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The Big Picture - Who We Are, Why We Are Here, and Who Are We Here With

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posted on Aug, 8 2021 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

I Find your Thoughts here on this Thread Highly Compelling . Truth Be Told..........

posted on Aug, 8 2021 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: Klassified

I "know" it?

Did you use that word intentionally, or do it without realising?

Believe what you want, it doesn't change what is

posted on Aug, 8 2021 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: SeventhChapter
a reply to: Compendium

Where are you getting this information from?
You made some good points.
This is the conundrum, where you must learn to control your thoughts and beliefs, as just thinking about these things can bring them into existence. However how would you fit the following concepts into your philosophy:

We are co-creating our own reality. Although we have the ability to create our own reality it has to fit with the reality that others at the same consciousness level are also creating.

The opposite: there is no objective reality, which is an interesting concept.

Quantum physics is just misunderstood sine, relative to spectrum of frequency. We manipulate the overlapping function of two spectrum without considering the super-seating of that function outside the bounds (both internally and externally) of our perceivable spectrum

Example: If we could see and perceive the apparent "emptiness" of space, we would look up and see entrails and flesh in the sky

But, it is outside of our relative perceivable spectrum

It's there, we just cant see it from where we sit, either side of the water/electric chemical/molecular bridge

The water/electric bridge is our centre and anchor. We cant see too far outwards from it, and we can't see into or through it, because we exist in the middle

Understanding "Perspective" is the best advice I can give you to help you move forward on your journey of discovery

We are off-set. But we are stable. Make sense?

We are free to create our own subjective reality, not objective

It's like us all being free to drive wherever we want, but we still need to use the roads. We still need a car. We still need fuel

The off-set is the precipitation of means, which brings about need, and the need for fulfillment of needs. As emotions are to thought, in relation to equilibrium and satisfactory stasis (self)

Self is born of need. Need is born of self

Realisation of self is perspective, which in-turn gives awareness

Emotions are born out of satisfactory or non-satisfactory stasis

The first 2 books of the Bible talk about Equilibrium (El'ohim means Equilibrium) when properly translated, because it iis the first and most important consideration when understanding self, which is the key too understanding anything and everything else, including concepts such as "God"

Genesis is "Nucleus", it talks about principles of centre within spherical systems

Exodus is "Oculus", it talks about the opposing counter and opposite to the nucleus, which can be described as something similar to the lens of your eye. This balance is something so important. As important as the nucleus, but we don't even acknowledge its existence in physics today

In Genesis when they say El'ohim, they are talking about the Equilibrium of a vector system

When Moses leads his people through the red sea, they are talking about the same bridge I was referring to before, which crosses in, through and between nucleus and oculus, like light flowing into and being focused within the eye

Moses is motion. They are talking about the foundation principles of resonance and all physical matter

I have spent over 8 years now re-translating Sumerian, Egyptian, Hebrew, Greek and all other forms of script and alphanumeric systems, and I had to strip them all back to the symbolic numerical level to find where they all meet and make sense, because they were all wrong

They were close in most cases. But wrong

It could be, those translating them didn't seem to understand the concepts in order to make correct translations

Imagine trying to translate writings on physics, when you know nothing about the concepts. That's the Bible, basically

It looks as though they used peoples names in the Bible to cover up words they don't understand to try make things make sense (Example: Philip means "Purpose". They aren't talking about a person named Philip, they are talking about purpose)

The first 3 books relate directly to the meanings behind the symbols "1, 2, 3", which in-turn relate to symbols and principles used in Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Sumerian, and everything else

"Alpha and Omega" and the Chi-Rho literally refer to "Angle and Potential" being the basis for all physics

One of the most prolific Catholic/Judaeo-Christian symbols, is a symbol for the basis of particle physics

I'll let you think about what Jesus dying on the cross and then resurrecting is actually about. But it is something similar to sine-wave function. Once again

My point is, that perspective is the most important consideration

First, the symbol "1" is the nucleus. It is literally shorthand for radius of circle. The point on top, points to centre of the sphere/circle. While the line on the bottom represents the outside of a circle

This is Genesis. The "Un"

Secondly, the symbol"2" is the oculus outside of the circle, comparative to the circles centre. It is curved flow opening out to a line, which represents the outside of a circle/sphere. Similar to golden ratio opening up and reversing

This is Exodus. The "To"

The symbol "3" is everything in between. The phase. The "Cross". A curve outwards, and a curve inwards. Meeting in centre

Vector equilibrium

This is Leviticus. The "Leavening", where in and out find balance to each other. The "The"

1, 2, 3

Un, To, The

The next book of the Bible is? Numbers?

See how they all align?

The Om of Buddhism is a semi-circle and dot on top representing the nucleus or "1". Then a open circle representing the oculus on the right. With a number 3 on the left

It is the exact same as the symbols 1, 2, and 3

And the first books of the Bible

Or, how about the Islam star inside a crescent moon. Same thing. Nucleus and oculus

Or Jewish Star of David. Same thing. Opposing balance, creating a star and that which surrounds it. Though the Jewish star goes a little further to explain element interaction

Christians have a lop-sided cross, with things such as the trinity

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is nucleus, oculus and the phase of all that is in-between

They all align

You can test any of the Biblical allegory, it will work


Because perspective is the most important consideration

We are the experience

You look up at the sun, you are looking at your own consciousness looking inside, at itself, looking outside. Understand?

You look at the moon, you are essentially looking down inside your body from you brain (pineal/planet) at the tip of your own spine

These are the "Secrets of the Universe" the Church doesn't want you to know

But they do understand allot of it, they just keep it from everyone

Lucifer means "Universe". Which is why the Vatican called its telescope Lucifer. Which means they know

So how and who are other people? If you look up at your own consciousness as the sun?

They are just like you. In every way

The system works in phase

Look at the symbol for "The Flower of life"

All of the points on the flower are exactly the same in every way, evenly distributed in every way, except for one thing. The perspective

You are the point of the star on the bottom looking up. Everyone else and their points seem sideways or upside-down to you

But to them, you are the one that seems sideways or upside down
edit on 8 8 21 by Compendium because: Spelling

posted on Aug, 8 2021 @ 11:22 AM

Here are some graphs and charts I made that may/might help you to understand

We sit next to each other looking at the exact same world and the exact same stars above, but we are also all on different planets with our own sun

We exist in phase, as focus

This is part of how individual self and life is created and is able to persist

We are galaxies apart, even though we may touch

You've heard "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"?

Well this is more correct than you probably realise

Imagine that the Earth is a centre point of balance, between the internal and external phase of two other planets

Mars is literally the flesh inside your body. The internal

Venus is literally the atmosphere surrounding your body. The external

Earth is the phase bridge between the two. Where you exist

Mercury is not actually a planet. It is a Solar Moon, or "Solomon"

The Sun with the Solomon "Mercury" orbiting it, is the same as the Earth with the moon orbiting

Mercury, the Moon and Pluto are all the same planet in phase. Nucleus to Oculus

This is the invisible pull/influence that scientists don't understand out past Pluto. The oculus balance, linked to the nucleus of the Sun

The ring around Saturn/Satan? Is the very same as the colour around your eye. It is just a reversed phase version

Its moon are elements. They are organs

The planets and chakras are the same. They are also the same as the spectrum of colour. Not "like", they "are'

Jesus said he was like Solomon. He was actually right

So am I. So are you. So are we all

We are all essentially "Jesus", when you understand the secret

Don't get me wrong, something still must have created us for us to be here (or we wouldn't be here), but that creative essence is not the God most people believe in. At least, not in the way they think it is

"Theos" in the New Testament means "Though". It is the exact same word as Thor, Thoth or Ea

Hope this helps

Any questions, I'm happy to try answer and share what I "know"

edit on 8 8 21 by Compendium because: Added something

posted on Aug, 8 2021 @ 12:56 PM
...the Question

Who We Are,
Why We Are Here, and
Who Are We Here With

we are beings in the milky way galaxy
the variety of life on the planet is a guide as to other off planet lifeforms out there

we are here via panspermia
to become another factor of the universe/galactic consciousness

we are here with fallen angels (spirit entities) along with 'heavenly entities' interacting with us/Nature
we are cursed with the presence of sinister entities, because we invited them, so there is Cosmic Debt to pay now



are other lifeforms in such a predictument ?

my guess is, Yes, at least on One each planet civilization per galaxy
edit on th31162844570208012021 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2021 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: Compendium

What was the name of the Anunnaki language?

posted on Aug, 8 2021 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Annunaki refers to all intelligent beings. So all spoken/written language(s)

If you mean the spoken language that originally correlates/correlated with written Sumerian (cuneiform)?


It did not originate in England, they just claimed it with a different alphabet system

There is a true Phoenician language that was/is spoken by the same root people as well. But what we call English is the root language "Sumerians" used, that survives to this day


Interesting you responded All Seeing Eye, as your name is another representation of the exact thing I was talking about

All (External / Oculus)
Seeing (Internal / Nucleus)
Eye (Bridge / Phase)

We see with the eye
We exist within the eye
We are (the eye)

The pyramid in the symbol is used to represent the Perceiver, between phase of perception

Though I like my version of the symbol better

edit on 8 8 21 by Compendium because: Added something

posted on Aug, 8 2021 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: Compendium

Thank you for the reply.

I have always seen the Pyramid shape as a symbol that represents "the many, at the bottom, that support the few, at the top.
This can be compared to the "Super Man" symbol where the triangle is reversed to say "The One at the bottom, supporting the many at the top.

This philosophy can be seen in many places, many situations. The Elitist's at the top, being supported by the many at the bottom through some type of servitude. Then you have the opposite where you have one individual who donates or provides a service to the many.

Then, the Merkaba, which represents the two concepts combined. Or, as some call it, the "Star Of David".

My personal take on the subject

posted on Aug, 8 2021 @ 05:24 PM
The star of David is division of forces for and against in balance

It's carbon as we call it

One triangle is Nitrogen, the other is Hydrogen

Hydrogen is 1+
Nitrogen is 1- (From 8 or O)

They are two sides of the same coin

It's a symbol of physics

Also, no symbols like the All Seeing Eye ever referred to class. Though, they may have been adopted to be

Such considerations weren't important enough to be passed down in knowledge, because they aren't constants of how are live

People didn't go to all the trouble of drawing something on stone for later generations, that could be different by then

All such symbols are fundamentals about how the physical world works, not society

Egyptian Hieroglyphs are horribly misunderstood

Ankh is said to mean things like "Eternal life" when it meant "Intelligence"

If someone carried the Ankh, they were smart

The symbol I use in my custom title on my profile, of a circle with a dot in the middle is said to mean "Sun" or "Ra" when it means "Mind"

"Tutankhamun" means "Translator". They think he was a Pharaoh

They honestly think the Egyptians worshipped "Gods", which shows just how horribly wrong we have everything and how little we understand

A man with a birds head is "thoughtful", hence "Thoth" which means "Thought"

They didn't think he was a God, it was a scholar

Egyptian researchers don't want to know the truth though, any more than Christians do

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: Compendium

Very interesting work.
It’s going to take me some time to digest and comment back, but in meantime, have you looked into Ashayana Deane’s work? She discusses the “sacred geometry”. Highly technical but well worth it.

Adding this one too. Fast forward to 46 seconds in.

edit on 9-8-2021 by SeventhChapter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

Fair synopsis. PM heading your way.

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 09:03 PM
She's confusing allot of things that are very simple

The Anu Vs Draco thing she is talking about it is just layers of the brain. Evolved vs Primitive

She also describes it backwards with primitive thinking being evolved and evolved being primitive

You can tell she doesn't quite know what she is talking about allot of the time, because she nervously laughs and quickly rushes over details, like "isn't that silly", which means she's not sure on what she is saying, or she doesn't know if it's true

As a general rule, anyone who will pretend to know what they are saying when they don't, can't and shouldn't be trusted on anything. At all. Ever

She'd be far now credible if she admitted she wasn't sure about certain things, instead of very obviously fumbling over them

I quickly looked at the "Merkabah" she talks about, in the Biblical sense, and I think it refers to microbiology

They aren't vehicles for the body, they are things such as viruses, pathogens, etc

That's just from 5 minutes of quick translation. I've never cared to look into it before, because it didn't seem important

The parts about phase-conjunction vortices was interesting to me, because it is very close to what I understand to be right, except they aren't physical gateways you can pass through. At least not in your waking body from this realm

Also time travel doesn't work in the way she eludes to

You can't travel into the past in your physical body. It's not possible. If you could, this world wouldn't exist

You can view it, in a type of astral projection, that's about it

You can connect to a persons body and ride them and their consciousness like a passenger, so you are able to see, hear, touch, taste, smell and even feel their emotions and thoughts. But the second you try altering anything or controlling them, the sync will drop. You can only view and experience it

There are realms where you can control that person physically (if it's amenable to them and something they would do), but it doesn't affect abject reality. It can however influence future sync in relation to someones behavior

For example: Someone is afraid to ride s rollercoaster and refused to ride one on the past. You view them in the past and change it so that the person did ride the rollercoaster and had the time of their life. So that in the future when you ask them (important personalisation), they agree to ride a rollercoaster with you

But ... It needs be amenable, as I said. Meaning, the person must have some sort of regret for not doing it and deep-seeded desire to try it. Otherwise, you will only end up seeding a natural aversion to your influence. Meaning they may end up not even liking you

You can influence your past through things you do in the future, but it is not something you can consciously control and influence. It's just part of how time works in cycles

You could have an accident as an adult and knock out your 3 top right teeth

And this could be the direct cause of accidents you had at different times during childhood

Coming off a scooter and scraping the right, same side of your face, as the teeth

Which connects to another incident where you scraped the same side of your face

Which connects to a incident you had as a child where you split your right cheek open on a rusty nail

They are all connected as a recurring cycle of time

The accident you have as a adult, echoes back across time, to the accidents you had as a child

It precipitates in reverse, across the perceivable forward cycles of time

Here is where it gets interesting. Because the cycles work both ways

You split you cheek open as a child and had the accident as a adult because it echoes something like the trauma from circumcision as a baby

I'm not kidding

And, that circumcision may well be the reason you had the accident and lost your teeth as an adult

The cycles go much deeper than this though

The Dad worked with dangerous and toxic chemicals without protective equipment and developed cancer in later life

You in-turn develop a taste for smoking and chemical drugs

Is he responsible for your smoking and drugs with his work conditions?

Or are you responsible for his with work conditions with your drug abuse?

It works both ways

This is how time works. Short cycles, over longer cycles

It's impossible though to ever physically travel through as anything more than the conscious mind

For anybody. For any race or species

If you could, this world world cease to exist

From what I know, you may/might also be able to manifest a physical body through "time" that didn't actually exist

But the body and interaction were/would have, always been there, waiting for you to manifest it

I've had experiences where I physically manifested in places I shouldn't have been able to be, to directly talk to people

In one case, I manifested in a private function to sit down next to Prince William and speak to him

I literally had a conversion with him, where I warned him about what I saw to be his families future

He immediately went to speak to someone ask who I was, and see about having me removed because I was making him uncomfortable

But as I was manifested, I disappeared. Literally. He turned around and I was gone. Impossibly so

So impossibly, in such a big room, that it terrified him and caused quite a security stir, with them trying to find me and looking at security footage

This really happened

Now, whether Prince William experienced, is another matter

It may have happened to him in the past, before I projected and manifested

It may have happened to him in real time, as I was doing it

It may have not happened yet. It may still be something he experiences in the future

Or, it may never happen to him

But, it doesn't matter which of these is the case

Whether it happens, or never happens, the message would have been received

This is the beauty of how effigian as pre-effigian sync work

This is the beauty of how time works in both directions

He received the warning and will live and act accordingly to it, if he is so amenable

Whether he realises it or not ...

The message is/was/will be, received
edit on 9 8 21 by Compendium because: Edit

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: Compendium
She's confusing allot of things that are very simple

The Anu Vs Draco thing she is talking about it is just layers of the brain. Evolved vs Primitive

She also describes it backwards with primitive thinking being evolved and evolved being primitive

You can tell she doesn't quite know what she is talking about allot of the time, because she nervously laughs and quickly rushes over details, like "isn't that silly", which means she's not sure on what she is saying, or she doesn't know if it's true

As a general rule, anyone who will pretend to know what they are saying when they don't, can't and shouldn't be trusted on anything. At all. Ever

She'd be far now credible if she admitted she wasn't sure about certain things, instead of very obviously fumbling over them

I quickly looked at the "Merkabah" she talks about, in the Biblical sense, and I think it refers to microbiology

They aren't vehicles for the body, they are things such as viruses, pathogens, etc

That's just from 5 minutes of quick translation. I've never cared to look into it before, because it didn't seem important

The parts about phase-conjunction vortices was interesting to me, because it is very close to what I understand to be right, except they aren't physical gateways you can pass through. At least not in your waking body from this realm

Do me a favor and translate this

P.S I think its high time for Masons to start talking about Politics and Religions in their lodge meetings. But then again, you cant talk about what rules you....
edit on PMMondayMonday thAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago1889 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2021 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Can you get a clearer version? You can't make out the poses

The heading is "Offense and Defense"

The crocodile is a symbol of security. You leave it alone, it leaves you alone. It is often depicted as defender

A crocodiles head on a dogs body is to "guard" something

It sits loyally like a dog, but if you mess with it, it will bite like a crocodile

Snake is danger or threat. Something not to be left alone, but avoided

So, imminent danger opposing possible danger

Offense Vs Defense

Without a higher quality image to go into the hieroglyphs, I would say that this it likely talks about what we would today call "Rules of engagement"

What constitutes aggressor, or defender
edit on 9 8 21 by Compendium because: correction

posted on Aug, 10 2021 @ 12:09 PM
Actually, I think the image is very, very clear.

posted on Aug, 10 2021 @ 01:45 PM
Not when I downloaded it, you can't make out the hieroglyph poses, they are blurry

posted on Aug, 10 2021 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Compendium

That seems to be an artists representation of Egyptian hieroglyphics.

If you zoom in on the lower right corner you can make out where it says "Image by" and the name is illegible, also, an image search shows nothing before 2000.

posted on Aug, 10 2021 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Compendium

That seems to be an artists representation of Egyptian hieroglyphics.

If you zoom in on the lower right corner you can make out where it says "Image by" and the name is illegible, also, an image search shows nothing before 2000.

Yes, that is very true. Anyone who would take the time and study it, would, see it. It is not an original and the authors interpretation of our current situation. And it painfully depicts our reality, outside the fake "Matrix of Lies" we are forced to live in. It reflex's the hidden elements of our world, and its controlling system. I have to admit, the creator of this image is 10 levels higher than me. It is coded for only a certain type of mind to see. Others will just scratch their heads lol

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

You seem to be completely oblivious to the bigger picture:

Real science, knowledge of realities compared to unverified philosophies and stories (playlist)

Or some of the things this guy points out regarding his fruitless quest for the most important truths* among conspiracy theories and theorists (in what he refers to as "the so-called truth movement"):

Don't miss these videos in the earlier playlist:

And the 4 subsequent videos starting with:

The Pagan Religious Roots of Evolutionary Philosophies and Philosophical Naturalism (part 1 of 2)

And the 7 videos starting with:

The End of False Religion Is near!

In particular the first, and the ones entitled "the bible-accurate history reliable prophecy" (3 parts). And the last one:

*: Earlier in this comment I used the expression "the most important truths", that was a reference to truthful/factual answers to the sort of questions in your thread title but it also includes a reference to this song:

edit on 11-8-2021 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2021 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: whereislogic
So basically, the bible resonates with christians so they think that is the bigger picture.

Don't need to see any videos to figure that out.

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