posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 03:42 PM
14 Trillion? Really?
We have given reparations to groups before ( Native Americans, Interred Japanese ), but this is a different situation.
Both of those groups could actually show harm done by Government.
I don't think Blacks can show concrete evidence in the same manner
Blacks often compare their situation to whites, but they manage to screw that up
They never use their nearest comparisons ( poor uneducated whites, often referred to as White Trash)
When these comparisons are used for generational wealth transfer, there is very little difference between the two
And then , to demand about 300, 000 bucks for each black citizen, is absolutely insane
Japanese victims, which lost everything, including home and property, got 20, 000 in 1988
That is about 45000 now
And these people were able to display real loss in a court, not emotional arguments
Native Americans got even less
with even more of an argument
Then there is the issue of exactly who gets it?
there were almost 500,000 freemen living in the USA at the end of the civil war, with about 350,000 being born free
How many of these people ever set foot in the south?
How many descendants do they have now?
Should each Black person, who matches that description get reparations, even though they never experienced slavery and they never experienced Jim Crow
If they want to argue reparations for Tulsa or Rosewood, then they have concrete evidence of loss and should be granted something
But everything else is built upon deceit, with the intention of committing the greatest theft in the history of this country