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Excessive Mask Wearing Makes You Dumb

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posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman
Mate why do you have zombie death nurses as your avatar.

and your name LORD =369 Door

ah 18 = 9
r = 18=9
i= 9


so cool your name say 369 door 999 man

do you know much about the power of numbers?

people need to look to why these orgs are call

ROCafeller, CFR, BilderBerg, CNN= its the third letter of alphabet followed by two lightening bolts

BBC= 22 master number and 3

FOX= 666, Micro soft, M939 S66T. im beginning to think that any letter that has a root number of 369 wshould be replaced with the 369 and the other letter could be interpreted, semantically.

CO, how many corporations or conglomerates begin with Co (COVID)
CO = 3 and 6 root numbers
V= 22 master number, Venus, Fallen
D= Doorway, and arched doorway on its side.

19 is 1 and 9, beginning and end.... completion.

edit on 21-6-2021 by dthrizz1337 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: dthrizz1337

i dont agree with you putting this on the Chinese

Firstly, thank you for the compliment.

I assume you are referring to my use of the term "Chinese virus" instead of "COVID-19." That's not an attempt to "put this on the Chinese." Rather, it is a response to government officials (I believe it came from Biden if memory serves) demanding that the fact it was first discovered in Wuhan, China be ignored. Uh, no. That's been the problem since day one: this virus has been politicized, and that has likely and will likely lead to more deaths than was necessary. Consider it my personal protest to the meddling with science that has been the true hallmark of the Chinese virus.

That said, it did apparently become infectious to humans in Wuhan, China; there is a biological research facility in Wuhan, China; China did withhold valuable information from the rest of the world while ignoring potential spread internationally but took great pains to try and control it domestically. At best, China is guilty of wanton negligence; at worst, China is guilty of war crimes against the planet.

And I am not referring to the Chinese people; I refer to the Chinese government, aka the CCP. Like all governments, it bears primary allegiance to itself, not to any peoples; unlike most first-world countries, the CCP runs a tyrannical administration that is capable of completely ignoring its people.


posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 02:58 AM
a reply to: Grenade

Good to see you fighting the good fight still buddy.

i warned everybody around here pre 2020 by way of manymasks

but there has been many new members join, i expect to swamp the place so the last remaining soldiers give up the fight to deny ignorance in the pursuit of truth.

wot i dont get is how people can bow to higher knowledge where they only know small part of that knowledge and even in the event of a victory for their side will likely see them being demoted to slave status.

i dont know but the DA and their bots will be more vocal as we move forward it would seem.

posted on Jun, 21 2021 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
I actually felt a bit dumb wearing a mask in church this morning.

I have to agree there was at least one dumb thing you mentioned!

posted on Jun, 27 2021 @ 02:44 AM
People seem to be conflating several things here and coming up with an answer that is far removed from reality.

Yes, elevated CO2 levels causes problems. No,masks do not cause elevated levels of CO2. The role of masks is not to filter out gas, it's to stop the inhalation/exhalation of particulates.

Yes, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is small, that's why increasing it causes big problems environmentally - the climate system is in balance based on that small amount of CO2. Altering that balance alters the way the atmosphere behaves. This is a completely different issue to elevated levels of CO2 in a sealed room.

The worse thing that is going to happen to you from wearing a mask is that your glasses will steam up.

posted on Jul, 5 2021 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: lostbook
I've been saying for the longest time that I felt excessive mask wearing was bad for our brains. According to some articles I read, too much CO2 affects cognitive ability; in other words, it makes you dumber. For those of us who have to wear masks at work for extended periods of time, we are only making ourselves dumber and dumber. This would be especially true for Essential Workers and other professions who worked thru the pandemic while having to wear masks for extended periods of time..

I make this post because excessive mask wearing is leading to a whole other pandemic in my opinion of dumbed down people.

Did you know that elevated levels of carbon dioxide or CO2 can play havoc with our cognitive ability? In today’s world it becomes all the more alarming because we spend 90% of our time indoors; in rooms with poor air quality and ventilation. Until a few years ago it was common knowledge that carbon monoxide and other VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) caused problems like asthma. CO2 was ignored and was not considered a gas that could be harmful. Yet many types of research conclude otherwise.

So what is the reason behind the impairments of the cognitive ability? According to medical research increased level of CO2 in the blood decreases the cerebral metabolism of oxygen. In simple words, the brain becomes oxygen deprived and has an impact on our thinking abilities. It is a well documented fact of what high levels of carbon dioxide can do to the brain.

I'm not saying masks are bad, in fact, I think they are good. However, EXCESSIVE mask wearing for extended periods of time on consecutive days has got to be bad for your brain in my opinion. Even though masks are ventilated they still trap some C02. I couldn't find any info for the exact amount of C02 trapped by a mask vs the amount that escapes a mask at any given time. I could only find that excessive C02 causes a condition called Hypercapnia

Hypercapnia: Elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the blood that can cause dizziness, shortness of breath, headache and, in extreme cases, hyperventilation, seizures and possible death.

It feels as if it's a dilemma because mask wearing definitely helps, but it also makes you dumber in the process of potentially saving your life, in my opinion. I have read several counter articles which say that wearing a mask is totally safe and that the levels of trapped C02 are minimal but I wonder what period of time was used to determine this. 1 minute, 1 hour, etc? Now, we're gonna have to keep wearing masks even if we've been vaccinated.

AM I a rambling old man or is there something to my assertion about excessive mask wearing? What say you, ATS?,impact%20on%20our%20th inking%20abilities.

July 5, 2021

UPDATE: A real life example of what consistent mask wearing does to your brain.

This lady was one of the brightest school advisors in town prior to 2020.

Brief Clip:

posted on Jul, 5 2021 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: carewemust

“Nut job”

An apt description of EVERY person who agrees with that woman

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 08:01 PM
As of 2.22.2022 (Sh*t hit the fans day.)

Amazingly, there are still 9 states that mandate wearing the little paper/cloth diapers on your face, in public locations!

Here's the list of states run by irrational dictators:

If you live in one, be aware that the individuals in charge will find other ways to control and restrict your life, after this mask fiasco has passed. It's in their blood now, and they'll be looking for their next "fix", quickly.

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