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Video emerges of mass protests against communist dictatorship in Cuba: 'We are not afraid'

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posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 08:01 PM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
a reply to: LABTECH767

Wrong... You are the brainwashed one... Socialism always leads to communism and in your country you are also losing individual rights. Just like democrats are attempting to do in the U.S. meanwhile they falsely claim "we want to protect voters" when they want to protect THEIR FRAUD meanwhile demanding to take away rights from Americans whom dare to be POLITICAL OPPONENTS...

The China Biden regime alongside democrat leaders and RINOs are using the same tactics used in Cuba, Venezuela, China, etc... Criminalizing the political opposition when their own people in Antifa, BLM, etc have been attacking and murdering police officers, business owners and Trump supporters/their political opposition meanwhile also burning U.S, cities, looting etc, etc...

I am not in the US and think BLM are a bunch of racist scum bag's (remember that girl murdered for saying EVERY Life Matters) though they did have some justification for there anger if not for there anti white racist evil since black people in the US do get a very raw deal at the hands of your law enforcement and your nation has a very long history of run away racism with black men many times more likely to be incarcerated in your nations unethical penal system.

Sadly that racism goes both way's and I for one can not stomach EITHER group of racist idiot's.

Bad example to pose I am British not from the US and see the world through perhaps slightly less partisan eye's.

And one other thing I believe Trump won that election, I think Trump was doing the right thing and Biden so far is a disaster but has taken your nation back to being a pawn of the Ultra mega rich corporate over lords and internationalists.

I also think Trump was no where near as right wing as some of you think, Oh I would disagree with him on that health care system but it was never a match for our NHS anyway so it was a failure either way but at least it gave those whom work for minimum wage in your nation a chance to get well if they are sick and to receive treatment that in any Sane, Christian and decent nation would be free to the poorest anyway.

So I am afraid you are completely wrong about me and my opinions.

And your opinion about Socialism is wrong, if your brother has no coat and you have two give him the one you are not using, go and sell all you own and give it to the poor and the needy then come and follow me, the son of man has no place to lay his head.
Recognise those words, they are not from Marx or any other atheist but from the mouth of Jesus Christ himself.

Ananias and Sapphira I recommend you look them up, here this is for Kid's but if you pay heed it may teach you something.

Go and stack all your harvest into your barn and then explain to God your argument about politics there are many so called pastors whom are going to have a very big shock when they are not allowed into the house of God.

What profit a man if he gain the whole world only to lose his own soul.

Sorry if you are atheist which is the fashion at the moment but the truth is NOT what you have been told.

By the way over the course of the twentieth century despite the two world wars Capitalism was responsible for maybe over a billion death's.

That is GREED, taking from those that have nothing and giving it to the rich, it's the Anti Robin Hood Sherriff of Nottingham mind set.

Mostly it was corporate exploitation and mostly in third world nations but make no mistake of a true figure for those that died before there time due to extreme poverty even in your nation was known it's would compare very well with Soviet Russia and China especially the dust bowl and recession era.

edit on 13-7-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 08:27 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767

I am not in the US and think BLM are a bunch of racist scum bag's though they did have some justification as black people in the US do get a very raw deal at the hands of your law enforcement and your nation has a very long history of run away racism.

Wrong again... Only one party has always been racist...and that party is THE DEMOCRAT PARTY...
Democrats funded the kkk, they implemented Jim Crow, and the few in the left whom actually voted, voted for a racist scumbag whom worked with Robert Byrd, a kkk member and democrat senator, to keep blacks segregated from whites... Biden is the real racist, and the left are the ones that are racists once again. They are the ones claiming that whites are the best race. Most crimes that occur against blacks are caused BY BLACK CRIMINALS, not by police officers...

originally posted by: LABTECH767
Sadly that racism goes both way's and I for one can not stomach EITHER group of racist idiot's.

BS, racism occurs less frequently in the U.S. than it occurs in countries like Spain, France and others...

I have presented factual statistics proving racism barely exists in the U.S. But the left claims it is systemic to just implement socialism and communism in the U.S.

Schools in the U.S. are forcing students to learn critical race theory, which is a communist excuse to convert the U.S. to communism... They are teaching BLM curriculum brainwashing America's children to embrace communism and the violent revolution BLM, Antifa, etc want in the U.S. just like it occurred and is occurring in Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, etc, etc...

"According to the DOJ, in 2019 there were 7,103 single-bias incidents which involved 8,552 victims of racism/or alleged victims. In a country of 330,425,184 people...

8,552 victims of race bias out of 330,425,184 is exactly a whooping 0.0025881804457132% of people in the U.S. who were being discriminated because of race in 2019...

How is that systemic racism, or a growing problem?... And these are alleged biased incidents due to race...

The 0.002% hate crimes is nothing, and other countries including in Europe have a much larger number of hate crimes...

For example, France a country of 65,378,872 people had 2640 hate crimes reported by police. Which puts hate crimes in France at 0.0040380016951348%. Which is twice the hate crime in the U.S.

Spain, a country of 46,767,949 people had in 2019 1706 hate crimes reported by the police. Which is exactly 0.0036477973408669% of hate crimes against people in Spain, and this is 0.001% higher than in the U.S.

I could get going, but I made my point.

The claims of "systemic racism in the U.S. is nothing but a LIE to implement Marxism in the U.S.

originally posted by: LABTECH767
Bad example to pose I am British not from the US and see the world through perhaps slightly less partisan eye's.

And I was born in Cuba, lived, experienced and saw what happens in a socialist economy and a communist dictatorship. I also lived in Spain for almost 10 years and lived there at a time when things were better in Spain before it turned to "socialism..." Since socialism was implemented in Spain the unemployment numbers are higher than they have ever been... I also experienced racism in Spain in the 1980s like i have never experienced in the U.S. Yes i have met racist aholes in the U.S., but Spain took the cake about racism in the 1980s.

originally posted by: LABTECH767
And one other thing I believe Trump won that election, I think Trump was doing the right thing and Biden so far is a disaster but has taken your nation back to being a pawn of the Ultra mega rich corporate over lords and internationalists.

At least we agree on something.

originally posted by: LABTECH767
I also think Trump was no where near as right wing as some of you think, Oh I would disagree with him on that health care system but it was never a match for our NHS anyway so it was a failure either way but at least it gave those whom work for minimum wage in your nation a chance to get well if they are sick and to receive treatment that in any Sane, Christian and decent nation would be free to the poorest anyway.

So I am afraid you are completely wrong about me and my opinions.

Actually President Trump has been more Republican than Bush. He did most of the things he stated he would do, and tried to do what he said he would do as in the case of Mexico paying for the wall. Although they didn't pay for the wall he convinced the communist president of Mexico to put their soldiers at the border and stop illegal immigration. Which was a feat of in itself.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 08:30 PM
Deleted as I let my temper get the better of me and that was out of order.

edit on 13-7-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Your an idiot mate, you are using propaganda to push your own personal beliefs, get your head out of the bloody sand.

You know what I feel like a missionary trying to concert a Satanist, waste of time.


I posted FACTS which debunks your claims and you call me idiot for it... It's obvious whom wants to ignore facts and just insults people for not agreeing with your lies.

edit on 13-7-2021 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

No you posted opinion that claims to be fact, in science which is dispassionate and based upon empirical data multiple studies based upon RAW data would have to be made, the raw data itself would have to be proven to be valid.

These are suspicious studies and probably drawn from data that has only one or two sources, as such are they scientifically valid.

That aside I do believe you love your propeganda.

Also I would like to apologize for drawing an analogy, I stand by the first three words though just so we don't misunderstand one another on that point, I most certainly do not concede but it is very late here and I need some sleep, it is 2.45 am here so I wish you a good night and god bless and please may he enlighten you.


I am against the concept of any nation claiming ownership of a man's labours but I am also against slavery and some scum bag pocketing the sweat and tears of others which is what unregulated capitalism is based upon, supply and demand.

A fair day's wage for a far day's work never harmed anyone except the guy that wanted to get rich off the back of others.
The owner of land has the right to pay the agreed wage that is fair but he also has a responsibility to those that work for him not to exploit them when they are down, both Communism and Capitalism lack morality, Commies are fool's but so too are the money changers that worship money and the rich man that stored up wealth in his barn only to die before he could spend it.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

FBI and DOJ STATISTICS are NOT OPINION... The only one spouting opinion which is completely false is you...

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 01:34 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: ThothHermes

I am British and proud of OUR Labour Traditions and no they are NOT commie they are Socialist and for your information we had many Labour governments but were always Allies of the US, your problem is as a nation you have been BRAINWASHED, ever since the McCarthy era in fact.

The RED SCARE was in part justified as Joseph Stalin was definitely NOT a nice man and under him and his successors the Soviet union DID pose a threat to us but despite that the US PROGRAMMED it's people into Anti Communist sentiment, at the school level, media level and government level.

If you can not think for yourself and use the brain that GOD gave you (that's right I am a religious guy once again proof I am NOT A commie) then I can not help you.

Or are you just trolling.

You should know better, I am also no friend of the bloody human right's abusing, organ stealing, mass murdering Commies in China so do not try to draw lines there.

You want to know were I stand here it is.

A nation should look after it's own people FIRST this is not racist it is common sense.

UN REGULATED Capitalism is a very bad thing but good for crook's in power on the take and corrupt politicians as well as those whom have plenty of money already but leads to the majority of that nation being wage slaves or owned in some way.

Communism which is socialism gone too far is also equally bad but indeed both systems give rise to tyrants and both systems end up #ting on the people of the nation under there control.

Regulated capitalism with soft socialism is perfect, it worked for decades in the UK until the tug of war between the Capitalists and Communists tore it apart as the Communists infiltrated our unions causing runaway strikes while the capitalists used this as an excuse to destroy the socialist implemented structures that had helped our nation recover after WW2 since they had always hated them.

Until the 1980's homelessness was almost completely absent in the UK, our national health service first proposed by a Liberal (BRITISH political party also once called the Wigs and one of the oldest political party's in the world by the way) but implemented by a Labour Government until it was corrupted under both the Tory's (Conservatives) and New Labour (A perversion of Labour that adopted Conservative ideals over there traditional Labour ones) was the best health system in the world AND if was available to all and Equal for all but ran alongside Private health providers such as Harley Street doctors and Bupa since Snob's and the extremely rich liked to go private and since we were never communist BOTH systems existed here.

I could go on and on and on but the level of illiteracy on this issue is staggering, but then they don't want to you to think for yourself no do they because then you would be dangerous, now be a good team player and forget everything you have been told this is the truth there truth not THE truth but there truth and you will live by that and die by that just as Christ said he whom lives by the Sword shall DIE by the Sword.
I got seven words for you : Back To Back World War Champs America

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Unfortunately ni have not been able to get much information about this.

I know Cubans are protesting from I can gather protesters have been arrested and shot and killed.

Not sure on any numbers...but dozens shot and hundreds arrested could be an under count of magnitudes.

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

You claim critical race theory is communist?

You voiced some fringe beliefs in the past but this one is extra special.

Furthermore how does this have to do with Cuba's protests?

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 02:10 AM

originally posted by: ThothHermes

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: ThothHermes

I am British and proud of OUR Labour Traditions and no they are NOT commie they are Socialist and for your information we had many Labour governments but were always Allies of the US, your problem is as a nation you have been BRAINWASHED, ever since the McCarthy era in fact.

The RED SCARE was in part justified as Joseph Stalin was definitely NOT a nice man and under him and his successors the Soviet union DID pose a threat to us but despite that the US PROGRAMMED it's people into Anti Communist sentiment, at the school level, media level and government level.

If you can not think for yourself and use the brain that GOD gave you (that's right I am a religious guy once again proof I am NOT A commie) then I can not help you.

Or are you just trolling.

You should know better, I am also no friend of the bloody human right's abusing, organ stealing, mass murdering Commies in China so do not try to draw lines there.

You want to know were I stand here it is.

A nation should look after it's own people FIRST this is not racist it is common sense.

UN REGULATED Capitalism is a very bad thing but good for crook's in power on the take and corrupt politicians as well as those whom have plenty of money already but leads to the majority of that nation being wage slaves or owned in some way.

Communism which is socialism gone too far is also equally bad but indeed both systems give rise to tyrants and both systems end up #ting on the people of the nation under there control.

Regulated capitalism with soft socialism is perfect, it worked for decades in the UK until the tug of war between the Capitalists and Communists tore it apart as the Communists infiltrated our unions causing runaway strikes while the capitalists used this as an excuse to destroy the socialist implemented structures that had helped our nation recover after WW2 since they had always hated them.

Until the 1980's homelessness was almost completely absent in the UK, our national health service first proposed by a Liberal (BRITISH political party also once called the Wigs and one of the oldest political party's in the world by the way) but implemented by a Labour Government until it was corrupted under both the Tory's (Conservatives) and New Labour (A perversion of Labour that adopted Conservative ideals over there traditional Labour ones) was the best health system in the world AND if was available to all and Equal for all but ran alongside Private health providers such as Harley Street doctors and Bupa since Snob's and the extremely rich liked to go private and since we were never communist BOTH systems existed here.

I could go on and on and on but the level of illiteracy on this issue is staggering, but then they don't want to you to think for yourself no do they because then you would be dangerous, now be a good team player and forget everything you have been told this is the truth there truth not THE truth but there truth and you will live by that and die by that just as Christ said he whom lives by the Sword shall DIE by the Sword.
I got seven words for you : Back To Back World War Champs America
I read the first sentence of your diatribe and quit . I hope someone else finds it useful, because ill never know you Communist boot sniffer . America is the Wild West and your on your own here . We are Cowboys & Gunslinger…. So you better be better than the next guy to survive here and that part I love .
Ive read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s complete Gulag Archipelago and I suggest you do the same .
You can always swim to Cuba or Venezuela with your grand ideas of how bad capitalism is .
It is ALL horrible , but at least in the West you got a chance and hope of being debt free . Its not hard except for the work … try it sometime instead of accepting the lowest common denominator as a form of government.
In America you can write a book , make a movie , paint a picture or perform a song about how evil America & Capitalism is….and if its good you could make millions and all Uncle Sam asks is you pay taxes on that money ?!?! Amazing Country I would say .
You are lazy in your thoughts and that is the hard Marxist shellac you must have been dunked in at some fruit & nut college .
Its ok … I remember my first conversation with a genius as well …. Lol Beethoven had his critics as well … see if you can name one ?
Well my friend … this idiot has some wide field astrophotography and a beautiful Takahashi 150 B triplet apochromatic that needs my attention .
I just ordered a new Losmandy german equatorial mount . The Bortle Score at night is better than at day…. lol thats a photography joke .
So with that Im going to use my far less superior God given mind to venture into the welkin . I know it’s a week night, but I don’t need to get up in the AM , because I took a high school degree only , worked hard , saved money , invested in land and retired at age 45 … did I mention that American Capitalism made that possible ?

edit on 14-7-2021 by ThothHermes because: .

edit on 14-7-2021 by ThothHermes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 03:14 AM

originally posted by: HawkEyi
Careful not to cheer the protests. I wonder if the protests are NED, NGO based? remember that story how one music tried to start protest with music lyrics a few years back?

If these protests are legit i have no issues with legit protests.
Can you explain NED & NGO ? I ask when I don’t know

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 03:17 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: M5xaz

Bernie is a socialist, not a communist, I know this confuses people but they are not the same. Also, it's important to understand that socialism or communism as economic systems do not necessarily describe a form of government. Indeed, several political regimes that have been labeled as such are, in fact, authoritarian or dictatorships. Cuba is a dictatorship and is almost the complete opposite of socialism.

The closest you get to a socialist country is probably Sweeden. The UK is sort of socialist light they have a lot of policies in place. For example worker protection in much stronger in the UK vs the United States.
True socialism as a country has not really been tried because capitalism always intertwines with it.
Cuba is State sponsored socialism which is the evil brother of communism.

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 09:51 AM
More PROOF that the Biden Administration is sailing without a CAPTAIN or a RUDDER!

Biden Admin tells Cubans who are attempting to escape the escalating Regime violence there,


Joe Biden and his people were always for Open U.S. Borders. Until Now.

Next month...who knows.

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: ThothHermes

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: M5xaz

Bernie is a socialist, not a communist, I know this confuses people but they are not the same. Also, it's important to understand that socialism or communism as economic systems do not necessarily describe a form of government. Indeed, several political regimes that have been labeled as such are, in fact, authoritarian or dictatorships. Cuba is a dictatorship and is almost the complete opposite of socialism.

The closest you get to a socialist country is probably Sweeden. The UK is sort of socialist light they have a lot of policies in place. For example worker protection in much stronger in the UK vs the United States.
True socialism as a country has not really been tried because capitalism always intertwines with it.
Cuba is State sponsored socialism which is the evil brother of communism.

Socialism/Socialist is/are pre-mature ejaculated Communism/Communist.

Also, why can't we just make a trade. Take the Cubans who want freedom and capitalism America and send the Americommies there?

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: jrod
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

You claim critical race theory is communist?

You voiced some fringe beliefs in the past but this one is extra special.

Furthermore how does this have to do with Cuba's protests?

I don't claim anything... If you are ignorant about topics such as this one it is neither my problem nor does it makes such facts into "fringe theories..."

Critical Race theory is a lie that "systemic racism exists in the U.S." to implement systemic change towards communism in the U.S."

It is a false excuse to turn Americans into communists. That is a fact, it isn't a theory.

I even wrote a thread proving this.

Deep Equity/Racial Equity and Critical Race Theory are false excuses to indoctrinate Americans to embrace communism and to force systemic change towards a Marxist society.

Deep Equity. The Indoctrination of American Children to Embrace BLM's Marxist Ideology.

Now, stop spouting your bs and lies.

edit on 14-7-2021 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

Bernie is a socialist, not a communist, I know this confuses people but they are not the same. Also, it's important to understand that socialism or communism as economic systems do not necessarily describe a form of government. Indeed, several political regimes that have been labeled as such are, in fact, authoritarian or dictatorships. Cuba is a dictatorship and is almost the complete opposite of socialism.

The closest you get to a socialist country is probably Sweeden. The UK is sort of socialist light they have a lot of policies in place. For example worker protection in much stronger in the UK vs the United States.
True socialism as a country has not really been tried because capitalism always intertwines with it.

False, false, and false...

First of all Bernie Sanders has always been a communist. He was a member of the communist party. What he has done is attempting to use another name, as a "social democrat" to claim he is not a communist anymore... But guess what?... Social democrats are communists just like this man was...

Sweden is not a socialist country. That's just an ignorant claim... In order for a country to be socialist that country must have a socialist economy, and the economy of Sweden is CAPITALIST...

India is a socialist country... Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, etc have socialist economies...

When you make such a false claim that "Sweden is a socialist country" you are only spreading disinformation and lies.

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: carewemust

China Biden wasn't the only one to do this. Obama shut down the last policy that allowed Cubans to escape the communist regime. Wet feet/dry feet, which was made by Clinton to make it harder for Cubans to escape the communist dictatorship, was the last policy that allowed Cubans that attempted to flee the communist regime and granted them asylum if they could put their feet in dry land in the U.S. If they were caught by the Coast Guard, which has been enforcing immigration which is illegal as per the U.S. Constitution, with their feet still on the water those Cubans were returned to then face the wrath of the communist regime which includes and included incarceration with daily beatings, being unable to have any jobs since all jobs are controlled by the communist regime (like democrats want to do in the U.S.), and it includes many of those people being murdered.

As of last night there were over 5,000 Cubans that were imprisoned for protesting. There have been dozens upon dozens that have been murdered in the streets of Cuba by the pro-communist aholes including the police...

This should be a warning sign for Americans since democrats are attempting to indoctrinate our military to Marxism and want to disband police departments to only have communist loyalists that will do the same thing to Americans whom would dare protest against the "systemic change in the U.S. towards Marxism..."

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Socialism/Communism is a failure EVERY time it has been tried....and running death toll of over 100 million DEAD.

But, too many Bernie bros still want to believe, as many of them took basket weaving degrees reeking of marxism, and well, if communism is a failure, then this confirms that their degrees ARE worthless and that they are fools and wasted 4 years of their lives and countless thousands of dollars in pursuit of idiocy and failure.

They are emotionally invested in this garbage and can't accept reality.

MILLIONS of human LIVES free of homicidal communism are far more important than your butthurt "feelings"....

Dear socialist/communist/antifa morons
- yes, you ARE morons, are on the wrong side of humanity, and HAVE been fooled and YES your marxism degrees ARE WORTHLESS.

WORTH-LESS !!!!!!!
Let that sink in...

Now, MOVE ON.....and GROW UP.....

Big words from a keyboard warrior.

At least the Cubans are doing something about it instead of what you and the rest of your brothers in keyboard arms are doing.

I guess this is where you’ll say I’m defending antifa now, right?

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse

originally posted by: dragonridr

Bernie is a socialist, not a communist, I know this confuses people but they are not the same. Also, it's important to understand that socialism or communism as economic systems do not necessarily describe a form of government. Indeed, several political regimes that have been labeled as such are, in fact, authoritarian or dictatorships. Cuba is a dictatorship and is almost the complete opposite of socialism.

The closest you get to a socialist country is probably Sweeden. The UK is sort of socialist light they have a lot of policies in place. For example worker protection in much stronger in the UK vs the United States.
True socialism as a country has not really been tried because capitalism always intertwines with it.

False, false, and false...

First of all Bernie Sanders has always been a communist. He was a member of the communist party. What he has done is attempting to use another name, as a "social democrat" to claim he is not a communist anymore... But guess what?... Social democrats are communists just like this man was...

Sweden is not a socialist country. That's just an ignorant claim... In order for a country to be socialist that country must have a socialist economy, and the economy of Sweden is CAPITALIST...

India is a socialist country... Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, etc have socialist economies...

When you make such a false claim that "Sweden is a socialist country" you are only spreading disinformation and lies.

So free education and healthcare for everyone isn’t socialist?

I do believe it is you who is spreading disinformation.

Are you just pissed off because the Cubans have more balls than you?

They’re not hiding behind a keyboard like you lot are, yet you feel the same way they do.

edit on 14/7/21 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: Chadwickus

So free education and healthcare for everyone isn’t socialist?

It isn't a socialist economy when that economy depends on Capitalism... Here:

The myth that Sweden is a utopian paradise where all the social problems have been solved and that you can have high growth with high taxes has been touted by Bernie Sanders as well as the many Millennials that follow him.
The Swedish Economy

The glory days for Sweden economically took place prior to the 1960s, when they had a free economy, low regulation and lots of wealth. Between 1870 and 1950, Sweden had the highest per capita income growth in the world and became one of the richest countries, behind only Switzerland, the U.S., and Denmark.

In the 1960s, Sweden started to redistribute wealth, which brought wealth creation to a halt. By the mid-1990s, the country had growing economic problems because it continued to redistribute wealth it wasn’t creating. It was at this juncture that many of the wealthy (ABBA band members included) and entrepreneurs were leaving Sweden. In 1994, Sweden began implementing the following measures designed to reverse this trend:

Reduce Regulation
Reduce Government Spending
Reform their Welfare Programs
Shrink their Government

Sweden has continued on this path for the last 24 years, which has brought them a modest rate of growth, but not nearly as robust as pre-60s levels due to government taxation remaining high.

Many view Sweden as socialist. However, the country is, in fact, very pro-capitalism, but does it with redistribution through taxes. Personal income is taxed at a rate of 61.85 percent, plus a 7 percent social security tax rate for employees. On top of these taxes, Sweden also has a 25 percent consumption tax. For these sacrifices of financial freedom, this is what Sweden offers their citizens in benefits:

Is Sweden Socialist? No, but...

originally posted by: Chadwickus
I do believe it is you who is spreading disinformation.

Are you just pissed off because the Cubans have more balls than you?

They’re not hiding behind a keyboard like you lot are, yet you feel the same way they do.

I am actually Cuban American and unlike you my balls are of steel. My people come from Mambizes, Cubans on horses that would charge with only machetes at the Spaniard soldiers whom had firearms. Your genes come from the worse criminals that existed in England. After all Australia was the prison to which the authorities in England would send the worse criminals they had, and in time your people became submissive to authority even when that authority turns repressive. So you are only projecting your lack of balls of steel, which is why you lick the boots of the authoritarians in your country... It isn't your fault, but it's in your genes to be submissive...

edit on 14-7-2021 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

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