over layed until it wears out after a couple of seconds.
About it being hallucination, could be but does not have to. It depends on if you just have the feeling something is there, or if your mind really
tricks you into seeing it. Does the perception of sound of any kind disturb what you see? I ask because when I started discovering Synesthesia, after
understanding that it's the senses, I started to see overlays of patterns between things. That was strange because before I would only see this with
closed eyes while hearing music. This was around this time two years ago. Golden strings that reveal for example distance relationships between knobs
on a stereo system. I didn't see them so it happened a level deeper than visual hallucination happens.
I got it checked as I had the opportunity. They did an EEG with sensory tests, I tried to get them to put me into a sensory depriviation tank and
maybe measure it while I am in there. Okay I really just wanted to try out the deprivation tank but they told me it's ancient, has not been on for
years and insurance blablabla.
Okay long story short, what I experienced, the theory goes like this: It was an overload on my hypothalamus. It connects your senses and in my case it
connects almost all of them together naturally. Some imbalance led to overlapping in a different kind of way. That's why I see sound and could taste
pain, sounds crazy right? But it isn't. It's common for 10-15 people out of 100. Just don't know it's not normal until someone stumbles over sentences
like "That band aid ripping off is the same pain like strawberry tastes, is it for you too?" and the other person is like "um... what the hell are you
talking about?"
Maybe similar to your reaction now reading this.
Add: Oh an welcome to ATS of course
edit on 17.8.2021 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)