posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 01:36 PM
They call it ' programming ' for a reason.
Why would commercials not be a part of that ?
Aren't they a part of it ?
" Brought to you today, by our friends at ScamBank. "
Think of all of the upscale, big-time PR and advertising firms in New-York City, then consider there are similar enclaves all around the world.
Billions and billions of dollars, spent trying to convince, coerce, and manipulate the good people.
Imagine for a second, if you will : what kind of a world we could build, if many of those obviously intelligent and creative folks, were actually
working for the good of all mankind ?
What a bunch of crazy hairless apes we are !
What supposedly advanced alien species would want to communicate with us ?
The vast majority of the information that spills-out from media, governments, and corporations is shameless BS.
Maybe we're all full of it too, but just convince ourselves otherwise ?