posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 05:50 AM
I have discussed the idea that commercials are some kind of social programming tool more than any kind of sales tool. There was one poster, here at
ATS I believe, that stressed the idea that with the effort, time, knowledge and experience of the advertising agencies, they are producing ads the
work, that boost sales and increases their market share. That is the logical deduction, they wouldn't waste the time and money to produce commercials
that don't sell their product or service, or worse, portrays it in a bad light.
However, some commercials are so incredibly stupid, nonsensical and do nothing to sell their products and services (at least for me), that I ask
myself, "Who the hell came up with this lame ass commercial and actually got it approved and produced?" I also think about how many stupid people
contributed to these stupid commercials like the writers, producers, directors, actors, advertising personnel, etc., until it is broadcast on the
networks and remains there regardless of how it performs in regards to sales numbers.
Few commercials get my attention unless they are really humorous are incredibly bad.