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I can blow a massive holes in the "must wear masks" montra

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+14 more 
posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 02:44 AM
all the "must wear masks to stop/prevent/protect from" covid is at best a hope with these facts.....

1. most of the masks being sold to INCLUDE the N95 and KN95 are NOT MEDICALLY CERTIFIED..
look at any description they state this DIRECTLY or say they are to protect from "dust" and other particulates... NOT VIRUSES..

so to claim they will MEDICALLY PROTECT YOU is not backed up by PROOF...

2. those masks like surgical masks that are MEDICALLY CERTIFIED have a very SPECIFIC PROTOCOL for use

from how to put it on, how long you can wear it, what you do (ex spit, sneeze) will compromise the protection (and how much) with the biggest one ......
they are ONE TIME USE...

so if your not putting it on, wearing it, and replacing it by the MEDICAL PROTOCOLS... your not being protected as justified by medical protocol..

now am i saying in SPECIFIC SITUATIONS with SPECIFIC MASKS they cant help protect.. No
but as general (ex) going to your local wal mart wearing your cute "bling bling" cloth mask or putting on your surgical mask for the 5 time with it sitting in your car between uses as being MEDICALLY certified protection? NO

now at this point i suspect someone will pull out some "study" and/or claim "the experts" say its so so it must be true...

Correlation is not causation" means that just because two things correlate does not necessarily mean that one causes the other. ... Correlations between two things can be caused by a third factor that affects both of them. This sneaky, hidden third wheel is called a confounder.

the simpsons had a great example of this (i hope i posted it right to see)

I could also point out that in japan they wear masks well before covid and still got its cousin the influenza flu virus every year but thats baiting the dragon...

so unless its a SPECIFIC USE, specific mask and worn a specific way the whole "masks saves lives and will stop the spread (or limit it) " is unproven science...


+29 more 
posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 02:50 AM
The mask is a feel good "hey look I am doing my part " when in actuality it is as useful as a screen door on a submarine as far as keeping a virus out.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 02:54 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky
The mask is a feel good "hey look I am doing my part " when in actuality it is as useful as a screen door on a submarine as far as keeping a virus out.


with if i may state the practical harm a "screen door on a submarine" causes thus mask mandate and other covid mandates cause.

i could point out the studies of breathing and infection by biological agents constant masks cause
but that is just piling on to someone that wants to USE FACTS OVER EMOTION


posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 02:54 AM
The people in charge of much of society are not happy with how "feisty" and "rebellious" Americans are.

The masks reduce the energy level and alertness of those who wear them enough.

Vaccinated or Not-Vaccinated, pressure to wear masks stays on the forefront for that dumb us down.

The CCP controllers of Joe Biden have underestimated American's zest for freedom and self-autonomy.

The Japanese and Germans made the same mistake in the early 1940's.

This "long ball" approach for taking over America will not work either.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 02:54 AM
The new mask being sold here in Japan, made in China now says " these mask DO NOT stop the spread of Corona Virus 19.
Maybe a law was just past regarding that. Either way, America and around the world should demand that the Chinese mask being sold must have a print on its package with the above statement.

It is too dang hot now to be wearing a useless mask. Normally here mask are worn during the pollen season. Other then that, mask were " sometime" worn by the medical staff in the hospitals. Of course, during surgery mask were always present and eye wear.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: scrounger

The "mask" isn't for medical/health reasons. It's an occult ritual. They're stripping away the old you and giving you a new personality.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 03:20 AM

Seems like they work.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: scrounger

the simpsons had a great example of this (i hope i posted it right to see)

I thought the mask was supposedly to help reduce the spread of it, not to keep you from getting it.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 03:23 AM
a reply to: scrounger

I do wear a mask when shopping or just going to the chemist, after shopping i throw it away but after visiting a pharmacy for a couple of minutes, i keep that one for next time, especially as the pharmacy I use has very small amount of people in and out. Even during this pandemic, only seen 3 other people in there at once, usually it's 2 people or none.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 03:27 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

Seems like they work.

I wonder what would happen if in Tokyo, one would no longer have to wear mask in the subways. That would prove a point in less then 3 days. On the trains out here in the countryside, people wear mask, but a large percent leave their nose uncovered.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 03:29 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
The new mask being sold here in Japan, made in China now says " these mask DO NOT stop the spread of Corona Virus 19.

I think most of them here say that too, but you've gotta look around the package to find it.

I've got 1 cloth mask that I wore 3 times at the beginning of the year just to go into a store. (to be clear: That's the ONLY one I've used)
Never washed it. Seems to have worked magically.... I'm still alive.

edit on 8/2/21 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 03:38 AM

originally posted by: BrokenCircles

originally posted by: musicismagic
The new mask being sold here in Japan, made in China now says " these mask DO NOT stop the spread of Corona Virus 19.

I think most of them here say that too, but you've gotta look around the package to find it.

I've got 1 cloth mask that I wore 3 times at the beginning of the year just to go into a store. (to be clear: That's the ONLY one I've used)
Never washed it. Seems to have worked magically.... I'm still alive.

The bandana mask that I posted how to make them, they are most comfortable to were. Cotton is the best cloth I understand.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 04:08 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

Seems like they work.

the study has one glaring hole in it that in practical terms negates it

as i stated in my OP most masks are NOT MEDICIALLY CERTIFIED to stop viral transmissions..

so how do you not have proof they work from the makers but a "study" states the opposite?

if they did the makers would be making money hand over fist with plenty of legal protection from lawsuits..

the "medical masks" have strict protocols of putting on, wearing, when to replace and one use to JUSTIFY their medical certifications.. if protocols not followed.. no protection..

im sorry but your study and claim reminds me of bumblebees...

up until last o 10 years and requiring new aerodynamics of split wings found in more detailed scans (imo ass covering but thats another issue for another time) the experts claimed

using all aeronautical facts/knowledge (like wing size, weight to thrust ratio, ect) a mechanism made EXACTLY LIKE a bumblebee cannot fly

all the while the bumblebee is flying around just fine..

im sorry but the masks are not certified and the "experts" in the study wont put their necks out to do so..

so the study is a wonderful piece of fiction


posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 04:12 AM

originally posted by: BrokenCircles

originally posted by: musicismagic
The new mask being sold here in Japan, made in China now says " these mask DO NOT stop the spread of Corona Virus 19.

I think most of them here say that too, but you've gotta look around the package to find it.

I've got 1 cloth mask that I wore 3 times at the beginning of the year just to go into a store. (to be clear: That's the ONLY one I've used)
Never washed it. Seems to have worked magically.... I'm still alive.

i guess the new masks in japan presume people cant make the LOGICAL/COMMON DAMN SENSE connection that "not medically certified" means wont protect MEDICALLY you from covid virus...

Maybe they just had to make it IDIOT proof...

sadly mandated mask wearing supporters cant be convinced no matter what


posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 04:14 AM

originally posted by: BrokenCircles
a reply to: scrounger

the simpsons had a great example of this (i hope i posted it right to see)

I thought the mask was supposedly to help reduce the spread of it, not to keep you from getting it.

first thank you for posting it easier to see....

that was one of the "claims" they made
along with "we dont need to but the medical professionals do"
"that it will stop the spread"
"if we are vaccinated they are not needed"
there are a few more i know i missed and what order blends given the "lather rinse repeat" they are doing"

either way they WONT (nor cant) say masks will definitely protect you..
they know if legally had to stand by it they loose big time


posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 04:19 AM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
a reply to: scrounger

I do wear a mask when shopping or just going to the chemist, after shopping i throw it away but after visiting a pharmacy for a couple of minutes, i keep that one for next time, especially as the pharmacy I use has very small amount of people in and out. Even during this pandemic, only seen 3 other people in there at once, usually it's 2 people or none.

if you want to , thats great
if your following EXACT protocol on mask use... your way better than most anyone else

no where did i ever or will ever say if you want to wear one you should not..
to each their own
never did i say in specific cases (ex visiting a sick relative, medically compromised person, ect) its a bad or not somewhat effective thing...

what i am saying is that almost all of the masks are against viruses MEDICALLY NOT RATED AS SUCH.
there is NO PROOF they work and thats from the makers.

that most (unlike you) dont follow protocols so their masks are compromised/not effective

that Sweden has shown that most mandates DONT CHANGE A THING...

there are many cases masks DO HARM

in short MASKS dont work to slow, stop or alter covid in any general public way ..

truth over emotion

aka deny ignorance

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 05:16 AM

originally posted by: scrounger

originally posted by: ScepticScot

Seems like they work.

the study has one glaring hole in it that in practical terms negates it

as i stated in my OP most masks are NOT MEDICIALLY CERTIFIED to stop viral transmissions..

so how do you not have proof they work from the makers but a "study" states the opposite?

if they did the makers would be making money hand over fist with plenty of legal protection from lawsuits..

the "medical masks" have strict protocols of putting on, wearing, when to replace and one use to JUSTIFY their medical certifications.. if protocols not followed.. no protection..

im sorry but your study and claim reminds me of bumblebees...

up until last o 10 years and requiring new aerodynamics of split wings found in more detailed scans (imo ass covering but thats another issue for another time) the experts claimed

using all aeronautical facts/knowledge (like wing size, weight to thrust ratio, ect) a mechanism made EXACTLY LIKE a bumblebee cannot fly

all the while the bumblebee is flying around just fine..

im sorry but the masks are not certified and the "experts" in the study wont put their necks out to do so..

so the study is a wonderful piece of fiction


It does not negate the studies at all. Not medically certified means exactly what it says it doesn't mean it cant or it won't work. iIt sinply means it isn't certified.

edit on 2-8-2021 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: scrounger

N95 that protect from dust would likely work well, as the virus can travel on dust particles. But if there's no certification who knows if it even works.

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 05:30 AM
There's hundreds of papers and meta-analysis from pre and post pandemic that prove mask use significantly reduces the spread of viruses and even unfitted, home made masks capture around 90 - 95% of saliva, phlegm etc caused by coughing, sneezing and breathing which reduces coronavirus spread by 20%.

They don't protect protect the wearer, they don't stop spread but it's an indisputable fact from basic maths, physics and decades of research that they significantly reduce spread.

If one person has covid and wears a mask, correct hygene and social distancing they will infect four people in a week.
If one person has covid, doesn't wear a mask, distance or practice good hygene they will infect 1094 people in a week.

That was prior to introduction of vaccines so rates will eb much lower now.

Masks are less effective than distancing and proper hygene but the claims they do nothing are complete nonsense.
edit on 2-8-2021 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2021 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: ScepticScot

Funny your source referenced this?

Aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt, where living quarters and working environments leave little room for social distancing, a study found there was a 70% reduced risk of infection among those who used a face covering.

Or was it herd immunity, and actually removing infected people from the ship?

What type of masks were used? And were they better trained and disciplined. Ships have better control of there ventilation systems, and at keeping people in specific area ms that can be blocked off by water tight doors used for compartmentalization to combat flooding and causalities.

COVID-19 spread freely aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt, report shows

In the case series, the US Army Public Health COVID-19 Task Force analyzed data from 736 of 4,800 USS Theodore Roosevelt sailors diagnosed as having COVID-19 and placed in isolation at Naval Base Guam from Mar 31 to Apr 15. Sailors who tested negative for coronavirus and those without symptoms were quarantined in single hotel rooms, and those who developed symptoms were moved to isolation.

The outbreak, which peaked on Mar 30 with 30 new cases and ultimately infected 25% of the crew members, involved 736 of the 4,085 sailors on board (18%) by mid-April. Of all infected sailors, 590 (80.2%) were symptomatic for a median of 7 days. The other 146 sailors remained without symptoms for the entire study period. Six sailors were hospitalized.


Personal protective equipment can only protect you.

It’s not called social protective equipment.

Cheap cloth masks are not made to trap and hold snot and slobber for hours on end such as being forced to wear them at work.

Cheap procedural masks do not stay in place such as when loading lumber or groceries.

I was thought in the military and industry a mask that doesn’t seal is useless.

Cheap procedure masks don’t seal. They don’t have a hard edge that actually creates a seal like a N-95 mask or a respirator.

Do NOT Use a Mask With a Filtered Valve (It Can Spread COVID-19)

These are known as one-way valves, with the filter functional only in one direction. As you inhale, the incoming air is filtered. As you exhale, the outgoing mixture of carbon dioxide, oxygen, water vapor and, yes, possibly COVID-19 viral particles releases unfiltered. The San Francisco Department of Public Health actually tweeted a warning that these masks “may actually propel your germs further.” It prohibited them in its original public health order requiring masks or other face covering during the pandemic.

Wearing a mask that doesn’t seal is as effective as wearing a mask with an exit valve.

Most cheap stringy procedure masks are about 40 percent effective.

Would you use a condom for birth control that was only 40 percent effective.

It would capture about 40 percent of the sperm. But can you really say it would have a measurable decline in pregnancies?

edit on 2-8-2021 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

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