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Nanjing: New Covid virus outbreak worst since Wuhan, say Chinese State Media

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posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 12:53 PM
Just thought I would share this as many here are in fear of the USA Covid-19 vaccine. Me too and I haven't been jabbed yet but I have to get it as the Delta variant here in USA is bad. At issue is that we have many too many creeps here in USA whom have their hands into way too many cookie jars. IE: Bill Gates & Anthony Fauci. As a result we don't trust them or anything else so the entire thing USA goes to hell as no one knows who is fake and who is real. So for me its the lessor of two evils. This article is from the BBC who picked up the story from another news source in China.

Once again my doctor says to take the Pfizer route so I will discuss having two blood tests before hand so I can make up my mind as many young have complications with their heart. Post vaccine

[1]Blood Clot Test
[2] D-Dimer Test

I also wonder if this article in China is real or an attempt at deflection. I never bought the bat story nor the fish market. So, if anyone has any information on people having compromised immune systems I would appreciate. I have had Mitochondrial disease since birth.

Nanjing: New virus outbreak worst since Wuhan, say Chinese state media

A Covid outbreak first discovered in the Chinese city of Nanjing has spread to five provinces and Beijing, with state media calling it the most extensive contagion after Wuhan. Almost 200 people have been infected since the virus was first detected at the city's busy airport on 20 July. All flights from Nanjing airport will be suspended until 11 August, according to local media. Officials also began city-wide testing amid criticism for their "failure". All 9.3 million of the city's residents - including those visiting - will be tested, said state-controlled Xinhua news.


List of medicines to be used with caution in primary mitochondrial disease

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
Just thought I would share this as many here are in fear of the USA Covid-19 vaccine. Me too and I haven't been jabbed yet but I have to get it as the Delta variant here in USA is bad. At issue is that we have many too many creeps here in USA whom have their hands into way too many cookie jars. IE: Bill Gates & Anthony Fauci. As a result we don't trust them or anything else so the entire thing USA goes to hell as no one knows who is fake and who is real. So for me its the lessor of two evils. This article is from the BBC who picked up the story from another news source in China.

Once again my doctor says to take the Pfizer route so I will discuss having two blood tests before hand so I can make up my mind as many young have complications with their heart. Post vaccine

[1]Blood Clot Test
[2] D-Dimer Test

I also wonder if this article in China is real or an attempt at deflection. I never bought the bat story nor the fish market. So, if anyone has any information on people having compromised immune systems I would appreciate. I have had Mitochondrial disease since birth.

Nanjing: New virus outbreak worst since Wuhan, say Chinese state media

A Covid outbreak first discovered in the Chinese city of Nanjing has spread to five provinces and Beijing, with state media calling it the most extensive contagion after Wuhan. Almost 200 people have been infected since the virus was first detected at the city's busy airport on 20 July. All flights from Nanjing airport will be suspended until 11 August, according to local media. Officials also began city-wide testing amid criticism for their "failure". All 9.3 million of the city's residents - including those visiting - will be tested, said state-controlled Xinhua news.


List of medicines to be used with caution in primary mitochondrial disease

The delta variant isn't bad

Do you mean those scary CASE charts which are from the pcr set to 45ct? that constantly bombard you everyday through every means of communication available to man?

Given the first Wuhan outbreak was super fake with people dropping dead in the streets, how does that bare on this new outbreak for you?

Fool me once?

edit on 1-8-2021 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

C'mon, Man!...You MUST remember all those videos from China of citizens dropping dead in the streets from the China Virus.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 01:17 PM
and there is this related nugget...

Across Asia, Chinese vaccines have played a crucial role in immunising people against Covid-19, with millions receiving either a Sinovac or Sinopharm jab.

But in recent weeks, concerns have grown about their efficacy. Now, some Asian countries which made Chinese vaccines a key plank in their immunization programs have announced they will use other jabs.

The move has raised questions, not only about whether China's vaccines can be trusted but also about its attempts at vaccine diplomacy in Asia.

The fact that there are still numerous breakthrough infections in fully vaccinated people could be due to several factors, says epidemiologist Professor Benjamin Cowling, of Hong Kong University.

One is that the Chinese vaccines, like many other vaccines, may wane in efficacy over time. A Thai study released this week found that antibodies in those fully vaccinated with Sinovac decline by half every 40 days.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

I give more credence to what Chinese citizens post on social media. The many videos of Wuhan citizens celebrating the arrival of 2021, for instance. Thousands of revelers in the streets...not a one wearing a mask. Just 1 year after the supposedly highly-lethal Covid-19 wiped out hundreds of thousands there.

Here in America, people are still running around outside wearing face diapers.

Maybe Chinese citizens are more intuitive than Americans, overall?

edit on 8/1/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
a reply to: Waterglass

C'mon, Man!...You MUST remember all those videos from China of citizens dropping dead in the streets from the China Virus.

Like the same kids and adults on video from Syria, dying 2 or 3 times during Trump's presidency.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

I remember one with some kind of a backyard full of people having convulsions.
No surprise after teams of actors faking bombings and chlorine attacks in Syria in Hollywood style years ago. We may not buy it but millions upon millions of sheep do and they calculate with it

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 01:30 PM
Where I live, the news tell us; "Today, 14 persons died of covid, with eleven of them in the last 6 days..."

So everybody gets afraid and think 14 deaths on average per days while in reality, it is more akin to 2-3 per day.

And they change the number once in a while so you don't quite see the pattern.

Don't cave to the pressure nor the fear. They are counting on it.

A lie told repeatedly doesn't make it a truth.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: Waterglass
200 cases in a city of over 9 million,big whoop.
Don't start falling for it now.
Fool me once,shame on you.
Fool me twice,shame on me.
(old Chinese proverb)

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Waterglass
Here in America, people are still running around outside wearing face diapers.

Where are you? 99% of people here in Georgia are mask free, no stores have required them for months now, and of the people I've talked to, 99% are basically saying they'll never go back to masks and lockdowns again.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 02:02 PM
Chinese state run media = lies

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Waterglass
Here in America, people are still running around outside wearing face diapers.

Where are you? 99% of people here in Georgia are mask free, no stores have required them for months now, and of the people I've talked to, 99% are basically saying they'll never go back to masks and lockdowns again.

No #, I'm in Michigan (GR metro) and guess what the hell happen d up here when the CDC said "Mask up again!"
Wear rates that already were haphazardly adhered to, town/business depending, nosedived further. In our quick run to a relatively busy area Meijer a while ago, we noted all of 4 people with masks.
Four masked people in sea of unmasked.

People are done, fin, fed the # up, over this #.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 02:18 PM
Slightly off topic... But I have many friends and colleagues in China.

Their requirement for a vaccine was less than most western countries because their lockdowns were INCREDIBLY strict.

Each apartment block in every city was given a prefect if it didn't already have one. That prefect or those prefects ensured NOBODY left their apartment for over a month. If they did, they were allowed to leave for say 5 minutes, twice per day. You probably recall the photos of dead streets.

This wasn't propaganda, it was exactly how communist dictatorship controlled the spread of a nasty flu like virus that threatened their economy and financial goals.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Waterglass

I give more credence to what Chinese citizens post on social media. The many videos of Wuhan citizens celebrating the arrival of 2021, for instance. Thousands of revelers in the streets...not a one wearing a mask. Just 1 year after the supposedly highly-lethal Covid-19 wiped out hundreds of thousands there.

Here in America, people are still running around outside wearing face diapers.

Maybe Chinese citizens are more intuitive than Americans, overall?


watch what they do, not what they say

And when youre watching what they do, understand the PLA/CCP are VERY capable in pulling of mass propaganda campaigns including deepfakes and media manipulation

Basically, the only good commie... is a

edit on 1-8-2021 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Waterglass

I give more credence to what Chinese citizens post on social media. The many videos of Wuhan citizens celebrating the arrival of 2021, for instance. Thousands of revelers in the streets...not a one wearing a mask. Just 1 year after the supposedly highly-lethal Covid-19 wiped out hundreds of thousands there.

Here in America, people are still running around outside wearing face diapers.

Maybe Chinese citizens are more intuitive than Americans, overall?

If you go to China you will see that 99% of their population are wearing masks.

Right or wrong, that is a fact...

I cannot how you proof, so make of it what you will. But the fact is most Chinese nationals inside China (and outside to be honest) are wearing masks.

I don't wear a mask btw.

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: and14263
Slightly off topic... But I have many friends and colleagues in China.

Their requirement for a vaccine was less than most western countries because their lockdowns were INCREDIBLY strict.

Each apartment block in every city was given a prefect if it didn't already have one. That prefect or those prefects ensured NOBODY left their apartment for over a month. If they did, they were allowed to leave for say 5 minutes, twice per day. You probably recall the photos of dead streets.

This wasn't propaganda, it was exactly how communist dictatorship controlled the spread of a nasty flu like virus that threatened their economy and financial goals.

This isn't logical though

i invite you along to openly think about it and the science of viruses

so lets assume china lock-down so hard it didnt spread through a highly dense population of 1.4 million

one thing viruses love is dense huge populations to spread through

but lets pretend locking people in homes worked, i doubt it but well pretend

the rest of the world gets it as ccp banned flights out of Wuhan to china but they allowed flights out of Wuhan to thew rest of the world

they allowed it to spread FACT
they didnt aloow it to spread across china - BUNK
They faked its virulence - FACT

so what they did was essentially wrong foot the entire world, they lied none stop, they still lie, well that is enough for a knee jerk reaction from those who were completely blindsided, and enough should you get them to lock-down to significantly impact the economy, and what the CCP is currently all about is leapfrogging the USA AND THEN buiulding the military deterrence which they've significantly expanded in sync with the virus, its clearly strategic

but lets quickly go back

youve said and ive heard other say it, no china locked down the best... thats literally ccp state media propaganda

you cant lock down let it spread and AVOID backflow

it will eventually get in or your adversary could literally airdrop it in, going back to the old days of germ warfare, empires and enemies would literally drop or send dead bodies in, unless ccp intends to be an island like north Korea its a no good

so i think its highly likely just the CCP throwing a spanner in the works, to achieve its long term strategic objectiveness sooner

But heres what i think happened afterwards, as soon as western economies locked down MAJOR MISTAKE, the damage was done, the CCP have been stealing all sorts of data for decades, they knew full well a slight wobble economically would do damage, were long long past that, but continued lock-downs will be a war of nutrition, ultimately ill impact the ccp more, why? because if the ccp cannot keep strong supply chains to stop its housing bubble popping before western economies go under, its game over for the ccp

so we'll see

its entirely possible the vaccine is just a vaccine for something NATO believes the PLA have in its arsenal, but its certainly not for a 99.997% survivable CCP banana skin

UNLESS UNLESS, its a delayed time-bomb, in which case the CCP still wont escape it getting in and doing the same damage

If this really was as dangerous as big pharma or ccp are making out, honestly.... the CCP would have nuked wuhan

edit on 1-8-2021 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 08:37 PM

If you go to China you will see that 99% of their population are wearing masks.

And , for the most part , been wearing them since about 2000

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 08:38 PM

edit on 8/1/21 by Gothmog because: Double post , how ?

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah
No #, I'm in Michigan (GR metro) and guess what the hell happen d up here when the CDC said "Mask up again!"
Wear rates that already were haphazardly adhered to, town/business depending, nosedived further. In our quick run to a relatively busy area Meijer a while ago, we noted all of 4 people with masks.
Four masked people in sea of unmasked.

People are done, fin, fed the # up, over this #.

Really glad to hear that about one of the States with a little Hitler (or in this case Hitleress) for a Governor.

Bides well for the rest of the country!

posted on Aug, 1 2021 @ 09:25 PM
So far all we got going around is the summer cold, nothing about hospitals been full, I used to hear everyday all the people in the hospital now nothing nada, I come and go no masks, only in Atlanta where the crappy major told everybody she was mandating mask again, the government told her she was making people confused.

I am sure the flu season is coming and the next killer covid will be upon us.

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