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New Data Leaked from NHS Reveals Misleading COVID Hospitalization Claims

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posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
Soo in other words the new test will find anything as long as is related to virus

There's only 4 virus in the world? You think there is Flu A, B, Covid ... and that's it?

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

He won't be disappointed because I already told him in his thread and he ignored it.

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 01:14 PM
It's his right to outright deny things if he chooses to.

a reply to: OccamsRazor04

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

Marg is a perfect example. If no new tests come out the response would be 'why haven't new tests come out, medical science advances fast, we should have new and better ones' and it's proof of a conspiracy. If a new test comes out then it's 'why do we need a new test, isn't it too convenient they have something more useful now', and it's proof of a conspiracy.

They see only what they wish.

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

I am nobody example you completely misunderstood my post.

Because you wanted to read what you wanted.

Read it again,



How many viruses on Earth?

Stop making assumptions.

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: marg6043

No, I didn't.

originally posted by: marg6043
Soo in other words the new test will find anything as long as is related to virus, how convenient wow, is just amazing what you can find this days with a test designed to find almost "anything" .

You lied about the test, it doesn't find anything. We use a quad assay, it finds 4 different virus.

So why is it surprising or bad they have this quad assay PCR test?

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: flice

Exactly right, we cannot trust government at all.

Because it was a planned event, all the data has been manipulated for the last 18 months, and now they are doing it again. Relying upon a good test being used for the wrong purposes, all this fear-mongering about the Delta variant is just more propaganda.

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
That's interesting from my perspective working on a testing site then.

I'm sure IAMTAT will be most disappointed though.

a reply to: OccamsRazor04

[Since you've just addressed me (indirectly), by name]:

You two never disappoint...I just wish you both weren't so predicable.

It's not that it hasn't been amusing watching the same ol' duet and couples dance over and over thread after thread...but, as you say, your time is limited...much like my own patience and interest is limited regarding how you have chosen to employ said limited time.

BTW: What are the odds of a tag team of two members who systematically work China Virus threads together on a regular basis...

-Who both CLAIM it's their JOB to administer PCR tests (Am I wrong in also assuming there's a personal financial interest in defending and perpetuating worthless PCR tests)...

-Who both act clueless regarding PCR tests being useless @ +28 Cts...

-Who both appear to NOT understand PCR cannot differentiate between China Virus and yearly common influenza?

Asking for an equally uninterested friend.

edit on 27-7-2021 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 03:45 PM
My job is temporary and to he honest it's not really financially beneficial for me, I could earn more doing something else and will do when the whole thing goes away. As to PCR if they changed the type of test then I'd just be assisting with that instead.

This really does come down to you having a bee in your bonnet about the pandemic really, it's not about PCR tests is it. Your repeated use of a single thing you've latched onto without any real understanding of what's going on is transparent and will soon disappear once the next half truth comes along you think can convince us all that covid and its impact on society is some grand plot to enslave us all.

I asked before about how you seem convinced that all PCR tests are ran at 38-40 cycles and that's the only reason they test positive, you still think that nothing comes up before that point right?

a reply to: IAMTAT

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
My job is temporary and to he honest it's not really financially beneficial for me, I could earn more doing something else and will do when the whole thing goes away. As to PCR if they changed the type of test then I'd just be assisting with that instead.

This really does come down to you having a bee in your bonnet about the pandemic really, it's not about PCR tests is it.
a reply to: IAMTAT

You ARE being PAID to literally push PCR tests right now...Yes?

Is it not natural that your current defense of them should now become suspect?
Is it also not natural that one might wonder why you have remained so personally uninformed about the very tests you claim to be hired to administer to others?

In've become a paid, but uninformed, representative for PCR tests.

If I worked for an mortgage company...MY 'job' would be to tell you how wonderful reverse-mortgages act like I saw no negatives to reverse-mortgages...and to distract you from any 'bad' facts you may hear about them.

This is what it appears you have been doing in all of these threads.

Truth-tellers (not sales reps) matter now...more than ever.

Saying I have a "bee in my bonnet" about the pandemic is very adorable...but it marginalizes the concern any one of us might have regarding a world crisis.
It's a Pandemic...economies have been destroyed...lives have been destroyed. Serious stuff.

After all, it's not like I'm being paid to propagate anything associated with it...such as (per your suggestion) PCR tests.
Some of us still care about the truth...even if it doesn't put a penny in our pockets.

You once confessed to me that you had been trolling me in an earlier China Virus thread.
Do you remember?

That was a moment of respect I had for you...because we both knew you were being honest.

That respect was fleeting...It hasn't come again since.

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

They are now the pro vax dynamic duo I just don't mind them, they can post their harts here, is all good, but I will no take very nicely been used as an example that is targeting.

Anyway in my neck of the woods, they keep bringing up the darn "cases and more cases" but no hospitalizations of any kind.

This pushers are cashing out on the summer common cold but the truth is that nobody is over flowing any hospital beds, just the emergency rooms because they are scare, mostly and interestingly vaxed people.

Summer cold is going to get us all.

I can not wait for the school year to start when most children gets the fall stomach virus and strep throat, yep, I remember when I was a teacher, I used to get sick too, the littler ones will be vomiting all over the place, got it on my shoes a couple of time, this will be another variant or covie.

I will predict a surge of covid cases on children because the school starting, all the viruses will be renamed covid, then the 4 wave will be among us with what used to be the seasonal flu.

Love it, is soo predictable, just in time to push the darn crap on children.

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: BatSars

Or we get news reports like this one.

Oh no! The children's hospital is full because of COVID! ... or is it?

Data shows more people are in hospitals across the metro and the nation because of COVID-19 and the delta variant. Now, that includes Children’s Mercy Hospital, but it’s not just the coronavirus.

Children’s Mercy Hospital is at full capacity. Doctors said it’s been that way for several days.

There’s been an increase in COVID-19 cases, summer viruses and other viruses normally seen in the winter, too.

So basically, the hospital is full, but it's because we got locked up and kept away from doing our normal mixing and matching all winter, so you recall that flu no one had? Now we're having it and kids are vulnerable to it in bad ways. They get all those other illnesses too.

So they don't actually bother to tell you how many of the patients are actual COVID patients and how many are suffering from the illnesses they normally would have had over the winter but were kept from having because they were kept from interacting normally with each other.

edit on 27-7-2021 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 06:24 PM
And here you go ...

ABC did some real news.

The CDC just told us we have to mask up if we're vaccinate for this number here -

Breakthroughs are expected and represent about 0.098% of those fully vaccinated.

So 0.098% of those who have gotten the shot might get infected.

With more than 156 million Americans fully vaccinated, nationwide, approximately 153,000 symptomatic breakthrough cases are estimated to have occurred as of last week, representing approximately 0.098% of those fully vaccinated, according to an unpublished internal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention document obtained by ABC News. These estimates reflect only the adult population and do not include asymptomatic breakthrough infections.

This is according to unpublished internal documents from the CDC.

My husband makes vaccines. This is type of breakthrough is miniscule and fully expected, and it's actually *below* the expected norm of 2.5% on a bell curve! But the good bureaucrats want 100%. Do you know what happens when you go for that 100%? You make your vaccine more toxic, meaning more adverse reactions and stronger ones, possibly more deaths.

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Sadly the sheep will go willingly to the slaughter house even if they know that is going to kill them. Scaremongering is a very strong pusher.

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: BatSars

According to "The Telegraph," (not used due to ridiculous paywall), sourced by fr24news:

The breakdown of daily hospital diagnoses of Covid shows that out of more than 780 hospitalizations dated last Thursday, 44% concerned people who tested positive in the 14 days before entering hospital.
Another 43% were done within two days of admission, including 13% in the days and weeks after, including those likely to have caught the virus in hospital.

The report goes on to point out that

'When people hear about hospitalizations with Covid, they assume Covid is the probable cause, but this data shows something entirely different – this is Covid being detected after tests have it ... Counting all the patients who test positive as Covid hospitalizations is inevitably misleading and gives a false picture of the continued impact of the virus on health. '

They admit that some hospitalizations may be due to COVID, but no one can truly know given the lack of transparency of data. The new statistics distort the portrayal of COVID's impact. At a time when they're ramping up vaccination efforts, which is also resulting in massive protests, it is revealed that they may be purposely fudging the data to present a picture of a worsening scenario.

What is so tragic about all of this is that the next time a real pandemic hits the globe, no one is going to trust these people. You'd think our reporting, statistics, and healthcare systems across the globe would've gotten better post-SARS/MERS/Ebola, but nope -- if anything, it has gotten worse.

Maybe -- just maybe -- it has gotten worse on purpose. This is yet another reason for people not to believe "the experts" who cry about the successes of the jab. Why would people trust them at this point? I can't think of a good reason. Can anyone?


Surely everyone knew this already?

It's hardly been a secret, it was explained enough on the nightly news not to mention during the government briefings.

Haven't you seen all of the relatives queuing up to say that their family members were admitted for other things and then got covid, or the newscasters examining that having covid at the time of death isn't the same as dying of covid.

Tucker Carl's on ranted about this nonstop for the first 6 months of lockdown.

You’re always so dramatic
I missed the piece about nosocomial infection.
And before you go on another tangent. Yes it’s real. Had a patient die from it last week. He came in for a GI bleed and AKI. He tested negative in the ED. He tested negative during pre-op a week later.
He tested positive a few days after surgery and died late last week
edit on 27-7-2021 by PeteMitchell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific

It doesn't actually give any numbers so it's not really possible to determine anything from this is there.

A PCR test in the UK is only used to determine if you have the virus.

If someone is ill and shows symptoms of covid 19 and needs to be in hospital then the PCR test will be done post admission.

I'll agree that any tests after more than 6 or 7 days should be discounted though

a reply to: flice

We run PCR tests on ED patients allllll day long

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: Silcone Synapse
To me it seems like all the governments of the "free" world have been inflating figures,and including people who have died of other causes/had covid but died of something else.

There are 2 possible things going on here:

1-Everyone in all those governments are mathematical retards and should not be in their job if it involves anything to do with numbers.

2-There has been a secret,organised and concerted effort by world leaders to inflate the numbers of deaths due to covid.

I am guessing its number 2.
But why?

Is it just a money making scheme or is it all about forcing the public to submit to ever more control and ever less freedom?
Or both?Probably.

Point 2: why does it have to be world leaders? The government opened that money flow. More cases = more money. What medical network would say no?

posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 10:52 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

-Who both appear to NOT understand PCR cannot differentiate between China Virus and yearly common influenza?

Asking for an equally uninterested friend.

The person who claims all PCR testing is being abandoned wants to give advice on PCR testing. It's not my fault you have no clue what you are talking about. What does the PCR test look for? Now explain to me how flu and covid would both show up.

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 01:57 AM
As I said it's just a job I'm currently doing and I'd like it to come to a natural end. Once the pandemic is over it's not like I will be out of work so no I don't have a vested interest in our testing.

My opinion was the same but less informed before I started the job.

If there's evidence that there is something untoward about PCR or its use then I want to know about it, that's one of the main reasons I came back to ATS in the first place. It's a good place to find out things that might not be widely known in the mainstream.

What I'm finding though is not the truth and that concerns me.

When people are intentionally misleading to further Thier own personal narrative I'll speak out.

You continue to bring the attack to me as your attempts to discredit PCR tests continue to fail.

As to respect it's neither here nor there. I can say the same about you. At times your argument is interesting and valid but it invariably turns to misinterpretation of data when it suits you.

a reply to: IAMTAT

posted on Jul, 28 2021 @ 11:25 AM
I’ve followed the commentary on COVID and the data from day one - and spent a lot of time in the “this data/death counts/etc. are bogus” camp.

After more research I’m currently convinced the death tolls are accurate because the “SARS” component isn’t the issue - there’s more to this virus which is why it’s novel and that “more to it” has zero to do with SARS.

What these family members don’t understand is their loved one was in fact killed by covid - but not the SARS component. Rather, they were killed prematurely by what COVID does to either known or unknown preexisting conditions.

We don’t hear this narrative because if my research is right you’d have legitimate panic amongst some members of our population.

The only thing I can’t figure out is who made this and deployed the virus. I have zero doubts it was released in China, probably in Italy as well, but who released it remains a mystery that I doubt humanity will solve any time soon (publicly).

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